Government Midterm Review 1 Through 3

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Mid-Term Review Guide
AP American Government and Politics
Stevenson High School
Foundations, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Federalism, Culture :Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
1. How did Congress and the states operate under the Articles of Confederation?
2. What were the major problems with the Articles and how did the Constitution set to rectify those problems?
3. What was Shays Rebellion and how did it influence the Constitution Convention?
4. Which aspect of the Constitution reflects popular, majoritarian democracy? Why?
5. What were the Federalist Papers? What is their significance?
6. What were the major arguments in Federalist #10? How did those arguments impact our democracy?
7. Why are checks and balances such an important facet of American democracy? Give a couple examples of
checks and balances.
8. Explain the significance Shenk vs. US? What right/s did the clear and present danger test limit? Why?
9. Define symbolic speech. Give examples. Why is that right deemed so important?
10. Explain the significance of the Gideon case.
11. Explain the significance of Marbury v. Madison.
12. Explain the significance of McCulloch v. Maryland.
13. Define due process. What are some due process rights given to persons when arrested and charged with a
serious crime?
14. Explain the significance of the Miranda case.
15. Explain the significance of Roe. V. Wade and Griswold v. Connecticut. How are those two cases linked?
16. Explain Title 9. What major piece of legislation is Title 9 a part of? What is the significance of Title 9?
17. Explain the significance of Baker v. Carr.
18. Explain the significance of Brown v. Board of Education. Which prior Supreme Court case did it overturn.
19. Explain the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What power did Congress use to justify this
federal mandate?
20. Explain the significance of Mapp v. Ohio.
21. Explain the significance of selective incorporation.
22. Explain historic tools used in the south to limit black participation in elections after the passage of the 14
and 15
23. Explain the significance of the Civil Rights amendments?
24. Define bill of attainder. Why was it added in the Constitution?
25. Define habeas corpus petition.
26. Explain the significance of the Great compromise.
27. What are the five provisions of the first amendment?
28. Explain the two clauses pertaining to freedom of religion. Explain the significance of the wall of
29. Name the most common method of amending the Constitution. How does it reflect the federal structure of
the US government?
30. Define the necessary and proper clause. How does it impact the federal and state governments?
31. Define the 10
amendment. Why is it called the reserved powers clause?
32. Which expressed power has been used most often by the federal government to expand its power?
33. Define fiscal and cooperative federalism.
34. Define block grants. Categorical grants.
35. Define unfunded mandate.
36. Define elite theory. Pluralist theory. What are the differences between the two theories?
37. How has American political culture changed since the 1950s? Why has that changed occurred?
38. Define federalism.
39. Which three arenas are still truly under local authority?
40. Explain the significance of welfare reform (i.e. from AFDC to TANF).
AP American Government and Politics: 2
Mid-Term Review Guide
Stevenson High School
1. Identify which demographic groups vote consistently for the Democratic Party? Which demographic group
votes most consistently for democrats.
2. Identify which demographic groups have the highest voter turnout.
3. Explain the relationship between socioeconomic status and participation in politics?
4. Explain the relationship between increasing suffrage rights since 1970 and voter turnout.
5. Discuss voter turnout patterns in American today.
6. Discuss the type of voters that vote in primaries compared to those that vote in general elections.
7. Explain the significance of split-ticket voting.
8. Define referendum.
9. Define political efficacy.
10. Explain the significance of political socialization.
11. Identify the most common form of political activity.
12. Identify which positions (i.e. President, Supreme Court) registered voters directly elect.
13. Identify the most important influence on the choice made by voters in presidential elections.
14. Identify the primary function of PACs.
15. PACs representing which groups have grown most substantially since the 1970s.
16. Define public monies.
17. Explain the significance of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.
18. Explain the significance of the incumbency advantage.
19. Discuss the main difference between political parties and interest groups.
20. Define single member district.
21. Explain the significance of front loading.
22. Define open and closed primary.
23. Discuss the changes that have occurred in the presidential nominating process over the past three decades.
24. Define party machine.
25. Explain the significance of critical elections and party realignment.
26. Explain how the winner take all system fosters a two party system.
27. Discuss the causes of weakened political parties.
28. Define plurality election.
29. Explain the significance of judicial activism.
30. Explain the significance of judicial restraint.
31. Define the doctrine of original intent.
32. Discuss checks and balances on judicial power.
33. Discuss the process for appointing federal judges.
34. Identify the most important source of the Supreme Courts caseload.
35. Explain the significance of amicus briefs.
36. Discuss the relationship between the Supreme Court and public opinion.
37. Discuss the Supreme Courts actions with respect to disputes between Congress and the President.
38. Define the rule of four.
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1.Explain the complex anu often contentious ielationship between the Piesiuent anu cabinet
2.Explain the piocess foi choosing the piesiuent if theie is no majoiity in the electoial college.
S.Explain the pluiality, winnei take all system foi the electoial college.
4.Explain the significance of "hoise-iace" jouinalism.
S.Explain the agenua setting function of the meuia.
6.Biscuss the constitutionalfoimalinstitutional poweis of the Piesiuent. (be suie to incluue
which iequiie auvice anu consent of the Senate anu which uo not.)
7.Explain the significance of the piesiuential executive oiuei.
8.Biscuss the piesiuent's ability to use the meuia to set the policy agenua.
9.Explain the significance of piesiuential executive agieement.
1u.Befine line item veto.
11.Explain the significance of an iion tiiangle.
12.Explain the significance of the White Bouse 0fficeWhite Bouse Staff.
1S.Befine fiscal policy.
14.Biscuss the main iole of the Feueial Reseive Boaiu.
1S.Explain the significance of entitlement spenuing.
16.Explain the significance of the 0ffice of Nanagement anu Buuget.
17.Explain the significance of inuepenuent iegulatoiy commissionsagencies.
18.Explain the significance of !" $% &'()*%
19.Explain the significance of the Fieeuom of Infoimation Act.
2u.Biscuss what chaiacteiistics a piesiuent consiueis when selecting a iunning mate oi vice
21.Explain the significance of the Wai Poweis Act.
22.Explain the significance of the Rules Committee in the Bouse.
2S.Biscuss the piocess of geiiymanueiing.
24.Befine the fianking piivilege.
2S.Explain the significance of the incumbency auvantage.
26.Explain the significance of poik baiiel legislation eai maiks.
27.Explain the significance of lobbying.
28.Biscuss the majoi similaiities anu uiffeiences between the Bouse of Reps anu the Senate.
29.Explain the significance of the committee system in the Bouse.
Su.Explain the significance of the subcommittee system.
S1.Explain the significance of the committee chaii in the Bouse of Reps.
S2.Befine confeience committee.
SS.Explain the significance of clotuie iulemotion.
S4.Befine pocket veto.
SS.Biscuss the foimalexpiesseuconstitutionalinstitutional tools useu by Congiess foi
oveisight of the buieauciacy.
S6.Explain the significance of linkage institutions.
S7.Explain the significance of the Piesiuent's powei in foieign policy.
S8.Explain the significance of inteistate commeice.
S9. Explain the significance of uiviueu goveinment.

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