Left Bronchus Syndrome
Left Bronchus Syndrome
Left Bronchus Syndrome
Thorax 1990;45:210-212
tilation-perfusion scanning, and computed tomography. Indications for surgery included extensive cavitation with persistently positive sputum for six to 15 years (nine patients), repeated large haemoptyses (two patients), and giant bullae (two patients). The resected lungs were submitted for histopathological examination. To assess the prevalence of the condition in the right and left lung, we reviewed the records and radiographs of 1600 patients with proved pulmonary tuberculosis seen during
Results The left lung was destroyed in 12 of the 13 patients who underwent surgery (fig 1). Bronchoscopic examination showed stenosis of the right bronchus intermedius in the single patient with destruction of the right lung. There was ulceration of the left main bronchus in two other cases and mucosal thickening and congestion of the left bronchus in four. Pulmonary angiography showed no pulmonary arterial flow on the affected side in any patient (fig 2); thoracic aortography showed bronchial arterial proliferation and systemic inflow to the pulmonary arterial tree from the bronchial circulation (fig 3). Ventilation-perfusion scanning showed no perfusion and poor ventilation. Total destruction of the parenchyma in each of the resected specimens was apparent from gross examination. The main bronchus in the 12 left lungs was patent, but two had ulcerative
King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh M Ashour A Mezraqji M Desouki W Qutashat Al-Jaboori Sahary Chest Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia N Al-Sharif L Pandya A Marie
Address for reprint requests: Dr M Ashour, Department of Surgery, King Khalid University Hospital, P Box 7805, Riyadh 11472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Accepted 21 November 1989
post-tuberculous lung destruction to have been present in 172 (llI%). The left lung was destroyed in 109 (63 %) and the right in 63
lesions and in one of these the ulceration was continuous with a parabronchial tuberculous mass. In the single right sided specimen the bronchus intermedius was stenosed. Histologically, there was extensive active tuberculosis with fibrosis, widespread cavitation, and bronchiectasis. The lymph nodes from three specimens were examined; tuberculous granulomas were found in one case but only carbon pigmentation in the other two. Obliteration of pulmonary arteries and endarteritic changes were seen in the fibrocaseous areas. Bronchial arteries were dilated and
In the 1600 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis that were available for review, we considered
Figure 3 Thoracic aortography showing systemic inflow to the pulmonary artery from the bronchial circulation.
Discussion Although the apical and posterior segments of the upper lobes are the site of predilection with about equal incidence on the two sides,5 total lung destruction is more frequent on the left. A combination of anatomical factors may make the left lung more vulnerable to this type of damage, and disordered haemodynamics also appear to play a part. The left main bronchus is considerably longer and about 15% narrower than the right,67 and the peribronchial space is limited by its proximity to the aorta,8 so that it is more prone to obstruction by enlargement of adjacent lymph nodes. Such obstruction was not evident in the lungs we examined, probably because we were seeing the end stage of the disease process-it is likely to have been present in the initial stages because mediastinal and hilar node enlargement is common in African and Asian patients with post-primary tuberculosis.910 In addition, the more horizontal course of the left main bronchus than of the right may have an effect on drainage of secretions,"1 as has been shown recently by bronchoscintigraphy. 2 Several studies have shown that pulmonary haemodynamics play a part in the pathogenesis and spread of tuberculous infections. The characteristic localisation of pulmonary tuberculosis seems to be associated with lymph stasis secondary to reduced arterial flow at the apex and also with increased oxygen tension at that site.'3 Pulmonary arterial flow is reduced or absent when there is bronchial obstruction,'4 stasis of secretions,'5 or parenchymal infection.'6 Ligation of the pulmonary artery of patients'7 and experimental animals'8 with pulmonary tuberculosis is reported to exacerbate the disease, as does anastomosis of a major systemic vessel to the pulmonary artery.'9 In our patients angiography showed pulmonary arterial flow to be absent, bronchial arteries were prominent, and there was radiological evidence of systemic flow into the pulmonary arterial tree. It seems likely that these factors led to lymph stasis and a raised oxygen tension, favouring progression of the disease and eventual lung destruction.
1 Cockshott P, Middlemiss H. Clinical radiology in the tropics. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston, 1979:160-2. 2 Adebnojo SA, Adebo OA, Osinowa 0, Grillo IA. Management of tuberculous destroyed lung in Nigeria. J Natl Med Assoc 1981;73:39-42. 3 Aneja KS. Assignment report of World Health Organization: tuberculosis in Saudi Arabia. Geneva: WHO, 1984. 4 Onadeko BO, Awotedu AO. Destroyed Lung Syndrome. An end stage dilemma in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. A 5 year experience in a teaching hospital in Nigeria [abstract]. In: XXV International Union Against Tuberculosis World Conference on Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease. Singapore: 1986. 5 Kolawol TM, Onadeko BO, Sofowora EO. Radiologic patterns of pulmonary tuberculosis in Nigeria. Tropical and Geographical Medicine 1975;27:339-50. 6 Hollinshead WH. Anatomy for surgeons. Vol 2. New York: Harper and Row, 1979:44-51. 7 Last RJ. Anatomy, regional and applied. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1978:226-7. 8 Williams PL, Warwich R. Gray's Anatomy. 36th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1980:1241-7.
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