This document outlines steps to identify a mathematical model of a cantilever beam using system identification techniques and experimental vibration data. The beam is excited using piezoelectric patches while vibration responses are measured. Data is collected and stored. Then, a linear state-space model of the beam is identified from the data using the N4SID method. The identified model is validated by comparing simulated and measured outputs. Finally, the model is used to determine resonant frequencies and perform time response simulations.
This document outlines steps to identify a mathematical model of a cantilever beam using system identification techniques and experimental vibration data. The beam is excited using piezoelectric patches while vibration responses are measured. Data is collected and stored. Then, a linear state-space model of the beam is identified from the data using the N4SID method. The identified model is validated by comparing simulated and measured outputs. Finally, the model is used to determine resonant frequencies and perform time response simulations.
This document outlines steps to identify a mathematical model of a cantilever beam using system identification techniques and experimental vibration data. The beam is excited using piezoelectric patches while vibration responses are measured. Data is collected and stored. Then, a linear state-space model of the beam is identified from the data using the N4SID method. The identified model is validated by comparing simulated and measured outputs. Finally, the model is used to determine resonant frequencies and perform time response simulations.
This document outlines steps to identify a mathematical model of a cantilever beam using system identification techniques and experimental vibration data. The beam is excited using piezoelectric patches while vibration responses are measured. Data is collected and stored. Then, a linear state-space model of the beam is identified from the data using the N4SID method. The identified model is validated by comparing simulated and measured outputs. Finally, the model is used to determine resonant frequencies and perform time response simulations.
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For the purpose of system analysis, a mathematical model of the investigated system is required. However, it is usually difficult in practice to derive a mathematical model from physical laws because of complexity of system dynamics, disturbances from the environment around the system, etc. System identification technique which deals with the problem of building mathematical models of dynamical systems based on observed data from the system has gained great credibility and wide application areas. Problem: A cantilever beam is given but without knowledge of its properties (i.e. dimensions, mass, flexural rigidity (EI), etc.). One is interested to do frequency analysis for this cantilever beam using MATLAB\ System Identification Toolbox. In order to do so, a number of steps have to be performed. Step 1 - Data measurement The beam is attached with 4 piezoelectric patches to act as actuators. Experimental equipments are arranged as in Figure 1. Data acquisition equipment (DAQ) feeds 4 band-limited white noise excitation signals to the 4 actuators on the beam through a power amplifier. Vibration near tip of the beam is recorded by a velocity sensor (vibrometer).
Figure 1. Experiment setup for data collection Plant: Single-sided clamped aluminum beam with 4 piezoelectric patches and a laser vibrometer (MISO system). Plant-input: voltage signals to the four piezoelectric patches u[k]. Seite2von2
Plant-output: deflection velocity near to the end point y[k].
Measurement was already done in 10 seconds with sampling period Ts =0.001s. Four input signals and one output signal are stored in Data_samplingfreq_1000_hz.mat file which can be downloaded from blackboard in the directory Kursunterlagen\Sytem Identification_matlab More steps are required: Step 2 - Model Identification: Indentify a linear state-space model for the plant using the subspace state-space system identification method N4SID in MATLAB\ System Identification Toolbox (using GUI or command lines). Perform this step with various model orders, e.g. 8, 10, 12, 14, etc. Step 3 - Model Verification: Compare the simulated output using the models obtained from task 2 with the measured output (use the command compare if you do system identification by command lines). Comment on the percentage of fit when model order is increased and choose simplest model that fits the measured data best. Step 4 - Frequency analysis: From the best model selected in step 3, plot the frequency response of the plant and record the first 4 resonant frequencies of the beam. Step 5 Use the identified model: From the identified state-space model of the beam, assign those system properties to the given Simulink model state_space_model_beam.mdl and plot the model time response when the input for all 4 channels excitation is of the form u(t) = 1u - sin(2n 1 t), where 1 is the first resonant frequency.
Attach plot figures to your written report and turn the report in to Thanh Luan Nguyen (Room IA-01/08) until Friday 16.11.2012.