Vegan Starter Guide by Friends of Animals
Vegan Starter Guide by Friends of Animals
Vegan Starter Guide by Friends of Animals
Why go vegan?
antibiotics. Producers (factory or free-range it matters not) mutilate animals to make them easier to manage in groups. Sometimes, the shock of mutilation, such as the searing off of a chickens beak, is enough to kill. Farm animals cant choose their relationships. Theyre conceived through a variety of artificial or forced insemination modes, and the young are taken away from their parents. Dairy and egg managers kill most male babiesbecause these animals wont grow up to be pregnant or provide dairy products. Most animals are transported in horrific
year. So theyll continually produce milk, Holstein and Jersey dairy cows endure repeated pregnancies (which last nine months, as ours do). Drink milk, and veal happens. Most dairy calves will be cutlets. These cutlets-to-be are confined to restrict muscle growth, deprived of iron to stay pale. But just for four months: their age at death. A new trend involves converting to group housing; but without their parents, calves are nervous and competitive. They are tethered around meal time to control aggression and stress.
Human beings create unspeakable misery wherever we turn other animals into consumer goods.
conditions, after being intimidated and forced, zapped and beaten to move quickly during loading. Many develop shipping fever on the way to slaughter; and when they stagger off the truck theyll meet the badly paid workers who might or might not stun them before changing them from animal to product. Even at farms touting humane handling, the conditions and fates of the animals depend on the whims and the wallets of the shoppers, to whom the animals are, in the end, a product. The eating of cheese automatically results in the production of veal. Most cheeses contain rennet, an enzyme complex that coagulates the milk, causing it to separate into solids (curds) and liquid (whey). The rennet is taken from the stomach lining of unweaned calves. These stomachs are also a product of veal-making. So most cheeses contain flesh from animals as well as animal milk. If a gaze into the dairy case reminded us of the calves carted away forever from the cows (who, farmers admit, cry for their young), wed understand the reality of cheese, cream, and milk. Picturing the veal calf strengthens the resolve of many vegans to say no to that cream or cheese. For quite a few of us in the Americas and Europe, resisting cheese has been the biggest difficulty in the transition to vegan living. If you feel you just cant live without cheese, take heart; theres hop e! Inventive cookbooks will see you through, such as Jo Stepaniaks
Cheese and milk represent tremendous disrespect and hurt, and there is no reason to think it is less than that which goes into the processing of flesh. Artificial insemination is used at most dairy farms; most of these farms have no need for males, who are sent off at an early age to the veal producer. Dairy cows are forced to produce youngsters for the owners each
The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook. And if you have yet to experience the joy of Chef Miyoko Schinner, youre in for a wonderful surprise. To delight your palate and bring delicious conversation pieces to a party by learning to make your own gourmet vegan cheeses, look for Say Cheese: Vegan Alternatives to Make You Smile (publication: summer 2012).
our power to stop confining, catching, and killing them. Fish suffer from capture, of course. The experience of stress for a fish is documented. Dr. Jonathan Lovell of the Institute of Marine Studies at the University of Plymouth has observed: Fish dont have a five-second memory. They have a long-term memory. Biologist Culum Brown, from Edinburgh University, Scotland, concurs. Brown observed one fish remembering the placement of a hole in a net nearly a year after first finding it. In 2011, a video of a fish using a tool was announced in the journal Coral Reefs by Giacomo Bernardi, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology. In the video, the fish excavates sand to get a shell, then swims for a substantial time to find a good spot to crack the shell. Bernardi said, It requires a lot of forward thinking, because there are a number of steps involved. The moves in the video resemble a number of previous reports in which a fish would use a rock as an anvil to crush shellfish. As a vegan culture grows, the stress we impose on seals, whales, dolphins, pelicans and other sea birds will lessen. Not only do vegans refrain from using gear that traps marine animals; we also withdraw our participation in the massive slaughters of seals and other animals, which are justified because these animals compete with humans for cod and other fish. Vegans no longer view marine animals as seafood, and that makes a world of difference. Large, commercial slaughters of seals, whales and other marine animals reflect corporate influence on governments, which subsidize those massive killings in order to reduce competition for fish productsa major component of feed for animal agribusiness, including fish farming.
Hides comprise a hefty segment of a cows market value. Most leather comes from ani-
mals used primarily for their flesh, although some animals are bred and raised in confinement specifically for leather. Waste from tanneries increases the incidence of severe physical health problems for tannery workers and local residents, while causing significant environmental damage. (A Civil Action, the non-fiction book by Jonathan Harr which was made into a film of the same name, offers an excellent chronicle of the harrowing effects.) Air pollution results from the use of hydrogen sulfide for dehairing, and the use of ammonia and various other commercial solvents. Solid wastes comprise up to 70% of the wet weight of hides, so leather processing has high wastetreatment and water-use costs. Yes, synthetic shoes too have environmental impacts. But theres a wide range of alternatives to leather in addition to synthetics. In any case, leather is not environmentally friendlier than its alternatives. Leather shoes take 25 to 50 years to biodegrade. Much like nylon.
enclosed housing comes with its own set of problems: increased danger of joint stress, E. coli, worms, heat stress, and respiratory diseases. Australias wool industry is the worlds largest, and breeds sheep with an unnatural amount of wool. Tails are removed because flies lay eggs under them, enabling maggots to infest living sheep. Farmers also carve strips of flesh from the sheeps hindquarters, ostensibly to smooth the skin and make it less hospitable to flies. After this practice called mulesingis carried out, lambs can be seen writhing over the ground on their sides, trying to escape the pain. Wherever they live, and however they are raised, shearing is dangerous activity, and accounts of injuries inflicted with shears are common. Older, unproductive sheep go to slaughter (sometimes after being crowded onto ships for overseas butchering).
Wed like to think taking wool does not harm the sheep. But imagine living outside and having your clothes suddenly removed. Is it any surprise that some sheep fall deathly ill after shearing? Ewes are increasingly bred to bear twins or triplets, though with two teats they can only feed one or two lambs. Extra lambs are forced to be adopted by other ewes, who are restrained to prevent rejections. Here again, there are no happy families. Breeding rams semen is extracted using electrical probes. Bacteria on the ground often cause foot rot so severe it forces some sheep to graze on their knees. And
Feeding animals who only exist to be slaughtered is enormously wasteful on a planet where many people lack clean water and never get enough to eat.
can be made to produce: honey, beeswax, propolis, bee pollen, royal jelly, and venom. Bees make honey from the nectar of flowers, then store it to eat in winter. Honey, then, is the bees own food. The bees might have their legs and wings clipped off to keep them from flying awaybut theyll be shaken out of their hives, or removed with blasts of air, so the owner can collect the honey. Beeswax pours from the bees underbelly glands; the bees use their mouths to shape the substance into combs, creating a foundation for the hive. Humans take the wax away for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, polishes, and candles. Royal jelly, a blend of secretions from worker bees, nourishes the queen bee. Some people believe it has youth-preserving qualities, and take it away. Bee venom, sought for medicinal purposes, is collected by placing an electrified membrane in front of the hive. When the bees fly into it, the shock impels them to sting the membrane, depositing the venom. Since the 1700s, beekeepers have attempted to have bees mate in captivity. They have failed. Susan W. Cobey, an entomologist at the University of California-Davis (also owner of a sole proprietorship called Honey Bee Insemination Service selling custom genetic crosses for research and commercial stock), writes: The technique of instrumental insemination, developed in the 1920s and perfected in the 19 4 0s and 1950s, provides a method of complete genetic control . . . Cobey describes the use of anesthetics in the procedure to calm abdominal movement, indicating that bees do feel. Higher egg production has been recorded after the use of anesthetic, enhancing the commercial performance of farmed bees (although it also shortens the queens life).
animals flesh is of low value; it normally becomes processed meat. The farm animals weve bred into a dependent existence now outnumber us several times over. The ratio of energy for protein produced is inefficient (fossil fuel energy is another major factor in animal commodities), as ecologists analyses widely acknowledge. Farm animals in the United States are fed five times as much grain as is consumed directly
of starvation, or protect our environment. As Earth is finite, seven billion human beings (our population has doubled since the 1960s!) put intense pressure on the rest of our bio-community. People who continue buying milk and eggs scarcely reduce the stress. Indeed, this way of eating is damaging marine life already in crisis, as both dairy and egg producers buy feed made with fishmeal. Geophysicists Gidon Eshel and Pamela
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
by the entire U.S. population. Annually, more than 40 million tons of plant proteingrain and forage cropsget fed to U.S. animals to produce some seven million tons of animal protein for humans. Feeding animals who only exist to be slaughtered is enormously wasteful on a planet where many people lack clean water and never get enough to eat. In comparison, vegetable crops for human consumption can be brought to the table in a far more waterefficient way, and some vegetables, such as potatoes and tomatoes, can be farmed without using any water beyond rain. The charity VegFam estimates that ten acres growing soybeans can provide protein for sixty people, whereas ten acres with cows grazing can provide for only two people. Even if the reality were less stark, the human population cant adopt the average Western diet; there is simply not enough land. Sending money abroad for famine relief as we continue to eat animal products will fail to create fairness, address the causes Martin at the University of Chicago showed that U.S. residents annually emit about four tons of global warming gas each but vegans cut that by an impressive 1.5 tons a year. A non-dairy diet is important here. Dairies use ruminant animals, who emit high amounts of methanean especially potent
The vegan commitment is the best response to an ecological crisis as well as an urgent matter of fairness.
greenhouse gas. For all of these reasons, the vegan commitment is the best response to an ecological crisis as well as an urgent matter of fairness. for centuries, so it should come as no surprise that a wholly plant-based diet offers all the nutrients you need. And it helps us to avoid unhealthful substances, such as industrial antibiotics. As farmers rely heavily on antibiotics to keep diseases at bay, bacteria adapt. Salmonella typhimurium appeared in farm animals worldwide in the 1980s, spreading even to sea birds. Its resistance to drugs poses a problem for the federal agriculture department. When antibiotic treatments stop working, a simple case of food poisoning can kill.
DEBUNKING THE MYTHS MYTH: If You becoMe a vegan, Your dIeT MIgHT lack proTeIn, Iron, or calcIuM.
Many people assume that protein and iron must come from meat, and calcium must come from milk. Not at all. Protein: Most people already get more than enough protein, and more than enough isnt bettereven for athletes such as endurance runners and bodybuilders. A diet based on a variety of plant foods and adequate calories gives you enough protein. Tempeh (an easily digestible protein made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into blocks which can be sliced), seitan (a versatile protein made from wheat gluten), lentils, beans, and tofu are great staples; broccoli is also protein-rich. Iron: Vegans have no special susceptibility to iron deficiency. Dark green, leafy vegetables and beans or lentils are great sources of iron. Iron also stars in blackstrap molasses, tofu, prune juice, bulgur wheat, dried apricots, raisins, cashews, figs, and fortified cereals.
Include a good source of vitamin C at meals to boost the absorption of iron from these foods. What are good sources of vitamin C? Oranges or any citrus fruit or juice, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, peppers, cauliflowerall are good choices. Calcium: As a vegan, will you need calcium supplements? Its not difficult to get enough calcium from plant foods. Sesame seeds are great sources of calcium and magnesium (and thus, recipes using the sesame butter known as tahinisuch as baba ghanouj or hummusare good picks). And, according to Ginny Messina, RD, Calcium is very well absorbed from kale, collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, broccoli, fortified plant milks, fortified juices and firm tofu made with calcium-sulfateall good sources of this mineral.
No matter what type of diet you eat, take a supplement with B-12 or be sure youre eating foods fortified with the vitamin. Vegans and others get iodine from vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil, or sea vegetables. As the amounts vary widely depending on where vegetables are harvested and how sea vegetables are processed, iodized salt is still important. Or you can keep using that sea salt (which is not a reliable source of iodine) and take a daily VEG 1, a pleasant-tasting supplement designed especially for vegans, as many of us do. Just visit and click Shop Online; VEG 1 is the best-selling item on the Vegan Society website, where international orders are a breeze. This will also cover your need for vitamin B-12. If, on your physicians advice, you do take vitamin D, note that not all forms are vegan. Vitamin D-2 is vegan; its ergocalciferol, derived from yeast. Most D-3 supplements (there is now one exception, approved by and marked with the Vegan Society sunflower emblem) are cholecalciferol, derived from lanolin (a sheep-derived oil) or fish. Calcium supplements can include vitamin D-2 or D-3, and one has to be on guard to avoid cholecalciferol, despite the vegetarian label. The Vegan Societys VEG 1 supplies the recommended amount of vitamin D by a comfortable margin. During pregnancy and in childhood, people need a variety of zinc-rich ingredients. Stock up on spinach, tofu, tempeh, wholegrain pasta, beans or peas, brown rice or peanut butter. And finally, what about Omega-3 fats? New research suggests that high blood levels of the Omega-3 fat DHA are linked to increased risk of prostate cancer, observes Ginny Messina; but other studies show that these fats might protect against other chronic diseases, and against depression. It
Dave Shishkoff is Friends of Animals Canadian Correspondent and resident bicycle racer.
may be helpful for vegans to supplement with a low dose of Omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, says Messinajust 200 to 300 milligrams a few times a week. Vegan sources are available at most health-food shops or accessible online.
France, Jurek won a silver medal and set a new U.S. record for distance running: 165.7 miles in 24 hours. But though I want to win, Jurek told Mark bittman in 2010 through the New York Times, the running is a vehicle for selfdiscovery. Ive been racing for 15 years, but I feel like Im still at my peak. Jurek, who holds a Masters degree in Physical Therapy, loves preparing food, as Bittman appreciatively reported. Jurek has been vegan since 1999 for health, ethical, and environmental reasons, and credits vegan living as the key to athletic excellence, smooth recoveries, and general physical health. That winning and fame is not Jureks main point is clear in the athletes interactions with others. After finishing races, Jurek has been known to stay at the finish line for hours to cheer later finishers. I love the spirit, says vegan cyclist and Friends of Animals Canadian Correspondent dave shishkoff. Proving that vegan excellence is do-able should be the emphasis, and we should encourage people to be leaders and help others along the way.
teams: The University of Wisconsin won the team national rowing championship in 1996 and Mercyhurst College won the NCAA team national rowing championship in 2004. Anne gave birth to a third-generation vegan, clint Merrick dinshah, on the 7th of December 2010. After taking just three weeks off, Anne was back at work for five practices a week, including calisthenics with the rowers. Clint is an extroverted, energetic youngster who loves to interact with people.
are taking the time to enter into dialogue with the companies. Thanks to vegan fashion consultant ginger burr (see for contributing to this list of sources of fashionable shoes and accessories: Cri de Coeur, home of globally conscious vegan footwear. Easy to search here for vegan-friendly shoes. Free shipping; free returns. Charmone Shoes mission statement vows to create charming womens shoes in harmony with animals, people and the environment. Find belts, shoes, clothing and outerwear from a vegan perspective. Shoes and handbags at reasonable prices. Vegan shoe store and boutique in Victoria, BC, Canada. Accepts online sales. A New York store and a mail-order site for non-leather shoes and accessories. Shop online for vegan clothing, shoes, and hard-to-find foods too. Large selection of veganfriendly shoes. Free shipping; free returns. Use the search term vegan as you explore the site. You can find inexpensive synthetic shoes at large discount chain stores, but keep in mind that low prices often reflect the wages, working conditions, and environmental standards of the manufacturing sites. is a great place to find recycled, fair-trade accessories that look super stylish: All of our apparel and accessories are designed using organic, renewable and recycled materials and are produced in equitable trade. As their products arent always vegan, call 1.866.4.LIVITY (1.866.454.8489) for a representative who can help you.
guide by Green Menu will help you find information about restaurants in specific cities; see Of course, many restaurants serving international cuisinessuch as Chinese, South Indian, Italian, Thai, Ethiopian, and Mexicanoffer a variety of purely vegetarian dishes. Supporting international restaurants is a great way to delight your palate, refresh your creative spirit, and meet people from various regions of the planet.
MYTH: ITs Hard To enJoY an evenIng ouT and fInd anYTHIng vegan.
Vegan foods abound! From salads to pasta to peanut butter and jam, many well-known foods are already vegan. In towns of all sizes, regular grocers offer staples such as grains, beans, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Weve found that Mediterranean, Chinese and Indian restaurants usually speak vegan: their staff can help you navigate the menu and get excellent, animal-free food. Mediterranean restaurants offer lentilbased, eggplant-based, and chickpeabased dishes. (Chickpeas are also known as garbanzo beans.) Italian restaurants offer an array of tomato- or garlic-based sauces for pasta dishes, and the good ones will gladly supply olive oil (instead of spreads) with the bread. Some restaurants use fresh pasta that contains eggs; best to phone in advance and ask. Many suburban areas now boast all-vegetarian restaurants whose chefs artistically
prepare mock sweet-and-sour pork, sesame chicken, and vegi-duck hot pots in the Chinese vegetarian tradition. Indian restaurants make fiery and intensely flavored vegetable curries and intricately seasoned rice dishes. But avoid the yoghurt and the ghee, a form of butter. Some coconut chutney contains dairy ingredients; some doesnt; youll need to ask. Canola or other vegetable oils are regularly substituted for ghee. In time, you will learn which dishes are likely to contain animal ingredients. For example, many soups and rice dishes are made with beef or chicken stock, canned beans may contain lard or bacon, salad dressings may contain anchovies or cheeses, and Thai and Japanese restaurants might use fish sauces and fish-derived bonito seasonings unless asked to omit it. Yet nearly all restaurants will modify dishes or make something special to satisfy your request. Unless your request is completely unexpected in a very busy restaurant, the chef is likely to appreciate requests for something new and creative. In any case, 100% vegan eateries now flourish in seemingly unlikely locales. When you find small, ethical businesses, consider extending your support. They need loyal
customers if they are to survive and thrive in a culture all too welcoming to massive fastfood chains.
binds very well and is excellent for baking. A convenient, long-lasting egg alternative for baking recipes is Ener-G Egg Replacer, available at your health food shop. For summer barbeques, theres so much to do. Corn on the cob, basted with olive oil, lime juice, salt, pepper and paprika is divine on the grill. Homemade veggie burgers are perfect for summeror try our recipe for Tofu Triangles (both included in this booklets recipe section). To fully enjoy and explore the vegan culinary arts, we recommend picking up a great vegan cookbook and delving in. Dining With Friends: The Art of North American Vegan Cuisine is Friends of Animals premiere cookbook and a great start for anyone who wants to excel at creating vegan offerings and even full holiday meals. Never cooked? No worries. Youll produce gorgeous offerings by following this cookbooks straightforward directions. Dining With Friends will promptly equip you with an impressive repertoire of delicious recipes; and many of the books recipes, from beginning to end, can be on the table in less than an hour. Learning to cook homemade food is liberating. For further adventures, we offer a second cookbook, The Best of Vegan Cooking. Youll be able to sample recipes from both books by trying out the recipes in this section. Begin with breakfast!
34 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 10 oz. (280g) fingerling potatoes, sliced into rounds 1 large onion, halved and sliced 6 oz. (170g) button mushrooms, thickly sliced 1 tsp. smoked paprika 1 medium zucchini (courgette), seeded and diced 2 scallions, thinly sliced, white and green parts divided 1 cup diced tomato 1 avocado, diced 2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro Hot sauce
Heat your cast iron skillet over medium-high heat, and add potatoes. Cook for about 5 minutes, then add onions, mushrooms and smoked paprika, season with salt and freshly ground pepper, and cook 5 minutes more. Stir frequently, but not too frequently. You want everything to brown. When its all getting nice and brown and delicious-smelling, toss in your zucchini, the white parts of the scallions, and the tomatoes. Cook until the zucchini begins to turn golden brown, about 4 more minutes. Remove from heat, and top with sliced avocado, green parts of the scallions and cilantro. Serve with lots of hot sauce. You can certainly fancy this simple recipe up in many ways, Trish says. Chop a poblano or a jalapeo pepper up and add it with the mushrooms and onion. Tofu sour cream or
whatever kind of salsa you have lying around, like maybe some black bean salsa, would be nice. But sometimes simplicity is the thing, and you really dont need any of this stuff.
Scrambled Tofu
Many are the recipes for this dish; weve found this one is highly popular with everyone whos made it. Its from Friends of Animals cookbook Dining With Friends: The Art of North American Vegan Cuisine.
1 Tbsp. finely chopped cilantro Zest and juice of 1 lemon A dash or two of hot pepper sauce Extra-virgin olive oil, to taste Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1 lb. extra-firm tofu 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 onion, diced 1 zucchini (courgette), thinly sliced red bell pepper, diced 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tomato, diced 1 tsp. dried basil 2 Tbsp. tamari 1 tsp. ground cumin tsp. turmeric A pinch each of cayenne pepper and fresh ground black pepper tsp. salt
Drain and crumble the tofu. In a large skillet, heat the oil, and add tofu, onion, zucchini, red pepper and garlic. Stir-fry for about 3 minutes. Add tomato, basil, tamari, cumin, turmeric, paprika, salt, and black and cayenne pepper. Serve immediately with fresh salsa on the side.
Heat the grill or grill pan to medium-high. Grill the corn, turning frequently, about 5 minutes. Or roast in an oven heated to 400 degrees F (200 C; gas mark 6) for about 10 minutes with equally good results. Set the corn aside to cool. Remove the kernels by standing the cob on your cutting board on its stem end, and running a sharp knife down the sides of the cob at a 10 degree angle. This should leave you with whole kernels of corn. Place the corn kernels, black-eyed peas, red and yellow bell pepper, onion, parsley and cilantro in a mixing bowl. Add lemon zest (remove zest with a microplane grater, or peel the yellow skin from lemon, being careful to leave the bitter white pith behind, and chop finely), lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil. Season it with salt, pepper, hot sauce and a little more olive oil if necessary.
3 ears fresh corn, shucked, silk removed 2 cups cooked black-eyed peas (canned are fine) 1 red bell pepper, finely diced 1 yellow bell pepper, finely diced red onion, finely diced cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
2 blocks extra-firm tofu 6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil cup apple cider vinegar 2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice cup tamari or soy sauce
cup tomato sauce 1 large chipotle chile, canned in adobo sauce 6 Tbsp. pure maple syrup 2 Tbsp. ground cumin 2 Tbsp. water Pinch of cayenne pepper
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F (180 C; gas mark 4). Place each tofu block on its side and cut into thirds. Keep the layers together, cut the tofu diagonally to make six long triangles, then cut the triangles down the middle to make 12 smaller triangles. Place each triangle between paper towels and press. Warm three tablespoons (3 Tbsp.) of the olive oil in a large, non-stick skillet over medium heat. Fry the tofu triangles in a snug layer, until golden brown, 7 to 10 minutes on each side. Depending on size of pan, you may need to cook in more than one batch. Drain on paper towels. In a blender, combine the vinegar, lime juice, tamari, tomato sauce, chile, three tablespoons (3 Tbsp.) olive oil, maple syrup, cumin, water, and cayenne. Pure for 30 seconds. Place the tofu in a large baking dish and cover with the marinade. Tightly cover the dish with foil. Bake for 1 hour, turning once halfway through. Transfer the tofu and remaining marinade to a serving plate and serve with extra sauce to spoon on top.
a boil in pot over high heat. Reduce heat to medium and simmer 5 minutes. Stir in oats, mushrooms and flour, and cook 5 minutes more. Transfer to bowl, and chill. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 C; gas mark 4). Coat baking sheet with cooking spray. Shape mixture into patties, and bake on prepared baking sheet 15 minutes. Flip, and bake 10 minutes more. Cool. Heat grill to medium-high. Place foil on grill, and coat with cooking spray. Grill burgers on foil 7 minutes per side. Serve with Red Pepper Aioli: cup vegan mayonnaise; cup olive oil; 1 jarred roasted red pepper, drained; 1 clove garlic, minced. Pure all ingredients in blender until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
3 to 5 carrots, chopped 1 onion, sliced 3 to 5 potatoes, cubed l clove garlic, minced 6 cups vegetable stock tsp. powdered ginger 2 tsp. curry A few shakes of tamari Salt and pepper to taste
In soup pot, saut onions and garlic in oil. Add vegetable stock, carrots, and potatoes. Bring to a boil. Lower to simmer; add curry, tamari, ginger, salt, and pepper. Cook until potatoes are tender. Take out half of the solids; pure in a food processor or blender. Return to pot. Heat thoroughly.
3 stalks celery, diced, and 1 small onion, diced cup low-sodium soy sauce 2 tsp. each: onion powder and garlic powder tsp. ground black pepper 3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 12 oz. (340g) mushrooms, finely chopped cup whole-wheat flour
Bring 4 cups water, celery, onion, soy sauce, onion powder, garlic powder and pepper to
1 cups fresh asparagus, peeled, trimmed and cut into 1-inch long (2.5 cm) pieces, tips
reserved 1 cups shelled sweet peas (frozen, thawed peas are acceptable) 5 to 6 cups vegetable broth 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp. vegan margarine 2 to 3 large shallots, minced 1 cups Arborio risotto rice cup dry white wine Salt and pepper to taste
before adding more. After about 15 minutes, add remaining asparagus tips, continuing to add broth when necessary. In 5 minutes, begin tasting the rice. When the rice is almost tender to the bite but slightly firm in the center and looks creamy, add remaining whole peas, and stir in asparagus-pea pure. Heat for a few seconds. Remove skillet from heat, Photo by Linda Long add remaining margarine and stir briskly. Season with salt and pepper.
Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Add the asparagus stalks and cook about 5 minutes until quite soft. Rinse quickly under cold water. Place cooked asparagus in a food processor and add just enough water to pure until almost smooth; set aside. Cook half of the fresh peas for 3 to 4 minutes in boiling water. Add these peas to asparagus pure mixture. Allow machine to pure asparagus/pea mixture for a few seconds until mostly smooth. Heat broth in a medium saucepan over low heat. Add olive oil and one tablespoon (1 Tbsp.) margarine in a large, heavy saucepan over medium heat. When heated, add shallots, stirring 3 to 5 minutes until softened. Add rice to pan; stir the rice for about 2 to 3 minutes, until grains are well coated with oil, translucent, with a white dot in the centers. Add wine and stir until absorbed. Add warmed broth, a ladleful at a time, stirring frequently, after each addition. Wait until broth is almost completely absorbed
1 head of cauliflower and 1 large onion, Vidalia if possible Cold pressed, organic olive oil 1 quart (canned) plum or fired-roasted crushed tomatoes Crushed red pepper flakes Salt and black pepper 12 oz. (one small package) dry linguine, cooked
Cut cauliflower into bite-sized florets. Saut in several Tbsp. of olive oil until lightly browned; then add the chopped onion and saut the mix until the onion is transparent. Break tomatoes into mixture and cook about 20 minutes or more over medium heat, adding black pepper, salt and a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes. Serve over cooked linguine.
Butternut squash is no exception. Prepare this dishfrom Friends of Animals original cookbook Dining With Friends: The Art of North American Vegan Cuisinefor your party of four to six.
1 medium butternut squash, peeled and cut into half-inch chunks 1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into cubes 4 medium Yukon Gold potatoes, unpeeled and cut into smaller cubes than the squash 1 medium onion, chopped small head cauliflower, cut into florets 1 red bell pepper, cut into -inch slices 2 cloves garlic, minced cup extra-virgin olive oil tsp. sea salt tsp. ground pepper 1 tsp. each dried basil and dried marjoram
In a large, shallow baking dish combine the butternut squash, potatoes, onion, cauliflower, red pepper and garlic. Drizzle the olive oil over the vegetables; then sprinkle with salt, pepper, basil, and marjoram; toss to coat the vegetables. Bake uncovered at 400 degrees F (200 C; gas mark 6) for about 40 minutes, or until the potatoes and other vegetables are tender.
3 pounds of apples (suggested: combined green and MacIntosh) cup apple juice or (non-alcoholic) cider 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 large cinnamon stick 6 Tbsp. agave nectar tsp. powdered ginger
Peel a banana thats just becoming overripe and freeze it overnight or for about 8 hours. Before the fruit begins to darken, run frozen banana through a horizontal juicer, such as the Champion. Serve in parfait glass topped with walnut bits or slivered almonds for one serving per banana. And if you dont have a juicer, thats OK, too. Put the frozen slices of banana in a food processor, and run until creamy and smooth. Youll need to use a spatula to scrape the banana off the sides, periodically. This method takes longer, but it produces an equally
On cutting board, peel, core and slice the apples into quarters, and then into quarters again. Place the apple pieces in a medium pot with apple juice or cider, lemon juice and the cinnamon stick. Bring to boil over medium heat, and then lower heat to medium-low, stirring occasionally and cooking for 15 to 20 minutes, until apples have fallen apart. Then add agave nectar and ginger. Mash lightly. Serve apple sauce warm or cold.
Mix oil and sugar. Combine spices and raisins with flour and add to oil mixture, alternating with hot apple sauce. (Optional: Stir in a handful of chopped walnuts or pecans to mix into the batter.) Cream until smooth. Pour into greased and floured 6-in. x 10-in. pan (loaf pan). Bake at 350 degrees F (180 C; gas mark 4) for 45 minutes.
Many cosmetic companies no longer test their products and ingredients on animals, thanks to the efforts of advocates. Yet even if labels on shampoos, soaps, and cosmetics say cruelty-free or against animal testing, one must also look for the words no animal ingredients or vegan. Beeswax, collagen, lanolin, and milk protein frequently appear, even in natural cosmetics. Carmine in red products comes from crushed beetles used as a tint; and by the way, most tints in cosmetics and foods are tested on animals. Yes, it takes careful attention navigating store shelves and reading the labels. Ecco Bella ( and Sevani Skin Care ( are pioneers in accommodating vegan clients.
Being vegan is one of the most effective decisions we can make to bring about world peace.
Moreover, teens with plant-based diets ingest far less saturated fat than do their meat-eating friends. Good news for you, particularly when the Surgeon General reports that 13% of children aged 6 to 11 years and 14% of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years in the United States are struggling with extra weight. If youre struggling, dont feel alone. What youre experiencing is hardly surprising, given our culture of advertising. Be alert to the tendency of food marketers to see young people as easily swayed by sugars and gimmicky packaging. They key to good health is exercise and an emphasis on a balanced diet. To change your die t means a change for the whole family. Explain your decision. Once we consider animals interests, a vegan path is a natural expression. Some people might say, But arent some animals meat-eaters? Why shouldnt we do the same? As you know, some animals do catch and eat other animals, but that is because they must do so to survive. Humans can be fully vegetarian. Learn about your nutritional needs and strive to keep your body healthy. Then you can teach by example: If you put an emphasis on wholesome, nutritious foods, your knowledge will benefit your family and friends. Learn to prepare foods your whole family can enjoy. Offer to shop, find new recipes, and help prepare meals. If you are a Web surfer, you can keep up with vegan recipes, vegan hobby groups, discussions and stories. Try to plan a trip to a vegan festival. The North American Vegetarian Societys annual summerfest is a good example of a familyfriendly and 100% vegan five-day experience: basically a short summer camp that refreshes, teaches, and helps vegans and aspiring vegans find friendship and support.
Visit to see more about the meaning of the word vegan, navigating your new social waters, how the vegan movement began, and to read about individual vegans living their daily lives including vegan babies and young people. From whether beer is vegan to what the early vegans did to inspire a culture, were talking about it and linking references; send us your questions and ideas! Were also available on Twitter to discuss any aspect of vegan living: follow @veganMeans and introduce yourself. Were delighted to have your feedback and contributions as we continue our journey.
It is virtually impossible to be 100% vegan in todays society. Traditional camera films, automobile components, pharmaceutical products, and building and art supplies all use animal derivatives. But living as vegan as possible is essential if we hope to effect positive change, and to ensure that our planet has a future. Generally speaking, vegans do more than simply avoid specific foods and products; we strive to participate in beneficial action as well. We think being vegan is also one of the most effective decisions we can make to bring about world
Lagusta Yearwood is the owner of Lagustas Lusciousan all-vegan, organic and fair-trade chocolate shop located in New Paltz, New York and online at .
peace; for wars against animals and those imposed between human groups reinforce the violence we could do without. note to the reader: We at Friends of Animals strive to keep the references in this booklet accurate and up-to-date. Yet we cannot maintain responsibility for later policy or informational changes, nor does time permit us to research the histories of all companies, groups, and studies mentioned. Please use this booklet as a guide to help with your own explorations. Many people jump right into a vegan diet, but if you have a relevant medical condition or you are just concerned about ensuring a healthful, balanced diet, seek tips from a nutrition expert who is knowledgeable about vegan living. From the staff and volunteers at Friends of Animals, thank you for your interest in our
1 H.V. Bjrklund, C.M.I. Rbergh, and G. Bylund (among others) have demonstrated this through the Institute of Parasitology at bo Akademi University in Finland. 2 Tim Stephens, University of California, Santa Cruz news release: Video Shows Tool Use by a Fish (28 Sept. 2011); wrasses are involved in these reports. 3 See Darrell S. Peel & Roger V. Sahs, CR-528, Beef ByProduct Values: Trends and Current Issues, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University. 4 Information on wool production, as well as silk production and bee products, is provided, in part, by The Vegan Society, Birmingham, England. 5 See 6 Water Consumption Critical to Beef Cattle Health, Production High Plains Journal (8 Aug. 2011). 7 Jeff Nelson, How Much Water to Make One Pound of Beef? VegSource Interactive (citing the research of David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agricultural science at Cornell University). 8 From Livestock Production: Energy Inputs and the Environment by David Pimentel. 9 Ibid. 10 Little Organic Farm, owned and managed by David Little, has pioneered dry-farming of tomatoes and potatoes in Marin County, California (see photo, courtesy of Lidia Belknap). Animal manure is used, but need not be, as observed by Belknap, who notes that dry-farming is a traditional method of farming in other regions of the world. Indeed, many home gardens by default are good examples! 11 Mark Mathew Braunstein, Radical Vegetarianism: A Dialectic of Diet and Ethic (Lantern, 2010). 12 Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, Feeding Vegan Kids; avail-
work to cultivate a fairer society for all. Feel free to contact us by writing to [email protected] with VEGAN STARTER GUIDE in your subject line. Special thanks to Lidia Belknap, Rob Branch-Dasch, and Jen Kaden.
able at; (internal citations omitted). For general, up-to-date information about vegan pregnancy, see Reed Mangels, The Everything Vegan Pregnancy Book (2011). 13 Virginia Messina, MPH, RD is a dietitian specializing in vegan nutrition, co-authored the American Dietetic Associations position on vegetarian diets and authored the first textbook on vegetarian diets written for health professionals. Messina is also an active blogger, providing continually updated research and commentary. See 14 You dont have to buy a commercial cooking spray. recommends putting equal parts organic vegetable oil and organic liquid lecithin (available at health food shops) in a food-grade spray bottle. suggests simply putting olive oil into your spray bottle. 15 Cheryl L. Perry, PhD, et al., Adolescent Vegetarians: How Well Do Their Dietary Patterns Meet the Healthy People 2010 Objectives? Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine (May 2002); 156: 431437. The study states in its Conclusion: Adolescent vegetarians have a dietary pattern that is more likely than non-vegetarians to meet the Healthy People 2010 objectives. The study included vegans (6%) but the actual descriptions of these students diets did not indicate fully vegan diets. Thus the importance of looking at such research in combination with continually updated work that defines vegan accurately, such as that of Virginia Messina, MPH, RD, which is readily available to young people through the Internet. 16 The Surgeon Generals Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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On the cover: Chocolate Marbled Pound Cake, from The Best of Vegan Cooking, page 80
Photograph by Jane Seymour Revised 1/2012 t Printed on 100% recycled paper