Summer Training Report On Automatic Fare Collection System

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The key takeaways are about the importance of practical training for engineering students and an overview of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

The purpose of the summer training was to gain practical knowledge about the organizational values, metro trains, and advanced applications used at the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

The key components of the Delhi Metro system include its lines, stations, rolling stock, operations, ridership, planning and construction history.

Summer Training Report on Automatic Fare Collection System, Networking Systems and Resources:

Training Supervisor: r! "!R! #ano$ia %a&iya ' )!C!) '*t& Sem( -niversity (

Submitted By: "aurav B! Tec& AS)T, +!,!


etro Rail Corporation .td!




B!Tec& C!S!)! ' /t& Semester( -S+T, +!,! -niversity

+n t&e course o0 engineering it is very essential to take training w&ic& + also underwent 0or 1 weeks working days a0ter my 2 nd year in an industry! ,ractical training is very important aspect in our learning process o0 0our years!

T&is training is muc& use0ul 0or an engineering student! T&is may be a very important and vital stepping in t&e practical and applicative world by t&is &e3s&e gets to know about actual working environment relation between o00icer and t&eir subordinate organisational values o0 any industry and many ot&er t&ings like &ow people work toget&er! T&is training plays a vital role to build a good engineer!

+ took my training in the prestigious Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd! t&is is a pro$ect w&ic& is a $oint venture o0 %el&i "ovt! -nion 4 "ovt! o0 +ndia! T&e training in t&e esteemed organisation o0 % RC provides me a good knowledge about t&e organisational values and a very good knowledge about metro train, and t&e di00erent advanced applications s&own t&ere!



A ,re0ace To % RC

,art 6: Telecommunication and Networking

,art 2: AFC 7 8Automatic Fare Collection9 System

+ would like to e:press my regards and would like to t&ank 0ollowing person, wit&out w&om, t&is pro$ect would not &ave been possible:

r "!R! #ano$ia

Delhi Metro Rail Corp.

T&e %el&i etro is a rapid transit system serving %el&i, "urgaon and Noida in t&e National Capital Region o0 +ndia! T&e network consists o0 0ive lines wit& a total lengt& o0 62/!1* kilometres '*;!<= mi(! T&e metro &as 6<* stations o0 w&ic& 6* are underground! +t &as a combination o0 elevated, at>grade and underground lines and uses bot& broad gauge and standard gauge rolling stock! %el&i etro is being built and operated by t&e %el&i etro Rail Corporation .imited '% RC(! As o0 April 2<6<, % RC operates more t&an 6<< trains daily between 1:<< ? 2@:<< wit& a 0reAuency o0 @ to B!/ minutes! T&e trains &ave 0our to si: coac&es and t&e power output is supplied by 2/>kilo volt, /< CD AC t&roug& over&ead catenary! T&e metro &as an average daily riders&ip o0 over a million commuters, and &as carried over a billion commuters in seven years since its inception! ,lanning 0or t&e metro started in 6=;B, w&en t&e %el&i %evelopment Aut&ority and t&e -rban Arts Commission came up wit& a proposal 0or developing a multi>modal transport system 0or t&e city! T&e "overnment o0 +ndia and t&e "overnment o0 %el&i $ointly set up t&e %el&i etro Rail Corporation '% RC( in 6==/! Construction started in 6==;, and t&e 0irst section, on t&e Red .ine, opened in 2<<2, 0ollowed by t&e Eellow .ine in 2<<B, t&e Blue .ine in 2<</, its branc& line in 2<<= and t&e "reen .ine in 2<6<! SubseAuently, t&ese lines &ave been e:tended and new lines are under construction in ,&ase

++ o0 t&e pro$ect, including t&e %el&i Airport etro ):press and t&e Fiolet .ine w&ic& are sc&eduled to be completed by September 2<6<

Background T&e concept o0 a mass rapid transit 0or %el&i 0irst emerged 0rom a tra00ic and travel c&aracteristics study carried out in t&e city in 6=1=G Hver t&e ne:t several years, many o00icial committees by a variety o0 government departments were commissioned to e:amine issues related to tec&nology, route alignment and governmental $urisdiction!I;G +n 6=;B, t&e %el&i %evelopment Aut&ority and t&e -rban Arts Commission came up wit& a proposal 0or developing a multi>modal transport system, w&ic& would consist o0 constructing t&ree underground mass rapid transit corridors as well augmenting t&e cityJs e:isting railway and road transport networks! K&ile e:tensive tec&nical studies and searc& 0or 0inancing t&e pro$ect were in progress, t&e city e:panded signi0icantly resulting in a two>0old rise in population and a 0ive0old rise in t&e number o0 ve&icles between 6=;6 and 6==;! ConseAuently, tra00ic congestion and pollution soared, as an increasing number o0 commuters took to private ve&icles wit& t&e e:isting bus system unable to bear t&e load!An attempt at privatising t&e bus transport system in 6==2 merely compounded t&e problem, wit& ine:perienced operators plying poorly maintained, noisy and polluting buses on lengt&y routes, resulting in long waiting times, unreliable service, e:treme overcrowding, unAuali0ied drivers, speeding and reckless drivingI! to

recti0y t&e situation, t&e "overnment o0 +ndia and t&e "overnment o0 %el&i $ointly set up a company called t&e %el&i etro Rail Corporation '% RC( on arc& /, 6==/ wit& )! Sreed&aran as t&e managing director! Construction ,&ysical construction work on t&e %el&i etro started on Hctober 6, 6==;!I62G A0ter t&e previous problems e:perienced by t&e Calcutta etro, w&ic& was badly delayed and 62 times over budget due to Lpolitical meddling, tec&nical problems and bureaucratic delaysL, t&e % RC was given 0ull powers to &ire people, decide on tenders and control 0unds!I6@G As a result, construction proceeded smoot&ly, e:cept 0rom one ma$or disagreement in 2<<<, w&ere t&e inistry o0 Railways 0orced t&e system to use broad gauge despite t&e % RCJs pre0erence 0or standard gauge!I6BG Network ain article: .ist o0 %el&i metro stations T&e %el&i etro is being built in p&ases! ,&ase + completed 1/!66 km 'B<!B1 mi( o0 route lengt&, o0 w&ic& 6@!<6 km ';!<; mi( is underground and /2!6< km '@2!@* mi( sur0ace or elevated! T&e inauguration o0 t&e +ndraprast&a7Barak&amba Road corridor o0 t&e Blue .ine marked t&e completion o0 ,&ase + on Hctober 2*, 2<<1!,&ase ++ o0 t&e network comprises 62; km ';< mi( o0 route lengt& and *= stations, and is presently under construction, wit& t&e 0irst section opened in Mune 2<<; and a target completion date o0 2<6<!,&ases +++ '662 km( and +F '6<;!/ km( are planned to be completed by 2<6/ and 2<26 respectively, wit& t&e network spanning B6@ km '2/* mi( by t&en! Current routes

As o0 Mune 2<6<, t&e w&ole o0 ,&ase>+ and parts o0 ,&ase>++ are complete, wit& t&e network comprising 0ive lines wit& 6<* metro stations and a total lengt& o0 62B!B* km '**!@B mi(

Red .ine '%el&i etro( T&e Red .ine was t&e 0irst line o0 t&e etro to be opened and connects Rit&ala in t&e west to %ils&ad "arden in t&e east, covering a distance o0 2/!<= kilometres '6/!/= mi(! +t is partly elevated and partly at grade, and crosses t&e Eamuna River between #as&mere "ate and S&astri ,ark stations!T&e inauguration o0 t&e 0irst stretc& between S&a&dara and Tis CaDari on %ecember 2B, 2<<2, caused t&e ticketing system to collapse due to t&e line being crowded to 0our times its capacity by citiDens eager to &ave a ride!SubseAuent sections were inaugurated 0rom Tis CaDari 7 Trinagar 'later renamed +nderlok( on Hctober B, 2<<@,+nderlok 7 Rit&ala on arc& @6, 2<<B, and S&a&dara 7 %ils&ad "arden on Mune B, 2<<;! Eellow .ine '%el&i etro( T&e Eellow .ine was t&e second line o0 t&e etro and was t&e 0irst underground line to be opened!+t runs 0or 6*!@1 kilometres '6<!*= mi( 0rom nort& to sout& and connects Ma&angirpuri wit& Central Secretariat! T&e nort&ern part o0 t&e line is elevated, w&ile t&e rest is underground! T&e 0irst section between Fis&wa Fidyalaya and #as&mere "ate opened on %ecember 2<,

2<<B, and t&e subseAuent sections o0 #as&mere "ate 7 Central Secretariat opened on Muly @, 2<</, and Fis&wa Fidyalaya 7 Ma&angirpuri on February B, 2<<=! T&is line also possesses t&e countryJs deepest etro station at C&awri BaDaar, situated @< metres '=; 0t( below ground level! +nterc&anges are available wit& t&e Red .ine at #as&mere "ate station, and wit& t&e +ndian Railways network at %el&i and New %el&i railway stations!Hn 26 Mune 2<6<, a 6B!B* km stretc& o0 t&e line 0rom Nutub inar to C-%A City Center '"urgaon( was opened T&e newly opened stretc& &as 6< stations out o0 w&ic& C&&atarpur station will be opened in August! Blue .ine '%el&i etro( T&e Blue .ine was t&e t&ird line o0 t&e etro to be opened, and t&e 0irst to connect areas outside %el&i! ,artly over&ead and partly underground, it connects %warka in t&e west wit& t&e satellite city o0 Noida in t&e east, covering a distance o0 B*!B kilometres '2=!/ mi(! T&e 0irst section o0 t&is line between %warka and Barak&amba Road was inaugurated on %ecember @6, 2<</, and subseAuent sections opened between %warka 7 %warka Sector = on April 6, 2<<1, Barak&amba Road 7 +ndraprast&a on November 66, 2<<1, +ndraprast&a 7 Eamuna Bank on ay 6<, 2<<=, and Eamuna Bank 7 Noida City Centre on November 62, 2<<=!T&is line crosses t&e Eamuna River between +ndraprast&a and Eamuna Bank stations,and &as +ndiaJs 0irst e:tradosed bridge across t&e Nort&ern Railways mainlines near ,ragati aidan! A branc& o0 t&e Blue line, inaugurated on Manuary *, 2<6<, takes o00 0rom Eamuna Bank station and runs 0or 1!2/ kilometres '@!;; mi( up to Anand Fi&ar in east %el&i!+nterc&anges are available wit& t&e Eellow

.ine at Ra$iv C&owk station,and wit& t&e +ndian Railways network at t&e Anand Fi&ar Railway Terminal "reen .ine '%el&i etro( T&e "reen .ine is t&e most recent line o0 t&e etro, and its 0irst standard gauge corridor, to be inaugurated as o0 2<6<! T&e 0ully elevated line $oins undka wit& +nderlok, running 0or 6/!6 kilometres '=!B mi( mostly along Ro&tak Road! An interc&ange wit& t&e Red line is available at +nderlok station via an integrated concourse! T&is line also &as t&e countryJs 0irst standard gauge maintenance depot at undka! Security Security on t&e %el&i etro is &andled by t&e Central +ndustrial Security Force 'C+SF(, w&o &ave been guarding t&e system ever since t&ey took over 0rom t&e %el&i ,olice in 2<<*!GClosed>circuit cameras are used to monitor trains and stations, and 0eed 0rom t&ese is monitored by bot& t&e C+SF and %el&i etro aut&orities at t&eir respective control rooms!Hver @/<< C+SF personnel &ave been deployed to deal wit& law and order issues in t&e system, in addition to metal detectors, 5>ray baggage inspection systems and dog sAuads w&ic& are used to secure t&e system +ntercoms are provided in eac& train car 0or emergency communication between t&e passengers and t&e driver!,eriodic security drills are carried out at stations and on trains to ensure preparedness o0 security agencies in emergency situations! Ticketing

For t&e convenience o0 customers, %el&i etro commuters &ave t&ree c&oices 0or ticket purc&ase! T&e RF+% tokens are valid only 0or a single $ourney on t&e day o0 purc&ase and t&e value depends on t&e distance travelled, wit& 0ares 0or a single $ourney ranging 0rom Rs! ; '-SO <!6*( to Rs! @< '-SO <!1B(! Fares are calculated based on t&e origin and destination stations using a 0are c&art A common ticketing 0acility 0or commuters travelling on %el&i Transport Corporation '%TC( buses and t&e etro will be introduced in 2<66 Travel cards are available 0or longer durations and are most convenient 0or 0reAuent commuters! T&ey are valid 0or one year 0rom t&e date o0 purc&ase or t&e date o0 last rec&arge, and are available in denominations o0 Rs! /< '-SO 6!<*( to Rs! ;<< '-SO 6*!<B(! A 6<P discount is given on all travel made on it!A deposit o0 Rs! /< '-SO 6!<*( needs to be made to buy a new card! Tourist cards can be used 0or unlimited travel on t&e %el&i etro network over s&ort periods o0 time! T&ere are two kinds o0 tourist cards ? wit& validities o0 one and t&ree days respectively! T&e cost o0 a one>day card is Rs! *< '-SO 6!B=( and t&at o0 a t&ree>day card is Rs! 2<< '-SO B!21(, besides a re0undable deposit o0 Rs! /< '-SO 6!<*( t&at must be paid at t&e time o0 purc&asing t&e card!



CONFIGURING 2524 25!2 "#I$C%

Cardware ReAuirements:>

2/2B32/62 Switc& Console cable 'wit& bot& ends being serial communication ports( ,ower cable 0or switc& ,C3.aptop wit& Cyper Terminal communication 0acility 'C&eck t&e availability at START3A.. ,RH"RA S3ACC)SSHR+)S3CH T)R +NA.( -N+CAT+HNS3CE,)R

Con0iguration procedure :>

Connect t&e console cable between ,C'CH 'Console port(

6( and Switc&

Hpen Cyper Terminal 'START3A.. ,RH"RA S3ACC)SSHR+)S3CH T)R +NA.( )nter valid name 'it can be any name, but give s&ort 0orm o0 t&e station you are con0iguring t&e switc& 0or! )g! RN>rames& nagar( Select CH 6 in connect using column 6 ,RH,)RT+)S3,HRT -N+CAT+HNS3CE,)R

Select Restore %e0aults tab in CH S)TT+N"S Click H#

A dialog bo: opens wit& t&e name you &ave given, Carry out t&e 0ollowing steps:>

"ive power supply to t&e switc& +nitialiDation o0 t&e switc& will be carried out! )nter into con0iguration mode 't&e screen will display CostnameQ(

6! )ntering into con0iguration mode 'to &ave t&e screen displaying CostnameQ( A0ter initialiDation o0 switc& is over, t&e instruction t&at comes on Cyper Terminal dialog bo: depends on t&e passwords already set in t&e switc&

T&ere are two users created in switc&, H,)RATHR3 ANA")R Ke can set password 0or any one o0 t&em, bot& o0 t&em or none o0 t&em

No password set 0or H,)RATHR3 ANA ")R Switc& will directly enter into con0ig! ode and Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display %ostname&

,assword set 0or bot& H,)RATHR3 ANA ")R Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display Username:Hperator 'ass(ord:&p T&en t&e display will be: %ostname) )nter en User name: anager 'ass(ord* &p Now, switc& will enter con0iguration mode! %ostname&

,assword set 0or only H,)RATHR

,assword set 0or only ANA")R

Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display Username:Hperator 'ass(ord:&p %ostname) en Now, switc& will enter con0iguration mode! %ostname&

Cyper Terminal dialog bo: will display Username: anager 'ass(ord:&p Now, switc& will enter con0iguration mode! %ostname& 'Cere Operator will not be accepted as user name(

"ive Username* anager

'ass(ord* &p At t&e 0irst instance itsel0, switc& will enter into con0ig!mode

2! Hnce, switc& enters into con0iguration mode, give 0ollowing command Costname Q Con0igure terminal

Costname'Con0ig( Q

@! C&anging t&e &ostname Costname is given to easily identi0y t&e location 0or w&ic& switc& is con0igured +t will be containing 0ive digits SK2RN! First t&ree digits will indicate t&e switc& number 'SK6> SCR, SK2 > Nort& )FH, SK@ 7 Sout& )FH(, last two digits will indicate t&e station! T&e switc& being con0igured may &ave any &ost name 'K&ic& we &ave re0erring to as Costname( Now, to c&ange t&e &ostname to new one 'lets say SK2RN(, give t&e 0ollowing command Costname'Con0ig( Q &ostname SK2RN Now, t&e display will c&ange to SK2RN'Con0ig( Q

B! Setting passwords 0or Hperator3 anager

+t is advisable to create bot& users H,)RATHR3 ANA")R, wit& password as &p 0or bot& o0 t&em "ive 0ollowing commands to set passwords 0or H,)RATHR3 ANA")R Setting password 0or operator

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q password operator user> name operator ,assword : &p Re>enter t&e password : &p

Setting password 0or manager

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q password manager user> name manager

,assword : &p Re>enter t&e password : &p

/! Con0iguring F.AN

Ke &ave to access F.AN 6, c&ange its name and con0igure its ip address )nter t&e 0ollowing commands:

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q F.AN 6 SK2RN'F.AN>6(Q name SK2RN

Eou can c&eck t&e c&anged name by giving t&e command s&ow ip, in w&ic& F.AN 6 will be named as SK2RN Now, give ip address as 0ollows:

SK2RN'F.AN>6(Q ip address 6=2!:::!/!yy 2//!2//!2/2!<

C&eck weat&er t&e ip address and sub>net mask &ave been c&anged by giving s&ow ip command

Return to con0iguration mode

SK2RN'F.AN>6(Q e:it SK2RN'Con0ig( Q

1! Setting %e0ault "ate way

"ive t&e 0ollowing command SK2RN'Con0ig(Q ip de0ault>gateway 6=2!:::!/!6 C&eck t&e c&anged de0ault>gateway by giving s&ow ip command

*! Con0iguring )TC)RN)T 6

"ive 0ollowing commands

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q inter0ace )t&ernet 6 SK2RN')t&>6( Q speed 6<<>0ull SK2RN')t&>6( Q e:it

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q

;! Creating and con0iguring snmp>server

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q snmp>server community public operator restricted SK2RN'Con0ig( Q snmp>server community public manager unrestricted SK2RN'Con0ig( Q snmp>server &ost 6*2!6*!/!6<* critical public

C&eck t&e c&anged parameters by giving s&ow snmp> server

=! ):iting con0iguration mode, saving t&e c&anges and logging o00

SK2RN'Con0ig( Q SK2RN'Con0ig( Q e:it SK2RN Q write memory SK2RN Q e:it SK2RN R e:it %o you want to log o00 'y3n( : y


Close Cyper Terminal and t&e switc& is con0igured 0or use

,assenger addressing system ',AS(

T&e passenger address system '+" is one o0 t&e systems t&at create a user 0riendly ambience in t&e % RC computer services and it plays a very important role as well!

As o0 date t&is system receives in0ormation 0rom t&e $IM" 'management so0tware( w&ic& is somet&ing similar to train timetable as per t&e present time it sends in0ormation to t&is system and t&e address is made! T&is is one o0 t&e reasons t&at a universal clock is reAuired and t&at is t&e reason t&e network is incorporated wit& a master clock server!

T&e sc&eme is suc& t&at t&e train driver &as in0ormation about t&e timings and &e &as to see t&at t&e train reac&es a particular station as per t&e time 0rame it &as been allotted, w&ic& is similar to normal railways! T&e t&ing t&at is making it a little bit di00erent 0rom t&e railway is t&at t&is timetable is a static one and so 0i:ed and is totally computeriDed w&ile t&at in t&e railways is a dynamic one and it is user controlled!

T&e present addressing s,stem in t&e station is in t&e 0ollowing way:

6! K&en t&e countdown reac&es 2 minutes t&en t&ere is an announcement t&at t&e train would be arriving in t&e plat0orm and t&is announcement is made only on t&e plat0orm on w&ic& t&e train is e:pected as well in t&e concourse area, t&roug& w&ic& t&e computers enter t&e station and its premises and i0 reAuired it can be &eard inside t&e SCRs'station control room( 2! ):actly at t&e end o0 t&e countdown it makes an announcement t&at t&e train is going to leave t&e plat0orm and t&e announcements are mentioned in t&e areas mentioned above!

@! +n case o0 announcements t&at are to be made by t&e SCR it can be made using t&e system t&at is available in t&e control rooms , w&ile t&ey can9t make it anot&er station as t&ey don9t &ave t&ose permissions and t&is can be done 0rom t&e HCC 'Hperational Control Center(! B! From t&e HCC t&e operator can select a station and t&e plat0orm in w&ic& t&e announcement &as to be made!

T&e '+" e-uipment will work in t&ree di00erent modes:

6! +utomati. Mode: t&e di00usion o0 t&e messages will be &eld t&roug& a weekly sc&eduled program! +n automatic mode t&e ,AS central system receives messages 0orm t&e central passenger in0ormation system involving data about train movements 'arrivals , departures(!t&e in0ormation is analyDed by ,AS t&at automatically launc&es announcements to t&e designated stations 2! Manual Central Mode: t&e system will be operated t&roug& t&e HCC operator t&at will direct manual messages to t&e microp&ones!

@.Manual Mode: t&e station operator independently 0rom HCC will control t&e system! T&e local ,AS at eac& train station is able to accept signals 0rom t&e local ):c&anger Net Client -nit to activate automatic prerecorded announcements 0rom t&e train station

Passenger Information Display System (PIDS):

'ID" stands /or 'assenger In/ormation Displa, ",stem w&ic& gives a very user 0riendly looks o0 t&e % RC to t&ese w&o avail t&e % RC services

T&e aim o0 t&e system is to display and announce tra00ic in0ormation and ot&er convenient in0ormation along t&e station and various plat0orm areas !T&e ,+%S allows t&e data input ,transmission and di00usion o0 in0ormation concerning t&e movements o0 trains in real time to all station users and t&e same 0or t&e application in main center using -ltra Brig&t .)% %isplay ,anels !T&e system &as capability to control virtually unlimited no! o0 stations w&ic& can be done by t&e con0iguration o0 t&e network design ! T&e ,+%S designed 0or t&e DMR$" network &as several 0unctions suc& as displaying train sc&eduling in0ormation and data related to train circulation like arrival and departure time!

T&e system is divided into two main parts: 6! $he Operational Control Center: t&is re0ers to all t&e eAuipments installed in t&e HCC !t&e details are : a! Server b! Assistant to C&ie0 Controller ,+%S 3,AS workstation c! ,+%S Backup Control ,anel 2! $he "tation ",stem: t&is re0ers to all t&e eAuipments installed in t&e terminal stations !t&e details are : a! KorkStation b! -ltra Brig&t .)% ,anels

T&e 'ID" .ompromises o0 t&e 0ollowing:

6! Central 'assenger In/ormation ",stem: it is located at HCC and includes t&e system server and t&e Assistant C&ie0 Controller Korkstation! 2! $he Remote 'assenger In/ormation ",stem : it is located at eac& station and includes t&e station server, t&e station + ' an ac&ine +nter0ace( position and -ltra Brig&t .)% ,anels! T&e station server located in eac& station receives periodic database at location in0ormation 0rom t&e HCC server! +n t&is manner it manages and controls t&e local -ltra Brig&t .)% ,anels!

$he 'ID" '+" work toget&er wit& eac& ot&er! T&e announcements take place t&roug& t&e ,AS so0tware!

T&e '+D" '+" hard(are includes:

6! Central+$" 0+utomati. $rain "uper1ision2: it provides source, destination, and timings in 0orm o0 packets! T&ere are B servers present out o0 w&ic& 2 &rs 0or line 6 and two 0or line 2! 2! Cluster "er1er* it sends timings and messages! +t is called Cluster because a set o0 recourses are s&ared by a no! o0 servers but only one server is t&e owner! @! "mart +rra, Controller: t&ere are two &ardwires o0 Smart Array Controller out o0 w&ic& one is redundant! +t is used 0or Raid < implementation 'in t&is two discs are mirrors o0 eac& ot&er( and cluster purpose! B! C Dri1e: in t&is system so0tware is loaded! /! ' Dri1e: in t&is all t&e ,+%S 3,AS related application is loaded! 1! 3 Dri1e: in t&is &otswapable discs are present!



T&e en&anced base transceiver system provides t&e RF inter0ace 0rom t&e master site to t&e mobile subscribers in a %imetra system! T&e )BTS consists o0 several eAuipment components: 4R: Base Radio , eac& &andles one RF 2/ #CD c&annel wit& 0our time slots! $"C: T)TRA Site controller! 5+": )nvironmental Alarm system provides an electrical inter0ace 0or internal and e:ternal site alarms and controlling 0unctions! RFD": RF %istribution system provides transmitter combining and receives signal distribution! T&e remote site eAuipment also includes transmit and receive antennas, ",S antenna, >B;v power supply and t&e telep&one company supplied :!26 line termination eAuipment! Farious )BTS con0igurations are available to meet t&e c&annel reAuirements 0or eac& site and provide 0rom B to 2; logical c&annels! T&e )BTS can be con0igured wit& up to seven base Radios 'BRs(, eac& o0 w&ic& provides 0our logical c&annels!

T&e )BTS can be con0igured wit& up to seven Base Radios 'BRs(, eac& o0 w&ic& provides 0our logical c&annels! An )BTS wit& up to 0our BRs is supplied in a single 2m 6=JJ cabinet and an )BTS wit& />* BRs is supplied in two 2m6=L cabinets!

T&e )BTS &as remote so0tware download capabilities and is remotely managed via t&e Sone manager! .ocal con0iguration and programming o0 t&e )BTS is accomplis&ed using t&e T)TRA )BTS service so0tware 'T)SS(!

54$" .omponents

T&e )BTS is comprised o0 one or two eAuipment cabinets, depending on &ow many BRs are reAuired! )ac& eAuipment cabinet contains base radio and RF distribution eAuipment! T&ere is one site controller and one )AS per )BTS and t&ese are contained in t&e prime cabinet! T&e eAuipment cabinet is a sel0 7contained 6!=metre cabinet t&at e contains t&e various eAuipment modules!

Breaker panel Munction panel'top o0 cabinet ( Cavity combiner Receiver multicoupler 'R C( and preselector trays )nvironmental Alarm system ')AS( Site Controller Base Radio '6 to B(

Hnly one site controller may be used in t&e 6!=m cabinet!

T&e site controller and Base Radio are interconnected via an )t&ernet local Area Network '.AN(!t&e site controller also provides t&e communication inter0ace between t&e master site and t&e )BTS via a !26 link!

4R5+65R '+N5L

T&e Breaker ,anel is mounted in t&e upper most location o0 t&e eAuipment cabinet! T&is is t&e central location 0or power distribution and overload protection o0 t&e eAuipment cabinet! )ac& circuit breaker is dedicated to a single module wit&in t&e eAuipment cabinet! T&e circuit breakers provide manual onTo00 control 0or t&e modules, as well as providing automatic disconnect in t&e event o0 an electrical overload!


T&e $unction panel provides a central location 0or cabinet grounding and intercabling ! Access to t&e $unction panel is gained 0rom t&e top to t&e eAuipment cabinet! T&e $unction panel is mounted at t&e top o0 t&e eAuipment cabinet toward t&e rear, as s&own in t&e 0ig!


T&e cavity combiner operates over t&e @;<>B@@ CD 0reAuency range and is available in eit&er manual tune or automatic tuning versions! T&e cavity combiner is mounted below t&e breaker panel in t&e eAuipment cabinet! +t &as a power monitor t&at is used to detect antenna system 0ailure! A transmit post 0ilter is present in t&e @!B CD sub>band con0iguration! T&is 0ilter is not present on t&e / CD con0iguration!

FIL$5R $R+9

T&e 0ilter tray contains t&e receiver preselector 0ilters! T&ere is one preselector 0ilter per receive diversity branc&! T&e output o0 t&e 0ilters is 0ed into t&e R C !,reselectors are reAuired 0or bot& t&e @!B CD and / CD con0igurations!


T&e receiver multicoupler 'R C( is an active receive multicoupler assembly t&at provides multiple receive signal ports! )ac& diversity branc& antenna is connected via a preslector 0ilter to module in t&e receiver multicoupler! )ac& R C module is t&en correspondingly connected to one receiver in eac& o0 t&e BRs ! T&e receiver multicouplers are mounted below t&e combiner!

5N8IRONM5N$ +L+RM "9"$5M

T&e environmental alarm system ')AS( provides a common inter0ace 0or alarm signals 0rom wit&in t&e )BTScabinet and 0orm e:ternal sources! ):amples o0 environmental conditions t&at could be monitored are site power, smoke detectors and intrusion 'burglar( detectors! Hnly one )AS is used per )BTS3

T&e )AS accepts B; alarm inputs and provides eig&t control outputs! T&e )AS inter0aces wit& t&e site controller via an +))) 62;B inter0ace!


T&e T)TRA Site Controller 'TSC( provides t&e 5!26 remote inter0ace to t&e aster Site and controls t&e BR operation over a local )t&ernet link! T&e TSC is capable o0 controlling up to seven BRs and consists o0 t&e 0ollowing modules: ,ower ,C mot&erboard Front panel swit&ces,indicators, and test connectors +nternal power supply Site re0erence +SA'SR+( card 5!26 inter0ace card )t&ernet .AN ,C+').,( card Flas& memory card Transient protection card

Site controller 0ront panel switc&es, indicators, and test connectors

T&e site controller 0ront panel is eAuipped wit& several switc&es, indicators, and test connectors as 0ollows: ,ower switc& ,us&button C,- reset Red and green .)%s to indicate t&e status o0 t&e )BTS Trunking status .)% indicators BNC port 0or monitoring time30reAuency standard signals %B= service access connector 0or an 7 ac&ine inter0ace'


"ite .ontroller po(er supplies T&e internal power supply converts t&e rack >B;v to >1<v power '>BB to >1<vdc(!

"ite .ontroller site re/eren.e .ard

T&is card provides a time 30reAuency re0erence 0or t&e )BTS! +t uses t&e ",S signal to ensure t&at t&e re0erence is accurate and t&at )BTS is sync&roniDed wit& its ad$acent sites!

"ite .ontroller :.2! inter/a.e .ard

T&is card is a two 7port serial card t&at inter0aces t&ere ,C+ bus used by t&e site controller to t&e 5!26 link used to communicate wit& t&e master site!

"ite .ontroller 5thernet L+N 'CI 05L'2 .ard

T&is card provides t&e )t&ernet inter0ace between t&e site controller and t&e base radios!

"ite .ontroller /lash memor, .ard

T&is card inter0aces to t&e C,- via t&e +SA bus! T&e card provides permanent storage 0or )BTS e:ecutable, con0iguration, and log 0iles!

"ite .ontroller $ransient prote.tion .ard

T&is card provides transient protection 0or t&e +))) 62;B parallel +3H data between t&e mot&erboard and t&e )AS!

4+"5 R+DIO T&e base radio 'BR( provides reliable digital communications capabilities by incorporating compact so0tware 7 controlled design! +ncrease c&annel capacity is ac&ieved t&roug& voice compression tec&niAues and time division multiple:ing! )ac& BR is made up o0 t&e 0ollowing FR-s:

Base radio controller'BRC( ,ower supply Receiver ):citer ,ower ampli0ier

4ase radio .ontroller

T&e base radio controller 'BRC( serves as t&e main controller o0 t&e base radio! T&e BRC provides signal processing and operational control o0 t&e ot&er base radio modules!

4ase radio d. po(er suppl,

T&e receiver provides t&e receive t&e 0unctions 0or t&e base radio! T&e receiver module contains t&ere separate receivers to allow receive diversity using multiple receive antennas!

4ase radio e:.iter T&e e:citer, in con$unction wit& t&e power ampli0ier ',A(, provides t&e modulation and transmitter 0unctions 0or t&e base radio!

4ase radio po(er ampli/ier T&e ,A, in con$unction wit& t&e e:citer, provides t&e transmitter 0unctions 0or t&e base radio! T&e ,A accepts t&e low>level modulated RF signal 0rom t&e ):citer and ampli0ies t&e signal 0or transmission via t&e RF output connector!

Radio /re-uen., distri;ution s,stem T&e radio 0reAuency distribution system 'RF%S( accepts inputs 0rom t&e transmitters in t&e )BTS, and combines t&ese to allow t&e transmitters to 0eed into a single antenna! T&e RF%S uses cavity combining 0or minimum insertion loss, ma:imum RF power dissipation and increased c&annel capacity! inimum 0reAuency separation 0or t&e cavity combiner is 6/< #CD 0or )BTS plat0orm release 2'2/< #CD 0or plat0orm release 6(!

T&e receiver multicoupler 'R C( is logically considered part o0 t&e RF%S, but is p&ysically contained in a separate FR- below t&e RF%S! T&e R C is an active receive multicoupler assembly t&at provides multiple receive signal ports 0rom a single antenna! )ac&

diversity branc& antenna is connected to a receiver multicoupler ! As standard t&e )BTS is eAuipped wit& two R Cs to support dual branc& diversity! )ac& R C is t&en correspondingly connected to one receiver in eac& o0 t&e BRs! A receiver ampli0ier and splitter are provided to support receiver diversity 0or multiple BR operation!

System Block Diagram

TRIU (Front Cab)
Maintenance -ata Port Au#. -ata Port
.%212 &*pins( .%212 &*pins( 1 .%)22 & pins(




.%)22 & pins( .%)223Audio 4ut &1 pins(

!.$/ &.ear Ca0( .adio Control 6ead

!ransit Antenna " %B*+00 &20pins( %B*+00 &20pins( .%)22 3 Audio &11pins(

AVA% &PA %yste'(

PA %peaker

.adio %peaker

%B*+00 Audio & pins( .%212 &*pins( Accessories Link &*pins( .%)22 3 Audio &11pins(


M!M"00 !ransceiver Bo#


.%)223 Audio &11pins(





Back Panel




.olling %tock -ry Contacts #

110V -C

12V %upply

-%u0 Fe'ale Connector -$5 Male Connector &),pins(

Copyright iFocus Pte Ltd All rights reserved 1 May 2002 Ver 1. 0



$5!.4-/C!$45 C75!.AL C4MP/!7. &CC( %!A!$45 C4MP/!7. &%C( P.4-/C!$45 %7.V7. &P%( P487. %/PPL9 7:/$PM75!% 1. !$C;7! 4FF$C7 MAC6$57 &!4M( 2. B/L; $5$!$AL$%A!$45 MAC6$57 &B$M( 1. <A!7 ). !9P7 4F <A!7 . !$C;7! .7A-7. +. C45!AC!L7%% %MA.! !4;75 &C%!( ". C45!AC!L7%% %MA.! CA.- &C%C(


+n t&is we studied about t&e 0are collection system o0 % RC! T&is 0eature is not available in +N%+AN RA+.KAES! T&e AFC is composed o0: Hne central computer 0or all system Hne station computer by station Several eAuipment o0 several types 'TH , B+ , "AT), ,T%(

C75!.AL C4MP/!7. &CC(

T&e central computer is t&e central level 0or t&e automatic 0are collection system! +ts main 0eature is: To communicate wit& all station computer To store t&e transaction and audit data in order to central 0unction based on collection To per0orm t&e eAuipment management To in0orm operator about eAuipment alarm, events! To provide report on transport activities T&e central computer is composed o0 data center '%C(, iddle Kare Server ' S(, Arc&iving Server 'AS( and .ocal Kork Station! +t is able to communicate wit& SC and ,C via t&e KAN!

%!A!$45 C4MP/!7. &%C(

T&e station computer is t&e station level 0or t&e AFC system o0 % RC! +ts main 0unction is:

Collect ticket usage transaction update audit registers 0rom station computer and ot&er eAuipment 0or transmission to t&e computer %istribution to t&e CC o0 events and alarm data +t also s&ows t&e current gate status and respective component &ealt&

,HK)R S-,,.E

6! R)N-+R) )NT HF -,S:> a! To provide back up incase o0 input power supply 0ailure! b! To protect our system 0rom power line irregularities! c! To provide power to t&e system wit& stable voltage, 0reAuency! 2! ,HK)R .+N) +RR)"-.AR+T+)S:> a! Hver voltage 'voltage R F speci0ied 0or more t&an 6< cycles( b! -nder voltage 'voltage U F speci0ied 0or more t&an 6< cycles( c! Spikes and Transients '"enerated by switc&ing action o0 devices in power line! T&ey can be o0 value t&at range up to 2< times o0 peak voltage!( d! FreAuency distortion! e! Carmonic distortion! 0! Black Hut! g! Surges3Swells '@>6< cycles o0 over voltage(! &! Sags ' @>6< cycles o0 under voltage, mainly due to start o0 ot&er devices online( i! Kave 0orm distortion!


HFF .+N)

HN .+N)

.+N) +NT)RACT+F)

a2 HFF .+N) -,S:>




A+NS +3,

H-T ,-T

H00 .ine -,S c&aracteristics:>

H00 .ine -,S c&aracteristics:> 6! +nput disturbances are directly going to load! 2! No voltage stabiliDation, regulation! @! .oad switc&ing takes place using a TRF relay, w&ic& is slow and t&ere will be breakage in continuity o0 t&e supply! ;2 LIN5 IN$5R+C$I85 U'" *<


A+NS +3,




.ine interactive -,S C&aracteristics:> 6! AFR 'Automatic Foltage Regulator( is used, w&ic& stabiliDes t&e input to certain e:tent, but input irregularities are not taken care o00! 2! +NFTR3CCAR")R is a single circuit , w&ic& works as c&arger 0or battery and as inverter w&ile t&e load is catered by battery! @! .oad switc&ing takes place using a TRF relay, w&ic& is slow and t&ere will be breakage in continuity o0 t&e supply!

.2 ONLIN5 U'" *<


A+NS +N,-T

H-T,-T R)CTF+) R



BATT) RE BAN# Hn .ine -,S C&aracteristics:> +nput will not be 0ed directly! +nput power is recti0ied and reconverted to AC, during w&ic& all input irregularities are 0iltered and removed! No switc&ing action during power i3p c&ange over! Sero switc&ing time between ups output and bypass!

'O#5R "U''L9 C%+IN IN +FC "9"$5M *<

T&e input to t&e AFC -,S system comes 0rom two sources namely

%B' ain %istribution

Board( and ),, ')ssential ,ower ,anel( located in t&e )4 ,ower Room! )it&er o0 t&e source can be selected 0rom a C&ange Hver Switc& located in t&e -,S room, w&ic& will 0urt&er 0eed t&e -,S! T&e output 0rom %B does not &ave any back up and directly 0eeds t&e input coming 0rom t&e 0eeder source, and %B 0eeds t&e non>essential loads! K&ere as, t&e output o0 ),, will &ave t&e back up o0 %" set, w&ic& will automatically get switc&ed on upon t&e 0ailure o0 input 0rom 0eeder source!

So, 0or AFC system we &ave two input sources, and we will always keep t&e input selector switc& in ),,'%"V A+NS( position!
D$L'%el&i Transco .td!(

R"" 'Receiving Sub Station(

+"" 'Au:iliary Sub Station(

11 #F

@@ #F

B6/ v, @



%" Set

To non essential loads


To essential loads

To AFC -,S System /! IN$RODUC$ION $O "U'5R 4== " *<

a! ,arallel Redundant -,S! b! Kide +nput Foltage Fariation o0 V2/ P, >@< P! c! Kide 0reAuency variation o0 V3> 6< P!
F5+$UR5" OF " 4== *<

6! Temperature compensated battery c&arging to en&ance t&e battery li0e! 2! Black start3 Cold start 0acility at 0ull load as standard! @! Common Battery! B! Ad$ustable sync&roniDation band 0rom V3> 6 CD to V3> @ CD in t&e steps o0 6 CD! /! +nput, Hut ,ut, Bypass and %!C! ,arameters measured on t&e .C%! 1! Cttp3SN , compatible! SN , is used in AFC system to supervise t&e -,S system remotely! *! 2<< )vents can be stored in t&e memory! ;! icroprocessor based control system 0or -,S! =! All t&e vital in0ormation about t&e -,S will be displayed on t&e 0ront +!

1! L+9 OU$ OF U'" "9"$5M*<

+N,-T S-,,.E, B6/ F, @ , @ K+R)S K+R)S +N,-T TH -,S SEST) S B6/ F, @ , B







H-T ,-T 2@< F AC , 6

-,S ).)CTR+CA.



E"O #

5FO 2

TO$ O" "#

TO$ O" "2

$IC65$ OFFIC5 M+C%IN5 0$OM2

T&e TH provides t&e AFC system wit& all services involved by t&e transport ticket delivery to t&e users! T&is is o0 sale terminal is a semi automatic mac&ine manually operated by dedicated employees o0 t&e % RC !t&e mac&ine is a standard personal computer connected to di00erent perip&erals! T&e main services o0 TH are:

Ticket Sale Ticket Reloading Ticket Cancel Replacement o0 damaged card


T&e &ardware reAuirements 0or TH : A computer wit& an +ntel ,entium>B 2!; giga&ertD processor =6/ +ntel ,entium ot&erboard

2/1 megabytes ' B( RA B< gigabytes '"B( &ard disk A C%RH drive

Hnboard .AN 6<36<<36<<< ,C+ ulti +3H Adaptor ouse

#eyboard and

Be0ore t&e installation o0 t&e TH so0tware and connection it ot t&e intranet we 0irst intall a disk image so0tware called as "CHST!


"&ost is a Norton utility and it is used to capture a re0erence computer image, Ke are using t&at image 0or installation o0 TH ! Since we are using C,- o0 same &ardware con0iguration in customer care and Booking o00ice! +t is easier and 0aster to use "&ost image as compared to 0ormatting, installing windows and applications, do 0urt&er settings in individual system

230AC/33 DC

Serial Patron display


Receipt printer

Serial link

230AC/ 5AC Link Link Serial Link

!oken auto=>eeder

PC Ethernet link To SC Display Mouse Keyboard

CSC module

CSC Antenna

230AC/ 12 DC Link

Mains Power




!he gate e?uip'ent controls the access to .ail@ay lines. $t is 'ade o> stainless steel housing @hich is styled @ith >lo@ing curves that guides the passenger into the aisle A presenting the passenger @ith the 'odern s'art card and token validation target @hile a hi=tech color graphic display provides passenger in>or'ation. !he gate e?uip'ent is co'puter 0ased auto'atic 'achine that consist o> a stainless steel ca0inet 'anaging central retracta0le 0arrier lea> also called >lap. !he gate is operated 0yB !he passenger !he operation sta>> !he 'aintenance sta>> !he gate allo@s checking the entrance into the paid area. !he gate is linked to the station net@ork in order to dialog @ith station co'puter

TYPES O" %ATE 1. 2. 1. ). 7ntry only <ate 7#it only gate Bi=directional gateB >or entry and e#it 0oth Bi=directional hy0ridB the gate is >or the handicapped peopleA can is used entry and e#it 0oth. . $ncident 'odeB !he 'ode can 0e selected @henever so'e incident occurs. !here @ill not 0e any >ine charged >or staying 'ore than 120 'inutes in the station. +. 7'ergency 'odeB !his is the top priority 'ode .$n case o> e'ergency this 'ode is selected and gates get open and no ticket is checked.



anages "ate overall operation Contains t&e "ate Hperating So0tware


is responsible 0or:>

+nitialiDation o0 "ate ode anagement

Falidation o0 media at S F3S A Aut&oriDation o0 passage a0ter validating media -C -C %H communicates wit& SC operates at 2@@ is o0 1B B B CD clock 0reAuency

%RA > @2

B e:tendible to 62;

NFRA > /62 #B

,C is responsible 0or passage management wit& aut&oriDation 0rom -C +t monitors t&e passenger movement t&roug& 61 pairs o0 sensors

Controls t&e movement o0 0laps Controls ")%

FL+' +""5M4L9
Flap assembly consists o0 Stopper Bolt +B, otor, Solenoid, .imit Switc&, +,S,

+B inter0aces all t&e e:ternal connectors to 0lap assembly otor is o0 %C type operating at B; F %C

Solenoid moves t&e 0lap .imit switc& indicates t&e latc&ing o0 0lap arm to solenoid +,S '+nduction ,ro:imity Switc&( limits t&e movement o0 0lap logically Stopper Bolt limits t&e movement o0 0lap mec&anically

"M+ "M8

S A3S F are t&e media validating inter0aces o0 t&e gate wit& passengers S F is placed at entry side and validates bot& CSC3CST S A is placed at e:it side validating CSC3CST and capturing t&e CST

-,S ensures t&e input power to gate modules is in t&e speci0ied parameters +t allows t&e "AT) to s&utdown properly w&en input power goes o00 +t communicates wit& t&e -C power to gate and indicates t&e availability o0 t&e

+t generates t&e %C power reAuired by gate modules +t uses switc& mode tec&niAue 0or %C generation +t converts t&e 2@< v AC output o0 "ate -,S into 2B F %C +t 0eeds t&e 2B F %C to -C 0eeds S A3S F and %ispatc&er cards w&ic& 0urt&er


T&ere are si:teen pairs o0 optical sensors located on eac& gate T&ese sensors will track t&e passenger movement t&roug& t&e isle 61 sensors are divided into B Dones Sensors de0ining t&e Done will c&ange depending on t&e t&e direction o0 passage

D+$+ FLO#
,resentation o0 media to S A3S F CSC reader reads it Aut&oriDation by -C ,+% in0orms passenger Falidation or error tone 0rom .S +0 valid -C gives command to ,.C

,.C operates t&e 0lap mec&anism

Tracks t&e passenger movement wit& 61 pairs o0 sensors ,.C closes t&e 0laps immediately a0ter passenger clears sa0ety Done ,.C sends passage completion to -C -C records t&e transaction and upload it to SC

G+$5 $9'5"
)NTRE )5+T R)F)RS+B.) CEBR+%3K+%)

MOD5" G+$5 MOD5"

)ntry mode ):it mode Bi>directional mode Hut o0 service Station close Aisle normally close Aisle normally open

F+R5 MOD5"
Normal )ntry3):it override Time mode override +ncident mode )mergency mode

T&e ticket reader is 0ree standing sel0>service eAuipment installed in t&e station concourse! T&e TR is used 0or a rapid and user>0riendly display, in )nglis& and in Cindi 0or in0ormation stored in CSC and CST! +t enables to c&eck t&e validation o0 t&e ticket

,ortable ticket decoder +t is a device to c&eck t&e contact less media compliance to business rules used +t is a portable magnetic contact less card reader 0or inspector in order to c&eck t&e validity o0 CSC3CST

CON$+C$L5"" "M+R$ $O65N 0C"$2 T&e token used in % RC are used 0or single $ourney! Hnce we buy a token and enter in station t&en t&at token will be valid unto 62< minutes!

CON$+C$L5"" "M+R$ C+RD 0C"C2 T&ese are t&e e:tension o0 a smart token! +ndividuals w&o use t&we %el&i etro 0reAuently use t&em! T&ere t&e card &as a value already credited to it! +t &as t&e memory siDe o0 /*1 bytes! +t stores data upto seven years! +t9s li0e time is long! +t is made up o0 plastic material t&at can be easily recycled and &as least environmental impact! +t is pro:y! /gm in weig&t! T&e CST and CSC can be communicated at a distance o0 6<< mm !


$%+N6 9OU

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