ID Project
ID Project
ID Project
A,,endice& A,,endi4 A: + io >no=led/e ?ue&tionn%i e-------------!!30-37 A,,endi4 :: Ci(il )% Ten&ion& +o=e +oint------------!!-32-43 A,,endi4 C: Ci(il )% Ten&ion& 1ote& 7utline-----------!-!44-45 A,,endi4 D: Side o" t'e )% $ %,'ic 7 /%ni@e -----------!!!40 A,,endi4 E: $ene %l& )eb&ite------------------!!!!!47 A,,endi4 #: )eb&ite *ub ic-------------------!!!!!!42-45 A,,endi4 $: S9E &u (ey--------------------!!-!50-54 A,,endi4 H: *e"e ence&---------------------!!!!!55
ob8ecti(e&, %nd le% nin/ &t %te/ie&, de&i/ne & =e e "o ced to c e%te % bi/ ,ictu e o" t'e de&i/n! .n ,% t t=o, de&i/ne & bec%me mo e &,eci"ic in c e%tin/ m%te i%l&, ub ic&, e(%lu%tion&, %nd % te%c'e /uide "o t'e le&&on! A"te c e%tin/ t'e &,eci"ic&, de&i/ne & =e e %&6ed to '%(e %n e4,e t e(ie= t'e =o 6 c e%ted %nd e(%lu%te t'e , oduct& t'%t =e e , oduced! .n&t uction%l de&i/n i& %n im,o t%nt %&,ect o" educ%tion%l tec'nolo/y! )'en inte/ %tin/ tec'nolo/y into t'e cl%&& oom in ne= %nd inte e&tin/ =%y& to im, o(e t'e le% nin/ en(i onment, t'e e % e lot& o" "%cto & t'%t need to be con&ide ed! :y u&in/ t'e &y&tem%tic %,, o%c' o" in&t uction%l de&i/n, . =ill be %ble to c e%te le&&on& t'%t bene"it t'e le% ne & t'e mo&t ='en inco ,o %tin/ tec'nolo/y! :y &u (eyin/ %nd %n%ly@in/ bot' t'e le% ne & %nd t'e le% nin/ en(i onment be"o e t'e de&i/nin/ &t% t&, . =ill be %ble to c e%te m%te i%l& t'%t bene"it ='%te(e le% nin/ conte4t . "ind my&el" in&t uctin/! 1ot %ll tec'nolo/y bene"it& e%c' %nd e(e y &tudent in t'e &%me =%y! A& t'e %n%ly&i& %nd de&i/nin/ o" t'e le&&on continue&, t'e di ection o" ,uttin/ t'e &tudent& "i &t %nd %t t'e cente o" %ll le% nin/ %nd de&i/n =ill bene"it t'em %& =ell! De&i/n "ocu&e& not only on ='%t content need& to be le% ned but ='%t =ill 'el, t'e &tudent le% n t'%t in"o m%tion in t'e be&t =%y ,o&&ible! A ,% t o" in&t uction%l de&i/n t'%t &tic6& in my 'e%d t'e mo&t i& B+e "ection i& neit'e % /o%l no %n o,tion in de&i/nC ASmit' %nd *%/%n, 2005D! A& % te%c'e , . u&u%lly loo6 b%c6 on % le&&on %t 'o= ,e "ectly it =ent! Ho=e(e , t'i& cou &e '%& &'o=n me t'%t . c%nnot b%&e e(%lu%tion& on t'%t! ." % le&&on doe& not /o %cco din/ to ,l%n, t'%t i& not bec%u&e it =%& % b%d le&&on! .n&t uction%l de&i/n i& b%&ed % ound e(e -c'%n/in/ %&,ect& o" le% nin/! T'in/& =ill %l=%y& /o = on/ %nd =ill ne(e be ,e "ect! )'en de&i/nin/, t'e /o%l i& not, %nd ne(e c%n be, ,e "ection! .n&te%d, t'e /o%l need& to be %cce,t%nce o" t %de-o""& %nd buildin/ o"" o" t'e ,o&iti(e& o" % le&&on to continu%lly im, o(e t'e de&i/n o" in&t uction ASmit' %nd *%/%n, 2005D! Reference Smith, P.L., & Ragan, T.J. (2005). Instructional !sign (3 r" !".). #o$o%!n, &J' John (il!) & Sons
Part 1: Topic
Stated Learning Goal A"te in&t uction on t'e im,o t%nt /ene %l& o" t'e Ci(il )% , t'e le% ne =ill be %ble to c e%te % =eb&ite %bout one /ene %l! Student& =ill =o 6 =it' % ,% tne %nd u&e t'e &ite #%6eboo6 to c e%te % "%6e #%ceboo6 %ccount conce nin/ t'ei c'o&en /ene %l! Description of the Audience T'e le% ne & % e 'i/' &c'ool &tudent& / %de& nine t' ou/' t=el(e! Student& %ttend % tec'nic%l 'i/' &c'ool in cent %l +enn&yl(%ni%! Rationale Need )it'in +enn&yl(%ni% &t%te &t%nd% d&, it i& = itten t'%t &tudent& &'ould le% n in Hnited St%te& Hi&to y cl%&&e& t'e ,olitic%l %nd cultu %l cont ibution& o" indi(idu%l&! .n te%c'in/ %bout t'e Ci(il )% , it i& im,o t%nt "o &tudent& to le% n %bout t'e c'% %cte i&tic& %nd %ccom,li&'ment& o" t'e /ene %l& in(ol(ed! )'en &tudent& %,,ly t'ei le% nin/ in % =%y t'%t &'o=c%&e& t'ei c e%ti(ity, t'ey % e mo e li6ely to become e4cited %bout t'e le% nin/ en(i onment! A& &tudent& t%6e t'e in"o m%tion t'%t t'ey le% n conce nin/ t'e /ene %l& %nd %,,ly t'%t to % =eb,%/e t'%t t'ey % e %ble to de&i/n, it /i(e& t'em % c e%ti(e outlet to &'o= not only t'ei indi(idu%lity, but it %l&o %llo=& t'e in&t ucto to e(%lu%te t'em on in"o m%tion t'%t t'ey '%(e le% ned o e&e% c'ed conce nin/ t'e /i(en to,ic! Supplantive/Generative T%6in/ into %ccount t'e c'% %cte i&tic& o" t'e &tudent ,o,ul%tion, t'e &t %te/ie& o" t'e le&&on % e mo e &u,,l%nti(e in n%tu e! Student& % e le% nin/ t'e de,t' o" t'e content o" t'e Ci(il )% "o t'e "i &t time ='ic' me%n& t'%t t'ey need % mo e di ect %,, o%c' =it' in&t uction! 9%ny &tudent& '%(e ne(e c e%ted % =eb,%/e be"o e &o t'ey =ill need di ect /uid%nce %nd in&t uction =it' t'%t! 9%ny o" t'e &tudent& '%(e 'i/' %n4iety %nd lo= moti(%tion ='en t yin/ to %ccom,li&' % t%&6 t'%t mi/'t ,o&e it&el" %& % c'%llen/e! T'e t%&6 o" le% nin/ t'e in"o m%tion %bout t'e (% iou& Ci(il )% /ene %l& %nd c e%tin/ % =eb&ite c%n be (e y &im,le! Ho=e(e , t'e e =ill need to be lot& o" &c%""oldin/ %nd &te,by-&te, in&t uction& %nd demon&t %tion& , o(ided "o &tudent& to not become " u&t %ted %nd unmoti(%ted to com,lete t'e t%&6! Instructional Strategy Conce,t& % e &et& o" &,eci"ic in"o m%tion t'%t c%n be / ou,ed to/et'e %nd e"e ed to =it' % &,eci"ic n%me o &ymbol! Conce,t& % e b o6en into t=o di""e ent / ou,&: conc ete A='ic' c%n be identi"ied by t'e &en&e&D %nd %b&t %ct At'o&e t'%t c%nnot be identi"ied by t'e &en&e&D ASmit' %nd *%/%n, 2005D! Reasoning
T' ou/'out t'e le&&on le% ne & =ill mo&t o"ten be u&in/ t'e conce,t in&t uction%l &t %te/y! 3e% ne & =ill be eFui ed to t%6e in"o m%tion le% ned %nd e4,%nd on it to c e%te % "in%l , oduct! :y c e%tin/ connection& bet=een t'e /ene %l&, b%ttle& t'ey =e e in(ol(ed =it', t'e &ide t'%t t'ey =e e on, %nd t'e connection& t'%t t'%t '%d to (% iou& ,eo,le, le% ne & =ill be %ble to c e%te % =eb,%/e t'%t ,o t %y& t'e&e (% iou& connectin/ conce,t&!
%(%il%ble to t'em in t'e lib % y, '%(e conducted lib % y e&e% c' be"o e, %nd 6no= % "e= o" t'e m%in com,onent& t'%t need to be "ound ='en e&e% c'in/ % 'i&to ic%l "i/u e A&ee "i/u e 2D! Student& =ill need % b ie" tuto i%l not only o" 'o= to =o 6 t'e &ite, but %l&o on 'o= to "ind eli%ble inte net &ou ce&! :ec%u&e o" t'e e&ult& o" t'e Fue&tionn%i e, mo&t o" t'e , io in&t uction need& to be on co(e in/ content o" t'e Ci(il )% ! 7nce &tudent& '%(e %n unde &t%ndin/ o" &ome o" t'e b%c6/ ound c%u&e& %& =ell %& &ome o" t'e m%8o /ene %l& %nd b%ttle& "ou/'t, t'ey =ill be %ble to &,end time on e&e% c'in/ % /ene %l on % dee,e le(el! 3e% ne & =ill be %ble to be /i(en % "e= eminde &, in&t uction&, %nd B'o=-to;&C conce nin/ e&e% c' %nd =eb&ite con&t uction %nd t'en t'ey &'ould be e%dy to com,lete &ome ,%i =o 6 =it' only minim%l /uid%nce needed by t'e in&t ucto ! #i/u e 1
#i/u e 2
Learning Context D%u,'in County Tec'nic%l Sc'ool ADCTSD i& loc%ted =it'in cent %l +enn&yl(%ni%! Student& % e d %=n to t'i& &,eci"ic &c'ool A%& o,,o&ed to t'ei e/ul% ,ublic 'i/' &c'oolD bec%u&e t'ey ecei(e %d(%nced t %inin/ in % c'o&en &'o, % e% AAuto :ody, Co&metolo/y, Culin% y, D %"tin/ %nd De&i/n, etc!D! T'e &c'ool i& (e y "o =% d-"ocu&ed %nd &t%"" i& encou %/ed on % d%ily b%&i& to inco ,o %te ne= le% nin/ tec'niFue& %nd &t %te/ie& %& =ell %& inte/ %te tec'nolo/y! T'e le% nin/ en(i onment "o t'e le&&on =ill t%6e ,l%ce in t'e cl%&& oom %& =ell %& t'e &c'ool lib % y ='ic' '%& bot' de&6to,& %nd l%,to,& =it' inte net %cce&& %(%il%ble "o &tudent u&e! Al&o %(%il%ble to &tudent& in t'e lib % y % e boo6& A%l e%dy ,ulled " om t'e &'el(e& by t'e lib % i%nD conce nin/ Ci(il )% /ene %l&! Transfer Context T'e ,% t o" t'e le&&on t'%t =ill t %n&"e t'e mo&t to t'e Bout&ideC =o ld % e t'e &6ill& o" e&e% c' %nd de(elo,in/ % =eb&ite! .t i& im,o t%nt "o % &tudent to be %ble to e""ecti(ely u&e t'e m%te i%l& , o(ided to conduct e&e% c'! T'e e mi/'t be in&t%nce& in t'ei "utu e em,loyment, %& =ell %& 'i/'e educ%tion, ='e e t'ey =ill need to /%t'e out&ide in"o m%tion! .t mi/'t be &een t' ou/' % e,o t in t'ei ,l%ce o" em,loyment o in"o m%tion "o % ,%,e t'%t t'ey need to = ite "o colle/e! Alt'ou/' mo&t &tudent& =ill utili@e t'e inte net in t'ei e&e% c' A='ic' i& % (e y u&e"ul e&ou ceD, t'e u&e o" boo6& =ill %l&o be encou %/ed! Hi/' &c'ool &tudent& o"ten decide not to u&e boo6& bec%u&e t'ey t'in6 t'e inte net i& e%&ie "o t'em! Ho=e(e , /i(en t'e i/'t di ection %nd &u,,o t, t'e &6ill o" ,ullin/ eFui ed in"o m%tion %bout o" boo6& %nd %ddin/ t'%t to t'ei &ou ce& u&ed i& % &6ill t'%t =ill 'el, t'em out no m%tte ='%t t'ei "utu e ende%(o &! )it' tec'nolo/y becomin/ &uc' %n im,o t%nt ,% t o" &ociety in tod%y;& =o ld, &tudent& need to le% n %ll t'%t t'e inte net i& c%,%ble o"! T'e &6ill o" de(elo,in/ % =eb&ite =ill 'el, t'em in t'e Bout&ide =o ldC %& =ell! 1ot e(e yone in 'i/'e educ%tion o in t'e 8ob =o ld 6no=& 'o= to c e%te % =eb&ite! Student& c%n u&e &el"-c e%ted =eb&ite& not only to com,lete , o8ect& %nd &'% e ide%&, but to , omote t'em&el(e& %& =ell! Some ,l%ce& o" em,loyment %&6 i" ,otenti%l em,loyee& '%(e % =eb&ite ='e e t'ei e&ume i& ,o&ted! Some em,loye & e(en u&e ,otenti%l em,loyee& =eb&ite& A&uc' %& #%ceboo6 o 9yS,%ceD to &ee ='%t ty,e o" t ue c'% %cte i&tic& t'ei c%ndid%te ,o&&e&&e&! ." % &tudent le% n& in &c'ool ='%t i& %nd i& not %,, o, i%te to ,l%ce on % =eb&ite, it mi/'t be &omet'in/ t'%t t'ey 6ee, in mind %& t'ey continue to / o=, de(elo,, %nd encounte &itu%tion& in t'e "utu e! Description of the Learners T'e t% /et &tudent& % e uniFue in e(e y =%y! Alt'ou/' t'ey /o to t'e &%me &c'ool, t'ey come " om di""e ent =%l6& o" li"e! T'e &c'ool i& %(%il%ble to &tudent& t'%t li(e in D%u,'in County, +enn&yl(%ni%! T'e e"o e, =e '%(e % ,o,ul%tion o" &tudent& " om t'e ,oo , u b%n % e%& o" H% i&bu /, t'e =e%lt'y, &ubu b%n % e%& ne% He &'ey, %nd t'e middle o" t'e o%d u %l % e%& o" 9ille &bu /! About % t'i d o" t'e &tudent ,o,ul%tion ,% tici,%te& in t'e " ee %nd educed lunc' &y&tem A&ee #i/u e 3D! A 'i/' ,o tion o" t'e &tudent ,o,ul%tion '%& .E+;& %nd m%ny te%c'e & in&t uct multi,le inclu&ion cl%&&e&!
:ec%u&e &tudent& %ttend t'e &c'ool to ecei(e t %inin/ in % (oc%tion%l &'o,, t'e e i& % l%c6 o" moti(%tion %nd e4citement "o %c%demic cl%&&e&! T'e e % e m%ny &tudent& t'%t =o 6 '% d to do =ell in cl%&&, but % l% /e ,o tion o" t'e ,o,ul%tion =o 6 8u&t '% d enou/' t'%t t'ey % e not di&ci,line by ,% ent&, &'o, te%c'e &, o %dmini&t %to &! T'e &tudent& "o t'i& ,% ticul% le&&on % e in Hono & Ame ic%n Hi&to y %nd % e 5 t' %nd 10t' / %de &, %bout 20 &tudent& in %ll! :ec%u&e t'ey % e 'ono & &tudent&, t'ey tend to '%(e mo e moti(%tion conce nin/ t'ei %c%demic cl%&&e&! Some o" t'e &tudent& do '%(e , io 6no=led/e conce nin/ t'e Ci(il )% de,endin/ on t'e cu iculum t'%t =%& t%u/'t %t t'ei 'ome &c'ool! T'ey e4cel =it' b%&ic com,ute &6ill& A&uc' %& ty,in/ %nd 9ic o&o"t )o dD! 9o&t o" t'e &tudent& '%(e %nd continu%lly u,d%te t'ei #%ceboo6 %ccount& ='ic' =ill be 'el,"ul =it' t'e com,letion o" t'e =eb&ite! #i/u e 3
Part ! Planning
Learning "#$ectives 1!3e% ne & c%n e4,l%in 4 c%u&e& o" t'e Ci(il )% %! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e Com, omi&e o" 1250 b! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e 9i&&ou i Com, omi&e c! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e 3oui&i%n% +u c'%&e d! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e #u/iti(e Sl%(e Act e! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e C%li"o ni% $old *u&' "! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e >%n&%&-1eb %&6% Act /! T' ou/' t'ei e4,l%n%tion, &tudent& c%n demon&t %te t'ei 6no=led/e o" t'e D ed Scott Deci&ion 2!3e% ne & c%n li&t 2 %d(%nt%/e& %nd 2 di&%d(%nt%/e& "o bot' t'e Con"ede %te %nd Hnion % mie& du in/ t'e Ci(il )% %! Com,% e %nd cont %&t %d(%nt%/e& %nd di&%d(%nt%/e& o" 1o t' %nd Sout' 3!3e% ne & c%n identi"y t'e 4 m%8o /ene %l& o" t'e Ci(il )% ! %! 1%me T'om%& BStone=%llC J%c6&on b! 1%me Hly&&e& S! $ %nt c! 1%me )illi%m Tecum&e' S'e m%n d! 1%me *obe t E! 3ee 4!3e% ne & c%n identi"y t'e &ide t'%t e%c' /ene %l "ou/'t "o du in/ t'e Ci(il )% ! %! 9%tc' J%c6&on =it' Sout'<Con"ede %te& b! 9%tc' $ %nt =it' 1o t'<Hnion c! 9%tc' S'e m%n =it' 1o t'<Hnion d! 9%tc' 3ee =it' Sout'<Con"ede %te&
5!3e% ne & c%n identi"y %nd e4,l%in t'e b%ttle& t'%t t'e /ene %l& =e e 6no=n "o du in/ t'e Ci(il )% ! %! 9%tc' J%c6&on =it' t'e :%ttle o" Antiet%m b! 9%tc' $ %nt =it' t'e :%ttle o" Mic6&bu / c! 9%tc' S'e m%n =it' t'e :%ttle o" Atl%nt% %nd 9% c' to t'e Se% d! 9%tc' 3ee =it' t'e :%ttle o" # ede ic6&bu / 0!3e% ne & c%n e&e% c' eFui ed out&ide in"o m%tion on % &,eci"ic Ci(il )% /ene %l u&in/ lib % y e&ou ce& Ad%te o" bi t'<de%t', c'ild'ood, ,l%ce& o" e&idency, 'obbie&<inte e&t&, etc!D %! 3e% ne & c%n u&e e&ou ce& e""ecti(ely to obt%in eFui ed in"o m%tion conce nin/ t'e /ene %l&
7!3e% ne & c%n li&t 5 inte e&tin/ "%ct& "o % &,eci"ic Ci(il )% /ene %l "ound t' ou/' lib % y e&e% c'! %! 3e% ne & c%n e%d in"o m%tion " om % e&ou ce %nd e&t%te t'e ,iece o" c'o&en in"o m%tion in t'ei o=n =o d& 2!3e% ne & c%n c e%te % =eb&ite %bout % &,eci"ic Ci(il )% /ene %l u&in/ in"o m%tion le% ned in cl%&& %nd t' ou/' lib % y e&e% c'! %! 3e% ne & c%n u&e #%6eboo6 to c e%te % "%6e #%ceboo6 ,%/e %bout t'ei /ene %l i! ii! iii! i(! 3e% ne & c%n %dd ,o&t& %bout t'e /ene %l;& %cti(ity %nd li"e e(ent& 3e% ne & c%n ,%&te ,ictu e& o" t'ei /ene %l 3e% ne & c%n document bio/ %,'ic%l in"o m%tion %bout t'ei /ene %l 3e% ne & c%n c e%te %,, o, i%te B" iend&C o" t'ei /ene %l
5!3e% ne & c%n =o 6 e""ecti(ely in ,%i & to c e%te t'e =eb&ite A=o 6in/ e""ecti(ely =ill be &'o=n t' ou/' ecei(in/ %n 20N o 'i/'e on t'e =eb&ite %cti(ityD %! 3e% ne & c%n &'% e c e%ti(e ide%& to com,lete t'e =eb&ite b! 3e% ne & c%n coo,e %ti(ely /%t'e %nd e&e% c' in"o m%tion on t'ei c'o&en /ene %l to c e%te t'e =eb&ite
%atrix of "#$ectives& 'loo()s Taxono(y& and Types of Learning "#$ective 1!0 1!% 1!b 1!c 1!c 1!d 1!e 1!" 1!/ 2!0 2!0!% 3!0 3!0!% 3!0!b 3!0!c 3!0!d 4!0 4!0!%
'loo()s Taxono(y *-, Com, e'en&ion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion A,,lic%tion >no=led/e Com, e'en&ion >no=led/e >no=led/e >no=led/e >no=led/e >no=led/e Com, e'en&ion >no=led/e
Strategy * S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Type of Learning *., Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Decl% %ti(e Decl% %ti(e Decl% %ti(e Decl% %ti(e Decl% %ti(e Conce,t Conce,t
4!0!b 4!0!c 4!0!d 5!0 5!0!% 5!0!b 5!0!c 5!0!d 0!0 0!0!% 7!0 7!0!% 2!0 2!0!% 2!0!%!i 2!0!%!ii 2!0!%!iii 2!0!%!i( 5!0 5!0!% 5!0!b ARCS Ta#le
>no=led/e >no=led/e >no=led/e Com, e'en&ion >no=led/e >no=led/e >no=led/e >no=led/e Synt'e&i& A,,lic%tion >no=led/e Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i& Synt'e&i&
S S S S S S S S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Conce,t Co/niti(e St Co/niti(e St Co/niti(e St Co/niti(e St + ocedu e + ocedu e + ocedu e + ocedu e + ocedu e + ocedu e Attitude Attitude Attitude
A.1 Perceptual Arousal Instructor can ca/tur! stu"!nts0 int!r!st $) !1/laining th! 2inal /ro"uct (3!$sit!) an" ho3 th!) 3ill $! cr!ating a 2a%! 4ac!$oo% /ag!. Sinc! most stu"!nts !n5o)6us! 4ac!$oo% r!gularl), that shoul" /!a% th!ir int!r!st. A2. Inquiry Arousal (h!n cr!ating th! 3!$sit!, stu"!nts 3ill $! instruct!" that th! mor! outsi"! in2ormation (i.!. 7 in2ormation not l!arn!" in th! classroom) that th!) can inclu"!, th! high!r th!ir gra"! 3ill $!. That 3ill !ncourag! th!m to l!arn mor! a$out th!ir in"i8i"ual 9i8il (ar g!n!ral. A3. Variability Stu"!nts 3ill $! /ro8i"!" 3ith 8arious outl!ts to l!arn in2ormation insi"! th! classroom (not!s, grou/ 3or%, "iscussion, !tc.)
R1. oal orientation
Stu"!nts 3ill $! gi8!n a :/rior %no3l!"g!; <u!stionnair! a$out 9i8il (ar cont!nt an" t!chnolog) %no3l!"g! R2. !oti"e #atc$in% Stu"!nts 3ill ha8! th! o//ortunit) to ma%! th!ir o3n choic!s an" r!s/onsi$iliti!s (3ith t!ach!r="ir!ct!" gui"anc!) 3hil! cr!ating th! 3!$sit!. (ith an !1am/l! /ro8i"!" $) th! t!ach!r, stu"!nts 3ill ha8! an un"!rstan"ing o2 3hat is an" is not !1/!ct!" in th! 2inal /ro"uct R3. &a#iliarity >!caus! most stu"!nts us! 4ac!$oo%, th! cr!ation o2 a 4a%!$oo% 3!$/ag! 3ill $! 2amiliar to a larg! /ortion o2 stu"!nts.
C1. Learnin% require#ents Pro8i"ing stu"!nts 3ith a $asic s!t o2 in2ormation as 3!ll as an !1am/l! o2 an acc!/ta$l! 4a%!$oo% /ag!, stu"!nts 3ill un"!rstan" th! !1/!ctation o2 th! instructor. C2. (uccess opportunities Stu"!nts 3ill $! /ro8i"!" 3ith sca22ol"ing "uring th! l!sson 3hich 3ill gi8! th!m th! con2i"!nc! an" "!sir! to st!/ out an" $! cr!ati8! 3ith th! 3!$sit!. C3. Personal control ? ru$ric 3ill $! /ro8i"!" so stu"!nts 3ill %no3 th! !1act as/!cts that th!) 3ill $! gra"!" on.
(1. Natural consequences 9r!ating th! 3!$sit! 3ill gi8! stu"!nts an o//ortunit) to sho3 th! %no3l!"g! an" s%ills that th!) ha8! ac<uir!" through th! l!sson.
(2. Positi"e consequences Positi8! 8!r$al r!s/ons!s 2rom instructor (:Loo%s goo";, :@ou0r! "oing a gr!at 5o$;, !tc.) as 3!ll as a goo" gra"! on th! /ro5!ct. (3. Equity Th! instructor coul" !ncourag! stu"!nts to ha8! 2un 3ith th! assignm!nt an" $! cr!ati8!. Stu"!nts coul" also 2ill out an !8aluation sh!!t on th!ir o3n /ro5!ct $!2or! turning it in to th! instructor.
A!ll!r, J. B. (.-,+). Th! s)st!matic /roc!ss o2 moti8ational "!sign. Performance & Instruction, 26 (-6.0), .=,.
.. Pro8i"!" stu"!nts 3ith s%!l!ton outlin! o2 not!s an" us! th! Po3!rPoint sli"!s to r!8i!3 th! caus!s o2 th! 9i8il (ar. Stimulat! som! class "iscussion as to 3h) th! 8arious !8!nts might ha8! $!!n a caus! to th! (ar an" 3h) !ach !8!nt 3as such an issu! to th! 8arious stat!s 3ithin th! Dnit!" Stat!s. 2. Ei8! stu"!nts th! gra/hic organiF!r that corr!s/on"s to in2ormation in th! t!1t$oo%. Th! gra/hic organiF!r 3ill co8!r a"8antag!s an" "isa"8antag!s o2 !ach si"! as 3!ll as th! 4 ma5or g!n!rals an" th!ir in8ol8!m!nt in th! 3ar. Stu"!nts 3ill $! a$l! to 3or% in small grou/s to com/l!t! th! gra/hic organiF!r. (hat!8!r th!) "o not 2inish in class 3ill $! hom!3or%. 3. R!8i!3 th! gra/hic organiF!r in class. Ba%! sur! stu"!nts ha8! all o2 th! in2ormation n!!"!" an" !1/an"6!1/lain an) in2ormation that 3as con2using to stu"!nts. 4. R!8i!3 3ith stu"!nts 3hat in2ormation is im/ortant 3h!n r!s!arching a historical 2igur! as 3!ll as th! r!sourc!s /ro8i"!" $) th! li$rar) in or"!r to com/l!t! r!s!arch. 5. Prior to /assing out th! 4a%!$oo% /ro5!ct, r!8i!3 th! :Prior Ano3l!"g!; sh!!ts. Plac! stu"!nts in /airs. ?t l!ast on! o2 th! /artn!rs shoul" $! th! :!1/!rt; (th!) ha8! goo" com/ut!r s%ills, ha8! an" u/"at! th!ir 4ac!$oo% /ag!, can u/loa" /ictur!s, an"6or ha8! a /ositi8! attitu"! to3ar" /ro5!cts 3h!n n!!"ing to us! a com/ut!r). *. Pass out an" r!8i!3 3ith stu"!nts th! 4a%!$oo% /ro5!ct an" i"!nti2) stu"!nt /airs. C1/lain to stu"!nts th! 8arious r!<uir!m!nts as 3!ll as th! ru$ric. Sho3 stu"!nts an !1am/l! o2 an instructor=cr!at!" 4a%!$oo% sit! to g!t th!m start!" an" gi8! th!m i"!as o2 th!ir o3n (htt/'66333.classtools.n!t62$6362ah*?*). Stu"!nts 3ill ha8! t3o 2ull "a)s in th! li$rar) to 3or% on th!ir assignm!nt. ?n) oth!r tim! n!!"!" shoul" $! com/l!t!" outsi"! o2 class (as "!t!rmin!" $) th!ir /air). Sugg!st to stu"!nts that a goo" gam! /lan might $! to r!s!arch on! "a) an" th!n cr!at! th! s!con" "a). )ocus Attention or Gain & *irect Attention Throughout th! grou/ 3or% acti8iti!s (gra/hic organiF!r o2 9i8il (ar cont!nt an" th! 4a%!$oo% /ag!) continuall) circl! aroun" th! room h!l/ing stu"!nts 3h!r! n!!"!" an" !ncouraging th!m to sta) on tas%. ?s% i2 stu"!nts ha8! <u!stions or n!!"!" h!l/ 3ith th! assignm!nt $!2or! th!m. R!min" stu"!nts that an) 3or% not com/l!t!" in class $!com!s a hom!3or% assignm!nt.
Emplo$ Learnin# Strate#ies or Guide or Prompt +se of Learnin# Strate#ies Throughout th! l!sson, instructor shoul" gui"! stu"!nts through in2ormation $) sca22ol"ing through th! 8arious l!arning strat!gi!s. Point out th! "!clarati8! %no3l!"g! that stu"!nts %no3 an" ha8! th!m $uil" on th! cont!nt 2acts to cr!at! conc!/ts an" us! cogniti8! strat!gi!s. Stu"!nts 3ill also us! th!ir "ir!ctions 2or 3!$sit! cr!ation as 3!ll as in/ut 2rom th!ir /artn!r to 2ollo3 l!arning /roc!"ur!s an" gui"! /ro$l!m=sol8ing s%ills. Practice or Provide for and Guide Practice Stu"!nts 3ill $! a$l! to /ractic! as th!) cr!at! th!ir 3!$sit!. >) 3or%ing in /airs, stu"!nts 3ill ha8! th! a$ilit) to $rainstorm i"!as conc!rning cont!nt to a"" an" 3a)s to ma%! th! sit! cr!ati8!. Th! stu"!nts 3ill $! a$l! to us! :trial=an"= !rror; strat!gi!s 3h!n a""ing in2ormation to th! sit! in or"!r to ma%! it as thorough as /ossi$l! as 3!ll as 8isuall) /l!asing. Evaluate )eedbac' or Provide )eedbac' (hil! stu"!nts ar! 3or%ing on assignm!nts, instructor shoul" circulat! aroun" th! classroom gi8ing imm!"iat! 2!!"$ac% to stu"!nts on gra/hic organiF!r an" 3!$sit! acti8iti!s. Stu"!nts can r!2!r to th! 3!$sit! /ro5!ct ru$ric an" !8aluation sh!!t to r!c!i8! 2!!"$ac% on th!ir /ro5!ct. Stu"!nts 3ill r!c!i8! an !8aluation sh!!t 3ith th!ir 2inal gra"! on th! assignm!nt as 3!ll.
Conclusion Summari,e and revie" or Provide summar$ and revie" ?2t!r coll!cting th! 2inal 3!$sit! /ro5!ct, as% 2or 8olunt!!rs to r!8i!3 in2ormation a$out th!ir g!n!ral. #a8! on! 8olunt!!r 2or !ach g!n!ral shar! 3ith th! class t3o int!r!sting 2acts that th!) l!arn!" a$out th!ir chos!n g!n!ral. -ransfer learnin# or Enhance transfer Gnc! stu"!nts com/l!t! th!ir 3!$sit!, ha8! a $ri!2 "iscussion 3ith stu"!nts a$out th!ir i"!as conc!rning trans2!r l!arning. Point out to stu"!nts that th! a$ilit) to com/l!t! r!s!arch an" cr!at! a 3!$sit! might $!n!2it th!m in high!r !"ucation an"6or 2utur! !m/lo)m!nt. &emotivate and .lose or Provide &emediation and .losure
R!min" stu"!nts that th!) 3ill !ncount!r this in2ormation again 3h!n stu")ing 2or th!ir unit t!st. T!ll stu"!nts to hol" on to th!ir not!s sh!!t an" gra/hic organiF!r so th!) ha8! th! in2ormation to com/l!t! th!ir stu") gui"! at a lat!r "at!. Assess Learnin# or .onduct Assessment Evaluate Stu"!nts 3ill r!c!i8! com/l!tion cr!"it 2or th! gra/hic organiF!r /rior to r!8i!3ing it as a class. Stu"!nts 3ill turn in 3!$sit! /ro5!ct an" t!ach!r 3ill gra"! /ro5!ct in a tim!l) mann!r an" r!turn gra"ing ru$ric to stu"!nts. C8i"!nc! o2 l!arning 3ill also $! s!!n on th! 2inal unit t!st. )eedbac' and See' &emediation or Provide )eedbac' and &emediation >) r!8i!3ing th! gra/hic organiF!r as a class, stu"!nts 3ill r!c!i8! 2!!"$ac% a$out th!ir 3or% an" 3ill ma%! chang!s as n!!"!". Stu"!nts 3ill r!c!i8! 2!!"$ac% o2 th!ir 3or% on th!ir 3!$sit! through th! gra"ing ru$ric that th!) r!c!i8!.
1or(ative and2or Su((ative %aterials Questions to be included in t e unit test 1! +ic6 "ou c%u&e& o" t'e Ci(il )% %nd e4,l%in ='y it in"luenced t'e )% ! 2! 3i&t t=o %d(%nt%/e& %nd t=o di&%d(%nt%/e& "o bot' t'e Hnion %nd Con"ede %te milit% y! 3! ) ite t'e n%me& o" t'e "ou m%8o /ene %l& o" t'e Ci(il )% 4! 9%tc' e%c' /ene %l =it' t'e B&ideC t'%t t'ey e, e&ented %! Hly&&e& S! $ %nt i! 1o t'
ii! Sout'
5! 9%tc' t'e "ollo=in/ /ene %l =it' t'e b%ttle t'%t 'e ,% tici,%ted in! %! J%c6&on i! Mic6&bu / b! $ %nt c! S'e m%n d! 3ee ii! # ede ic6&bu / iii! Antiet%m i(! Atl%nt%
Technology Tool 3ustification #o!er#oint" H&ed to , e&ent t'e di ect in&t uction note& , e&ented %t t'e be/innin/ o" t'e le&&onE in&t ucto =ill di&cu&& t'e in"o m%tion on t'e +o=e +oint , e&ent%tion =it' t'e &tudent& ='ile t'ey "ill in % &6eleton outline o" t'e note& $a%eboo%" Student& =ill u&e t'e &ite B#%6eboo6C to c e%te % "%6e #%ceboo6 %ccount o" % c'o&en Ci(il )% /ene %l Listed sites on !ebsite instruction s eet" + o(ided "o &tudent& to /i(e t'em /uid%nce on %,, o, i%te &ite& to u&e "o e&e% c' "o t'e c e%tion o" t'ei =eb&ite Co&puters" H&ed to 'el, &tudent& e&e% c' %ddition%l in"o m%tion %bout c'o&en /ene %l&E c%n be u&ed "o inte net o online c% d c%t%lo/ to &e% c' "o boo6&
.n&t uction%l m%te i%l &'ould be e(ie=ed by &tudent& in % &ettin/ t'%t e&emble& t'e t ue le% nin/ en(i onment %& clo&ely %& ,o&&ible! )'ile &tudent& e(ie= t'e in&t uction m%te i%l&, t'e in&t ucto =ill ob&e (e %nd m%6e note& o" t'e be'%(io o" t'e &tudent&! T'e in&t ucto &'ould loo6 "o cue& t'%t &'o= t'e e""ecti(ene&& o ine""ecti(ene&& o" t'e m%te i%l&! 1ote& &'ould be t%6en %& to %ny Fue&tion%ble % e%& =it'in t'e in&t uction! .n&t ucto & &'ould ,%y ,% ticul% %ttention to t'e "ollo=in/ Fue&tion&: 1! Did le% ne & '%(e t'e &6ill& needed to com,lete t'e %cti(itie&I 2! )'%t =%& l%c6in/ i" &tudent& did not '%(e t'e eFui ed &6ill&I 3! )%& in&t uction com,leted in % timely m%nne I 4! )'%t =%& t'e le% ne ;& %ttitude to=% d t'e in&t uction %nd %cti(itie&I 1ield Trail T'e "ield t i%l i& t'e "in%l &te, in t'e e(%lu%tion o" m%te i%l& to be u&ed du in/ in&t uction! T'e ,oint o" t'e t i%l i& to m%6e % "in%l e(%lu%tion o" m%te i%l& %nd c'%n/e& m%de, ob&e (e %ny , oblem& t'%t mi/'t t%6e ,l%ce du in/ in&t uction, %nd u&e % l% /e &%m,le &o %ll %/e& %nd &6ill le(el& % e %dmini&te ed in t'e t i%l! T'e t i%l =ill include 32 &tudent& Aei/'t &tudent& " om e%c' o" t'e 'i/' &c'ool / %de le(el %nd ele(en inclu&ion, ten e/ul% , %nd ele(en 'ono & &tudent&D! Student& =ill %/%in be /i(en e%c' o" t'e in&t uction%l m%te i%l& on % modi"ied le(el ='e e e%c' o" t'e m%8o ob8ecti(e& % e met! T'e in&t ucto =ill document %n&=e & to t'e "ollo=in/ Fue&tion&: 1! )e e t'e e %ny , oblem& =it' %dmini&te in/ o im,lementin/ m%te i%l&I 2! )e e &tudent& %ble to le% n t'e ob8ecti(e& &u""icientlyI 3! Do %ny "in%l c'%n/e& need to be m%de , io to u&in/ t'e le&&on m%te i%l&I
.D + o8ect .D + o8ect
The overall goal for the course is for each student to consider and use the systematic process of instructional design to create an instructional product. To achieve this goal, students will engage in activities that promote reflective practice, emphasize realistic contexts, and employ a number of communications technologies. Following the course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss the historical development of the practice of instructional design with regard to factors that led to its development and the rationale for its use . Describe at least two reasons why instructional design models are useful !. "dentify at least six instructional design models and classify them according to their use #. $ompare and contrast the ma%or elements of three theories of learning as they relate to instructional design &. Define 'instructional design.( ). Define the word 'systematic( as it relates to instructional design *. Define 'learning( and synthesize its definition with the practice of instructional design +. ,elate the design of instruction to the term 'educational -or 'instructional(. technology( /. Describe the ma%or components of the instructional design process and the functions of models in the design process 10. 1rovide a succinct summary of various learning contexts -declarative 2nowledge, conceptual, declarative, principle, problem3solving, cognitive, attitudinal, and psychomotor. 4uild an instructional design product that integrates ma%or aspects of the systematic process and ma2e this available on the web. a. Describe the rationale for and processes associated with needs, learner, context, goal, and tas2 analyses i. ii. $reate and conduct various aspects of a front3end analysis "dentify methods and materials for communicating sub%ect matter that are contextually relevant
b. Describe the rationale for and processes associated with creating design documents -ob%ectives, motivation, etc.. i. ii. iii. $onstruct clear instructional goals and ob%ectives Develop a motivational design for a specific instructional tas2 Develop assessments that accurately measure performance ob%ectives
c. 5elect and implement instructional strategies for selected learning tas2s i. 5elect appropriate media tools that support instructional design decisions
d. Describe the rationale and processes associated with the formative evaluation of instructional products i. 1 . 1!. 1#. 1&. $reate a plan for formative evaluation
"dentify and use technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse bac2grounds, characteristics, and abilities. 6pply state and national content standards to the development of instructional products 7eet selected professional standards developed by the 6ssociation for 8ducational $ommunications and Technology 9se various technological tools for instructional and professional communication
..4.a I"!nti2) a $roa" rang! o2 o$s!r8!" an" h)/oth!tical l!arn!r charact!ristics 2or th!ir /articular ar!a(s) o2 /r!/aration. ..4.$ !scri$! an"6or "ocum!nt s/!ci2ic l!arn!r charact!ristics 3hich in2lu!nc! th! s!l!ction o2 instructional strat!gi!s. ..4.c !scri$! an"6or "ocum!nt s/!ci2ic l!arn!r charact!ristics 3hich in2lu!nc! th! im/l!m!ntation o2 instructional strat!gi!s.
2.3 'e"elop#ent
2.0.. S!l!ct a//ro/riat! m!"ia to /ro"uc! !22!cti8! l!arning !n8ironm!nts using t!chnolog) r!sourc!s. 2.0.2 Ds! a//ro/riat! analog an" "igital /ro"ucti8it) tools to "!8!lo/ instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ro"ucts. 2.0.3 ?//l) instructional "!sign /rinci/l!s to s!l!ct a//ro/riat! t!chnological tools 2or th! "!8!lo/m!nt o2 instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ro"ucts. 2.0.4 ?//l) a//ro/riat! l!arning an" /s)chological th!ori!s to th! s!l!ction o2 a//ro/riat! t!chnological tools an" to th! "!8!lo/m!nt o2 instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ro"ucts. 2.0.5 ?//l) a//ro/riat! !8aluation strat!gi!s an" t!chni<u!s 2or ass!ssing !22!cti8!n!ss o2 instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ro"ucts. 2.0.* Ds! th! r!sults o2 !8aluation m!tho"s an" t!chni<u!s to r!8is! an" u/"at! instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ro"ucts. 2.0.+ 9ontri$ut! to a /ro2!ssional /ort2olio $) "!8!lo/ing an" s!l!cting a 8ari!t) o2 /ro"uctions 2or inclusion in th! /ort2olio. 2.1 Print Tec$nolo%ies 2...3 Ds! /r!s!ntation a//lication so2t3ar! to /ro"uc! /r!s!ntations an" su//l!m!ntar) mat!rials 2or instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ur/os!s. 2...4 Pro"uc! instructional an" /ro2!ssional /ro"ucts using 8arious as/!cts o2 int!grat!" a//lication /rograms. 2.3 Co#puter5*ase) Tec$nolo%ies 2.3.2 !sign, /ro"uc!, an" us! "igital in2ormation 3ith com/ut!r=$as!" t!chnologi!s.
3.3 .tili6ation
3.1 !e)ia .tili6ation 3.... I"!nti2) %!) 2actors in s!l!cting an" using t!chnologi!s a//ro/riat! 2or l!arning situations s/!ci2i!" in th! instructional "!sign /roc!ss.
3...2 Ds! !"ucational communications an" instructional t!chnolog) (SBCTS) r!sourc!s in a 8ari!t) o2 l!arning cont!1ts.
3.3 I#ple#entation an) Institutionali6ation 3.3.. Ds! a//ro/riat! instructional mat!rials an" strat!gi!s in 8arious l!arning cont!1ts. 3.3.2 I"!nti2) an" a//l) t!chni<u!s 2or int!grating SBCTS inno8ations in 8arious l!arning cont!1ts. 3.3.3 I"!nti2) strat!gi!s to maintain us! a2t!r initial a"o/tion.
4.3 !ana%e#ent
2.3 E"aluation
2.1 Proble# Analysis
5.... I"!nti2) an" a//l) /ro$l!m anal)sis s%ills in a//ro/riat! school m!"ia an" !"ucational t!chnolog) (SBCT) cont!1ts (!.g., con"uct n!!"s ass!ssm!nts, i"!nti2) an" "!2in! /ro$l!ms, i"!nti2) constraints, i"!nti2) r!sourc!s, "!2in! l!arn!r charact!ristics, "!2in! goals an" o$5!cti8!s in instructional s)st!ms "!sign, m!"ia "!8!lo/m!nt an" utiliFation, /rogram manag!m!nt, an" !8aluation).
2.2 Criterion5re+erence) !easure#ent 5.2.. !8!lo/ an" a//l) crit!rion=r!2!r!nc!" m!asur!s in a 8ari!t) o2 SBCT cont!1ts. 2.3 &or#ati"e an) (u##ati"e E"aluation 5.3.. !8!lo/ an" a//l) 2ormati8! an" summati8! !8aluation strat!gi!s in a 8ari!t) o2 SBCT cont!1ts. SME- 4 School Media & Educational -echnolo#ies
0! C%n you n%me one Ci(il )% /ene %l " om %bo(e %nd ='%t b%ttle 'e =%& 6no=n "o ,% tici,%tin/ inI
7! Do you '%(e b%&ic com,ute &6ill& Au&in/ t'e inte net, ty,in/ in )o d, &%(in/ document&, etc!DI 2! H%(e you e(e conducted lib % y e&e% c' be"o eI 5! )'%t ty,e o" &ou ce& doe& % lib % y o""e ='en conductin/ e&e% c'I 10! )'en e&e% c'in/ %n im,o t%nt ,e &on in 'i&to y, ='%t % e &ome 6ey ,iece& o" in"o m%tion t'%t you &'ould be &e% c'in/ "o I 11! Ho= c%n you tell i" % &ou ce t'%t you "ind on t'e inte net i& eli%bleI 12! H%(e you e(e c e%ted % =eb&ite be"o eI ." &o, ='%t =%& it %boutI 13! )'en . tell you t'%t you =ill be c e%tin/ % =eb&ite, 'o= do you "eelI %! E4cited! Jou lo(e doin/ t'in/& =it' com,ute & b! 1e (ou&! Com,ute & % en;t e%lly you t'in/ c! Hn&u e! .t;& &omet'in/ ne= to you but you % e =illin/ to /i(e it % &'ot d! 7t'e ! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
14! Do you '%(e % #%ceboo6 %ccountI Do you u,d%te it o"tenI 15! Do you 6no= 'o= to u,lo%d ,ictu e& " om t'e com,ute onto % =eb&ite &uc' %& #%ceboo6 Ai!e! L &%(e t'e ,ictu e to t'e com,ute , "ind it u&in/ t'e u,lo%d button on t'e =eb,%/e, etc!DI 10! Do you '%(e inte net %cce&& %t 'omeI 17! )'en . &%y t'%t you % e =o 6in/ on % , o8ect =it' &omeone, ='%t doe& t'%t me%nI )'%t doe& B=o 6in/ on % , o8ectC =it' %not'e ,e &on ent%ilI
Louisiana Purchas!
Gccurr!" in .,03 an" "ou$l!" th! siF! o2
th! Dnit!" S tat!s an" !ncourag!" /!o/l! to mo8! (!st 9r!at!" s!ctionalism 7 strong r!gar" 2or s!ctional or r!gional local int!r!sts, r!gional or local s/irit (h!n stat!s 2orm!", th!) ha" to "!ci"! i2 th!) 3oul" $! :2r!!; or :sla8!;
Bissouri 9om/romis!
.,.- 7 Bissouri
a//li!" 2or stat!hoo" as a sla8! stat! (.. 2r!!, .. sla8!) .,20 7 Bain! $ro%! a3a) 2rom Bassachus!tts an" a//li!" 2or stat!hoo" as a 2r!! stat! S !nat! com$in!" 2 r!<u!sts 2or stat!hoo" an" a"mitt!" $oth into th! Dnion (. 2r!!, . sla8!)
:S !nat! /rohi$it!" sla8!r) in th! r!st o2 th! Louisiana t!rritor) north o2 Bissouri0s south!rn $oar"!r (3*H, 300 latitu"! lin!)
Bissouri6Bain! S tat!hoo"
so8!r!ignt) 9ali2ornia a//li!" to !nt!r th! Dnion as a 2r!! stat! (2r!! stat!s no3 control 9ongr!ss) 4irst tal%s o2 s!c!ssion $!gin in th! S outh
!c!ssion 7 ? stat! 8oluntaril) l!a8ing th! Dnion : S
9om/romis! o2 .,50
#!nr) 9la) (A@ S !nator) 9ali2ornia 3oul" $! a"mitt!"
to th!
: ?ccus!" coul" not t!sti2) 2or th!ir "!2!ns! :J u"g!s r!c!i8!" J.0 2or ruling in 2a8or o2 th! sla8! o3n!r, an" onl) J5 2or ruling in 2a8or o2 th! accus!" /!rson
Aansas=&!$ras%a ?ct
: ?llo3!" stat!s in th! &!$ras%a t!rritor) to $! 2r!! : ?llo3!" stat!s in th! Aansas t!rritor) to $! sla8! stat!s 7 changing th! Bissouri 9om/romis! ($!cam! a 2r!! stat! in .,*.)
sla8! Ta%!n north to 3or% in 2r!! t!rritor) 2or )!ars R!turn!" to Bissouri an" su!" 2or his 2r!!"om ?rgu!" that li8ing in 2r!! t!rritor) ha" ma"! him a 2r!! man S u/r!m! 9ourt0s 9hi!2 J ustic! Rog!r Tan!) rul!" against S cott
: ?2rican ?m!ricans 3!r! not citiF!ns an" coul" not su! : ?rgu!" 8ali"it) o2 th! Bissouri 9om/romis!
L!thal 9om$ination
Bounting Issu!s'
: : : : : : :
Louisiana Purchas!6(!st3ar" C1/ansion Bissouri 9om/romis! 9om/romis! o2 .,50 Aansas=&!$ras%a ?ct Eol" Rush 4ugiti8! S la8! ?ct r!" S cott !cision
: ?ll o2 th!s! issu!s a""ing u/ onl) cr!at!s mor! hostilit) than !8!r antici/at!", th! r!sult Kth! 9i8il (arL
California 2old 3ush 4n 1858" traces of !old found in a stream in Sacramento" California 6ra$s __________________ people to California : California needs help maintainin! order and encoura!ed to appl# for statehood Usin! ________________________________________ California applied to enter the Union as a free state *free states no$ control Con!ress+ 7irst tal-s of secession %e!in in the South : Secession ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Compromise of 1880 ______________________________ *9: Senator+ California $ould %e admitted to the Union as a ____________ state ;e$" strin!ent __________________________________________________
7u!itive Slave <ct 6eclared that all runa$a# slaves %e %rou!ht %ac- to their _______________ Slaveholder or slave catcher did not have to have pro%a%le cause to accuse someone of %ein! a runa$a# <ccused had to !o %efore a federal commissioner _____________ ____________________________________________________ : : <ccused could not testif# for their _____________________ =ud!es received __________ for rulin! in favor of the slave o$ner" and onl# _________ for rulin! in favor of the accused person
9ansas ;e%ras-a <ct : : <llo$ed states in the __________________ territor# to %e free <llo$ed states in the ___________________ territor# to %e slave states chan!in! the (issouri Compromise *%ecame a free state in 1801+
6red Scott Case (issouri slave >a-en north to $or- in free territor# for #ears 3eturned to (issouri and _____________________ for his freedom <r!ued that livin! in free territor# had made him a free man Supreme Court/s Chief =ustice 3o!er >ane# ruled _________________ Scott : <frican <mericans $ere not ___________________ and could not sue : <r!ued validit# of the ____________________________________
Lethal Com%ination (ountin! 4ssues? : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ <ll of these issues addin! up onl# creates more hostilit# than ever anticipated" the result @ the Civil WarA
Ds! th! t!1t$oo% /ag!s that ar! list!" n!1t to !ach to/ic6/!rson to 2ill out th! gra/hic organiF!rs. PA E( 1275128 9G&4C CR?9@ (SGDT#) ? N?&T?ECS IS? N?&T?ECS
D&IG& (&GRT#)
Partn!r0s &am!'
'irections: &o3 that )ou ha8! ha" an o//ortunit) to l!arn a$out caus!s o2 th! 9i8il (ar, a"8antag!s an" "isa"8antag!s o2 !ach si"!, an" th! in8ol8!m!nt o2 ma5or g!n!rals, )ou 3ill $! using that in2ormation to cr!at! a 3!$/ag! a$out on! chos!n g!n!ral. @ou 3ill $! using a sit! %no3n as :4a%!$oo%; 3hich has a similar la)out to 4ac!$oo%. @ou 3ill $! r!s/onsi$l! 2or a""ing in2ormation onto )our sit! to sho3 )our %no3l!"g! o2 th! (ar an" )our g!n!ral. T3o "a)s in th! li$rar) ha8! alr!a") $!!n s!t asi"! 2or )ou to 3or% on th! assignm!nt. I2 )ou 3or% !22!cti8!l) 3ith )our /artn!r (3ho has alr!a") $!!n chos!n 2or )ou), )ou shoul" not ha8! to com/l!t! too much outsi"! o2 class. B) sugg!stion is to s/!n" on! "a) r!s!arching an" on! "a) cr!ating th! sit!. List!" $!lo3 ar! th! s/!ci2ic /i!c!s o2 in2ormation that )ou n!!" to inclu"! as 3!ll as th! "i8ision o2 )our /oints 2or th! /ro5!ct. I 3ill also $! 3al%ing )ou through th! sit! $!2or! )ou g!t start!" so )ou s!! ho3 it 3or%s. ?gain, th! sit! is NCR@ similar to 4ac!$oo% so )ou shoul" not ha8! an) /ro$l!ms. Th! 3!$sit! a""r!ss 2or 4a%!$oo% is' $ttp:;;;+b;$o#e;pa%e *rea<)o=n o+ Points: 93 points &am! o2 E!n!ral' . /oint at! o2 $irth6"!ath' 2 /oints Jo$ !scri/tion6Si"!' 2 /oints 5 /i!c!s o2 int!r!sting in2ormation' .0 /oints (2 /oints 2or !ach in2ormation /i!c!) Pictur! o2 E!n!ral' 2 /oints 4 :2ri!n"s; (3ith /ictur!s)' , /oints (2 /oints 2or !ach :2ri!n";) .5 /osts sho3ing )our %no3l!"g! an" r!s!arch (3ith "at!s)' 30 /oints (2 /oints 2or !ach /ost) S/!lling6Erammar6S!nt!nc! Structur!' 5 /oints Ds! o2 tim! in th! li$rar)' 5 /oints Erou/ (or% 3ith )our /artn!r' 5 /oints >>>>> 2 points e?tra cre)it i+ you a)) a s$ort "i)eo clip ,no #ore t$an 4 #inutes- t$at a))s to your &a<eboo< pa%e >>>>> (h!n )ou ar! 2inish!" )our 4a%!$oo% sit!, /l!as! !mail Brs. #o) )our 3!$sit! lin% as 3!ll as a list o2 sourc!s that ar! us!" 2or in2ormation (3!$sit! lin%s, $oo% titl!s, !tc.). >!lo3 ar! som! 3!$sit!s that might s!r8! as goo" sourc!s to r!8i!3 in2ormation. @ou ma) us! oth!r sourc!s as 3!ll. htt/'66333.ci8il3ar.org6!"ucation6histor)6$iogra/hi!s6 htt/'66sunsit!.ut%.!"u6ci8il=3ar6g!n!rals.html htt/'66333.ci8il3araca"!m).com6ci8il=3ar=g!n!rals.html
G5N5RAL NA%5 D"'2D"D 3"' D5SCR/PT/"N A 1ot included 1ot included 1ot included + .ncluded 3i&t& D7: o D7D but not bot' .nclude& 8ob de&c i,tion but not &ide t'%t 'e "ou/'t "o O O .nclude& bot' D7: %nd D7D .nclude& bot' 8ob de&c i,tion %nd &ide t'%t 'e "ou/'t "o .nclude& ,ictu e o" /ene %l :et=een 11 %nd 13 mi&t%6e& 1eeded eminde & to &t%y on t%&6E com,leted % le&& t'%n '%l" o" t'e , o8ect O O O . O O O 0 O O O
:et=een 14 %nd 17 mi&t%6e& Con&i&tently Con&i&tently o"" t%&6E o"" t%&6E but (e y little "ini&'ed =o 6 e&e% c'in/ com,leted t'e Ci(il )% /ene %l
GR">P <"R:
:et=een 2 :et=een 3 o le&& %nd 10 4 %nd 7 mi&t%6e& mi&t%6e& mi&t%6e& 1eeded H&ed time H&ed time eminde & =i&ely but =i&elyE to &t%y on needed % com,leted t%&6 but "e= mo&t o" , o8ect /ot % l% /e eminde & in cl%&& c'un6 o" to &t%y on t'e , o8ect t%&6 com,leted in cl%&& #e= 7cc%&ion%l # eFuent $ ou, inte %ction& inte %ction inte %ction membe & bet=een bet=een bet=een con&i&tently / ou, / ou, / ou, communic%tin/ membe & membe & membe & =it' e%c' ot'e du in/ t'e , o8ect
+o&t G2: KKKK<2 +o&t G3: KKKK<2 +o&t G4: KKKK<2 +o&t G5: KKKK<2
+o&t G7: KKKK<2 +o&t G2: KKKK<2 +o&t G5: KKKK<2 +o&t G10: KKKK<2
+o&t G12: KKKK<2 +o&t G13: KKKK<2 +o&t G14: KKKK<2 +o&t G15: KKKK<2
A e t'e in&t uction& "o t'e Fue&tionn%i e cle% %nd to t'e ,ointI U Je& 1o
." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e Fue&tionn%i eI
.& t'e content o" t'e +o=e +oint co ectI U Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e +o=e +ointI
Do t'e note& "ollo= t'e +o=e +ointI U Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e note& &'eetI
Graphic "rganiFer
Doe& t'e / %,'ic o /%ni@e %&6 im,o t%nt content Fue&tion&I U Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e / %,'ic o /%ni@e I
A e t'e in&t uction& "o t'e / %,'ic o /%ni@e cle% %nd to t'e ,ointI U Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e / %,'ic o /%ni@e I
<e#site activity2G1ake#ookG
Doe& t'e S#%6eboo6S %cti(ity b in/ to/et'e t'e %&,ect& le% ned in t'e le&&onI U Je& 1o
." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e S#%6eboo6S %cti(ityI
A e t'e in&t uction& "o t'e %cti(ity cle% %nd to t'e ,ointI U Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e S#%6eboo6S %cti(ityI
/nstruction ;uestions
Doe& t'e in&t uction "ollo= t'e d i(e %nd di ection o" DCTST& le% nin/ clim%teI U T'e de&i/ne T& (ie= i& t'%t t'e le% nin/ clim%te o" DCTS inco ,o %te& t'e "ollo=in/ %&,ect&: 1! &tudent cente ed le% nin/, 2! u&e o" tec'nolo/y, %nd 3! inclu&ion o" e%din/ %nd<o = itin/ on % d%ily b%&i& Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e le&&on to inco ,o %te t'e /i(en clim%teI
.& t'e in&t uction %,, o, i%te "o t'e intended le% nin/ ,o,ul%tion %t DCTSI U Je& 1o ." you %n&=e ed no to t'e , e(iou& Fue&tion, ='%t need& to be c'%n/ed o %d%,ted to t'e le&&on to e%c' t'e le% nin/ ,o,ul%tion %t DCTSI
Appendix H! References
Smith, P.L., & Ragan, T.J. (2005). Instructional Sons !sign (3 r" !".). #o$o%!n, &J' John (il!) &