Tea Bag Folding

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The document discusses tea bag folding, which is an origami technique where small squares of paper are folded and assembled into geometric shapes. Different folding patterns and orders of assembly can create varied designs.

Tea bag folding is a papercraft where small squares of paper, traditionally with repeating patterns, are folded into triangles and assembled to form shapes like medallions. The basic technique involves valley and mountain folds to create the triangles, which are then interleaved to build the overall shape.

In addition to the basic medallion shape formed by interleaving triangles, variations include folding the front points of each triangle to create a diamond shape on top before assembling. The order of assembling the triangles can also be varied to make different patterns.

Tea Bag Folding

Plegable bolsa de t es un arte de papel que se origin en Holanda, donde muchas bolsitas de t vienen envueltos individualmente en paquetes de papel. Al cortar cada bolsa en el suelo a una plaza, las bolsas se pueden plegar y luego se combinan en una forma geomtrica, al igual que en el origami modular 2D. Estos medallones se pueden utilizar para decorar tarjetas de felicitacin hechas a mano, embellecer sus regalos envueltos, o usted podra intentar agregar un lazo para colgar (pegar las unidades entre s primero!) Para hacer una decoracin de Navidad inusual.

Dont let the name tea bag folding put you off you can perform this craft with any small squares of coloured paper. To give a more authentic result, the squares should be patterned, and each square should have the same pattern. There are many online resources that provide printable sheets of repeating patterns to cut into squares, and fold diagrams to produce different shapes. Google tea bag folding and you will find many more links than I have provided here. Im going to demonstrate one fold pattern here to give you an idea of the method hopefully it will inspire you to look more closely at this fairly obscure papercraft If you are printing your tea bag papers, cut them into squares, otherwise assemble 8 squares of origami paper. You can use squares of any size; here I have used 1.5 (3.8cm) squares:

For each square, place it patterned side up. Valley fold in half diagonally (remember to crease all folds sharply):

Open up and valley fold along the other diagonal. Now mountain fold the square in half:

Open up again and you will be able to fold the square down into a triangle along the creases you have just made the basic fold is now complete. Take 2 of your triangles and slot them together so the points are interleaved:

Continue to add triangles to assemble the shape. They will not stay together unless you glue them down; you can glue them as you go, or assemble them very carefully and then glue them

all together at the end.

Here is the completed basic medallion:

For a more interesting variant, valley fold each of the two front points of the triangle up to meet the top point. This will leave you with the triangle shape with a diamond shape on top. Interleave the units as before:

By varying the order of assembly, you can create different patterns. The medallion on the left (below) is formed by interleaving one unit above, one unit below, around the circle. The

medallion on the right is formed so each unit is half over and half under the neighbouring units:

Its as simple as that! If you try tea bag folding, or youre already an expert, wed love to see your work! Please upload your pics to the Folding Trees Flickr group.

No dejes que el nombre de "t bolso plegable ' te desanime - puedes realizar este oficio con los pequeos cuadrados de papel de colores. Para que el resultado sea ms autntica, las plazas deben ser modelada , y cada cuadrado debe tener el mismo patrn. Hay muchos recursos en lnea que proporcionan hojas imprimibles de la repeticin de patrones para cortar en cuadrados , y doblar diagramas para producir diferentes formas. Google " bolsita de t plegable ' y encontrar muchos ms enlaces que he proporcionado aqu .

Voy a demostrar un patrn de plegado para que os hagis una idea del mtodo - que espero que le inspirar a mirar ms de cerca este papercraft bastante oscuro ...

Si va a imprimir sus documentos de la bolsita de t , cortarlas en cuadrados , de lo contrario el montaje 8 cuadrados de papel de origami. Puede utilizar las plazas de cualquier tamao , aqu he utilizado 1,5 " (3,8 cm ) cuadrados plegables : bolsita de t

Para cada plaza, colquelo cara impresa hacia arriba. Valle de doblar por la mitad en diagonal (recuerde arrugar todos pliegues bruscamente ) : plegable bolsa de t

Abre y pliegue valle a lo largo de la otra diagonal . Ahora montaa doblar el cuadrado por la mitad : plegable bolsa de t

Abrir de nuevo y usted ser capaz de doblar el cuadrado hacia abajo en un tringulo junto a los pliegues que acaba de hacer - el pliegue bsica ha finalizado. Tome 2 de sus tringulos y ranura juntos por lo que los puntos se intercalan : plegable bolsa de t

Contine agregando tringulos de montar de la forma. No van a estar juntos , a menos de pegar hacia abajo ; puedes pegarlos sobre la marcha, o ensamblar con mucho cuidado y luego pegarlas todas juntas al final. plegable bolsa de t

Aqu est el medalln bsica completado: plegable bolsa de t

Para una variante ms interesante , valle doblar cada uno de los dos puntos anteriores del tringulo hasta alcanzar el punto ms alto . Esto te dejar con la forma de tringulo con una forma de diamante en la parte superior . Intercalar las unidades que antes: plegable bolsa de t

Al variar el orden de ensamblaje, puede crear diferentes patrones. El medalln a la izquierda ( abajo) est formada por intercalar una unidad por encima , por debajo de una unidad , alrededor del crculo . El medalln a la derecha se forma de manera que cada unidad es un medio ms de medio y bajo las unidades vecinas : plegable bolsa de t

Es tan simple como eso! Si intenta bolsa de t que dobla , o si ya eres un experto, nos encantara ver tu trabajo ! Por favor, sube tus fotos al grupo Folding Trees Flickr.

An introduction to tea bag folding

Tea bag folding uses some of the techniques of Origami combined with tiny squares of patterned paper. Once folded these squares are combined in attractive geometric patterns to form a larger design. The art of tea bag folding is said to have been born when a clever Dutch crafter decided to work with the decorative envelopes used to hold fruit tea bags. As the craft developed specially printed sheets have been produced with patterned squares ready to cut out and fold. Any patterned paper could be used but part of the attraction of the assembled tea bag patterns is the repetition of the design elements.

Equipment for tea bag folding together with a sheet of tea bag paper.

Equipment for tea bag folding.

Cutting mat Metal edged ruler

Craft knife Scissors

Paper adhesive

Lay your sheet of tea bag paper on your cutting board. Line up with the grid on the cutting board. Cut a strip of squares using a metal ruler and a craft knife.

Cut a single square. Folding the paper. On the diagram the green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Step 1.

In step 1 and 2 you are creating creases by folding and unfolding. 1. Fold the paper into half and then unfold it. Fold in half the other way and unfold it. Step 2.

2. Turn the paper over and fold from corner to corner then unfold it. Fold the other two corners together then unfold it. Step 3.

3. Fold the lower half up and the outer edges into the centre, manipulating the creased paper into shape 4. Step 4.

Fold a total of eight shapes to this stage.

Step 5.

5. Slide a second folded sheet between the V of the first shape. Note the way the V's of each piece go together. Fix the pieces with paper adhesive as you assemble the shape. If this is your first try it might be best to assemble it dry to start with, then fix it with adhesive when you are satisfied you have the correct method.

6. Continue sliding new pieces into the V of the previous piece until the design is complete. The last piece of the set will take a bit of manipulation to get it into the correct position. Study the finished diagram to see how it should look.

Christmas tree card

Christmas tree card Description

Tea bag paper folded and mounted in the shape of a tree. The front of the card is cut to echo the shape of the tree. "Merry Christmas" stamped and embossed in gold.
Materials used

Textured cream greetings card 104mm x 152mm (4.1in x 6in) Tea bag paper of your choice * Rubber stamp Merry Christmas, Gold embossing powder, Gold ink pad (or sticker) Mulberry paper Dark green card


Paper folding chart. Click here for a bigger picture.

Close view of fold You will need ten pieces of tea bag paper 4cm x 4cm (1.5in x 1.5in).

The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Fold your tea bag paper as shown in the chart. In diagrams 1 and 2 you are creating creases by folding and unfolding. 1. Fold the paper into half and then unfold it. Fold in half the other way and unfold it. 2. Turn the paper over and fold from corner to corner then unfold it. Fold the other two corners together then unfold it. 3. Fold the lower half up and the outer edges into the centre, manipulating the creased paper into shape 4. 5. Fold the left hand upper corner to top point. Repeat with the right hand upper corner. Assemble the tree on a piece of green card. Note the way they overlap. Some sections simply sit on top of others. On others you will slot them together as follows: On the front square there is a slot formed by two pieces folded together, I call these the fangs. You slot these fangs behind the front square of a second section of the tree. The back part of the first section tucks under the back of the second section. Fix the pieces in place with adhesive. Cut the green card to the shape of the tree allowing a 3mm border. Stamp "Merry Christmas" on the greetings card with a gold ink pad and emboss with gold embossing powder. Or use a message sticker. Position the tree on the greetings card and fix with adhesive. Cut the front leaf of the card to the shape of the tree allowing a 3mm border.

Cut a square of mulberry paper for the inside leaf of the card and fix in position with adhesive.

Pansy corners card


A single fold card has four pansy pattern tea bag paper squares folded into triangular shapes, mounted on a square of silver card. The card is finished with a Just for you sticker.
Materials used

Greetings card 104mm x 152mm (4.1in x 6in) Tea bag paper of your choice * Sticker Just for you Silver card 67mm square (2.6in) Card adhesive


Paper folding chart. Click here for a bigger picture.

Close view of fold You will need four pieces of tea bag paper 4cm x 4cm (1.5in x 1.5in). The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper.

It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Fold your tea bag paper as shown in the chart. In diagrams 1 and 2 you are creating creases by folding and unfolding. 1. Fold the paper into half and then unfold it. Fold in half the other way and unfold it. 2. Turn the paper over and fold from corner to corner then unfold it. Fold the other two corners together then unfold it. 3. Fold the lower half up and the outer edges into the centre, manipulating the creased paper into shape 4. 5. Fold the lower point to the top. 6 & 7. The fold is now opened out and flattened. To do this grip the tip of the small triangle you have just folded up together with the front part of the folded paper. Hold the back of the fold on your work surface and pull the front towards you. The fold opens with the left and right inside folds sticking up. Push these to either side as you continue open the fold. Keep going until the front is flat on the work surface. 8. Manipulate the side folds until they too are flat and form triangles. 9. Fold the lower edge to the top edge. The triangle folded up in step 5 remains on the work surface. The shape is similar to step 5 but you have now created two square pockets inside the fold. 10. Fold the front left hand edge to almost the centre. Fold the front right hand edge to almost the centre. 11. The finished fold. Fold a total of four squares of tea bag paper. Stick the square of silver card to the front of the pink greetings card at an angle of 45 degrees.

Assemble the four folded tea bags on the silver square as the picture above. Fix the pieces in place with adhesive. Add the "Just for you" sticker.
* The tea bag paper used in this project has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

Birthday Window Tea Bag Card


A textured ivory deckle edge card has a window formed by cutting a cross the corners and folding back the four flaps this creates. A circular design of folded tea bag paper is mounted inside the card so it shows through the window. The card is finished with Happy Birthday stickers and glitter glue edging.
Materials used

Textured ivory deckle edge single fold greetings card 144mm x 144mm (5 in x 5 in) Tea bag paper Butterfly Dawn (TFP016) 4 Happy Birthday stickers

Glitter glue Ripple paper edgers Craft knife Adhesive


Part of the sheet of Butterfly Dawn tea bag paper.

Click here for larger folding chart.

Tea bag paper folding instructions. You will need eight pieces of tea bag paper 4cm x 4cm (1.5in x 1.5in).

The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Fold your tea bag paper as shown in the chart. In diagrams 1 and 2 you are creating creases by folding and unfolding. 1. Fold the paper into half and then unfold it. Fold in half the other way and unfold it. 2. Turn the paper over and fold from corner to corner then unfold it. Fold the other two corners together then unfold it. 3. Turn the paper over and bring the four corners together, manipulating the creased paper as shown in shape 4 to finish with flat shape 5. 6. Trim the two outer edges of the paper with ripple paper edgers. 7 & 8. Fold seven more squares. Assemble by sliding one square into another at an angle of 45 degrees. 9. Make a complete circle with the eight squares. Cut out a centre shape from the tea bag paper and add this to the centre of the folded design. Card making instructions. Mark a 6 cm square in the centre front of the greeting card. Open the card out, place it on a cutting board and cut from corner to corner with a craft knife.

Fold the four triangular flaps outwards and trim their edges with ripple paper edgers. Fix the flaps down with adhesive.

Draw a line of glitter glue along each edge of the flaps. Add a "Happy Birthday" sticker to each flap. Add the tea bag decoration to the inside of the card so it is seen through the window. Fix in place with adhesive. Cut out a butterfly from the tea bag paper and mount it in the top right hand corner of the greeting card.
Japanese kimono card


A beautiful Japanese kimono made from patterned paper, is mounted on a white card. The card has a stippled background and is finished with a Happy Birthday sticker. The origami style folds used on the miniature kimono will be of interest to tea bag folding enthusiasts.
Materials used

White deckle edge single fold greetings card 104mm x 152mm (4 in x 6 in) Sheet of patterned paper in colours of your choice. Multi-colour ink pad Scourer Happy Birthday sticker Adhesive


The stipple on the card is produced with a kitchen scourer and a multicolour ink pad. Allow to dry. Mount the folded kimono in position using the above illustration as a guide. Fix with adhesive. Add a Happy Birthday sticker.

Folding chart - click here for larger picture Fold the decorative paper as shown in the chart. Green represents the pattern side of the paper. Strip of paper 50 mm x 203 mm (2 ins x 8 ins). 1. Fold a small cuff at the bottom edge of the paper. Turn over. 2. Fold the bottom left corner up to almost the centre. Fold the bottom right corner to almost the centre. 3. Fold the top edge towards the bottom at about 50 mm (2 ins). Turn over. 4. Fold the bottom up to just below the top edge. 5. Fold the right-hand side so the bottom corner goes just past the centre. Note the way it slopes. Repeat with the left-hand side.

6. Fold the top layer of the top left out to lie flat. Repeat with the top right layer. 7. Fold the bottom left corner out. Note the way it slopes. Repeat with the bottom right corner. 8. Fold the top edge backward behind the collar of the kimono. Fold the bottom edge of the back layer back towards the top. 9. Bring the collar to the outside.
Leaf and Teabag Christmas Card


A white deckle edge card has a real skeleton leaf mounted on it. A tea bag paper design with holly, spruce and ribbons gives extra impact. The card is finished with Merry Christmas and Happy New Year stickers.
Materials used

White deckle edge card 144mm x 144mm (5 in x 5) Skeleton leaf in green Tea bag paper of your choice *

Sticker Merry Christmas Sticker Happy New Year Sticker Stars Double sided tape Paper adhesive Sticky fixers Scissors


Tea bag design detail

The tea bag folding diagram

The tea bag folding You will need eight pieces of tea bag paper 4cm x 4cm (1.5in x 1.5in). The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make. Fold your tea bag paper as shown in the chart. 1. Fold the paper into half. 2 & 3. Fold the paper at a right angle. 4. Cut around the outside pattern shape.

5 & 6. Assemble the pieces to form a circle. Fix the pieces in place with adhesive. Assembling the card Mount the leaf on the card with small pieces of double-sided tape. Mount the folded tea bag shape on the leaf. Add the words, corner flower and stars using the illustration as a guide.

Music Blues CD Card Description

A dark blue deckle edge card has a silver CD disc mounted in the centre. A design created with folded tea bag paper sits in the centre of the CD. Blue and gold music notes surround the folded design. The edge of the card is trimmed in gold. The card is finished with a gold Happy Birthday sticker.

Materials used

Dark blue single fold greetings card with deckle edges 144mm x 144mm (5 in x (5 in) Tea bag paper Music Blues (TFP015) CD disc Krylon gold foiling pen Sticker gold Happy Birthday Foil card linen gold Dark blue card Card adhesive or double-sided tape Scissors


Edge the dark blue greetings card in gold with a Rotring Star gel pen. Allow to dry. Mount the CD disc in the centre of the card with adhesive or double sided tape. Fold the tea bag paper design as follows:

Paper folding chart. Click here for a bigger picture.

Close view of fold You will need eight pieces of tea bag paper 4cm x 4cm (1.5in x 1.5in). The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Fold your tea bag paper as shown in the chart. In diagrams 1 and 2 you are creating creases by folding and unfolding. 1. Fold the paper into half and then unfold it. Fold in half the other way and unfold it. 2. Turn the paper over and fold from corner to corner then unfold it. Fold the other two corners together then unfold it. 3. Fold the lower half up and the outer edges into the centre, manipulating the creased paper into shape 4. 5. Fold a total of eight shapes to this stage. Slide a second folded sheet between the V of the first shape. 6 Continue sliding new pieces into the V of the previous piece until the design is complete.

Edge the dark blue greetings card in gold with a Rotring Star gel pen. Allow this to dry. Mount the CD disc in the centre of the card with adhesive or double-sided tape. Fold the tea bag paper design as follows: Mount the design in the centre of the CD disc and fix with adhesive or double-sided tape. Cut six musical note from linen gold foil card. Cut three musical notes from dark blue card and decorate with glitter glue. Add the musical notes to the card using the illustration as a guide. Fix with adhesive. Add a Happy Birthday sticker.

Music Blues CD Card Description

A dark blue deckle edge card has a silver CD disc mounted in the centre. A design created with folded tea bag paper sits in the centre of the CD.

Blue and gold music notes surround the folded design. The edge of the card is trimmed in gold. The card is finished with a gold Happy Birthday sticker.
Materials used

Dark blue single fold greetings card with deckle edges 144mm x 144mm (5 in x (5 in) Tea bag paper Music Blues (TFP015) CD disc Krylon gold foiling pen Sticker gold Happy Birthday Foil card linen gold Dark blue card Card adhesive or double-sided tape Scissors


Edge the dark blue greetings card in gold with a Rotring Star gel pen. Allow to dry. Mount the CD disc in the centre of the card with adhesive or double sided tape. Fold the tea bag paper design as follows:

Paper folding chart. Click here for a bigger picture.

Close view of fold You will need eight pieces of tea bag paper 4cm x 4cm (1.5in x 1.5in). The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Fold your tea bag paper as shown in the chart. In diagrams 1 and 2 you are creating creases by folding and unfolding. 1. Fold the paper into half and then unfold it. Fold in half the other way and unfold it. 2. Turn the paper over and fold from corner to corner then unfold it. Fold the other two corners together then unfold it. 3. Fold the lower half up and the outer edges into the centre, manipulating the creased paper into shape 4. 5. Fold a total of eight shapes to this stage. Slide a second folded sheet between the V of the first shape. 6 Continue sliding new pieces into the V of the previous piece until the design is complete.

Edge the dark blue greetings card in gold with a Rotring Star gel pen. Allow this to dry. Mount the CD disc in the centre of the card with adhesive or double-sided tape. Fold the tea bag paper design as follows: Mount the design in the centre of the CD disc and fix with adhesive or double-sided tape. Cut six musical note from linen gold foil card. Cut three musical notes from dark blue card and decorate with glitter glue. Add the musical notes to the card using the illustration as a guide. Fix with adhesive. Add a Happy Birthday sticker.

Butterfly card Description

A white card has a butterfly with mauve wings made with paper folding and a body drawn in gold pen. The knobs of its antennae are formed with glitter glue. Strips of decorative paper run down the right hand side of the card. A flower punched from decorative paper and given a jewelled centre is mounted with a foam pad.
Materials used

Textured natural white greetings card 104 x 152 mm (4 x 6 in) Pearlescent mauve paper Decorative patterned paper Glitter card in white and green. Starburst paper in mauve Daisy punch Gold Gel pen pen Glitter glue Jewel Self-adhesive mini foam pads Card adhesive


Paper folding chart. Click here for a bigger picture.

Close view of fold You will need two pieces of pearlescent mauve paper 45 x 45 mm (1 x 1 in). The green shaded areas represent the right side of the paper, the white areas the wrong side of the paper. It is easier to work on a cutting mat with a grid marked on it or on a piece of paper with a cross marked on it (preferably a coloured piece of paper). The dotted lines represent folds you are about to make, the solid lines represent folds you have already made. Fold your paper as shown in the chart. 1. Fold the paper into half from corner to corner. 2. Fold from corner to corner then unfold it. 3. Fold the top point down so that it extends beyond the bottom edge by about 25%. 4. Fold the left side at an angle, down and towards the centre. Fold the right hand side in a mirror image of this. 5. The folded wing. Fold one more wing. Cut a strip of decorative paper 26 mm (1 in) wide and the length of the front of the greetings card. Mount this on the right hand side of the card with card adhesive, using the illustration as a guide.

Cut a strip of white glitter card 15 mm ( in) wide and the length of the card. Mount this in a central position on top of the decorative strip. Cut two small leaves from green glitter card and mount these on the lower part of the decorative strip using the illustration as a guide. Punch out a mauve Starburst paper flower head with a small daisy punch and mount this on the card with a self-adhesive mini foam pad. Add a jewel to the centre of the flower head. Draw the butterfly body and antennae on the front top left of the card in gold pen using the illustration as a guide. Add blobs of glitter glue to the tips of the antennae. Mount the folded butterfly wings on the body with card adhesive.
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