Reptiles Lesson Plan
Reptiles Lesson Plan
Reptiles Lesson Plan
By Jason Kawana
Key Content Standard(s): List the complete text of only the rele ant parts of each standard. !"#: $ % &
RL.1. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. SL.1. Participate in collaborati e con ersations with di erse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. SL. !. "on#irm understanding o# a text read aloud or in#ormation presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clari#ication i# something is not understood. L.1. $emonstrate command o# the con entions o# standard %nglish grammar and usage when writing or speaking. #. Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language acti ities. L.&. With guidance and support #rom adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. a. Sort common ob'ects into categories (e.g., shapes, #oods) to gain a sense o# the concepts the categories represent.
Lesson '()ecti e: *hat do yo+ want st+dents to ,now and (e a(le to do- !"#: $. / % & Classify and sort different animals based on characteristics, speak in complete sentences using guides 0ssessment: 1ormal and 2nformal 0ssessment. !"#: 3 % 4 *hat e idence will the st+dents prod+ce to show they ha e met the learning o()ecti eAfter giving the lesson on reptiles, the students will be called up to the front to sort picture cards with animals on them. They will have to say if it is a reptile or not. Why they think this answer is true and then in a complete sentence say that it is a reptile or a mammal or bird. *hat modifications of the a(o e assessment wo+ld yo+ +se for lang+age learners and5or st+dents with special needsThe lesson itself uses pictures, materials to feel and words as well. All of these things combined together can help aid students with special needs and language learners. tudents will sort pictures with the names of the animal on them which matches concepts with print. We will also be completing an organi!ational chart to recall information we learned about reptiles which also connects print with content.
"rere6+isite S,ills. Knowledge and #xperiential Bac,gro+nds. !"#: 7 % 8 "rere6+isite s,ills from prior school experiences tudents have been learning about animals from previous e"periences and will need to use this information to help them to distinguish new information with previous information they have come across. Also students will be using complete sentences using guides they have previously used in class to talk about animals. Strategy to connect school learning with prior experiential ,nowledge and5or c+lt+ral (ac,gro+nd #y using pictures students can connect the names of animals with the image, which can recall if they have seen them in a movie, cartoon, real life, !oo e"perience. $ can ask %uestions that ask student&s where'if they have seen this animal in real life. "re9assessment strategy #efore the lesson begins $ can ask the students if they know what a reptile is and to make predictions of what we think reptiles are. We can compare these to the information we learn. tudents can answer and this will give me a clear idea of the students& understanding of reptiles.
0cademic Lang+age. !"#: : % & *hat content specific oca(+lary. text str+ct+res. stylistic. or grammatical feat+res will (e explicitly ta+ghttudents will be taught vocabulary that is relevant to their theme of animals. They will learn the words scales, cold blooded, lungs,. tudents will also go over how to say complete sentences with regards to classifying animals. #6+ity. !"#: 7. ;. /. : % 8 <ow will 0LL learners engage- ( arying academic a(ilities. c+lt+ral (ac,gro+nds. and lang+age le els) =escri(e yo+r differentiated instr+ctional strategy. tudents from varying academic abilities, cultural backgrounds, and language levels will be able to engage in the learning because there are many different modes of taking in the information. They will be read to so they can listen to the information, we will be writing the information down so they can see the information being transcribed, they will be feeling the scales using their touch, and they will be viewing pictures of the animals to backup their e"isting knowledge of facts about animals.
2nstr+ctional Learning Strategies to S+pport St+dent Learning. !"#: $. 7. ;. /. & % $> What will the teacher do to () stimulate'motivate students by connecting the lesson to e"periential backgrounds, interests and prior
learning, *) identify learning outcomes +) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, ,) monitor student learning during instruction, and -) build metacognitive understanding. List what the teacher will (e doing and what the st+dents will (e doing. !ime !eacher St+dents $min 4min 2ntrod+ce the topic of Reptiles5re iew of mammals and (irds <a e St+dents ma,e predictions a(o+t reptiles (ased on pict+res. 2 will (e writing their predictions down on (oard. Read to the st+dents a (oo, on reptiles ;min 3min <a e st+dents pair share with a partner a(o+t something they learned a(o+t reptiles. ?i e them g+iding sentence: 2 learned @@@@@@@@. 'r Reptiles ha e @@@@@@@@@. =raw Concept Aap of reptiles with characteristics of reptiles with pict+res of each description. !al, to st+dents (efore passing o+t materials how to handle them properly and how to share them. =+ring this time 2 will pass o+t feather. f+r. and scales for the st+dents to pass aro+nd and feel what each animals s,in feels li,e. 2ntrod+ce the sentence str+ct+re g+ide and re iew the acti ity they ha e pre io+s ta,en a part in. <a e st+dents come +p one (y one to name the animal on the card and +sing the information they ha e learned a(o+t reptiles will (e as,ed if this animal is a reptile or not. *hat did yo+ learn today a(o+t reptilesRe isit predictions to see if we were right in any. *rap Bp: !ell st+dents that they will (e +sing this information they ha e learned a(o+t reptiles for a writing lesson later in the day. St+dents will tal, to their partner and share information +sing the sentence g+ides. St+dents will ha e to recall information from the text that was read. St+dents will feel the materials to grasp a concrete idea of the differences (etween the animals they are learning. St+dent will (e listening to the directions in how to handle materials and will (e passing them aro+nd. St+dents will listen to the sentence g+ides and will (e as,ed to +se them in the next acti ity. entence trips, pictures of animals with names on them, Listening to the (oo, and on the reptiles. White paper'pens /eather, fur, scales "ro iding ,ey characteristics of mammals and (irds St+dents will (e ma,ing predictions #ook on .eptiles Reso+rces5 Aaterials
C0 @@@@@@ is a reptile.D 'R C0 @@@@@@@ is not a reptile.D 0fter indi id+al st+dent says the complete sentence. !he whole gro+p says the sentence together as well. <a e a few st+dents share a(o+t something they learned a(o+t reptiles.