Press Note No.17 (1997 Series) - 28.11.1997

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Government of lndia , Ministry of Commerce & lndustrY Department of lndustrial Policy & Promotion ****** PRESS RELEASE


Entrepreneurs Memorandum (lEM) ;trial Entrepreneurt Filing of lndustrial

- regarding

Under the provisions of Press Note No

(1991 Seriesldated


1gg1, entrepreneurs



Memorandurn (lEM)r in

the prescribed form alongwith the

to submit an _lndustrial


prescribed fee for

undertaking the manufacture of any article exempted from lndusfiial Licence in


Ministry's notification No. 477 (E) dateg__?9L!991,"S!-.I,- r-. memorandum was also to be filed by industrial undertakings engaged in non-

of thts

* "{


scheduled industrigs,i,g,thoBg not covered under the



-i. the memorandum Wlth,the.reQuisite humher of copies, entrepreneurs are glven an

,X acknowledgement of receipt. 4 ,. tt was clarified by Press Note No. 22 (f991 Series) dated 24th t E: Deeember, 1991 that the IEM was intended purely for statistical purposes and to :ochecktoseewrsedmanufacturing check to see whether the prop< conduct a limited post-facto activity requires an industrial license or not. lt was also clarified that the
:l l:1:l

'sl : ,:l

t'.i .t


procedure was not

in the nature of any registration involving


scrutiny of the





Press Note No. 17


( 1gg7

Series) dated 28.11.1997 further clarified

that acknowledgement of the lEM, which is given on the spot on prima facie evidence of not attlracting licensing provisions, cannot be construed as a

^t(U ) / Centrat or State Governments S-

clearance or approvdl to carry on an industrial activity contemplated in the IEM ,nt"r= the provisions of statutes/regulations/notifications etc. issuecl by the
from::time to time or

arly specific directions or Stay




manufacturing activity as specified in the lEM, does not come into conflict with other lelal provisions or directicns oi' starrding-orciers. ln case of doubt, the entrepreneurs were free to seeFt clarification/avail assistance of the Secretariat of
lndustrial Assistance (SlA).



'.. .br


ln continuation of the position mentioned in the press Notes 22 (1991 Series) & 17 (1997 Series), it is reiterated that the IEM is meant purely for
is-issued without any further

scrutiny beyond checking that allthe requisite columns in the. Fbrm are filled in, and the onus iot compliance/non-contravention with all the rules, regulations, guidelines, orddrs and directions etc., on the subject lie with ihe applioant,



No.7( 7rnA11-JP

New Delhi, the. 17th' January, ZA12


_,- Press Release. the above


Folwapld to

liiioimaii<jn B-ureiu for giving wide publicity to

I Ministries/Departments, Government of lndia -Atl All secretary (lndustries) to the state Governments/ Union \)/ Territories 2. lndustry Associations. 'a

Under Secretary to the Govt. of lrdia Tele: 2306 3088


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