Teaching Math in Elementary School - Wu - 1998
Teaching Math in Elementary School - Wu - 1998
Teaching Math in Elementary School - Wu - 1998
These four problems are interrelated and are all fundamentally mathe-
matical in nature. For example, if one never gives a clearcut definition of a
fraction, one is forced to “talk around” every possible interpretation of the
many guises of fractions in daily life in an effort to overcompensate. A good
example is the over-stretching of a common expression such as “a third of a
group of fifteen people” into a main theme in the teaching of fractions (Moy-
nahan 1996). Or, instead of offering mathematical explanations to children
of why the usual algorithms are logically valid—a simple task if one starts
from a precise definition of a fraction,—algorithms are justified through ”con-
nections among real-world experiences, concrete models and diagrams, oral
language, and symbols (p. 181 of Huinker 1998; see also Lappan & Bouck
1998 and Sharp 1998). It is almost as if one makes the concession from the
start: “We will offer everything but the real thing”.
Let us look more closely at the way fractions are introduced in the class-
room. Children are told that a fraction dc , with positive integers c and d, is
simultaneously at least five different objects (cf. Lamon 1999 and Reys et al.
to interpret the road signs along the way, when a single clearly drawn road
map would have done a much better job. Given these facts, is it any wonder
that Lappan-Bouck (1998) and Lamon (1999) would lament that students
“do” fractions without any idea of what they are doing? For example, it is
certainly difficult to learn how to add two “operators” in the sense of (e).
Sometimes one could “get by” a mathematical concept without a pre-
cise definition if its rules of operation are clearly explained. Conjecturally,
that was how Europeans in the 14th and 15th centuries dealt with negative
numbers. In the case of fractions, however, this is not true even when inter-
pretation (b) of fractions is used. The worst case is the rule of adding two
fractions. In book after book (with very few exceptions, such as Lang (1988)),
+ dc is defined as (pa + cq)/m, where m = lcm{b, d} and m = bp = cq. Now
at least two things are wrong with this definition. First, it turns off many
students because they cannot differentiate between lcm and gcd. This def-
inition therefore sets up an entirely unnecesary roadblock in students’ path
of learning. Second, from a mathematical point of view, this definition is se-
riously flawed because it tacitly implies that without the concept of the lcm
of two integers, fractions cannot be added. If we push this reasoning another
step, we would arrive at the absurd conclusion that unless an integral domain
has the unique factorization property, its quotient field cannot be defined.
Informal surveys among teachers consistently reveal that many of their
students simply give up learning fractions at the point of the introduction of
addition. It is probably not just a matter of being confused by gcd and lcm,
but more likely a feeling of bewilderment and disgust at being forced to learn
a new way of doing addition that seems to bear no relation to the addition of
whole numbers. This then brings us to the problem area (3) at the beginning
of this article. We see, for example, that Bezuk and Cramer (1989) willingly
concede that “Children must adopt new rules for fractions that often conflict
with well-established ideas about whole number” (p.156). In mathematics,
one of the ultimate goals is to achieve simplicity. In the context of learning,
it is highly desirable, perhaps even mandatory, that we convey this message
of simplicity to students. However, when we tell students that something
as simple as the addition of two numbers is different for whole numbers and
fractions, we are doing them a great disservice. Even when students are
willing to suspend disbelief and go along on such a weird journey, they pay a
dear price. Indeed, there are recurrent reports of students at the University of
California at Berkeley and at Stanford University claiming in their homework
and exam papers that ab + ac = b+c a
and ab + dc = a+c