Bodyweight Chaos Finishers
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers -1-
Yes, thats me I e !ost 1"# !$s. %his is why I do what I do. I& I can do this, anyone can. Youre going to !o e these $odyweight &inishers. You can $urn &at anywhere at any time without any e'ui(ment. You can a!so (!ug these at the end o& your &a orite workouts &or when the gym is $usy. You dont ha e to )um( on the $ike or treadmi!! and $e $ored. *se the e'ui(ment you a!ready ha e + your $ody. ,n)oy, and $urn &at anywhere. Finish strong, Mike Whitfield (Mikey), CTT - -y $!og dedicated to &inishers - .ra$ /" more ama0ing workout &inishers to go with any (rogram www.1$ - 22 o& the most cutting-edge &inishers com$ined with ama0ing a$-scu!(ting e3ercises to get si3-(ack a$s www.&ace$ook.com4WorkoutFinishers - Find me on Face$ook -5-
Disclaimer: You must get your physicians approval before beginning this exercise program. The recommendations in this and any other document are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this or any other program or if you have any medical condition or injury that can possibly worsen with physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this document is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent ris s. !i e "hitfield, or anyone associated with #ran Training, $$# %formerly nown&also nown as 'eflections (itness) advises readers to ta e full responsibility for their safety and now their limits. *efore parta ing in the exercises in this or any other program, be sure that your e+uipment is well,maintained, and do not ta e ris s beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this boo are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. -on.t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. -on.t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper techni+ue by a certified fitness trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always as for instruction and assistance when lifting. -on.t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm,up prior to any exercise including but not limited to interval training. /ee your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. 0f you are ta ing any medications, you must tal to your physician before starting any exercise program, including but not limited to #ran Training & "or out( 0f you experience any lightheadedness, di11iness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician immediately. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 23 years old. 4lease discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. 0f your physician recommends that you don.t use this or any other program, please follow your doctor.s orders. -2-
Train SAF !
-on5t do any exercises that you aren5t sure how to do. Always get personal instruction from a certified trainer or as for a substitute exercise. 0f it hurts, /T647 -on.t be afraid to use alternative exercises. 0 don.t believe in the 8no pain, no gain9 mentality. 0f you need extra recovery within the wor out or between wor outs, don5t hesitate to ta e it. 0n other words, don.t eep going if feeling di11y7 :se a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. ;ust because something loo s easy on paper doesn.t mean you dismiss it. 6n the other end < if something loo s too difficult, then be safe and use an easier exercise and adjust recovery and rest periods. 0f you want to start this or any other program but thin you have an injury, get medical attention (0'/T and have a professional therapist rehabilitate your injury before starting any exercise program. 0f you decide to use running as your form of interval training %especially sprints), ma e sure you have good running shoes and always do an extra thorough warm,up.
And for the 8timed9 sets, 0 strongly encourage you to buy a gymboss interval timer. (or one thing, they are awesome. Also, they are inexpensive for what you get. #hec them out at 6r you can use an interval timer application on your smartphone. -/-
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers *se these &inishers at the END o& your main workout. %hese are designed to com(!iment your main workout, not re(!ace it. Be conser ati e when you try a &inisher &or the &irst time. For e3am(!e, i& a &inisher ca!!s &or 2 rounds, com(!ete on!y 1-5 rounds the &irst time you do that &inisher. 6ont $e a&raid to su$stitute an easier e3ercise to &it your uni'ue &itness !e e!. For e3am(!e, you can do regu!ar (ushu(s instead o& 7(iderman (ushu(s. Things to Remember 1 8su(erset9 is 5 e3ercises $ack-to-$ack with no rest, $ut resting a&ter $oth e3ercises are com(!ete. For e3am(!e, !ets say you ha e a &inisher that says: 11; Body 7'uats <1"; 1B; =ush-u(s <1"; 6o the a$o e su(erset 2 times with 2" secs o& rest $etween su(ersets. >ere is what you do: one set o& 1" re(s o& Body 7'uats, then immediate!y, with ?@ rest, 1" re(s o& (ush-u(s, %>,? rest 2" seconds. 7eeA You wou!d do this 5 more times &or a tota! o& 2 su(ersets. 1 8circuit9 is a series o& 2 e3ercises or more that are done $ack-to-$ack with no rest $etween e3ercises. 7o, &or e3am(!e, !ets say you ha e the &o!!owing &inisher: 11; Body 7'uats <1"; 1B; =ush-u(s <1"; 1C; In erted Bow <C; 6o the a$o e circuit / times, resting &or 1 minute $etween circuits You wou!d then do this: 1" Body 7'uats, immediate!y 1" =ush-u(s, immediate!y C In erted Bows, and then rest &or 1 minute. You wou!d do this / times then youre doneD -#-
6o the &o!!owing circuit 2 times, resting &or 2" seconds $etween circuits: -E- -I-
!8 -C-
%,iderm*n #$sh<$, Jee( the a$s $raced and $ody in a straight !ine &rom toes <knees; to shou!ders. =!ace the hands on the &!oor s!ight!y wider than shou!der-width a(art. 7!ow!y !ower yourse!& down unti! you are 5 inches o&& the ground. 1s you !ower yourse!&, s!ow!y $ring your right knee u( to your right e!$ow. Jee( your &oot o&& the ground as you do so. =ush through your chest, shou!ders and trice(s to return to the start (osition, and return your !eg to the start (osition. 1!ternate sides unti! you com(!ete a!! re(etitions. Jee( your $ody in a straight !ine at a!! times and try not to twist your hi(s. -K-
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers Close<gri, #$sh$, Jee( the a$s $raced and $ody in a straight !ine &rom toes4knees to shou!ders. =!ace the hands on the &!oor inside shou!der-width a(art. 7!ow!y !ower yourse!& down unti! you are an inch o&& the ground. %uck your e!$ows into your sides as you !ower your $ody. =ush through your chest, shou!ders and trice(s to return to the start (osition. Jee( your $ody in a straight !ine at a!! times and e!$ows tucked in.
#$sh<$, Jee( the a$s $raced and $ody in a straight !ine &rom toes4knees to shou!ders. =!ace the hands on the &!oor s!ight!y wider than shou!der-width a(art. 7!ow!y !ower yourse!& down unti! you are an inch o&& the ground. =ush through your chest, shou!ders and trice(s to return to the start (osition. Jee( your $ody in a straight !ine at a!! times. - 1" -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers %,iderm*n Climb Brace your a$s. 7tart in the to( o& the (ushu( (osition. Jee( your a$s $raced, (ick one &oot u( o&& the &!oor, and s!ow!y $ring your knee u( outside o& your shou!der and touch your &oot to the ground. Jee( your a$s $raced and s!ow!y return your !eg to the start (osition. 1!ternate sides unti! you com(!ete a!! o& the re'uired re(etitions.
7$m, %=$*ts 7'uat down with your &eet )ust outside shou!der width a(art and $ringing your g!utes and hi(s $ack ,3(!ode and )um( u( Be sure to !and in the s'uat (osition <to reduce im(act; and re(eat as necessary. - 11 -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers ><Body Mo$nt*in Climber Brace your a$s. 7tart in the to( o& the (ush-u( (osition. Jee( your a$s $raced, (ick one &oot u( o&& the &!oor, and s!ow!y $ring your knee u( to your o((osite shou!der. 6o not !et your hi(s sag. Jee( your a$s $raced and s!ow!y return your !eg to the start (osition. 1!ternate sides unti! you com(!ete a!! o& the re'uired re(etitions.
B$r,ees 7tand with your &eet shou!der-width a(art. 6ro( down onto your hands and &eet, then thrust your &eet $ack so you are in a (ushu( (osition. %hrust your &eet $ack in and then stand u(. You can add a ertica! )um( at the end as we!!. - 15 -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers #risoner %=$*t 7tand with your &eet )ust greater than shou!der-width a(art. C!as( your hands $ehind your head. Jee( your e!$ows $ack and shou!der $!ades (u!!ed together to work the u((er $ack. 7tart the mo ement at the hi( )oint. =ush your hi(s $ackward and 8sit $ack into a chair9. -ake your hi(s go $ack as &ar as (ossi$!e. 7'uat as dee( as (ossi$!e, $ut kee( your !ow $ack tensed in a neutra! (osition. 6o not round your !ower $ack. =ush with your g!utes, hamstrings, and 'uadrice(s to return to the start (osition.
%k*ter .o,s L 7tart with your &eet shou!der width a(art L Fum( to one side on one &oot, shi&ting a!! your weight to the !eg you )um(ed out with L ?ow )um( to the other side with the other !eg and re(eat. - 12 -
Close<;ri, +?-th Re, #$sh$,s With your hands inside shou!der-width a(art and maintaining a straight !ine with your $ody, !ower yourse!& unti! you are you a$out I#M o& the way down Jee( your a$s $raced and (ush yourse!& $ack to the starting (osition
#risoner )$nge 7tand with your &eet shou!der-width a(art and hands c!as(ed $ehind your head. 7te( &orward with one !eg, taking a s!ight!y !arger than norma! ste(. Jee( your $ack toe on the ground and use it to he!( kee( your $a!ance. %he $ack knee shou!d a!so $e $ent. Hower your $ody unti! your &ront thigh is (ara!!e! to the ground. Jee( your u((er $ody u(right and your !ower $ack &!at. =ush $ack to the start (osition. - 1/ -
De&line #$sh$, Jee( the a$s $raced and $ody in a straight !ine &rom toes <knees; to shou!ders. =!ace the hands on the &!oor s!ight!y wider than shou!der-width a(art. ,!e ate your &eet onto stairs or a $ench. =ush through your chest, shou!ders and trice(s to return to the start (osition. Jee( your $ody in a straight !ine at a!! times. - 1# -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers Mo$nt*in Climbers Brace your a$s. 7tart in the to( o& the (ush-u( (osition. Jee( your a$s $raced, (ick one &oot u( o&& the &!oor, and s!ow!y $ring your knee u( to your chest. 6o not !et your hi(s sag or rotate. Jee( your a$s $raced and s!ow!y return your !eg to the start (osition. 1!ternate sides unti! you com(!ete a!! o& the re'uired re(etitions.
)*ter*l 7$m, L 7tand with your knees $ent, a$s $raced, and hi(s $ack. L You are going to )um( $ack-and-&orth o er a $arrier <o(tiona!;. L Fum( !atera!!y and !and with your knees $ent and hi(s $ack to a$sor$ the !anding &orces in your musc!es. L Be(eat to the other side with as !itt!e rest as (ossi$!e $etween )um(s. L 1!ways !and with your knees $ent and a$sor$ the &orce with your musc!es. - 1E -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers Tri,le %to, #$sh$, Jee( a$s $raced and $ody in a straight !ine &rom knees to shou!ders. >ands shou!d $e s!ight!y wider than shou!der width a(art. Hower into a (ushu( (osition, $ut ha!&way down (ause &or one second. %hen continue to !ower yourse!& unti! you are 5 inches o&& the ground. =ause &or one second. Beturn to the starting (osition. %hats one re(.
#risoner 7$m, %=$*t 7tand in the start (osition &or the =risoner 7'uat. 7'uat down and )um( u( as high as (ossi$!e, kee(ing your hands $ehind your head. Bend your knees when you !and to a$sor$ the &orce with your musc!es. 1s soon as you !and, )um( u( again. - 1I -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers Tot*l Body E:tension 7tart in the standing (osition as i& you were going to do a $odyweight s'uat. 6i( down 'uick!y into a 'uarter s'uat and swing your arms $ehind you $y your sides. ,3(!ode u( and e3tend your $ody onto your toes, raising your arms o erhead. Contro! the descent $ack and in one mo ement return to the di( $e&ore e3(!oding $ack u( again. This is * non<im,*&t re,l*&ement for @$m,ingA
7$m,ing 7*&ks 7tand on the $a!!s o& your &eet with your &eet shou!der width-a(art and arms $y side. Fum( your &eet out to your sides and raise your hands o erhead at the same time. Beturn to the starting (osition - 1C -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers %=$*t Thr$sts 7tart in the (ushu( (osition with your a$s $raced Bring your &eet in towards your chest in an e3(!osi e &ashion Beturn to the starting (osition $y 8kicking9 your &eet $ack out
T<#$sh$, Jee( the a$s $raced and $ody in a straight !ine &rom toes to shou!ders. =!ace the hands on the &!oor s!ight!y wider than shou!der-width a(art. 7!ow!y !ower yourse!& down unti! you are 5 inches o&& the ground. =ush o&& to return to the start (osition. 1s you come u(, rotate to one side and (oint that arm towards the cei!ing. 1!ternate sides with each re(. - 1K -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers 0ltern*ting #risoner )*ter*l )$nge Corre&t ,hoto to &ome 7tand with &eet shou!der-width a(art kee(ing your hands $ehind your head whi!e s'uee0ing your shou!der $!ades together %ake a !arge ste( sideways <!atera!!y; with one !eg into a wide s'uat (osition. Jee( your u((er $ody u(right and your !ower $ack &!at. =ush with your outside !eg to return to the starting (osition.
7$m,ing )$nges 7tart in the $ottom o& a s(!it s'uat (osition. Your &ront thigh shou!d $e (ara!!e! to the &!oor, your torso u(right, and your a$s $raced. Fum( u( e3(!osi e!y and switch !eg (ositions in the air. Your $ack !eg $ecomes the &ront !eg, and ice ersa. 1$sor$ the !anding with your musc!es. Jee( your a$s $raced and torso u(right. 1!ternate sides without resting $etween sides - 5" -
Bodyweight Chaos Finishers %$,erm*n #$sh$, -aintain a straight !ine with your $ody and kee( your a$s $raced Hower yourse!& into a (ushu( (osition Beturn to the starting (osition and e3tend arm out direct!y in &ront o& you Be(eat &or the other side. 1!ternate sides unti! you com(!ete (rescri$ed re(s.
Bodyweight Cho,s 7tart $y ho!ding your hands a$o e your head and to the side. In a diagona! and cho((ing motion, $ring your hands towards the o((osite knee with a s!ight $end in $oth knees. Beturn to the starting (osition 6o a!! re(s on one side and re(eat &or the other side. - 51 -