My History in Photos Part 1

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Part 1.

It was in front of the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Thakin Nu's Residence on Kokine Road, the name of the Road was changed into Kabar Aye Pagoda Road in the mid '50s. From left to right: Thakin Ba Hein, Student Leader cum Dho Bamar Asiahyoane Leader cum Permanent House Guest of Thankin Nu; Thankin Nu holding his son Maung Aung on his lap; Baby Tun Sein, U Tun Sein and family was another Permanent House Guest of Thakin Nu; San San Nu, Thakin Nu's eldest daughter; Daw Mya Yi [Mrs. Nu] holding their son Ko Thaung Htike on her lap; and a Japanese Journalist. The occasion was an Interview. The House was later on transformed into Shwe-U Daung Minn Garment Factory. Now it is the site of the Sidonar Hotel.

At this House on the left in Wakhema Town, Irrawaddy Division, Maung Nu, who later became the Prime Minister of Burma U Nu born. The House still exists. Rangoon University Student Leaders on one of their tours. From Right to Left: U Ohn, the one who introduced Ko Nu, Ko Aung San, Ko Kyaw Nyein, and Ko Thein Phay in one of the Class Rooms of the Rangoon University in total Darkness, later became the Ambassador to the Court of Saint James [UK] and then to USSR, then became the Advisor to the Prime Minister U Nu; and Ko Nu with other

leaders. Ko Nu could not answer why the introductory meeting as well as subsequent meetings had to be in total darkness, he was puzzled until the end of his life.

Rangoon University Students' Executive Committee of 1935 - 36.


Front Row Left to Right: Ko Thi Han, became Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Revolutionary Govt. in 1962; M. A. Raschid, Vice President of the RUSU, later became Ministers assigned to various portfolios in the AFPFL Govt.; Ko Gyi Nu, President of the RUSU, later on became Prime Minister of Burma; Ko Ohn, became Advisor to the Prime Minister; Ko Aung San, Editor of Ohwai Magazine, later became National Leader of Burma. Back Row Left to Right: Ko Ba Set, joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs, became Consul General; Ko Thar Hla, became Rector of RU; U Tun Ohn, became Mayor of Rangoon in the early '50s; Ko Tun Tin, later became Bohmu Tun Tin, a leader of AFPFL Stable faction. The rest are the Staff; the one in head gear was U Kan Thein, Caretaker.

A very historically famous photo of General Aung San, widely used; but under the military regimes Thakin Nu was always cut off; history was distorted by those cowards. It was General Aung San's last public speech given from the City Hall balcony near Sule Pagoda of Rangon. Thakin Nu presided the Public Meeting where General Aung San was the Key Note Speaker. It was in July 1947, very close to July 19.

looked on. U Chan Htoon followed through General Aung San's became 7 Point] Directive Guideline strictly.

Prime Minister of Burma Thakin Nu and British Prime Minister Atlee affixed their signatures for the Independence of Burma that gained on January 4, 1947. Attorney General U Chan Htoon, the Chief Architect of the 1947 Constitution under direct supervision of General Aung San 14 Point [Later on

Many know fully well of Six Buddhist Synod or Sahta Sangar Yanar and the Cave but few knows the existence of the memorabilia on account of the Synod.

Prime Minister Thakin Nu had denounced Thakin, and substituted with U, so he had become U Nu not long after independence. The Photo was taken by Asia Photo U Kyawt at Prime Minister's Official Residence, No. 16 Windermere Park, Rangoon, near Hantharwaddy Circle. U Nu did not stay with the family in the main two story brick building; he had a little three room wooden house built close by, one room for him, one for his son Maung Aung that was also used as dressing room and a living room. The photo was U Nu with his son Maung Aung; it was taken circa late '40s.

Burma was born as a twin; the other one was insurgencies. KNDO [Karen National Defense Force] was one of the leading insurrectionists. Before KNDO openly went underground KNDO Leader Saw Ba Oo Gyi and Prime Minister U Nu tried their best to have Peace. The Two toured the country, the Two met Karen masses; those activities had earned Thakin Nu as Karen Nu but the Peace overtures went on. Saw Ba Oo Gyi spent about two nights at the Little House of Prime Minister U Nu; of course, Maung Aung had but to vacate the room for the Karen National Leader. The Photo was taken by Bamakhit newspaper, presented by U Ohn Khin signed as Mogyo and was autographed by both Burmese and Karen Leaders on April 7, 1949.

1/10/2014 10:58:02 PM

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