Summer Training Report On Automatic Fare Collection System
Summer Training Report On Automatic Fare Collection System
Summer Training Report On Automatic Fare Collection System
Training Supervisor: r! "!R! #ano$ia %a&iya ' )!C!) '*t& Sem( -niversity (
+n t&e course o0 engineering it is very essential to take training w&ic& + also underwent 0or 1 weeks working days a0ter my 2 nd year in an industry! ,ractical training is very important aspect in our learning process o0 0our years!
T&is training is muc& use0ul 0or an engineering student! T&is may be a very important and vital stepping in t&e practical and applicative world by t&is &e3s&e gets to know about actual working environment relation between o00icer and t&eir subordinate organisational values o0 any industry and many ot&er t&ings like &ow people work toget&er! T&is training plays a vital role to build a good engineer!
+ took my training in the prestigious Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd! t&is is a pro$ect w&ic& is a $oint venture o0 %el&i "ovt! -nion 4 "ovt! o0 +ndia! T&e training in t&e esteemed organisation o0 % RC provides me a good knowledge about t&e organisational values and a very good knowledge about metro train, and t&e di00erent advanced applications s&own t&ere!
A ,re0ace To % RC
+ would like to e:press my regards and would like to t&ank 0ollowing person, wit&out w&om, t&is pro$ect would not &ave been possible:
r "!R! #ano$ia
++ o0 t&e pro$ect, including t&e %el&i Airport etro ):press and t&e Fiolet .ine w&ic& are sc&eduled to be completed by September 2<6<
Background T&e concept o0 a mass rapid transit 0or %el&i 0irst emerged 0rom a tra00ic and travel c&aracteristics study carried out in t&e city in 6=1=G Hver t&e ne:t several years, many o00icial committees by a variety o0 government departments were commissioned to e:amine issues related to tec&nology, route alignment and governmental $urisdiction!I;G +n 6=;B, t&e %el&i %evelopment Aut&ority and t&e -rban Arts Commission came up wit& a proposal 0or developing a multi>modal transport system, w&ic& would consist o0 constructing t&ree underground mass rapid transit corridors as well augmenting t&e cityJs e:isting railway and road transport networks! K&ile e:tensive tec&nical studies and searc& 0or 0inancing t&e pro$ect were in progress, t&e city e:panded signi0icantly resulting in a two>0old rise in population and a 0ive0old rise in t&e number o0 ve&icles between 6=;6 and 6==;! ConseAuently, tra00ic congestion and pollution soared, as an increasing number o0 commuters took to private ve&icles wit& t&e e:isting bus system unable to bear t&e load!An attempt at privatising t&e bus transport system in 6==2 merely compounded t&e problem, wit& ine:perienced operators plying poorly maintained, noisy and polluting buses on lengt&y routes, resulting in long waiting times, unreliable service, e:treme overcrowding, unAuali0ied drivers, speeding and reckless drivingI! to
recti0y t&e situation, t&e "overnment o0 +ndia and t&e "overnment o0 %el&i $ointly set up a company called t&e %el&i etro Rail Corporation '% RC( on arc& /, 6==/ wit& )! Sreed&aran as t&e managing director! Construction ,&ysical construction work on t&e %el&i etro started on Hctober 6, 6==;!I62G A0ter t&e previous problems e:perienced by t&e Calcutta etro, w&ic& was badly delayed and 62 times over budget due to Lpolitical meddling, tec&nical problems and bureaucratic delaysL, t&e % RC was given 0ull powers to &ire people, decide on tenders and control 0unds!I6@G As a result, construction proceeded smoot&ly, e:cept 0rom one ma$or disagreement in 2<<<, w&ere t&e inistry o0 Railways 0orced t&e system to use broad gauge despite t&e % RCJs pre0erence 0or standard gauge!I6BG Network ain article: .ist o0 %el&i metro stations T&e %el&i etro is being built in p&ases! ,&ase + completed 1/!66 km 'B<!B1 mi( o0 route lengt&, o0 w&ic& 6@!<6 km ';!<; mi( is underground and /2!6< km '@2!@* mi( sur0ace or elevated! T&e inauguration o0 t&e +ndraprast&a7Barak&amba Road corridor o0 t&e Blue .ine marked t&e completion o0 ,&ase + on Hctober 2*, 2<<1!,&ase ++ o0 t&e network comprises 62; km ';< mi( o0 route lengt& and *= stations, and is presently under construction, wit& t&e 0irst section opened in Mune 2<<; and a target completion date o0 2<6<!,&ases +++ '662 km( and +F '6<;!/ km( are planned to be completed by 2<6/ and 2<26 respectively, wit& t&e network spanning B6@ km '2/* mi( by t&en! Current routes
As o0 Mune 2<6<, t&e w&ole o0 ,&ase>+ and parts o0 ,&ase>++ are complete, wit& t&e network comprising 0ive lines wit& 6<* metro stations and a total lengt& o0 62B!B* km '**!@B mi(
Red .ine '%el&i etro( T&e Red .ine was t&e 0irst line o0 t&e etro to be opened and connects Rit&ala in t&e west to %ils&ad "arden in t&e east, covering a distance o0 2/!<= kilometres '6/!/= mi(! +t is partly elevated and partly at grade, and crosses t&e Eamuna River between #as&mere "ate and S&astri ,ark stations!T&e inauguration o0 t&e 0irst stretc& between S&a&dara and Tis CaDari on %ecember 2B, 2<<2, caused t&e ticketing system to collapse due to t&e line being crowded to 0our times its capacity by citiDens eager to &ave a ride!SubseAuent sections were inaugurated 0rom Tis CaDari 7 Trinagar 'later renamed +nderlok( on Hctober B, 2<<@,+nderlok 7 Rit&ala on arc& @6, 2<<B, and S&a&dara 7 %ils&ad "arden on Mune B, 2<<;! Eellow .ine '%el&i etro( T&e Eellow .ine was t&e second line o0 t&e etro and was t&e 0irst underground line to be opened!+t runs 0or 6*!@1 kilometres '6<!*= mi( 0rom nort& to sout& and connects Ma&angirpuri wit& Central Secretariat! T&e nort&ern part o0 t&e line is elevated, w&ile t&e rest is underground! T&e 0irst section between Fis&wa Fidyalaya and #as&mere "ate opened on %ecember 2<,
2<<B, and t&e subseAuent sections o0 #as&mere "ate 7 Central Secretariat opened on Muly @, 2<</, and Fis&wa Fidyalaya 7 Ma&angirpuri on February B, 2<<=! T&is line also possesses t&e countryJs deepest etro station at C&awri BaDaar, situated @< metres '=; 0t( below ground level! +nterc&anges are available wit& t&e Red .ine at #as&mere "ate station, and wit& t&e +ndian Railways network at %el&i and New %el&i railway stations!Hn 26 Mune 2<6<, a 6B!B* km stretc& o0 t&e line 0rom Nutub inar to C-%A City Center '"urgaon( was opened T&e newly opened stretc& &as 6< stations out o0 w&ic& C&&atarpur station will be opened in August! Blue .ine '%el&i etro( T&e Blue .ine was t&e t&ird line o0 t&e etro to be opened, and t&e 0irst to connect areas outside %el&i! ,artly over&ead and partly underground, it connects %warka in t&e west wit& t&e satellite city o0 Noida in t&e east, covering a distance o0 B*!B kilometres '2=!/ mi(! T&e 0irst section o0 t&is line between %warka and Barak&amba Road was inaugurated on %ecember @6, 2<</, and subseAuent sections opened between %warka 7 %warka Sector = on April 6, 2<<1, Barak&amba Road 7 +ndraprast&a on November 66, 2<<1, +ndraprast&a 7 Eamuna Bank on ay 6<, 2<<=, and Eamuna Bank 7 Noida City Centre on November 62, 2<<=!T&is line crosses t&e Eamuna River between +ndraprast&a and Eamuna Bank stations,and &as +ndiaJs 0irst e:tradosed bridge across t&e Nort&ern Railways mainlines near ,ragati aidan! A branc& o0 t&e Blue line, inaugurated on Manuary *, 2<6<, takes o00 0rom Eamuna Bank station and runs 0or 1!2/ kilometres '@!;; mi( up to Anand Fi&ar in east %el&i!+nterc&anges are available wit& t&e Eellow
.ine at Ra$iv C&owk station,and wit& t&e +ndian Railways network at t&e Anand Fi&ar Railway Terminal "reen .ine '%el&i etro( T&e "reen .ine is t&e most recent line o0 t&e etro, and its 0irst standard gauge corridor, to be inaugurated as o0 2<6<! T&e 0ully elevated line $oins undka wit& +nderlok, running 0or 6/!6 kilometres '=!B mi( mostly along Ro&tak Road! An interc&ange wit& t&e Red line is available at +nderlok station via an integrated concourse! T&is line also &as t&e countryJs 0irst standard gauge maintenance depot at undka! Security Security on t&e %el&i etro is &andled by t&e Central +ndustrial Security Force 'C+SF(, w&o &ave been guarding t&e system ever since t&ey took over 0rom t&e %el&i ,olice in 2<<*!GClosed>circuit cameras are used to monitor trains and stations, and 0eed 0rom t&ese is monitored by bot& t&e C+SF and %el&i etro aut&orities at t&eir respective control rooms!Hver @/<< C+SF personnel &ave been deployed to deal wit& law and order issues in t&e system, in addition to metal detectors, 5>ray baggage inspection systems and dog sAuads w&ic& are used to secure t&e system +ntercoms are provided in eac& train car 0or emergency communication between t&e passengers and t&e driver!,eriodic security drills are carried out at stations and on trains to ensure preparedness o0 security agencies in emergency situations! Ticketing
For t&e convenience o0 customers, %el&i etro commuters &ave t&ree c&oices 0or ticket purc&ase! T&e RF+% tokens are valid only 0or a single $ourney on t&e day o0 purc&ase and t&e value depends on t&e distance travelled, wit& 0ares 0or a single $ourney ranging 0rom Rs! ; '-SO <!6*( to Rs! @< '-SO <!1B(! Fares are calculated based on t&e origin and destination stations using a 0are c&art A common ticketing 0acility 0or commuters travelling on %el&i Transport Corporation '%TC( buses and t&e etro will be introduced in 2<66 Travel cards are available 0or longer durations and are most convenient 0or 0reAuent commuters! T&ey are valid 0or one year 0rom t&e date o0 purc&ase or t&e date o0 last rec&arge, and are available in denominations o0 Rs! /< '-SO 6!<*( to Rs! ;<< '-SO 6*!<B(! A 6<P discount is given on all travel made on it!A deposit o0 Rs! /< '-SO 6!<*( needs to be made to buy a new card! Tourist cards can be used 0or unlimited travel on t&e %el&i etro network over s&ort periods o0 time! T&ere are two kinds o0 tourist cards ? wit& validities o0 one and t&ree days respectively! T&e cost o0 a one>day card is Rs! *< '-SO 6!B=( and t&at o0 a t&ree>day card is Rs! 2<< '-SO B!21(, besides a re0undable deposit o0 Rs! /< '-SO 6!<*( t&at must be paid at t&e time o0 purc&asing t&e card!
2/2B32/62 Switc& Console cable 'wit& bot& ends being serial communication ports( ,ower cable 0or switc& ,C3.aptop wit& Cyper Terminal communication 0acility 'C&eck t&e availability at START3A.. ,RH"RA S3ACC)SSHR+)S3CH T)R +NA.( -N+CAT+HNS3CE,)R
6( and Switc&
Hpen Cyper Terminal 'START3A.. ,RH"RA S3ACC)SSHR+)S3CH T)R +NA.( )nter valid name 'it can be any name, but give s&ort 0orm o0 t&e station you are con0iguring t&e switc& 0or! )g! RN>rames& nagar( Select CH 6 in connect using column 6 ,RH,)RT+)S3,HRT -N+CAT+HNS3CE,)R
A dialog bo: opens wit& t&e name you &ave given, Carry out t&e 0ollowing steps:>
"ive power supply to t&e switc& +nitialiDation o0 t&e switc& will be carried out! )nter into con0iguration mode 't&e screen will display CostnameQ(
6! )ntering into con0iguration mode 'to &ave t&e screen displaying CostnameQ( A0ter initialiDation o0 switc& is over, t&e instruction t&at comes on Cyper Terminal dialog bo: depends on t&e passwords already set in t&e switc&
T&ere are two users created in switc&, H,)RATHR3 ANA")R Ke can set password 0or any one o0 t&em, bot& o0 t&em or none o0 t&em
No password set 0or H,)RATHR3 ANA ")R Switc& will directly enter into con0ig! ode and Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display %ostname&
,assword set 0or bot& H,)RATHR3 ANA ")R Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display Username:Hperator 'ass(ord:&p T&en t&e display will be: %ostname) )nter en User name: anager 'ass(ord* &p Now, switc& will enter con0iguration mode! %ostname&
Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display Username:Hperator 'ass(ord:&p %ostname) en Now, switc& will enter con0iguration mode! %ostname&
Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display Username: anager 'ass(ord:&p Now, switc& will enter con0iguration mode! %ostname& 'Cere Operator will not be accepted as user name(
'ass(ord* &p At t&e 0irst instance itsel0, switc& will enter into con0ig!mode
2! Hnce, switc& enters into con0iguration mode, give 0ollowing command Costname Q Con0igure terminal
Costname'Con0ig( Q
@! C&anging t&e &ostname Costname is given to easily identi0y t&e location 0or w&ic& switc& is con0igured +t will be containing 0ive digits SK2RN! First t&ree digits will indicate t&e switc& number 'SK6> SCR, SK2 > Nort& )FH, SK@ 7 Sout& )FH(, last two digits will indicate t&e station! T&e switc& being con0igured may &ave any &ost name 'K&ic& we &ave re0erring to as Costname( Now, to c&ange t&e &ostname to new one 'lets say SK2RN(, give t&e 0ollowing command Costname'Con0ig( Q &ostname SK2RN Now, t&e display will c&ange to SK2RN'Con0ig( Q
+t is advisable to create bot& users H,)RATHR3 ANA")R, wit& password as &p 0or bot& o0 t&em "ive 0ollowing commands to set passwords 0or H,)RATHR3 ANA")R Setting password 0or operator
SK2RN'Con0ig( Q password operator user> name operator ,assword : &p Re>enter t&e password : &p
/! Con0iguring F.AN
Ke &ave to access F.AN 6, c&ange its name and con0igure its ip address )nter t&e 0ollowing commands:
Eou can c&eck t&e c&anged name by giving t&e command s&ow ip, in w&ic& F.AN 6 will be named as SK2RN Now, give ip address as 0ollows:
C&eck weat&er t&e ip address and sub>net mask &ave been c&anged by giving s&ow ip command
"ive t&e 0ollowing command SK2RN'Con0ig(Q ip de0ault>gateway 6=2!:::!/!6 C&eck t&e c&anged de0ault>gateway by giving s&ow ip command
*! Con0iguring )TC)RN)T 6
SK2RN'Con0ig( Q
SK2RN'Con0ig( Q snmp>server community public operator restricted SK2RN'Con0ig( Q snmp>server community public manager unrestricted SK2RN'Con0ig( Q snmp>server &ost 6*2!6*!/!6<* critical public
SK2RN'Con0ig( Q SK2RN'Con0ig( Q e:it SK2RN Q write memory SK2RN Q e:it SK2RN R e:it %o you want to log o00 'y3n( : y
As o0 date t&is system receives in0ormation 0rom t&e $IM" 'management so0tware( w&ic& is somet&ing similar to train timetable as per t&e present time it sends in0ormation to t&is system and t&e address is made! T&is is one o0 t&e reasons t&at a universal clock is reAuired and t&at is t&e reason t&e network is incorporated wit& a master clock server!
T&e sc&eme is suc& t&at t&e train driver &as in0ormation about t&e timings and &e &as to see t&at t&e train reac&es a particular station as per t&e time 0rame it &as been allotted, w&ic& is similar to normal railways! T&e t&ing t&at is making it a little bit di00erent 0rom t&e railway is t&at t&is timetable is a static one and so 0i:ed and is totally computeriDed w&ile t&at in t&e railways is a dynamic one and it is user controlled!
6! K&en t&e countdown reac&es 2 minutes t&en t&ere is an announcement t&at t&e train would be arriving in t&e plat0orm and t&is announcement is made only on t&e plat0orm on w&ic& t&e train is e:pected as well in t&e concourse area, t&roug& w&ic& t&e computers enter t&e station and its premises and i0 reAuired it can be &eard inside t&e SCRs'station control room( 2! ):actly at t&e end o0 t&e countdown it makes an announcement t&at t&e train is going to leave t&e plat0orm and t&e announcements are mentioned in t&e areas mentioned above!
@! +n case o0 announcements t&at are to be made by t&e SCR it can be made using t&e system t&at is available in t&e control rooms , w&ile t&ey can9t make it anot&er station as t&ey don9t &ave t&ose permissions and t&is can be done 0rom t&e HCC 'Hperational Control Center(! B! From t&e HCC t&e operator can select a station and t&e plat0orm in w&ic& t&e announcement &as to be made!
6! +utomati. Mode: t&e di00usion o0 t&e messages will be &eld t&roug& a weekly sc&eduled program! +n automatic mode t&e ,AS central system receives messages 0orm t&e central passenger in0ormation system involving data about train movements 'arrivals , departures(!t&e in0ormation is analyDed by ,AS t&at automatically launc&es announcements to t&e designated stations 2! Manual Central Mode: t&e system will be operated t&roug& t&e HCC operator t&at will direct manual messages to t&e microp&ones!
@.Manual Mode: t&e station operator independently 0rom HCC will control t&e system! T&e local ,AS at eac& train station is able to accept signals 0rom t&e local ):c&anger Net Client -nit to activate automatic prerecorded announcements 0rom t&e train station
'ID" stands /or 'assenger In/ormation Displa, ",stem w&ic& gives a very user 0riendly looks o0 t&e % RC to t&ese w&o avail t&e % RC services
T&e aim o0 t&e system is to display and announce tra00ic in0ormation and ot&er convenient in0ormation along t&e station and various plat0orm areas !T&e ,+%S allows t&e data input ,transmission and di00usion o0 in0ormation concerning t&e movements o0 trains in real time to all station users and t&e same 0or t&e application in main center using -ltra Brig&t .)% %isplay ,anels !T&e system &as capability to control virtually unlimited no! o0 stations w&ic& can be done by t&e con0iguration o0 t&e network design ! T&e ,+%S designed 0or t&e DMR$" network &as several 0unctions suc& as displaying train sc&eduling in0ormation and data related to train circulation like arrival and departure time!
T&e system is divided into two main parts: 6! $he Operational Control Center: t&is re0ers to all t&e eAuipments installed in t&e HCC !t&e details are : a! Server b! Assistant to C&ie0 Controller ,+%S 3,AS workstation c! ,+%S Backup Control ,anel 2! $he "tation ",stem: t&is re0ers to all t&e eAuipments installed in t&e terminal stations !t&e details are : a! KorkStation b! -ltra Brig&t .)% ,anels
6! Central 'assenger In/ormation ",stem: it is located at HCC and includes t&e system server and t&e Assistant C&ie0 Controller Korkstation! 2! $he Remote 'assenger In/ormation ",stem : it is located at eac& station and includes t&e station server, t&e station + ' an ac&ine +nter0ace( position and -ltra Brig&t .)% ,anels! T&e station server located in eac& station receives periodic database at location in0ormation 0rom t&e HCC server! +n t&is manner it manages and controls t&e local -ltra Brig&t .)% ,anels!
$he 'ID" '+" work toget&er wit& eac& ot&er! T&e announcements take place t&roug& t&e ,AS so0tware!
6! Central+$" 0+utomati. $rain "uper1ision2: it provides source, destination, and timings in 0orm o0 packets! T&ere are B servers present out o0 w&ic& 2 &rs 0or line 6 and two 0or line 2! 2! Cluster "er1er* it sends timings and messages! +t is called Cluster because a set o0 recourses are s&ared by a no! o0 servers but only one server is t&e owner! @! "mart +rra, Controller: t&ere are two &ardwires o0 Smart Array Controller out o0 w&ic& one is redundant! +t is used 0or Raid < implementation 'in t&is two discs are mirrors o0 eac& ot&er( and cluster purpose! B! C Dri1e: in t&is system so0tware is loaded! /! ' Dri1e: in t&is all t&e ,+%S 3,AS related application is loaded! 1! 3 Dri1e: in t&is &otswapable discs are present!
T&e en&anced base transceiver system provides t&e RF inter0ace 0rom t&e master site to t&e mobile subscribers in a %imetra system! T&e )BTS consists o0 several eAuipment components: 4R: Base Radio , eac& &andles one RF 2/ #CD c&annel wit& 0our time slots! $"C: T)TRA Site controller! 5+": )nvironmental Alarm system provides an electrical inter0ace 0or internal and e:ternal site alarms and controlling 0unctions! RFD": RF %istribution system provides transmitter combining and receives signal distribution! T&e remote site eAuipment also includes transmit and receive antennas, ",S antenna, >B;v power supply and t&e telep&one company supplied :!26 line termination eAuipment! Farious )BTS con0igurations are available to meet t&e c&annel reAuirements 0or eac& site and provide 0rom B to 2; logical c&annels! T&e )BTS can be con0igured wit& up to seven base Radios 'BRs(, eac& o0 w&ic& provides 0our logical c&annels!
T&e )BTS can be con0igured wit& up to seven Base Radios 'BRs(, eac& o0 w&ic& provides 0our logical c&annels! An )BTS wit& up to 0our BRs is supplied in a single 2m 6=JJ cabinet and an )BTS wit& />* BRs is supplied in two 2m6=L cabinets!
T&e )BTS &as remote so0tware download capabilities and is remotely managed via t&e Sone manager! .ocal con0iguration and programming o0 t&e )BTS is accomplis&ed using t&e T)TRA )BTS service so0tware 'T)SS(!
54$" .omponents
T&e )BTS is comprised o0 one or two eAuipment cabinets, depending on &ow many BRs are reAuired! )ac& eAuipment cabinet contains base radio and RF distribution eAuipment! T&ere is one site controller and one )AS per )BTS and t&ese are contained in t&e prime cabinet! T&e eAuipment cabinet is a sel0 7contained 6!=metre cabinet t&at e contains t&e various eAuipment modules!
Breaker panel Munction panel'top o0 cabinet ( Cavity combiner Receiver multicoupler 'R C( and preselector trays )nvironmental Alarm system ')AS( Site Controller Base Radio '6 to B(
T&e site controller and Base Radio are interconnected via an )t&ernet local Area Network '.AN(!t&e site controller also provides t&e communication inter0ace between t&e master site and t&e )BTS via a !26 link!
4R5+65R '+N5L
T&e Breaker ,anel is mounted in t&e upper most location o0 t&e eAuipment cabinet! T&is is t&e central location 0or power distribution and overload protection o0 t&e eAuipment cabinet! )ac& circuit breaker is dedicated to a single module wit&in t&e eAuipment cabinet! T&e circuit breakers provide manual onTo00 control 0or t&e modules, as well as providing automatic disconnect in t&e event o0 an electrical overload!
T&e $unction panel provides a central location 0or cabinet grounding and intercabling ! Access to t&e $unction panel is gained 0rom t&e top to t&e eAuipment cabinet! T&e $unction panel is mounted at t&e top o0 t&e eAuipment cabinet toward t&e rear, as s&own in t&e 0ig!
T&e cavity combiner operates over t&e @;<>B@@ CD 0reAuency range and is available in eit&er manual tune or automatic tuning versions! T&e cavity combiner is mounted below t&e breaker panel in t&e eAuipment cabinet! +t &as a power monitor t&at is used to detect antenna system 0ailure! A transmit post 0ilter is present in t&e @!B CD sub>band con0iguration! T&is 0ilter is not present on t&e / CD con0iguration!
FIL$5R $R+9
T&e 0ilter tray contains t&e receiver preselector 0ilters! T&ere is one preselector 0ilter per receive diversity branc&! T&e output o0 t&e 0ilters is 0ed into t&e R C !,reselectors are reAuired 0or bot& t&e @!B CD and / CD con0igurations!
T&e receiver multicoupler 'R C( is an active receive multicoupler assembly t&at provides multiple receive signal ports! )ac& diversity branc& antenna is connected via a preslector 0ilter to module in t&e receiver multicoupler! )ac& R C module is t&en correspondingly connected to one receiver in eac& o0 t&e BRs ! T&e receiver multicouplers are mounted below t&e combiner!
T&e environmental alarm system ')AS( provides a common inter0ace 0or alarm signals 0rom wit&in t&e )BTScabinet and 0orm e:ternal sources! ):amples o0 environmental conditions t&at could be monitored are site power, smoke detectors and intrusion 'burglar( detectors! Hnly one )AS is used per )BTS3
T&e )AS accepts B; alarm inputs and provides eig&t control outputs! T&e )AS inter0aces wit& t&e site controller via an +))) 62;B inter0ace!
T&e T)TRA Site Controller 'TSC( provides t&e 5!26 remote inter0ace to t&e aster Site and controls t&e BR operation over a local )t&ernet link! T&e TSC is capable o0 controlling up to seven BRs and consists o0 t&e 0ollowing modules: ,ower ,C mot&erboard Front panel swit&ces,indicators, and test connectors +nternal power supply Site re0erence +SA'SR+( card 5!26 inter0ace card )t&ernet .AN ,C+').,( card Flas& memory card Transient protection card
T&e site controller 0ront panel is eAuipped wit& several switc&es, indicators, and test connectors as 0ollows: ,ower switc& ,us&button C,- reset Red and green .)%s to indicate t&e status o0 t&e )BTS Trunking status .)% indicators BNC port 0or monitoring time30reAuency standard signals %B= service access connector 0or an 7 ac&ine inter0ace'
"ite .ontroller po(er supplies T&e internal power supply converts t&e rack >B;v to >1<v power '>BB to >1<vdc(!
T&is card provides a time 30reAuency re0erence 0or t&e )BTS! +t uses t&e ",S signal to ensure t&at t&e re0erence is accurate and t&at )BTS is sync&roniDed wit& its ad$acent sites!
T&is card is a two 7port serial card t&at inter0aces t&ere ,C+ bus used by t&e site controller to t&e 5!26 link used to communicate wit& t&e master site!
T&is card provides t&e )t&ernet inter0ace between t&e site controller and t&e base radios!
T&is card inter0aces to t&e C,- via t&e +SA bus! T&e card provides permanent storage 0or )BTS e:ecutable, con0iguration, and log 0iles!
T&is card provides transient protection 0or t&e +))) 62;B parallel +3H data between t&e mot&erboard and t&e )AS!
4+"5 R+DIO T&e base radio 'BR( provides reliable digital communications capabilities by incorporating compact so0tware 7 controlled design! +ncrease c&annel capacity is ac&ieved t&roug& voice compression tec&niAues and time division multiple:ing! )ac& BR is made up o0 t&e 0ollowing FR-s:
T&e base radio controller 'BRC( serves as t&e main controller o0 t&e base radio! T&e BRC provides signal processing and operational control o0 t&e ot&er base radio modules!
T&e receiver provides t&e receive t&e 0unctions 0or t&e base radio! T&e receiver module contains t&ere separate receivers to allow receive diversity using multiple receive antennas!
4ase radio e:.iter T&e e:citer, in con$unction wit& t&e power ampli0ier ',A(, provides t&e modulation and transmitter 0unctions 0or t&e base radio!
4ase radio po(er ampli/ier T&e ,A, in con$unction wit& t&e e:citer, provides t&e transmitter 0unctions 0or t&e base radio! T&e ,A accepts t&e low>level modulated RF signal 0rom t&e ):citer and ampli0ies t&e signal 0or transmission via t&e RF output connector!
Radio /re-uen., distri;ution s,stem T&e radio 0reAuency distribution system 'RF%S( accepts inputs 0rom t&e transmitters in t&e )BTS, and combines t&ese to allow t&e transmitters to 0eed into a single antenna! T&e RF%S uses cavity combining 0or minimum insertion loss, ma:imum RF power dissipation and increased c&annel capacity! inimum 0reAuency separation 0or t&e cavity combiner is 6/< #CD 0or )BTS plat0orm release 2'2/< #CD 0or plat0orm release 6(!
T&e receiver multicoupler 'R C( is logically considered part o0 t&e RF%S, but is p&ysically contained in a separate FR- below t&e RF%S! T&e R C is an active receive multicoupler assembly t&at provides multiple receive signal ports 0rom a single antenna! )ac&
diversity branc& antenna is connected to a receiver multicoupler ! As standard t&e )BTS is eAuipped wit& two R Cs to support dual branc& diversity! )ac& R C is t&en correspondingly connected to one receiver in eac& o0 t&e BRs! A receiver ampli0ier and splitter are provided to support receiver diversity 0or multiple BR operation!
PA %peaker
.adio %peaker
%B*+00 Audio & pins( .%212 &*pins( Accessories Link &*pins( .%)22 3 Audio &11pins(
.%)223 Audio &11pins(
Back Panel
.olling %tock -ry Contacts #
110V -C
12V %upply
Copyright iFocus Pte Ltd All rights reserved 1 May 2002 Ver 1. 0
$5!.4-/C!$45 C75!.AL C4MP/!7. &CC( %!A!$45 C4MP/!7. &%C( P.4-/C!$45 %7.V7. &P%( P487. %/PPL9 7:/$PM75!% 1. !$C;7! 4FF$C7 MAC6$57 &!4M( 2. B/L; $5$!$AL$%A!$45 MAC6$57 &B$M( 1. <A!7 ). !9P7 4F <A!7 . !$C;7! .7A-7. +. C45!AC!L7%% %MA.! !4;75 &C%!( ". C45!AC!L7%% %MA.! CA.- &C%C(
+n t&is we studied about t&e 0are collection system o0 % RC! T&is 0eature is not available in +N%+AN RA+.KAES! T&e AFC is composed o0: Hne central computer 0or all system Hne station computer by station Several eAuipment o0 several types 'TH , B+ , "AT), ,T%(
Collect ticket usage transaction update audit registers 0rom station computer and ot&er eAuipment 0or transmission to t&e computer %istribution to t&e CC o0 events and alarm data +t also s&ows t&e current gate status and respective component &ealt&
,HK)R S-,,.E
6! R)N-+R) )NT HF -,S:> a! To provide back up incase o0 input power supply 0ailure! b! To protect our system 0rom power line irregularities! c! To provide power to t&e system wit& stable voltage, 0reAuency! 2! ,HK)R .+N) +RR)"-.AR+T+)S:> a! Hver voltage 'voltage R F speci0ied 0or more t&an 6< cycles( b! -nder voltage 'voltage U F speci0ied 0or more t&an 6< cycles( c! Spikes and Transients '"enerated by switc&ing action o0 devices in power line! T&ey can be o0 value t&at range up to 2< times o0 peak voltage!( d! FreAuency distortion! e! Carmonic distortion! 0! Black Hut! g! Surges3Swells '@>6< cycles o0 over voltage(! &! Sags ' @>6< cycles o0 under voltage, mainly due to start o0 ot&er devices online( i! Kave 0orm distortion!
HFF .+N)
HN .+N)
.+N) +NT)RACT+F)
A+NS +3,
H-T ,-T
H00 .ine -,S c&aracteristics:> 6! +nput disturbances are directly going to load! 2! No voltage stabiliDation, regulation! @! .oad switc&ing takes place using a TRF relay, w&ic& is slow and t&ere will be breakage in continuity o0 t&e supply! ;2 LIN5 IN$5R+C$I85 U'" *<
A+NS +3,
.ine interactive -,S C&aracteristics:> 6! AFR 'Automatic Foltage Regulator( is used, w&ic& stabiliDes t&e input to certain e:tent, but input irregularities are not taken care o00! 2! +NFTR3CCAR")R is a single circuit , w&ic& works as c&arger 0or battery and as inverter w&ile t&e load is catered by battery! @! .oad switc&ing takes place using a TRF relay, w&ic& is slow and t&ere will be breakage in continuity o0 t&e supply!
A+NS +N,-T
H-T,-T R)CTF+) R
BATT) RE BAN# Hn .ine -,S C&aracteristics:> +nput will not be 0ed directly! +nput power is recti0ied and reconverted to AC, during w&ic& all input irregularities are 0iltered and removed! No switc&ing action during power i3p c&ange over! Sero switc&ing time between ups output and bypass!
T&e input to t&e AFC -,S system comes 0rom two sources namely
Board( and ),, ')ssential ,ower ,anel( located in t&e )4 ,ower Room! )it&er o0 t&e source can be selected 0rom a C&ange Hver Switc& located in t&e -,S room, w&ic& will 0urt&er 0eed t&e -,S! T&e output 0rom %B does not &ave any back up and directly 0eeds t&e input coming 0rom t&e 0eeder source, and %B 0eeds t&e non>essential loads! K&ere as, t&e output o0 ),, will &ave t&e back up o0 %" set, w&ic& will automatically get switc&ed on upon t&e 0ailure o0 input 0rom 0eeder source!
So, 0or AFC system we &ave two input sources, and we will always keep t&e input selector switc& in ),,'%"V A+NS( position!
D$L'%el&i Transco .td!(
11 #F
@@ #F
B6/ v, @
%" Set
To essential loads
a! ,arallel Redundant -,S! b! Kide +nput Foltage Fariation o0 V2/ P, >@< P! c! Kide 0reAuency variation o0 V3> 6< P!
F5+$UR5" OF " 4== *<
6! Temperature compensated battery c&arging to en&ance t&e battery li0e! 2! Black start3 Cold start 0acility at 0ull load as standard! @! Common Battery! B! Ad$ustable sync&roniDation band 0rom V3> 6 CD to V3> @ CD in t&e steps o0 6 CD! /! +nput, Hut ,ut, Bypass and %!C! ,arameters measured on t&e .C%! 1! Cttp3SN , compatible! SN , is used in AFC system to supervise t&e -,S system remotely! *! 2<< )vents can be stored in t&e memory! ;! icroprocessor based control system 0or -,S! =! All t&e vital in0ormation about t&e -,S will be displayed on t&e 0ront +!
H-T ,-T 2@< F AC , 6
-,S ).)CTR+CA.
E"O #
5FO 2
T&e TH provides t&e AFC system wit& all services involved by t&e transport ticket delivery to t&e users! T&is is o0 sale terminal is a semi automatic mac&ine manually operated by dedicated employees o0 t&e % RC !t&e mac&ine is a standard personal computer connected to di00erent perip&erals! T&e main services o0 TH are:
2/1 megabytes ' B( RA B< gigabytes '"B( &ard disk A C%RH drive
#eyboard and
Be0ore t&e installation o0 t&e TH so0tware and connection it ot t&e intranet we 0irst intall a disk image so0tware called as "CHST!
"&ost is a Norton utility and it is used to capture a re0erence computer image, Ke are using t&at image 0or installation o0 TH ! Since we are using C,- o0 same &ardware con0iguration in customer care and Booking o00ice! +t is easier and 0aster to use "&ost image as compared to 0ormatting, installing windows and applications, do 0urt&er settings in individual system
230AC/33 DC
Receipt printer
Serial link
230AC/ 5AC Link Link Serial Link
!oken auto=>eeder
CSC module
CSC Antenna
230AC/ 12 DC Link
Mains Power
!he gate e?uip'ent controls the access to .ail@ay lines. $t is 'ade o> stainless steel housing @hich is styled @ith >lo@ing curves that guides the passenger into the aisle A presenting the passenger @ith the 'odern s'art card and token validation target @hile a hi=tech color graphic display provides passenger in>or'ation. !he gate e?uip'ent is co'puter 0ased auto'atic 'achine that consist o> a stainless steel ca0inet 'anaging central retracta0le 0arrier lea> also called >lap. !he gate is operated 0yB !he passenger !he operation sta>> !he 'aintenance sta>> !he gate allo@s checking the entrance into the paid area. !he gate is linked to the station net@ork in order to dialog @ith station co'puter
TYPES O" %ATE 1. 2. 1. ). 7ntry only <ate 7#it only gate Bi=directional gateB >or entry and e#it 0oth Bi=directional hy0ridB the gate is >or the handicapped peopleA can is used entry and e#it 0oth. . $ncident 'odeB !he 'ode can 0e selected @henever so'e incident occurs. !here @ill not 0e any >ine charged >or staying 'ore than 120 'inutes in the station. +. 7'ergency 'odeB !his is the top priority 'ode .$n case o> e'ergency this 'ode is selected and gates get open and no ticket is checked.
anages "ate overall operation Contains t&e "ate Hperating So0tware
is responsible 0or:>
Falidation o0 media at S F3S A Aut&oriDation o0 passage a0ter validating media -C -C %H communicates wit& SC operates at 2@@ is o0 1B B B CD clock 0reAuency
%RA > @2
B e:tendible to 62;
,C is responsible 0or passage management wit& aut&oriDation 0rom -C +t monitors t&e passenger movement t&roug& 61 pairs o0 sensors
FL+' +""5M4L9
Flap assembly consists o0 Stopper Bolt +B, otor, Solenoid, .imit Switc&, +,S,
+B inter0aces all t&e e:ternal connectors to 0lap assembly otor is o0 %C type operating at B; F %C
Solenoid moves t&e 0lap .imit switc& indicates t&e latc&ing o0 0lap arm to solenoid +,S '+nduction ,ro:imity Switc&( limits t&e movement o0 0lap logically Stopper Bolt limits t&e movement o0 0lap mec&anically
"M+ "M8
S A3S F are t&e media validating inter0aces o0 t&e gate wit& passengers S F is placed at entry side and validates bot& CSC3CST S A is placed at e:it side validating CSC3CST and capturing t&e CST
-,S ensures t&e input power to gate modules is in t&e speci0ied parameters +t allows t&e "AT) to s&utdown properly w&en input power goes o00 +t communicates wit& t&e -C power to gate and indicates t&e availability o0 t&e
+t generates t&e %C power reAuired by gate modules +t uses switc& mode tec&niAue 0or %C generation +t converts t&e 2@< v AC output o0 "ate -,S into 2B F %C +t 0eeds t&e 2B F %C to -C 0eeds S A3S F and %ispatc&er cards w&ic& 0urt&er
T&ere are si:teen pairs o0 optical sensors located on eac& gate T&ese sensors will track t&e passenger movement t&roug& t&e isle 61 sensors are divided into B Dones Sensors de0ining t&e Done will c&ange depending on t&e t&e direction o0 passage
D+$+ FLO#
,resentation o0 media to S A3S F CSC reader reads it Aut&oriDation by -C ,+% in0orms passenger Falidation or error tone 0rom .S +0 valid -C gives command to ,.C
Tracks t&e passenger movement wit& 61 pairs o0 sensors ,.C closes t&e 0laps immediately a0ter passenger clears sa0ety Done ,.C sends passage completion to -C -C records t&e transaction and upload it to SC
G+$5 $9'5"
)NTRE )5+T R)F)RS+B.) CEBR+%3K+%)
F+R5 MOD5"
Normal )ntry3):it override Time mode override +ncident mode )mergency mode
T&e ticket reader is 0ree standing sel0>service eAuipment installed in t&e station concourse! T&e TR is used 0or a rapid and user>0riendly display, in )nglis& and in Cindi 0or in0ormation stored in CSC and CST! +t enables to c&eck t&e validation o0 t&e ticket
,ortable ticket decoder +t is a device to c&eck t&e contact less media compliance to business rules used +t is a portable magnetic contact less card reader 0or inspector in order to c&eck t&e validity o0 CSC3CST
CON$+C$L5"" "M+R$ $O65N 0C"$2 T&e token used in % RC are used 0or single $ourney! Hnce we buy a token and enter in station t&en t&at token will be valid unto 62< minutes!
CON$+C$L5"" "M+R$ C+RD 0C"C2 T&ese are t&e e:tension o0 a smart token! +ndividuals w&o use t&we %el&i etro 0reAuently use t&em! T&ere t&e card &as a value already credited to it! +t &as t&e memory siDe o0 /*1 bytes! +t stores data upto seven years! +t9s li0e time is long! +t is made up o0 plastic material t&at can be easily recycled and &as least environmental impact! +t is pro:y! /gm in weig&t! T&e CST and CSC can be communicated at a distance o0 6<< mm !
$%+N6 9OU