In the Kalakjriyapada of Aryabhatta announced that he was 23 years old when Kaliyugadi 3600 years. Aryabhattas astrological book is famous by name Aryabhateeya. When he was 23 years old, he wrote one book, that is not available now. One book is available and he might have written when he was matured. This book is in formula type and in a totally consigned form. Generally such books need elaborate explanation which my run into several volumes but he brought it in formula type. This is his specialty To attain such unique way, he followed his own methods and versions. In Aryabhateeya, there are four main chapters namely Geetika pada, Ganitha pada, Kalakriya pada, Gold pada. Geetika pada (Aryabhateeya): In this part, there are 10 slokas in Geeti chanda. Lastly phalasruti slsoka is also there. Aryabhatta named the book as Dasageetika Sutra. For examle: The total rotations of the Sun etc. Planets in One Mahayuga, Aryabhata mentioned in a sloka. On that Suns rotations are 4,320,000. For this number Writer used one word by the above dictionary i.e. Khyu ghr means Khu, Yu, Ghr Where Khu = 2 x 10,000 = 20,000 plus Yu = 30 x 10,000 = 3,00,000 plus Ghr = 4 x 1,000,000 = 4,000,000 equal to 4,320,000 The value of (pie) has been actually calculated as 22/ 7 by Aryabhatta. Like this way he explained all the planets. By this formulae only, Aryabhatta wrote this detailed subject in most consized form. He accepted that Earth has another motion around the Sun that is Paribramana in the Geetika pada remainin stanzas. Generally it is accepted that in Mahayuga there are four Yugas namely Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali yugas.The years may differ in all Yugas. But Aryabhatta opined that all the Yugas having equal years. Rasi, Amsa, Kala and relations between above things. The space orbit enhancement, Earthy, Sun, Moon and their motion, Inch, Hasta, Purasha, Yojana etc. measurements. The radius of Earth, Sun, Moon etc. and planetary rays details are established in Geetika pada of Aryabhateeya. He also explained that if a circles radius is 10,000, its circumference would be 62,832. This is very minute thing in the mathematics explained by Aryabhatta.
One principle that now a days called Pythagoras theory known as invented by Pythagoras. But those principles are already in Indian sulabha sutras. Aryabhatta established this principle also in his book. Many Countries suggest this argument. Kalakriya pada: In this chapter, there are 25 stanzas. In this starting, Varsha, Masa etc. time measurements are indicated. 12 months are one Varsha, 30 days are one month. 60 nadies one day, 60 vinadies one nadi. Vinadi equal to 24 seconds. Nadi equal to 24 minutes. Kshetra vibhaga is similar to Kala vibhaga. Sun month, Moon month, Extra month and other details are explained. One solar month is equal to one human year. 30 human years are equal to one Pitru year. 12 Pitru years are equal to Divya year. 12000 Divya years are equal to one Yuga. The calculations for the masa, Varsha and Yuga are starting from Chaitra Sukla Padyami. Like this way in his Chapter relation between the Time and Planetary motions are explained.
Greatness of Aryabhatta: Aryabhateeya having the new material about mathematics and astrology, got wide acceptance. Based on this book, many manuals and ephemeris in different times are being used by all till today in different ways. Some time back this book was not available. But in 1874 AD, Kern published this in Leaden. Since then, scholars are able to study in details about this book. After that Indians also published this book with good commentaries.