Getting A Cusip Number
Getting A Cusip Number
Getting A Cusip Number
you will need is any court case numbers for any active cases you have, the social security card of your corporate citizen status [United States Citizen], and a copy of your birth certificate. Instruction ! "o to . #he pa$e should loo% li%e the followin$ pa$e.
Instruction & ' (ou will see a tab in the upper left hand corner the tab for )*S*+)C,. Clic% on it and then clic% on the -U.#* option. Instruction / ' +t the top of the pa$e you will see 0*1+(*0 -U.#*S. Clic% on S(23.1 1..4U5. Instruction 6 ' #a%e the number of the court case, birth certificate o the social security number 7 red Cusip number on the bac% of the social security card and place it in the bo8. 2a%e the search by 2utual Fund and Fund 9umber. Clic% on the Search 3utton For Social security 7 red CUSI5 9umbers a new Cusip number will appear on the pa$e. #his number is the number of the CUSI5 that is on the bond that the social security account is lin%ed to. Instruction : ' ;rite down the CUSI5 number and then $o bac% to the previous pa$e that had 0*1+(*0 -U.#*S at the top. Clic% on the option that is spelled here. #he sentence should read, <to =uote or loo%up a bond clic% here.> Instruction ? ' (ou will be directed to a pa$e that allows you to put that CUSI5 number in a search on the left side of the pa$e. 5ress "o. Instruction @ ' ;hat will appear ne8t is a pa$e that says 3.90 )*SU1#S. 9ear the middles of the pa$e you will have & options. .ne is for a contact to a call rep who can e8plain =uestions about the bond. Clic% on Call )ep to $et the phone number. #he ne8t one will tell you who is holdin$ the bond. Clic% on this .ption that is below 0escription. #he 3ond 0etails will be bro%en down into .fferin$ and +nalytics. It will tell you whether the bond is annual or not, the maturity date which is when the payment on the bond or I.U is due, whether there is call protection. + yes on call protection means you cannot call in on the bond if you are owed. Social Security bonds will always say this because you cannot collect until maturity, which is retirement or disability. +nyone in the movement for ASoverei$ntyB $ivin$ you advice that you can cash in on this bond is directin$ you to trouble and le$al and lawful problems. +lso Social security 3onds are not mar$inable which means you cannot draw a line of credit off of them because this is what the debtor, the United States is doin$ drawin$ a line of credit off of you throu$h its international obli$ations secured by +rticle CI of the Constitution the 6 th amendment and other statutes and codes that ma%e you a subDect, so you cannot write si$ht drafts off of a claim on the Federal "overnment based on a birth certificate rescindedEcancelled ne$otiation, a rescission or cancellation of contract or e8patriation from citizenship which may nullify social security obli$ations, or on a court case as a citizen of the United States because as a resident, and citizen of your municipality, state, and federal $overnment you have made these entities #rustees , +ssi$nees, Consi$nees, 3ailee, 1icensee, 1essee, re$istered owner, seller, and beneficiary instead of your proper national and international $overnin$ +bori$inal society and your true national name, you the livin$ +bori$inal bein$. Instruction F ! 3irth Certificate ' For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are tradin$ on it $o to Clic% on )esearch. Clic% on -uote. Clic% on Symbol 1oo% Up. #ype in the 3irth 9umber on the 3irth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, ne8t & GBs then dash and then the final numbers. 2a%e sure the top two areas say 2U#U+1 FU90 and FU90 9U23*) 3*F.)* (ou do the search to find out who is tradin$ on the FU90 for the 3irth Certificate.
Instruction H ' 9*I# Clic% on the Initialed #radin$ Company name under S(23.1. #his will $ive you all of the tradin$ information about who is tradin$ on the fund that the birth certificate is a part of. #his document was created when you were an infant. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this Asimple contractB UCC/'&J/ and to ma%e a Claim in recoupment [)eparations] for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant [See UCC /'/J:]. Instruction J Court Cases ' 9e8t you can loo% up any court case. #ype in the case number of the federal, state, or municipal court case and you can find out who owns the mar$inable line of credit on the annual bond of the federal, state, or municipal entity. + CUSI5 number will appear which tells you that the bond is on record with a clearin$ house a$ency of the federal $overnment most li%ely the 0epository #rust Clearin$ corporation or one of its subsidiaries. +fter you $et the case clic% on the symbol to see the present tradin$. Instruction ! 1etters of Credit ;,*)* #. ". #. S*+)C, F.) 1*##*)S .F C)*0I# www.techa$ or the UCC .ffice of each one of the :J States and the 0istrict of Columbia or your local County )ecorders .ffice UCC Section +ll 1etters of Credit are "overned by the terms of the 1etters of Credit themselves, +rticle : .f the Uniform Commercial Code and may be subDect to the Uniform Customs and 5ractice for 0ocumentary Credits [See UCC: ? KcL as promul$ated by the International Chamber of Commerce