Exam 1 2013
Exam 1 2013
Exam 1 2013
PART I: Multiple Choice !" points#$ Circle the one best answer to each question. 1. "hat is the advanta#e of representin# the $reen function for spherical %oundaries as a series of spherical har&onics Ylm' (a) *he spherical har&onics series is &ore co&pact. (%) *he spherical har&onics series is finite. (c) Spherical har&onics do not for& an orthonor&al set of functions, so there is &ore freedo&. (d) +nte#rals that arise are &ore solva%le usin# the spherical har&onics representation. 2. +f a locali,ed char#e distri%ution is placed near an infinite, #rounded, conductin# plane sheet, !hat can !e say a%out the i&a#e char#e distri%ution - that represents the effects on the sheet' (a) - has the sa&e total char#e as and has the sa&e si#n. (%) - has the sa&e total char#e as and has the opposite si#n. (c) - al!ays has less total char#e than . (d) - al!ays has &ore total char#e than . 3. Consider an infinitely lon# cylinder of radius a !ith the potential V ( ) on its surface. "e desire to find the electric potential every!here inside the cylinder. "hat are the %oundary conditions in the radial direction' (a) =V () only (%) =V () at . a and =finite at . 0 (c) =V () at . a and =0 at . / (d) =V () at . 0 and =0 at . a 0. 1 non2unifor& line char#e 3(z) e4tends infinitely in the z direction. *he line char#e is located in polar coordinates at the point (0, 0 ) . "hat is the e4pression for the volu&e char#e density ch ( x ) of this distri%ution in ter&s of cylindrical coordinates' (a) ch ( x )=( z z 0) (0)( 0) (%) ch ( x )=( z ) (0)( 0) (c) ch ( x )= ( z ) (0 ) (d) ch ( x )= q (0) ( 0 )
(0 ) sin
5. 1 hollo! cu%e is located !ith one corner at the ori#in and the other corner at the point (x, y, z) . (a, a, a). 1ll faces of the cu%e are held at a potential of ,ero, e4cept for the top face (at z . a) !hich is held at a potential of V sin(6x7a) sin(6y7a). "hat is the %est description of the solution for the potential every!here inside the cu%e' (a) an infinite series of ter&s that includes e#endre polyno&ials. (%) an infinite series of ter&s that includes cosine and cosh functions. (c) a sin#le ter& that includes cosine and cosh functions. (d) a sin#le ter& that includes sine and sinh functions. 8. Consider these o%9ects: a sharp conical point, a deep conical hole in a solid %loc;, a flat plate, and a solid sphere. <ach o%9ect is a%out the sa&e si,e, is a conductor, and has a%out the sa&e a&ount of total char#e. "hich re#ion in space has the hi#hest ener#y density W' (a) *he re#ion close to the tip of the sharp conical point. (%) *he re#ion deep in the conical hole. (c) *he re#ion 9ust a%ove the center of the flat plate. (d) *he re#ion close to the surface of the sphere. =. 1 hollo! circular cylinder !ith radius R and hei#ht h has its %otto& face centered on the ori#in and its top face at , . h. *he top face and %otto& face of the cylinder are held at the potential V and the entire round side is held at a potential of ,ero. 1 s&all, positively2char#ed particle >q (s&all enou#h that is does not effect the total electric field) is %rou#ht directly fro& a point on the cylinder-s side to a point on the cylinder-s a4is. ?o! did the potential energy of the particle chan#e !hen &a;in# this &ove' (a) *he particle-s potential ener#y did not chan#e. (%) *he particle-s potential ener#y decreased. (c) *he particle-s potential ener#y increased. (d) *he particle-s potential ener#y %eca&e e4actly ,ero.
PART II: %iagram Pro&lem '( points# Consider a #rounded, conductin# sphere. 1 positively2char#ed, unifor& line char#e >3 is shaped into a rin# and is centered on the sphere, as sho!n in the dia#ra&. 1. +f !e !ere to use the ðod of i&a#es to solve for the potential outside the sphere, dra! the i&a#e char#e confi#uration !e !ould need and la%el it as 3-. 2. Dra! the electric field lines. Do not dra! all field lines in three2di&ensional space. +nstead 9ust dra! the field lines that are in the cross2sectional plane that is parallel to the paper and cuts throu#h the sphere-s center. 3. 1 s&all, negatively-charged particle is placed at the location of the red dot. Dra! a s&all, thic; arro! attached to this dot to indicate the direction that the particle accelerates. (*his char#e is so s&all that it does not effect the rest of the syste&.)
PART III: )or* Pro&lems ++ Points# 1. 1 hollo! sphere of radius a is centered at the ori#in and held at the potential: cos V if (/ 2)<<(/ 2+) = sin 0 if <( / 2) or >( / 2+)
D.0 C C
2 cos = e +e
i i
D . cosE7sinF D.0
"e !ant to find the potential every!here inside the sphere. @ou !ill need to use these eAuations: Y lm ( )= 2 l +1 ( l m ) ! i m m e " l ( cos ) 0 ( l +m ) ! 1 1 1 " l ( cos )= " l ( cos ) l ( l +1 ) d 1 " l ( cos )= " ( cos ) d l l " l ( x )=(1 ) " l ( x )
(a) Start !ith the #eneral solution to the aplace eAuation in spherical coordinates (!hen all an#les are involved), and solve for the potential inside a sphere !ith the #eneral %oundary condition: V ( ) . *he #eneral solution to the aplace eAuation in spherical coordinates is (!hen all an#les are involved): ( r )=
l= 0 m =l
( #l m r l + $l m r l 1)Y lm (
"e need a finite solution at the ori#in, so all $l m &ust %e ,ero, leadin# to: ( r )=
l= 0 m =l
#l m r l Y lm ( )
l= 0 m =l
#l m a l Y lm ( )
Y B l - m -(
0 0
) Y l m ( ) sin d d =l - l m - m
So if !e &ultiply %oth sides of the solution %y the appropriate factors and inte#rate, !e use the ortho#onality state&ent to pic; out one ter& in the dou%le series, leadin# to:
#l m= al V ( ) Y B l m ( ) sin d d
0 0
(%) +nsert the specific %oundary condition of this pro%le&, e4pand out the spherical har&onics in full for&, and separate out the t!o inte#rals !ithout solvin# the&. #l m=V al
/ 2+
(c) Go! solve 9ust the inte#ral over the a,i&uth an#le and si&plify #l m as &uch as possi%le. 1 2 l + 1 ( l m ) ! #l m= V al ( e i ei m d + ei e i m d ) " m l ( cos ) d 2 0 ( l +m ) ! 0 0 / 2 Due to ortho#onality, the inte#rals over the a,i&uthal an#le are ,ero e4cept for the m . 21 and m . 1 cases: #l 1= V a l and #l = V a
/ 2+
2 l +1 " 1 (cos ) d 0 l ( l +1 ) / 2 l
/ 2+
#l #l
= V a = #l
#l m=0 for all other m (d) Go! solve the other inte#ral and si&plify #l m as &uch as possi%le.
/ 2+ / 2 / 2+ / 2 / 2+ / 2 / 2+
"1 l ( cos ) d =
/ 2
d " ( cos ) d d l
/ 2+ / 2 / 2+ / 2
#l 1=2 V a l
(e) +nsert all the pieces into the #eneral solution and !rite out the final solution, si&plifyin# as &uch as possi%le. *here should %e no spherical har&onics in your final ans!er. ( r )= ( r )= ( r )= ( r )=
l= 0 m =l
#l m r l Y lm ( ) )+ #l Y l 1 ( )] r l
l = 1,3,5...
[ #l 1 Y l 1(
l = 1,3,5...
#l #l
[Y l
( )Y l 1 ( ) ] r l )+Y l 1 ( ) ] r
B l
l = 1,3,5...
[ Y l 1 (
( r )=
l = 1,3,5...
2 l +1 i i l ]r "1 l ( cos ) [ e + e 0 l ( l +1 )
( r )=
l = 1,3,5...
2 #l
( r )=V cos
l= 1,3,5. ..
( ) " ( cos )
1 l