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Spirituality and Outer Planets

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Spirituality & Outer Planets

By Pangal Devadas Nayak, India

SA Volunteer: Maurcio Avila, Brazil

He has studied western astrology for a
very long time and then switched to Indian astrology. He trades in the Stock Markets, practises Astrology and Vastu Shastra. Also he manages a blog where word by word meanings of Bhagvad Gita and Stock market analysis is www.devadasnayak.wordpress.com His main intent on translating Bhagvad Gita is to promote Indian Culture and Sanskrit without which none of the Indian sacred texts can be understood.

hen analyzing spirituality, I look at 3 planets, namely Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Vedic and Western astrologers have a common understanding about Jupiter and Saturn roles on this subject. But for Vedic Astrologers, I will briefly enumerate for what Neptune, Uranus and Pluto stands for. Neptune: God of Oceans symbolizes intuition, imagination, hypersensitivity, limitless, expansion, sympathy, compassion, renunciation, self-sacrifice, idealism, service, mysticism etc. Uranus: Represents originality, inspiration, independence, rebel, inventiveness and innovative ideas. Pluto: Represents the urge to transform, to regenerate, transmute and death. The hidden conditions that were lying dormant are brought to the surface from the subconscious. So does it mean the unveiling of Kundalini lying dormant in man when Pluto is getting benefic

aspects from Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn? Table of major aspects as per Western Astrology

Aspects Conjunction Sextile Square Trine Opposition Study cases

0/ 360 60 90( Kendra) 120 (Trikona) 180

Orb. influence
10 3 7 7 to 9 10

Nature of aspect
Very good if with benefics and very difficult if with malefics. Mildly good. Difficult. Good. Very difficult.

Method of casting the horoscopes: Nirayana with Lahiri Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha. Points to be noted are the connections between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. The 5H (Mantra), 9H (Spiritual aspirations), 10H (Karma) and 12H (Renunciation, moksha) need to be evaluated. Sometimes 8H (Death) holds importance. The lords of the said houses also need to be seen. Chart 1: Paramacharya Sri Chandrashekharendra Saraswati, titled Living God on Earth (Kanchi)

See the Ascendant lord Sun in 9H (in Bhava Kundali, Sun and Mercury moves to 9H of spiritual aspirations). Sun is conjunct Jupiter (Planet of Satsang, spirituality) who is the 5L (Mantra), Neptune (Mystical, renunciation planet) aspected by Moon, the 12L (Renunciation) and Pluto (Hidden powers). In Bhava Chart Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto are in 10H (Karma). Conjunction (very good aspect) between Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto gave him high mysticism and spirituality. He was considered a master of Shastras and Tantra. Further, 10L (Karma lord) Venus aspects (sextile, a mildly good aspect) its own house and the planets placed in the 10H. See most importantly trine aspects (Good aspect) between Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto (10H) and Saturn (2H). He was a great tapasvi shown by Saturns (Tapas, renunciation, sadhana) trine to Jupiter (Devotion, bhakti), Neptune (Renunciation, mysticism) and Pluto (Unraveling the hidden powers lying dormant). The Pluto, Neptune and Jupiter in trine aspect to Saturn made him blend well the spiritual principles, mysticism, renunciation, tapas, sadhana, bhakti and unravel the full hidden potential. Also see the 7L Saturn opposing Venus (female planet, marriage karaka) which denied marriage and made him a celibate sanyasi. Venus, the karaka of marriage is in 8H, a dusthana bhava. Also, Mars is a malefic placed in the 7H. I had said that opposition is a very difficult aspect, so Saturns opposition to Venus made him embrace the life of a sanyasi. There are other planets which deny marriage and show Sanyasa Yoga but I am not going into details of those as the main aim of the article is to portray the planets and spirituality.

Chart 2: Sri Ramana Maharishi

Another self realized mystical saint. See Neptune in 8H, the house of death. I am giving below how he got the awakening in his own words. Now death has come; what does it mean? What is it that is dying? This body dies. And at once I dramatized the occurrence of death. I lay with my limbs stretched out still as though rigor mortis has set in, and imitated a corpse so as to give greater reality to the enquiry. I held my breath and kept my lips tightly closed so that no sound could escape, and that neither the word 'I' nor any word could be uttered. 'Well then,' I said to myself, 'this body is dead. It will be carried stiff to the burning ground and there burnt and reduced to ashes. But with the death of the body, am I dead? Is the body I? It is silent and inert, but I feel the full force of my personality and even the voice of I within me, apart from it. So I am the Spirit transcending the body. The body dies but the spirit transcending it cannot be touched by death. That means I am the deathless Spirit. This mystic and renunciate Neptune in the 8H gave him self realization by experiencing death like situation. Now this Neptune is trining (Good aspect) Uranus (Inspiration, originality) in the 12H (Renunciation, moksha) and Sun, the 12L (Renunciation, moksha). His method of self awakening was not based on Bhajans, Kirtans or reading scriptures, but in a different way, an original way which is represented by Uranus. He said ask yourself Who am I? and you will realize who you are. Here, Jupiter (Planet of spirituality) aspects 12H, trines (Good aspect) 10H (Karma) and sextile (Mildly good aspect) Neptune in 8H, and 12L Sun in 4H. What about 9L (Spiritual aspirations)? Venus in this case is aspecting 9H, trining (Good aspect) Saturn (also 5L, planet of Tapas and sadhana which Sri Ramana Maharishi underwent after that experience). Pluto is in 9H (Spiritual aspirations) which brought forth the hidden Who Am I?. Also Saturn is sextile (Mildly good) Pluto in the 9H. Venus, the 9L is conjunct (very good aspect) Mercury (Lagna lord and 10L of Karma). And like the previous chart a malefic i.e. Saturn, occupies 7H and the 7L Jupiter squares (Difficult aspect) Venus (karaka for marriage) making him embrace a life of celibacy and Sanyasi.

Chart 3: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Guru of Swami Vivekananda)

The perfect Yogi was titled Paramahamsa by his devotees. Swami Vivekananda called him Avatara Varishthaya i.e. the top or the foremost among Avatars. And if you look at the chart it coincides with the saying. This is the perfect chart which has all the combinations in the right place. First thing that strikes is Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Rahu-Ketu exalted. To a query on Sri H. N. Katwe by Admin on Saptarishis Facebook page, I had mentioned that Shri Katwe had said that exaltation planets give more spiritual (Moksha) than material (Kama and artha) benefits. But even I had not analyzed this horoscope in that light at that time. Here, one can see the trine aspects (Good aspect) between Jupiter in the 5H (Mantra) and Saturn in 9H (Spiritual aspirations). He had undergone severe austerities shown by Saturn and also the path of Bhakti shown by Jupiter. Also, Neptune is in 12H (Moksha, Renunciation). He was married but practiced sexual abstention. It is shown by Neptune in 12H squaring (Difficult aspect) Saturn. Uranus which owns Aquarius is in his own house thus forming a grand trine with Saturn and Jupiter. Uranus is conjunct the 5L of mantra, Mercury and trine Jupiter (5H) and Saturn (9H). The 9L Venus is conjunct Pluto (Transmuting sexual energy into spiritual energy) and is having sextile aspect (Mildly good) from Neptune (Mystical, renunciate planet) from 12H of moksha. The 5H, 9H and 12H having the spiritual planets made him blend Jupiters bhajan, devotion and spirituality with Saturns tapas, austerity and sadhana

and with Neptunes service, renunciation, limitless expansion and mysticism. The renunciate planet Neptune in 12H (Renunciation) made him a strong sanyasi whose body could not bear even the touch of money (he would undergo great bodily pain even if he accidentally happened to touch money). The motto of Ramakrishna Mission is guided by the Neptunes motto Service to mankind is the highest way to serve God.

he 9H or its lord and the 5H or its lord and their relation with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune play a very important role in blending the spiritual thirst of a person. Presence of Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter in 9H, good aspects (Conjunctions, sextiles and trines) between theses 3 planets and also with 9L or 5L make one highly spiritual. Along with these aspects, if the 7L or karaka for marriage (Venus) has negative aspects, especially from Saturn, or the 7L is in a dusthana then there is a chance for a person to renounce material life and become a Sanyasi. So, look for these three planets to have benefic relation like 1/ 5/ 9 (trine), 8/ 10/ 12 (sextile) or conjunctions (0 degrees) among themselves and, at least one planet (either Saturn, Neptune or Jupiter) occupying the 9H for judging the spirituality of a person.

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