Doosan-Fanuc High Speed Mode
Doosan-Fanuc High Speed Mode
Doosan-Fanuc High Speed Mode
FANUC's latest High Speed modes are AICC and AIAPC- AI Contour Control and AI Advanced Preview Control. AI does not refer to "Artificial Intellegence". AI represents FANUC's Alpha I Series Servo System. There are differences between the two AI modes. However, the syntax for using them is exactly the same. (For detailed data on the two specifications, contact FANUC directly.) AICC/AIAPC Format: Enable: G05.1 Q1 Rx Where:-Rxx provides the user with the option of selecting from 10 fixed settings (R1 -R10) which contrast Tool Path Speed (feedrate) with Positioning Accuracy, G05.1 Q1 R1 - Toolpath Speed has priority over Positioning Accuracy G05.1 Q1 R2 G05.1 Q1 R3 G05.1 Q1 R4 G05.1 Q1 R5 - Tool Path Speed and Positioning Accuracy have Equal Priority G05.1 Q1 R6 G05.1 Q1 R7 G05.1 Q1 R8 G05.1 Q1 R9 G05.1 Q1 R10 - Positioning Accuracy has priority over Tool Path Speed R1-R2: Smoother Axis Motion and Improved Accuracy. R3-R5: Die & Mold - Roughing. R6-R8: Die & Mold - Semi-Finish. R9-R10: Best Accuracy, Finish, Form & smooth axis motions. R1 = Rough Machining R10 = Finish Machining (Using R1, a 90 corner produced at a feedrate of 10,000 mm/min will produce an approximate deviation of 0.15mm.) Cancel: G05.1 Q0 Practical Application Application Case 1: 2D Contouring AICC/AIAPC Addresses the typical corner rounding or overshoot problems when feedrate is high or feature is small. Applications Case 2: 3D Surfacing AICC/AIAPC will keep the contouring profile more accurate.
There are 4 Simple rules that should be followed for successful use of AICC/AIAPC. 1) 2) 3) 4) Make sure G49 is called before the execution of G05.1 Q1 Rx G05.1 Q1 Rx must be engaged BEFORE G43-Tool Length Comp AICC and AIAPC need to be turned on and off for each tool AICC and AIAPC does not apply to canned drilling cycles
% O1 (GASKET-3X) G00 G17 G40 G49 G80 G94 G00 G91 G28 Z0.0 T01 M06 (0.5 DIA 3-FLUTE CARBIDE END MILL) G05.1 Q1 R1 (AICC/AIAPC HIGH SPEED MODE ON) G00 G90 G54 X-0.4563 Y0.7832 S7500 M03 G43 Z2.0 H01 M08 Z0.1 (ROUGH 2D CONTOUR) G01 Z0.0 F25.0 X0.0398 Y0.2207 Z-0.1375 G02 X-0.2204 Y0.0395 I-0.9161 J1.0387 F180.0 ... ... ... G00 Z0.1 G05.1 Q0 (AICC/AIAPC HIGH SPEED MODE OFF) M05 M09 G00 G91 G28 Z0.0 G49 M01 T02 M06 (0.5 DIA 4-FLUTE CARBIDE END MILL) G05.1 Q1 R5 (AICC/AIAPC HIGH SPEED MODE ON) G00 G90 G54 X-0.2575 Y0.8356 S7500 M03 G43 Z2.0 H02 M08 Z0.1 (FINISH 2D CONTOUR) G01 Z-0.55 F100.0 G41 D02 X-0.2805 Y0.9585 F150.0 ... ... ... G00 Z0.1 G05.1 Q0 (AICC/AIAPC HIGH SPEED MODE OFF) M05 M09 G00 G91 G28 Z0.0 G49 G00 G91 G28 Y0.0 M30 %