Fiona Farr Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland
A recent practice in the study of language on teacher education programmes has been the use of electronic corpora, and we are therefore still at the initial stages of exploring key issues relating to their integration. Despite arguments for and against their adaptation, there is a dearth of evaluative research examining student teachers perceptions of learning and teaching through corpus-based activities. This paper has two main foci. Firstly, it reports some of the ways in which corpora have been incorporated into a language systems module on an MA in English Language Teaching (ELT) programme over a two-year period. More signicantly, it outlines the ndings from survey results, which uncover student teachers perspectives on their experiences of using corpora. Additionally, it explores the potentials and problems foreseen by these practitioners in relation to using such an approach in their careers. The investigation of these pertinent issues with a participant group of 25 student teachers (STs) leads to the conclusion that there is generally a positive predisposition towards the use of corpora. These attitudes vary in relation to the projected adaptation in EL teaching, and the results also show that the real teaching scenario often does not permit the ideal of full application.
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of Vygotsky (e.g. Bruner, 1985; Vygotsky, 1978) have had some effect in western educational approaches, even in the last fteen years. Traditional philosophies have changed somewhat, and Kozulin (1998) frames these changes in the comparison of what he and others (e.g. Kinginger, 2002) discuss as retrospective versus prospective education (the terms progressive and regressive are sometimes used to refer to the same or similar concepts): Traditional education is retrospective because teachers teach students how to reproduce already known answers to previously posed questions and how to use skills that have proved to be useful in the past. Under the dynamic conditions of modernity, the necessity of prospective education becomes obvious. Prospective education implies that students should be capable of approaching problems that do not exist at the moment of their learning. (Kozulin, 1998: 67) The shift has been from acquiring information to cognitive development, from reproductive to productive knowledge, and this can be seen clearly in the changing modes of learning in educational institutions. Traditionally, knowledge has been delivered through transmitting predetermined cultural norms and traditions that could be reproduced by students when solving problems. Prospective approaches imply that the body of knowledge should be creative so that students can deal with problems that do not already exist at the time of learning (Halliwell, 1993). Notions and practices of co-construction and co-authoring become paramount within this developmental paradigm. Under the retrospective model (also referred to as banking education in the US tradition: see for example Crookes, 1997: 74), material is a body of knowledge with xed rules for its application, which are deemed necessary for an individual to become educated. The material is transmitted and the cognitive capabilities required of students for the effective processing of the information are assumed. The teacher has three roles: to deliver content, evaluate student performance and serve as a model of an accomplished, educated individual. Consequently, students are required to learn the material and display knowledge on request. They are expected to possess normative cognitive characteristics required for these tasks, allowing them to t into the institutionalised organisation of the school. These roles and relationships are reborn within a socioculturally shaped progressive educational philosophy. The focus moves to the ongoing and future development of students cognitive strategies, which are dependent on sociocultural forces. The learners role is an active one emanating from two underlying theoretical assumptions (Kozulin, 1998: 157). Firstly, Piagets recognition of a childs need for a stimulating, problem-solving environment so that natural curiosity and ability to discover can be optimised. And secondly, Vygotskys assertions that the child as an independent learner is the outcome and not the starting point of the educational process (for a fuller relative discussion of Piagetian and Vygotskian views, see Kozulin, 1998: Chap. 2; Nyikos & Hashimoto, 1997: 506507). The learner is imbued with responsibility to co-construct knowledge in an environment which is stimulating, interesting, playful and interpersonal. This process is supported by the teacher and others, in what has been termed the guided construction of knowledge (Mercer,
1995). Additionally, the diversity of learner prole is recognised as a product of differences in educational background, linguistic and cultural histories and specic needs, abilities and preferences. This is evidenced by the already existing and growing body of literature on individual learner styles, needs and other variables (e.g. Oxford, 1996; Revell & Norman, 1997). Also, learning materials reect the emerging learner roles and within the prospective framework are designed not to contain specic, pre-determined, informational norms, but to support learning in the form of more creative, interactive, problem-based activities, which recognise the importance of cognitive development through education. The notion of language awareness (as discussed below) as opposed to the more traditional language or content knowledge is very much in tting with these generally philosophical and practical changes in LTE. Of course, the reality of contemporary education is most often a combination of the more traditional modes of delivery with the newer discovery and supportive models, and indeed it is very likely that such complementarity works well in most contexts. Secondly, let us return to the issue of technology and its impact on modern day educational society. Many commentators (e.g. Chapelle, 2001; Cummins, 2000) have for some time spoken of the digital space in which we live. We now nd ourselves in a post-industrial era based on the management of information at a highly technical level. As I have commented elsewhere, Literacy is no longer just about reading and writing. Society now demands multi-literacies (Warschauer, 2000), which include a high prociency in digital and on-line competencies (see also Doering & Beach, 2002; Pennington, 2001 for related discussions) (OKeeffe & Farr, 2003: 389). Transferring this notion of recalibration to language study, conventional consultation, assimilation and production skills developed through paper-based trails should be expanded to encompass the use of electronically based language resources. Consequently, teachers need to have the necessary technical capabilities and these should be acquired or honed during their formal LTE. It logically follows that language teacher educators have a fundamental obligation in this respect. In addition, it has been argued and documented that promoting critical attitudes and developing conceptual as well as practical frameworks as regards the potential role of technology for language learning are the key to meaningful future integration (Egbert et al., 2002; Meskill et al., 2002). This will help provide a strong cognitive basis for one of the most crucial roles of language teachers in todays climate, that of lifelong learner. Despite such support and encouragement for the adaptation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to language contexts, it would be remiss not to show an awareness of ensuing complexities. Teachers have many concerns about the use of ICT: scarcity of computers, limited access to networked machines, inadequate levels of technical support in schools, time pressures, lack of resources and materials, dearth of direction and guidelines as well as inadequate training (e.g. Murray, 1998). Conversely, some authors suggest that, despite the many incentives and opportunities afforded to teachers in more privileged environments to pioneer the use of technology, a surprising degree of resistance remains (Cuban, 2001). In addition, there are many risks associated with blind adaptation and integration. Issues of access and credibility, knowledge control and moderation, criticality, misinformation and censorship and privacy and community, may be relevant. However, such complexities serve to
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strengthen the argument that critical technological awareness and skills development be included in initial teacher education programmes in order to future proof (Barnes & Murray, 1999: 178) the teachers of tomorrow. How can instructors astutely tackle such issues and dilemmas without rst-hand appreciation and control of what they might be? Through the inclusion of ICT in initial teacher education programmes, we also help trainees advance their general computer abilities and extend their methodological skills. Potentially, there are also affective benets ensuing from the renewed energy, positive attitude, increased condence (Egbert et al., 2002: 110) and teacher empowerment (Tammelin, 2001) experienced upon successful mastery. It has been concluded that it is primarily through active participation with technology as opposed to receiving instruction about technology that pre-service teachers learn to recognise the value of technology tools (Doering & Beach, 2002: 128). Such training and application often aids the promotion of selfand semi-autonomous learning in a freer learning environment (Benson, 2001). Though evident, it is pertinent to be reminded that there are advantages and disadvantages associated with all methods, all materials and pedagogic apparatus, and computer technology is no exception. This has not and will not detract from the need for its integration in language teacher education programmes. This means instruction in on-line resources, a range of CALL software, multimedia programmes, generic packages and language corpora. It is against this double backdrop of progressive educational practices and the use of ICT for education that this paper discusses and evaluates how corpus technology has been integrated and evaluated as part of the language awareness component of an MA in ELT programme over a two-year period. Before proceeding to the empirical study and results, the next section will discuss the place that corpus linguistics (CL) has played in the study of language and in the promotion of language awareness in classroom contexts to date.
produces cluster and collocation lists, and most software has a keyword tool, which allows a comparison of lexis between corpora to identify relatively signicant items. In this way, it becomes easier to comment on the collocation, colligation, semantic preference (Sinclair, 1996) and semantic prosody (Louw, 1993) of lexico-grammatical items. A useful distinction, for both teaching and research purposes, is between a corpus-driven approach and a corpus-based approach (Tognini-Bonelli, 2001, see also McCarthy, 1998). A corpus-driven approach implies no predispositions, hypotheses or prejudices before searching the data, approaching it without any frameworks, categories or taxonomies, but allowing the corpus to dictate the formation of same, and is the approach favoured by Sinclair, Tognini-Bonelli and also those working in a purely inductive data-driven learning tradition (Johns, 1991). A corpus-based approach, on the other hand, treats the corpus as an adjunct to the development of theoretical positions (Butler, 2002: 2), the philosophy and ideas are taken for granted beforehand, and the corpus is simply used to reinforce those ideas (McCarthy, 1998: 22). This is the stance taken by those who use corpora to test theoretical frameworks, which had been formulated without data (Harris, 1995: 120), and those who utilise theoretical frameworks to aid in the interpretation of the corpus data. This often, and incidentally, produces a modication of such frameworks or the production of entirely new ones. Two broad approaches have developed within the eld of CL. McCarthy et al. (2002: 70), exemplify as follows: Broadly, corpus linguistics may be performed in two ways: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach usually looks for the largest corpus possible [. . . . .] from as wide a range of sources as possible. These data are then analysed computationally and the output comprises sets of gures that tell the discourse analyst about the frequency of occurrence of words, phrases, collocations or structures. These statistics are then used to produce dictionaries, grammars and so on. But for the discourse analyst, statistical facts raise the question Why?, and the answers can only be found by looking at the contexts of the texts in the corpus. Discourse analysts, therefore, work with corpora in a qualitative way. In this way, corpus researchers in the latter tradition use the statistics to formulate and check hypotheses and research questions to be explored more closely in a qualitative way (e.g. Farr & OKeeffe, 2004). At the other end of the continuum, linguists focus strongly on frequencies, patterns, recurrence (e.g. Biber et al., 1998; Hunston & Francis, 1998; Kennedy, 2002). This does not mean to suggest that one approach excludes the other, simply that one takes precedence over the other resulting from differences in interest and objectives. Both approaches are explored on the MA in ELT programme considered here, although the former is more frequently practised. Clearly then, as a methodology and research tool in many elds related to LTE and language teaching, CL has been making its mark (however, as some have noted, it has not had an easy passage into the classroom: e.g. Bernardini, 2004: 15; Sinclair 2004b: 1). Although the application of corpora in the compilation of dictionaries (e.g. Gillard & Gadsby, 1998) and more recently grammar
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reference materials (e.g. Carter & McCarthy, 2006) has become mainstream, according to Sinclair (2004b: 2), two developments have led the language teaching profession to realise their potential for use in the classroom. Firstly, the teaching of lexical and phraseological patterns (e.g. McCarthy & Carter, 2004; Schmitt, 2004) needed higher priority and these are best accessed through corpora, and secondly language variety, register and genre have a determining inuence on language choice and use (e.g. Farr & OKeeffe, 2004; Reppen et al., 2002). Consequently, we now see evidence of corpus integration in various arenas including dedicated conferences, e.g. Teaching and Language Corpora (TALC), Inter-varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS), American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics (AAACL), and International Corpus of Archives of Modern English (ICAME) and streams in major conferences, e.g. EuroCALL. In addition, corpus-based dictionaries and grammar reference books have been produced as well as pedagogically oriented books: e.g. Aston, 2000; Burnard & McEnery, 2000; McEnery et al., 2006; Sinclair, 2004a; Wichmann et al., 1997. Dedicated journals have been published (e.g. The International Journal of Corpus Linguistics and ICAME) and special issues of international journals (e.g. TESOL Quarterly, 2003, 27: 3, Language Learning and Technology, 2001, 5: 3). And inevitably, many online corpus resources, activities and discussion groups are now in circulation, as any quick internet search will reveal. While much debate continues on some of the issues and problems associated with corpus integration in the classroom, most of the application has happened by way of raising levels of language awareness for those engaged in its use. Most of this work has been done on how to exploit and evaluate corpus use in the language classroom (e.g. Chambers, 2005; Tribble, 2000), and not in LTE environments, despite the fact that language awareness is also considered to be an essential element of a teachers competencies. Andrews (2001) reports on how a teachers language awareness affects their pedagogical competence, and later (Andrews, 2003), how it is equally important as part of their subjectmatter knowledge (see also Brumt, 1991; Wright, 1991). As we have already discussed, technological competence is another important tool in a teachers repertoire, and therefore, it plausibly follows that as both are embodied in the use of corpus-based approaches, they might form a logical component of preor in-service programmes. However, despite calls for corpus assimilation at this level (Chapelle, 2001), there have been few reported accounts of its integration in teacher education contexts. There are some notable exceptions. Hunston (1995) argues for the use of computer-stored corpora in courses in grammar awareness for teachers of Mother-Tongue English and exemplies some of the ways in which this can be done and compares these with using a more traditional individual text-based approach. Subsequently, Renouf (1997), also reporting from the University of Birmingham, home of the Cobuild, and later Bank of English corpora, provides a complementary account of the corpus component of an LTE course for postgraduate students. In the same year, Coniam (1997) furnishes an equally practical account of some of the corpus-based tasks for language investigation in his teacher training programme. Finally, and most recently, we have broadened the applications of corpus-based techniques in LTE to their use for uncovering sociocultural nuances as well as linguistic patterns (OKeeffe & Farr, 2003). Despite these insightful accounts, none provide extensive evaluation
of the type of integration they have proposed or have been practising. Therefore, this paper aims to ll that gap and close the evaluation circle (Jamieson & Chapelle, 2004) so that the results may feed back into our professional reection, practice and development loop in relation to corpus use.
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etc. There is also a hands-on seminar on the use of corpora for research, as some students will go on to use this for their research dissertations. In the second semester, students complete an initial task, e.g. A corpus-based examination of conditionality in English, during which they work in pairs using different and various corpora. The results of this task are compared in tutorial sessions and any problems addressed. Students are then set a more substantial assignment in the form of a corpus-based discourse analysis paper on topics of their own choice. Sample assignments submitted include: an analysis of convergence and divergence in some of the uses of have in Irish English, like as a pragmatic marker in Southern Irish English and London Teenage English, okay as a discourse marker in Irish English, an analysis of modal verb use in a Chinese learner corpus, and a discourse analysis of the use of vague language in conversational interaction. The STs were given the opportunity to work on these assignments in supervised tutorial sessions for one to two hours a week over a period of several weeks. In addition, a minimum of three guest lectures/workshops were organised over the two semesters in each year and delivered by external experts in the eld of applied CL.
corpora outside class time. Section three asked about what they saw as the positive and negative aspects of corpora use. Section four enquired about the use of corpora in their MA dissertations, and section ve focused on their thoughts about using corpora in their future teaching careers. Questions and statements relating to these sections are also included as results are reported.
Section 1 Enjoyment and choice (A) (B) I enjoy using language corpora in my studies. I would choose to use corpus linguistics in my studies if I had the option.
Figure 1 shows that the majority of students enjoyed and would choose to use corpora in their studies. Interestingly, and seemingly contradictory, fewer would choose corpora than those who enjoy it. It may be that they would choose to use the time on other things or they would prefer to stick to more traditional instructional mode, which they may like equally or more, but this does not detract from the enjoyment of their experience with the CL.
Figure 1 STs enjoyment and choice of using language corpora (items A and B in section one).
I feel my teacher education, in general, beneted from the integration of corpus-based learning. (D) I feel my understanding of language systems beneted from the integration of corpus-based learning. (E) I feel my spirit of enquiry and research beneted from the integration of corpus-based learning. (C)
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Figure 2 Perceived benets of using language corpora (items C, D and E in section one).
Figure 2 illustrates that although there is majority agreement that benets exist at the three levels of general teacher education, understanding of language systems and spirit of enquiry and research, the largest majority perceive the real advantage lies in the latter of these. Already there is a hint that STs can see most of the pros at the level of using corpora for research type investigations.
Technical difculties
(F) (G) I had initial difculties with the technical aspects of using corpora. I still have difculties with the technical aspects of using corpora.
Figure 3 Technical difculties using language corpora (items F and G in section one).
Figure 4 Linguistic and conceptual difculties using language corpora (items H and I in section one).
In Semester 1, there was a degree of difference in the results between the two cohorts. In the rst cohort (03/04), only two STs spent any time outside of class time working with corpora and this amounted to only about 3 hours each. The second cohort spent an average of 7 hours, due mainly, it is strongly suspected, to the fact that they were assigned an exam question based on corpus investigation to prepare in advance of the end of semester assessment. In Semester 2, this average rose to 16 hours per ST for each group. This is attributable to the fact that students had to complete the compulsory corpus-based discourse project, as mentioned earlier, and also to the fact that the STs had already begun work on their MA dissertations, some of which were based on this methodology (see below). (B) Which corpora did you use and for what purposes?
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Students mention many of the corpora found on the ICAME collection: COLT, Brown, WC, WSC and ACE. They also favoured L-CIE and CSPAE as well as some online learner corpora they had sourced. No mention was made of the BNC or of the ANC, both of which were available to the STs in the university Language Resource Area. The BNC may have been avoided as it involves the use of its own in-built software, which was not demonstrated in tutorial sessions, and the ANC was a relatively new addition to our collection, arriving half way through the year, and again may have been considered too much of an unknown to risk exploring. Section 3 From your experiences what are the positive and negative aspects of learning through the use of corpora? STs listed the following, many of which were reiterated among many members of the group. Comments are arranged in order of frequency of mention by the STs with those identied most often appearing rst. The number of students who made each of the points is indicated in brackets below.
Positive Can see real language use language in context and cultural insights (19) Variety, fun, interesting to explore (7) Highlights frequencies and clusters making teaching decisions easier (3) Uncovers functions and structures in language not found in grammar books (2) Invaluable as a research tool (2) Changes perceptions of correctness in language use (1) Motivating to nd answers without having to use grammar books (1) Up-to date language (1) Negative Technical aspects can be off-putting, corrupted data in some corpora (12) With all the varieties that exist it becomes complicated if considering how to apply it to the classroom, classroom application is an issue (6) Amount of time needed can be frustrating (5) Difcult to access and analyse the mega corpora, e.g. BNC, ANC and the appropriate software (3) Not always condent of my interpretation (2) Colloquial language use can be confusing, spoken language is messy (2)
From these listings, one can immediately identify the technical aspects, time and language variety to be most problematic. Interestingly, in very recent research carried out by one of the MA students as part of her MA dissertation under my supervision, she found that the technical issue ceased to be a difculty by the very end of the second semester as the STs had had enough exposure to be more familiar and condent in their usage of the corpora and software (Riordan, 2005: 52). Her research also found that the males in the group tended to be more positively predisposed to the use of corpora than the females. Time is often cited as a difculty with the use of technology in education in general,
and specically in the use of corpora (see Chambers & OSullivan, 2004 for an account with undergraduate students of French, and Bernardini, 2004 for similar ndings with undergraduate students of English language and literature). On the other hand, all participants could easily identify the advantages of corpus use and their potential. The fact that corpora represent real language use in context is viewed by many as an asset in their awareness of language process. The novelty, fun and interest aspects are also mentioned and the added dimension above what can be found in reference and grammar books. The obvious benet of being able to ascertain information about frequency, clusters and collocations, not easily observable through other modes of language analysis is noted. Section 4 Are you using corpora in your MA dissertation research? If so, for what purpose? Fifty-six percent of the STs chose to use corpora in some way for their dissertation research. Some took a direct approach and analysed language patterns or varieties (e.g. features of Irish-English), while others used corpora indirectly to secure language examples for illustration or to elicit student opinions and evaluations. The percentage who have chosen to use corpora is relatively high given that they have complete open choice of research topic and methodology, and also that only one member of their lecturing faculty and potential supervisors (of about seven) is involved in corpus-based research. This must be a sign that the STs either enjoy it or see it as a good and manageable research topic, or perhaps both. Section 5 The nal section relates to whether and, if so, how these STs might use corpora in their own future teaching careers. It was comprised of four questions, each presented below. The results for the rst three have been incorporated into Figure 5. In relation to your own future teaching, please answer the following questions: (a) (b ) (c ) Do you think you will use corpora as a resource in the preparation of your teaching and/or teaching materials? Would you use computer-based corpus instruction in class if employed in an institution which already uses and has corpus resources and software? Would you initiate the use of computer-based corpus instruction if employed in an institution which already had computer facilities for students, but not necessarily corpus software?
Interestingly, a clear majority indicates that they are very positively intentioned in relation to integrating corpora in their future teaching, with a maximum of 18 expressing willingness towards in-class use. Understandably, there is a relative reluctance to initiate corpus instruction where the specic facilities are not already installed and available, and this is probably linked with the technical unease expressed in the previous question. The predicted uses listed
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below indicate that language awareness is seen as the predominant application by the STs. If you have answered yes to (b) or (c) please explain the uses you might make of corpora. Gap-lls, idioms, phrasal verbs, semantic prosody, frequency, clusters. To research words before teaching them. To take real, authentic examples of use. To teach Irish expressions, illustrate varieties of English. To explain subtleties of language, e.g. semantic prosody, connotations, collocations. To illustrate grammatical features not clear from the texts. For areas of difculty for students. For student projects for them to investigate corpora. Hands-on lab sessions for student investigations, promote autonomy. To show students the lexical and structural patterns to help them integrate these into their language use.
If you have answered no to any of the above, please explain why not. Too time consuming for students to use hands-on. Expense. Not enough condence or expertise. Difcult to change teaching ideologies in some institutions. Prefer to use someone elses ndings. Material can be confusing without a framework for interpretation.
The STs postulate a wide range of predicted uses to which corpora can be put in their future teaching environments. It is encouraging to see that corpus techniques are seen as an aid to some of the traditional methods and function in raising students awareness of such features as language variety, difculty
aspects of language, prosody and patterning and very importantly to support an independent learning environment where the EL students can study in an independent but supported way in which they discover and increase their own awareness. Such hypothesised uses of corpora for teaching must surely come from the STs own experiences of how and how best they can be utilised in a language learning situation. On the other hand, four of the reasons quoted for not integrating are directly related to practical constraints: time, expense, not enough expertise and difcult to change institutional ideologies. Another, preferring to use others ndings, could be a reection either of difculties with time and expertise or a dislike of the technology, again practical factors. And nally, problems with frameworks for interpretation is listed as the only conceptual or methodological issue, leading to the conclusion that, given a favourable practical teaching scenario, the vast majority of STs show a balanced volition in relation to classroom integration. The interesting question, of course, is whether these good intentions are realised when the STs hit the reality of their rst teaching position. In order to gain some insights in this respect, a follow-up email survey was conducted with the cohort of 2003/2004 in February 2005, and is planned for the 2004/2006 cohort some time in the coming year when they have begun working. This will be part of a three-year study to examine the more longitudinal effects. The perennial difculty is of course getting responses to questionnaires issued at a distance. There was a return rate of just 6 from the group of 11 teachers, and of these, only 5 were employed in ELT positions. The results are therefore incomplete at this point and mention will be made only of the fact that two of the ve are currently using corpus techniques, and the other three still plan to but for practical reasons, such as availability of software and hardware or working to a strict methodology, they are not doing so at present. Longer term evaluation will be reported with this years and subsequent cohorts of STs as the results become available.
At a point where corpus-based approaches to the study of language has nally reached the teacher education platform, primarily, and certainly in this case, for the promotion of a better conscious awareness of how language operates in multi-faceted ways, the ndings from this study are most heartening. However, ongoing evaluation and necessary moderation must always be enforced, as with any teaching tool or methodology in the good practice of a reective model of ongoing learning for teachers and teacher educators. There are a number of signicant conclusions, which can be drawn from the results discussed above and the most signicant will be presented in brief bullet point format next. STs show an overwhelmingly positive disposition towards the use of corpora in terms of their enjoyment and also the perceived benets. Although benets are seen in general terms, they are mostly identied to be associated with the STs appreciation of language systems and even more signicantly with the promotion of their spirit of enquiry and research. This bodes well for their use directly in language awareness raising. Most difculties arose at the level of technicalities with the software, although some conceptual problems were mentioned. The latter were
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resolved in the short term and the former over the course of the full academic year with quite a lot of practice. Time is pinpointed as a further constraining factor, and this raises the question for instructors of the time to benet return. Ideally, this should be evaluated in an experimental research study involving different groups of STs. STs show a critical awareness as opposed to blind adaptation of this approach and this is to be encouraged and welcomed. A large majority of STs choose to use corpora in their own further research in which they had open choice of topic and methodology. Again, this reinforces their positive perception of their use as research tools in the promotion of language awareness and independent investigation. Finally, circumstantial factors caused low rates of application in the one cohort of STs rst year of teaching, which was evaluated. However, the new teachers continue to be committed to integrating them in the future given more conducive teaching environments. This conclusion is tentative, and more longitudinal research is being conducted in this respect.
In general terms, the results of this study are most encouraging and suggest that the continued integration of corpus-based instruction in the language content component of language teacher education programmes should be encouraged despite some identied difculties. From the perspective of the tutor, I can reinforce the STs voices in relation to the initial technical difculties, especially in attempting to deal with various levels of technical competencies within the cohorts. Also, more time is needed than in traditional classroom mode language awareness activities, but I feel strongly that the advantages and added dimension afforded to the participants in the MA programme far outweigh any issues or minor hitches and this is supported by present attitudinal ndings. Therefore, I feel reasonably condent in saying that the use of corpora in LTE within the frameworks of progressive educational practices and the use of ICT in education is deemed to be largely successful in the context discussed in this paper. Correspondence Any correspondence should be directed to Fiona Farr, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland ([email protected]). References
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