Community Pharmacy Checklist
Community Pharmacy Checklist
Community Pharmacy Checklist
Facility name Physical Location Pharmacy hours License No. Date & Time Audit Type: Renewal Name
Title/License no.
HAAD Auditor Name Division Auditor No.: International Patient Safety Goals
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Improve the accuracy of patient identification Improve the effectiveness of communication among care givers and care recipients Improve the safety of using medications and medical devices Reducing the risk of healthcare associated infections Ensuring correct site, correct procedure, correct patient for all procedures Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care Encourage patients active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy Improve recognition and response to changes in a patients condition Reducing risk of patient harm resulting from falls Reduce the risk of hospital fires
P = PRIORITY PSG = PATIENT SAFETY GOALS No. 1 2 3 4 5 Ref Auditor Tasks 1.1 Pharmacy license displayed Yes Partial No PSG Comments
Pharmacy is fit for purpose, accessible and clutter free in customer and non-customer areas Opening hours displayed Refrigeration available for relevant drugs
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 P
6.1 Controlled medication cabinet secure and meet HAAD requirements as per HAAD policies and standards 6.2 Controlled drug register matches the actual stock 6.3 Controlled register is maintained and updated and securely kept in the cabinet 6.4 Controlled drug prescriptions are completed and dispensed as per HA-AD policies and standards Medications strips are cut in compliance with HAAD standards/guidelines Staff wear official uniform Computer system, fax and Internet Access Ventilation/Cooling system/Lighting are functioning efficiently Facility signboard is clean and legible Illumination is sufficient for safety of staff and customers No water leakage or filtration through the walls No bad odor or unaccepted smell The facility temperature does not exceed 23 C and the relative humidity does not exceed 60 % Humidity and temperature are monitored via digital meter There are no mercury thermometers No insects or rodents are in evidence The public does not have direct access to Controlled and Prescription-Only-Medicines areas and cabinets At least 60 cm space is left between items on the top shelves and the ceiling Data is recorded in clear and legible handwriting There is no erasing, wiping or scratching on the controlled medications register No white corrector is being used. All lines in the page are used.(i.e. No blank lines) Original invoices of controlled medicines are maintained in the facility
50 cm space is left between the back of the refrigerator and the wall. No items are stored on top of the refrigerator No drinks or foods kept inside the medicine refrigerator Monthly self-inspection completed and filed Relevant Documents available (policies and Standards) No pricing Violations No free samples violations No unauthorized/unregistered products present No expired/damaged products removed from active stock Written evidence of disposal of expired products Communication with Health Professionals is documented detailing date, time, subject and outcomes Visual and documentary evidence of focus on patient needs Documentary evidence of any patient counseling is available Patient Complaint system is available and all complaints documented Met Partially Met Not Met N/A
Pharmacists Statement: I have read this inspection report, the HAAD auditor has explained it fully and I confirm that the information it contains is correct to the best of my knowledge. Pharmacist HAAD Auditor Name Name Signature Signature Date Date Section Head Comments: . ... Name: Signature: . Date .