Sun Yoga Discovery

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Sunyogi Umasankar is an Indian spiritual teacher who developed a practice called Sunyoga which involves meditating on the sun. Through this practice, he was able to stop eating and sleeping for periods of time.

Sunyogi Umasankar is an Indian spiritual teacher born in 1967 who dedicated his life to spreading a message of peace, unity and brotherhood. He spent many years practicing yoga in India.

Sunyoga is a practice developed by Sunyogi Umasankar involving meditating on the sun's reflection or directly at the sun. Through this practice, he discovered he could absorb the sun's energy directly and stop needing to eat or sleep.

Swamiji and the Discovery of Sunyoga Written in november 2000 Sunyogi Umasankar was born into a Hindu family

in West Bengal, near Calcutta in 1967 !i"ing ne#t to an as$ram t$roug$out $is c$ild$ood, $e de"elo%ed an early interest in &oga and s%irituality By t$e age of eig$teen, $a"ing s%ent a large %ro%ortion of $is life %racticing &oga, $e made t$e decision to dedicate %art of $is life to walking t$roug$ e"ery state of 'ndia s%reading t$e message of (Uni"ersal Unity, )eace and Brot$er$ood( *lt$oug$ $is s%iritual training is from a Hindu background, Sunyogi(s message $as always been directed at %eo%le of all religions His ideas are based on a religion of $umanity t$at makes no distinction between colour, race or religion a %at$ for all mankind wit$ a common goal t$at is unity, %eace and brot$er$ood Sunyogi(s +ourney t$roug$ 'ndia did not start until 1997 ,or two years %rior to $is +ourney $e stayed in *urobindo assram in )ondic$erry %racticing &oga and making many im%ortant disco"eries -$e most im%ortant of $is disco"eries was (Sunyoga( .ery little is known about Sunyoga/ it is mentioned in some of t$e ancient 'ndian scri%tures, but at t$e time of Sunyogi(s disco"ery, only one ot$er %erson 0Hira 1atan 2anek in 3u+arat4 was known to be %racticing it in t$e modern world 5ow, fi"e years later, t$ere are many %eo%le t$roug$out 'ndia %racticing Sunyoga, taug$t by Sunyogii on $is tra"els )ondic$erry is on t$e coast of sout$ east 'ndia, looking o"er t$e Bay of Bengal 6uring $is time at t$e as$ram, Sunyogi s%ent e"ery morning meditating on a rock looking out at t$e sun(s reflection off t$e sea His daily meditation u%on t$e reflected sunlig$t ga"e $im great %leasure, but at t$is time $e did not consider it to be a form of &oga *s $e continued t$oug$, Sunyogi became aware t$at, t$roug$ t$is met$od of meditation, $e was some$ow able to absorb %owerful energies from t$e sun(s rays Sunyogi began to e#%eriment by looking directly at t$e sun 7 initially as it was rising, t$en day by day $e began to concentrate on it as it rose $ig$er into t$e sky He continued $is meditation and after a cou%le of mont$s t$e sun started to a%%ear as a 8clear $a9y ring wit$ soft blue sky inside8 -$e $ars$ brig$tness disa%%eared and $e felt it become increasingly soot$ing *s time went on, $e started to see 8 se"en brig$t colours radiating from t$e sun, slowly reac$ing closer to t$e ground8 -$ree mont$s after starting $is concentration on t$e sun, Sunyogi felt t$ese rays 7 t$e sun(s cosmic energy 7 touc$ $is body, creating wit$in $im an undescribable feeling of %eace and calm S$ortly after t$is e#%erience, Sunyogi returned to t$e as$ram to eat $is usual food, but $e found t$at $e was unable to digest $is sim%le %late of c$a%atis His body re+ected t$e food, yet $e felt t$at $e was fully nouris$ed, and t$at %er$a%s $e $ad found a way of absorbing t$e sun(s energy directly into $is body So, as an e#%eriment, Sunyogi sto%%ed eating breakfast and continued concentrating on t$e sun Si# mont$s later, $e sto%%ed eating $is dinner, t$en si# mont$s after t$at, $e sto%%ed eating food at all ,rom t$e 17t$ *ugust until t$e 7t$ 6ecember 1996 Umasankar7+i sto%%ed eating and slee%ing

altoget$er His body weig$t remained t$e same and $e continued $is daily routine working in t$e as$ram in a %erfect state of $ealt$ S$ortly after t$is %eriod of $is life, $e began $is +ourney t$roug$ 'ndia teac$ing $is disco"eries to %eo%le $e met along t$e way 6uring $is tra"els, $e $as become a source of great interest to a number of scientific and medical researc$ centres w$ere $e $ad $is claims tested, e#amined and "erified 7 at least u% to t$e le"el of so%$istication t$at modern scientific instruments are ca%able of reac$ing ' $a"e met Sunyogi :1,;;; km after $e started walking barefoot t$roug$ 'ndia ' $a"e now witnessed $im li"ing wit$ no food, water or slee%, s%ending %art of eac$ day staring at t$e sun as if it was as soft as t$e moon <n a number of occasions ' $a"e watc$ed $im enter Samad$i 0t$e ultimate state of liberation attained t$roug$ &oga4 during meditation, and ' $a"e felt $im sto% $is %ulse t $roug$ s$eer concentration He does not seem to feel t$e cold 7 $e sometimes sits barec$ested at nig$t w$en ' am feeling cold wearing t$ick woolly clot$es and wra%%ed in a blanket His % ersonality is %atient, gentle and calm and $is attitude towards ot$ers is like t$at of a close friend or a brot$er He is always true to $is %$iloso%$ies and all $is claims 7 ' belie"e 7 are 1;;= true Updated... March 2004 -$ree and a $alf years later, $a"ing com%leted $is 6>,;;;km barefoot +ourney t$roug$ e"ery state of 'ndia, Sunyogi and ' $a"e met again to add a few sections to t$e website 'n addition to t$e original website, written in >;;;, we $a"e added t$ree sections on %ractical meditation tec$ni?ues/ %$otogra%$ meditation, eye7to7eye meditation and sun meditation -$ese can gi"e some guidance, but if you are genuinely interested to learn more about sunyoga, t$en it is best, if you can, to meet Umasankar7+i at one of t$e conferences $e organises in 'ndia Updated... May 2009 *not$er fi"e years on and Sunyogi and i meet again Sunyogi Umasankar $as recently com%leted a two7year retreat 0gnata"asan4, s%ending muc$ of t$is time in an isolated as$ram at an altitude of @7;;m near t$e source of t$e 3anges, $ig$ in t$e Himalayas Sunyogi $as come down from $is retreat wit$ fres$ ideas, $umbled and ins%ired by $is life and e#%eriences in t$e Himalayas 6uring $is retreat Sunyogi made t$e decision to start eating food again Auoting from t$e B$ag"ad 3ita, Umasankar7+i tells me (a true yogi neither eats too much or too little, nor sleeps too much or too little...( $e $as decided to take t$e middle %at$ 7 too many %eo%le $a"e only been interested in $is ability to li"e wit$out food and drink, and t$is $as detracted from t$e true goal of self7realisation, bot$ for $im and for $is students !i"ing wit$out food, $e e#%lains, is a (siddhi(, or %ower t$at is ac$ie"ed on t$e %at$ to realising t$is goal, but not t$e ultimate goal

-$e %ur%ose of one(s s%iritual +ourney, e#%lains Sunyogi, is )eace, ac$ie"ed t$roug$ t$e union of indi"idual and uni"ersal consciousness ,i#ing one(s attention on siddhis, suc$ as deri"ing one(s energy from t$e sun, can block %rogress towards ac$ie"ing t$is goal 6es%ite t$is, $owe"er, $e acknowledges t$e im%ortance of t$is %articular sidd$i, es%ecially at a time of increasing concern o"er global food su%%lies and resources, and would still be interested to offer $imself for serious scientific researc$ if t$e o%%ortunity arises

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