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Deed of Conditional Transfer of Rights

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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Deed of Conditional Transfer of Rights is entered into by and between: ____________________, of legal age, Filipino, single and a resident of _______________, Davao City, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the TRANSF R!R"# ND!R$ and _________________, an asso%iation d&ly established and organi'ed in a%%ordan%e with Philippine laws, with S C Registration No(_____, with b&siness address at ___________________ and herein represented by _______________________ , asso%iation President, of legal age, Filipino, )arried and a resident of ___________________ Street, Davao City, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the TRANSF R "# ND $ *+TN SS T,: That the TRANSF R!R"# ND!R is the owner"a%t&al o%%&pant"possessor of a lot identified as ___________________, lo%ated at ___________________, Davao City by virt&e of _______________________________( That for and in %onsideration of the s&) of F+# ,-NDR D T,P!-SAND P S!S .P/00,000(001, Philippine C&rren%y, the TRANSF R!R"# ND!R hereby Conditionally S 22S, TRANSF RS, C!N# 3S and *A+# S &nto the TRANSF R "# ND , all his rights, interest and whatever title over the above par%el of land together with the i)prove)ents thereon as well as any and all other i)prove)ents introd&%ed and fo&nd thereon$ while the TRANSF R "# ND is willing to b&y and a%4&ire the sa)e &nder the following ter)s and %onditions: That the a)o&nt of T,R ,-NDR D T,!-SAND P S!S .P 500,000(001 shall be paid by the # ND S to the # ND!R as down6pay)ent$ That the balan%e of T*! ,-NDR D T,!-SAND P S!S .P700,000(001 shall be paid in the following )anner: The a)o&nt of ________ P S!S shall be paid on or before ____, 7008(

The a)o&nt of ________ P S!S shall be paid on or before ____, 700:( That the TRANSFEREE"VENDEE agrees not to sell, %ede, transfer or in any other )anner dispose of the rights and obligations &nder this %ontra%t witho&t prior %onsent of the TRANSFEROR"VENDOR. Title to the Rights over the above6des%ribed property s&b;e%t of this %ontra%t re)ains with the TRANSFEROR/VENDOR and shall pass to and be transferred to the TRANSFEREE/VENDEE only &pon %o)plete pay)ent of the f&ll %onsideration above agreed &pon and the e<e%&tion and signing of the final DEED OF ABSOLUTE TRANSFER OF RIGHTS$ That the TRANSFEROR/VENDOR binds hi)self to e<e%&te the Deed of Absol&te Transfer of Rights in favor of the Transferee"#endee &pon f&ll pay)ent of the agreed %onsideration( +N *+TN SS *, R !F, the parties here&nto set their hands this ____ day of Septe)ber, 7090 in the City of Davao, Philippines(

T!R+2 ________ ,!= !*N RS ASS!C+AT+!N >y: ______________________________ TRANSFEROR/VENDOR TRANSFEREE/VENDEE

Signed in the presen%e of: ____________________ ____________________

R P->2+C !F T, P,+2+PP+N S 1 C+T3 !F DA#A! 1 S(S( < 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 6 6 666 6 6 6 <

AC?N!*2 D@= NT

> F!R = , a Notary P&bli% for and in the City of Davao, Philippines, personally appeared ____________________ with Co))&nity Ta< Certifi%ate No( ________________ iss&ed on ________________ at Davao City and __________________ with Co))&nity Ta< Certifi%ate No( ________ iss&ed on

_______________ at Davao City, Philippines, who represented the)selves to be the sa)e persons who e<e%&ted the foregoing instr&)ent and they a%Anowledged to )e that the sa)e is their free a%t and deed( This instr&)ent relates to a Deed of Conditional Transfer of Rights %onsisting of three .51 pages, in%l&ding the page on whi%h this a%Anowledg)ent is printed( *+TN SS )y ,AND and S A2 this ___ day of Ban&ary, 7008 at Davao City, Philippines(

Do%( No( _____$ Page No( _____$ >ooA No( _____$ Series of 7090(

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