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01 Introduction To Christology

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Lesson 1

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Theo 530: Systematic Theology II Lesson 1 Dr. Daniel R Mitchell, Professor Introduction to Christology
ontem!orary Iss"es in hristological Metho# $%er%ie& I. hrist an# 'istory (. The Search ). II. III. I. hristology from (*o%e %s. from )elo&

The Person or Work of hrist, +hich is Prior, hrist an# Myth

Introduction to this Study (. Relation to other Theological St"#y a. Theology Pro!er -a*o%e. *. Man an# Sin -*elo&. ). Three Iss"es (##resse# 'ere 1. /aith an# 'istory0Reason 1. $ntology %s. /"nction 3. Myth an# the 2at"re of the )i*lical +itness


Search for the Historical Jesus (. ). 3ey Players: Stra"ss, Renan, 'arnac4 'arnac45s Pres"!!ositions


Lesson 1

1. 2T an# S"!erstitio"s "lt"re 1. (ncient Miracle laims are ommon!lace 3. (nti6s"!ernat"ralism 7. Miracle laims are Roote# in Ignorance . 'arnac4 an# the Essential Message of 8es"s 1. The 3ing#om of 9o# an# its oming 1. 9o# the /ather an# the infinite %al"e of the h"man so"l 3. The higher Righteo"sness an# the omman#ment of Lo%e III. Critique of the Classic Liberal Position (. Sch&eit:er, Search of the Historical Jesus 1. 8es"s in the 2T is thoro"ghly ;schatological. 1. It is Pres"m!t"o"s for Mo#erns to try to Rein%ent 'im. 3. 8es"s &as <&rong,= *"t his essential message is not lost on the 2T rea#er. ). 3ahler 1. Disting"ishe# Historie an# Geschichte 1. ontraste# <8es"s= of Historie an# the < hrist= of Geschichte.

I . !bo"e or Belo#$ (. 3ahler5s Distinction le# to the >"estion: +hich is !rior?Historie or Geschichte? ). The 2eo6$rtho#o@ Theologians s"ch as )arth, )"ltmann, an# )r"nner *egin &ith the 3erygma?from Above -the 2T &itness.. . 3asemann -<2e& Search=. an# Pannen*erg *egin &ith Historie -!ro*a*le facts.?from Below.


Lesson 1


;ric4son &ants to "se both in #ynamic tension. 1. 1. /ollo&ing ("g"stine he *egins &ith faith -from a*o%e. 'e !rocee#s <from *elo&= to test the relia*ility of his faith6gi%en <hy!othesis.=

. The Person "s. the %or& of Christ (. The 2T seems to Lin4 these 1. ). . -e.g. Messianic Mission an# Di%ine Sonshi!. lassic Theology Se!arate# them an# Stresse# $ntology -the Person. Reformers -L"ther0 al%in. follo&e# lassic theology, *"t em!hasi:e# the Soteriological significance -+or4. of hrist. D. Mo#ern Theology ontin"e# an# ;@aggerate# this Distinction an# ;m!hasis. 1. 1. Schleiermacher? <feelings= )"ltmann0Tillich?<e@istential= >"estion

I. Pros and Cons of the T#o !pproaches (. hristology from (*o%e 1. Strength?;m!hasi:es <+ho= hrist is in e%al"ating the significance of 'is +or4. 1. +ea4ness?Ten#s to *ecome *ogge# #o&n in !hiloso!hical >"estions, &hich ha%e no rele%ance to !ractical life. ). hristology from )elo& 1. 1. Strength?Rele%ance to Life +ea4ness?Dri%en *y <felt nee#s= an# Ris4s *lin#ness to Iss"es of


Lesson 1

Im!ortance that are only sec"re# <from a*o%e.= II. Christ and the Incarnation 'yth (. )"ltmann an# <#emythologi:ation.= ). )"il#s on the !hiloso!hy of I#ealism . Lin4s hristianity an# +orl# Religions D. ;ric4son5s Res!onses 1. 1. 3. The Incarnation is a Mystery The Doctrine is Roote# in 8es"s5 o&n laims of 'imself. The 2T teaching is entirely "ni>"e to the +orl#5s Religions.


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