Dihybrid Cross Problems

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Gaasrud Biology

Name ________________________

Dihybrid Cross Problems 1. In grasshoppers, the body color of brown is dominant over green. Also, having strong legs is dominant over having wea legs. A hetero!ygous brown, homo!ygous strong"legged male meets a hetero!ygous brown, homo!ygous wea legged female. #hey produce a number of offspring. $omplete the following. a. %ossible genotypes for Brown body color& ________ Green body color& _______ b. %ossible genotypes for 'trong legs& _________ (ea legs& _________ c. )ale genotype& _____________ d. *emale genotype& ___________ )ale possible gametes& _______________ *emale possible gametes& ______________


f. Genotypic +atio&

g. %henotypic +atio&

h. (hat percentage of the offspring will e,hibit both dominant traits- _______ i. (hat percentage of the offspring will have a brown body and wea legs- ______ .. (hat are the chances of having a green grasshopper with strong legs- __ in __

Gaasrud Biology

Name ________________________

/. In 0or s, blue tail feathers are dominant and red ones are recessive. Also, long toes are dominant and short toes are recessive. $ross a homo!ygous blue"tailed, hetero!ygous long"toed 0or 1male2 with a homo!ygous red"tailed, short"toed 0or 1female2. a. %ossible genotypes for Blue feathers& ________ +ed feathers& _______ b. %ossible genotypes for 3ong toes& _________ 'hort toes& _________ c. )ale genotype& _____________ d. *emale genotype& ___________ )ale possible gametes& _______________ *emale possible gametes& ______________


f. Genotypic +atio&

g. %henotypic +atio&

h. (hat percentage of the offspring will e,hibit both dominant traits- _______ i. (hat percentage of the offspring will have a blue tail and short toes- ______ .. (hat are the chances of having a blue"feathered 0or with long toes- __ in __

Gaasrud Biology

Name ________________________

4. #he chestnut coat color of horses is due to a recessive gene, while the dominant allele results in blac . #he pacing gait is due to a recessive gene, whereas the dominant allele results in the trotting gait. 'how the types of offspring that could result from a cross of a blac trotter 1male2, hetero!ygous for both genes, with a chestnut pacer 1female2. a. %ossible genotypes for Blac coat& ________ $hestnut coat& _______ b. %ossible genotypes for #rotting gait& _________ %acing gait& _________ c. )ale genotype& _____________ d. *emale genotype& ___________ )ale possible gametes& _______________ *emale possible gametes& ______________


f. Genotypic +atio&

g. %henotypic +atio&

h. (hat percentage of the offspring will e,hibit both dominant traits- _______ i. (hat percentage of the offspring will be chestnut trotters- ______ .. (hat are the chances of having a chestnut horse that paces- __ in __

Gaasrud Biology

Name ________________________

5. In dogs, the tendency to bar while trailing is due to a dominant gene while silent trailing is recessive. 6rect ears is dominant over drooping ears. 'how the offspring e,pected from a cross between two erect"eared bar ers who are hetero!ygous for both genes. a. %ossible genotypes for Bar ing while trailing& ________ 'ilent& _______ b. %ossible genotypes for 6rect ears& _________ 7rooping ears& _________ c. )ale genotype& _____________ d. *emale genotype& ___________ )ale possible gametes& _______________ *emale possible gametes& ______________


f. Genotypic +atio&

g. %henotypic +atio&

h. (hat percentage of the offspring will e,hibit both dominant traits- _______ i. (hat percentage of the offspring will bar and have droopy ears- ______ .. (hat are the chances of having a silent dog with erect ears- __ in __

Gaasrud Biology

Name ________________________

8. In shorthorn cattle, the pulled condition is dominant over horned. Also, the hetero!ygous condition 1+r2 of red coat 1+2 and white coat 1r2 is roan, an e,ample of codominance. 1#he roan coat contains both red and white fur because neither allele is dominant over the other2. If a homo!ygous polled, white male is bred to a horned, red female, what will be the appearance of the *1 generationa. %ossible genotypes for %ulled condition& ________ 9orned& _______ b. %ossible genotypes for +ed coat& _____ (hite $oat& _____ +oan $oat& _____ c. )ale genotype& _____________ d. *emale genotype& ___________ )ale possible gametes& _______________ *emale possible gametes& ______________


f. Genotypic +atio&

g. %henotypic +atio&

h. (hat percentage of the offspring will e,hibit both dominant traits- _______ i. (hat percentage of the offspring will be roan- ______ .. (hat are the chances of having a horned, white cow- __ in __ . If you bred two of the *1 generation, what percentage of the new offspring 1*/ generation2 will e,hibit both dominant traits- _______ l. If you bred two of the *1 generation, what percentage of the new offspring 1*/ generation2 will be horned and have a roan coat- _______

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