Teaching Morality

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Teaching Morality: Javanese Islamic Education in a Globalizing Era[1] Ronald !

"u#ens$%ull (UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA& JACKSONVILLE) As Indonesia strives to over o!e its "osition as a "eri"#er$ nation% its "o"&'ations are (a ed )it# in reasin* #a''en*es to traditiona' identit$ and !ora'it$+ ,it# e ono!i deve'o"!ent o!es a *reat e-"os&re to *'o.a' ons&!er &'t&re+ T#is "a"er e-a!ines #o) traditiona'ist /&s'i!s in Java%Indonesia% are (a in* t#e "er eived i!"a t o( *'o.a'i0ation t#ro&*# ed& ationa' e((orts and t#e re1invention o( tradition+ A 2e$ instit&tion in t#is "ro ess is t#e Is'a!i .oardin* s #oo' a''ed pesantren+ 3esantren &rri &'&! #as .e o!e a (o a' "oint in t#e strate*$ o( t#e traditiona'ist o!!&nit$ to en o&nter *'o.a'i0ation+ 4$ s#a"in* &rri &'&!% "esantren 'eaders are tr$in* to !o'd (&t&re *enerations o( Indonesian 'eaders and iti0ens+ T#e *oa' is to reate a so iet$ t#at is (&''$ !odern% (&''$ *'o.a'i0ed% (&''$ Indonesian% and (&''$ Is'a!i % one st&dent at a ti!e+ In t#is "ro ess% .ot# !odernit$ and tradition are re1invented in s& # a )a$ t#at one annot e-ist )it#o&t t#e ot#er+ In J&'$ 5667% Y&s&( Has#i!% t#e e'dest s&rvivin* son o( Haidrat&s S$a#2 Has#i! As#ari to'd !e )#$ #e #ad 'ed Te.& Iren*% t#e Is'a!i .oardin* 8se!inar$9 (J% I: "esantren) (o&nded .$ #is (at#er% to)ard a !ore se &'ar ['(] &rri &'&!+ He 'i2ened t#ese #an*es to t#ose (o&nd in "&.'i trans"ortation; t#e Ford Rose )as re"'a ed .$ t#e /its&.is#i Co't% )#i # in t&rn )as re"'a ed .$ a S&0&2i !ini1van+ Ea # )as !ore o!"etitive t#an its "rede essor .ot# in "&r #ase "ri e and in o"eration osts+ He ar*&ed t#at non1 o!"etitive "esantren )i'' 'i2e)ise .e driven o&t o( t#e !ar2et; "arents )i'' not send t#eir #i'dren to s #oo's t#at do not #e'" t#e! o.tain e!"'o$!ent in an in reasin*'$ te #no'o*i a''$ and s ienti(i a''$ .ased so iet$+ ,#i'e a 2no)'ed*in* t#e need (or "esantren to .e o!"etitive% Y&s&( Has#i! re o&nted t#e stor$ o( Harvard Universit$ as a a&tionar$ ta'e+ As #e e-"'ains% Harvard .e*an as a re'i*io&s instit&tion% .&t #as sin e 'ost its re'i*io&s #ara ter+ He )arns t#at s& # !&st not .e a''o)ed to #a""en )it# "esantren+ ,#i'e t#e s #oo's add ne) s&.<e ts and ado"t ne) (or!s o( ed& ation% t#eir re'i*io&s #ara ter and t#at o( t#eir *rad&ates !&st not .e sa ri(i ed+ Y&s&( Has#i!=s on ern )it# o((erin* an ed& ation t#at is o!"etitive in a !oderni0in* and *'o.a'i0in* so iet$ )#i'e !aintainin* a so'id re'i*io&s .ase is !irrored in !an$ o( t#e 5%>?? "esantren (o&nd in East Java and t#e ot#er @%@?? (o&nd e'se)#ere in Indonesia+ Y&s&( Has#i! and #is o&nter"arts are !a2in* assertions a.o&t t#e nat&re o( so iet$% Is'a!% and !oderni0ation% and a tin* on t#e!+ T#is "a"er )i'' "'a e Y&s&( Has#i!=s on erns )it#in t#e onte-t o( #is "eers and t#e Is'a!i o!!&nit$ in Indonesia as )e'' as in t#e onte-t o( )ider so ia' "ro esses to e-"'ore iss&es s&rro&ndin* *'o.a'i0ation and !oderni0ation+ In Java% and Indonesia in *enera'% ed& ation #as .een a entra' o!"onent o( !oderni0ation+ Jo#n 4o)en a((ir!s t#at s #oo's are i!"ortant 'o i in t#e trans(or!ation o( senti!ents and 'o$a'ties in So&t#east Asia+ 8S #oo's%9 #e ar*&es% 8#ave 'on* .een re 2oned .$ "o'iti a' s ientists to .e a "ri!ar$ "'a e (or A!oderni0ation=; $et )e 2no) ver$ 'itt'e o( )#at trans"ires in s #oo'+9 ,#i'e !ost o( t#e 'earnin* is ontent oriented% t#e st&dents 'earn ne) )a$s o( intera tin* )it# ot#ers and )it# t#e!se'ves% and deve'o" 8"re ise'$ t#ose attit&des to)ard ti!e% )or2% and so iet$ t#at 'ed !oderni0ation t#eorists o( t#e 567?s to #o"e t#at s #oo's )o&'d A!a2e !en !odern=9 (4o)en 566B% 5?7>C76)+ Ho)ever% 4o)en over'oo2s s #oo's 'i2e "esantren% )#i # o((er .ot# state &rri &'a and ot#er 'essons and t#ere.$ strive to !a2e "eo"'e !odern% .&t in a "arti &'ar !ode+ 3esantren% )#i # rese!.'e t#e madrasa (A: re'i*io&s s #oo') e'se)#ere in t#e Is'a!i )or'd% see! to #ave .een o( so!e interest to ,estern s #o'ars (Anderson 566?% BDCB7% 5@EC@>% Denn$ 5667% Feert0 56B?a% 5>?C>E% 56B?.% Jones 5665)% ertain )or2s #avin* .een "&.'is#ed in Indonesian (Steen.rin2 56ED% Van 4r&inessen 5667)+ Indonesian s #o'ars% on t#e ot#er [')] #and% #ave "rod& ed an enor!o&s 'iterat&re on t#e!% in '&din* o&nt'ess .oo2s and

s #o'ar'$ t#eses+ /ost o( t#is 'iterat&re is (ir!'$ .ased on t#e )or2 o( Ga!a2#s$ari D#o(ier (56>?% 56>@% 5666) and Ta&(i2 A.d&''a# (56>E)% )#i # re!ain *ood introd& tions to t#e st&d$ o( t#ese s #oo's+ A 'ar*e n&!.er o( t#ese )or2s assert t#at "esantren and !odernit$ are not in o!"ati.'e .&t an )or2 to*et#er (or t#e .etter!ent o( t#e nation (see es"e ia''$% Fa'.a 5665% 3rasod<o et a'+ 56ED% Ya &. 56>7)+ Ot#ers ar*&e% "er#a"s !ore a &rate'$% t#at t#e e-a t ro'e o( "esantren is sti'' .ein* de.ated (A.d&''a# 56>E)+ T#is "a"er &ses et#no*ra"#i data to e-"'ore so!e o( t#e )a$s in )#i # t#e traditiona'ist Is'a!i o!!&nit$ in Indonesia &ses "esantren ed& ation as "art o( its strate*$ (or en o&nterin* *'o.a'i0ation and !oderni0ation+ 4$ s#a"in* t#e &rri &'&! in "esantren% "esantren "eo"'e are s#a"in* t#e identit$ o( .ot# t#e Indonesian Is'a!i o!!&nit$ and Indonesia itse'(+ T#e$ are inventin* 8!odernit$9 and re!a2in* it in an Is'a!i and an Indonesian !o'd+ T#e data &sed #ere is "'a ed in t#e t#eoreti a' onte-t o( *'o.a'i0ation in *enera'% and !ore s"e i(i a''$% in t#e onte-t o( /&s'i! en o&nters )it# it+ A(ter des ri.in* !et#odo'o*i a' a""roa #es% t#is "a"er des ri.es t#e .road onte-ts in )#i # t#e data s#o&'d .e onsidered% and t#en% (or t#e .&'2 o( t#e "a"er% ana'$0es t#e data in detai'+ Resear # Settin* and /et#ods T#e ar*&!ent "resented #ere is .ased on et#no*ra"#i (ie'd)or2 ond& ted in 566DC67 )#i # too2 a re*iona' rat#er t#an a vi''a*e1.ased a""roa #+ As 4o)en #as s&**ested% t#e te-ts and rit&a's o( Is'a! ta2e t#e .e'iever% and s#o&'d ta2e t#e et#no*ra"#er% o&tside t#e vi''a*e to a 8)or'd)ide on(essiona' o!!&nit$9 (566H% 5>7)+ A re*iona' st&d$ a''o)s &s to e-"'ain "ro esses .e$ond t#e .o&ndaries o( a sin*'e vi''a*e+ Ho)ever% t#is is sti'' a 'i!ited vie) and does not en o!"ass t#e )#o'e Is'a!i )or'd+ ,#i'e s& # are t#e 'i!itations o( an$ (ie'd)or2% t#e "ro esses dis &ssed #ere are "art o( 'ar*er "ro esses in Indonesia and t#e Is'a!i )or'd in *enera'+ ,#ereas t#is resear # s"ea2s to )ider Indonesian so iet$% and even to /&s'i! so ieties in *enera'% it )as ond& ted in East Java% )#i # is t#e re o*ni0ed enter o( t#e "esantren )or'd; !an$ "ro!inent 'eaders o( t#e Is'a!i o!!&nit$% .ot# traditiona'ists and !odernists o!e (ro! East Java+ A""ro-i!ate'$ 5%>?? o( t#e !ore t#an D%??? "esantren in Indonesia are (o&nd in East Java (F#o(ir et a'+% 56>@% ii)+ T#e "esantren se'e ted (or resear # )ere t$"i a' o( t#ose t#at are en*a*ed in t#e on1*oin* "ro ess o( de(inin* and rede(inin* "esantren ed& ation+ E-tended et#no*ra"#i resear # )as ond& ted in t#ree "esantren: Te.& Iren* in Jo!.an*% An1N&r II in t#eKabupaten (I: Re*en $) o( /a'an*% and A'1Hi2a! in t#e it$ o( ['*] /a'an*+ Te.& Iren* #as a.o&t 5%7?? st&dents% a'' !a'e% .&t it is "art o( a o!"'e- o( (a!i'$ "esantren t#at in '&des "esantren (or (e!a'e st&dents% so!e o( )#o! attend t#e *overn!ent &rri &'&! s #oo's in Te.& Iren*+ Te.& Iren* *ives a s'i*#t e!"#asis to *overn!ent &rri &'a over traditiona' "esantren ed& ation+ It #as a ri # #istor$ t#at is intert)ined )it# t#at o( t#e Re"&.'i o( Indonesia+ Te.& Iren*=s (o&nder% Has$i! As$ari )as a o1(o&nder o( Nahdlatul Ulama(NU)% t#e 'ar*est Is'a!i or*ani0ation in Indonesia% and severa' o( #is des endants% in '&din* A.d&rra#!an ,a#id (t#en C#air o( Na#d'at&' U'a!a% no) 3resident o( Indonesia)% #ave "'a$ed and ontin&e to "'a$ i!"ortant ro'es in t#e Indonesian "&.'i s"#ere+ T#is nationa' ran*e o( in('&en e is re('e ted in t#e (a t t#at Te.& Iren*=s st&dents o!e (ro! a'' over Indonesia+ F&rt#er% t#e *rave o( its (o&nder% in t#e #eart o( t#e s #oo'% is an i!"ortant "i'*ri!a*e site t#at dra)s severa' t#o&sand visitors ea # !ont#+ In addition to !$ o)n e((orts% a n&!.er o( Indonesian s #o'ars #ave )ritten a.o&t Te.& Iren* (e+*+% D#o(ier 56>?% Ari(in 566H)+ An1N&r II #as a.o&t 7?? st&dents% !ost'$ (ro! East Java and !ost'$ !a'e (it #ad 56 (e!a'e st&dents in 5667)+ Ho)ever% it is a'so "art o( a 'ar*er o!"'e- o( (a!i'$ r&n "esantren t#at in '&des anot#er 5%??? st&dents% H?? o( )#o! are (e!a'e+ An1N&r #as a #istor$ o( 'ess t#an 7? $ears and is r&n .$ t#e sons o( t#e (o&nder+ ,#i'e .ot# *overn!ent and re'i*io&s ed& ation is o((ered at An1N&r% t#e (o &s is de ided'$ on t#e traditiona' "esantren &rri &'&!+ T#e ran*e o( in('&en e o( An1N&r and its 'eaders#i" is !ain'$ 'i!ited to t#e area aro&nd/a'an*% as eviden ed .$ t#e (a t t#at near'$ #a'( o( its st&dents o!e (ro! t#is area+

A'1Hi2a! is t#e ne)est o( t#e t#ree "esantren dis &ssed in t#is "a"er+ In 5667% it )as <&st t#ree $ears o'd and #ad B? !a'e st&dents+ It di((ers (ro! .ot# Te.& Iren* and An1N&r in severa' )a$s+ First% it did not *ro) o&t o( a traditiona' "esantren% .&t )as desi*ned as a "'a e )#ere o''e*e st&dents an en*a*e in traditiona' "esantren ed& ation and !$sti is! )#i'e "&rs&in* t#eir o''e*e de*rees+ A'' o( t#e st&dents attend o''e*e in /a'an* and !ost are (ro!East Java+ T#e #ead!aster% Has$i! /&0adi is t#e #ead o( NU East Java% and akhalif (A% I: de"&t$) in t#e Iadiri1NaJs#i.andi$a# tarekat (I+ S&(i Order; A+arqa )+ F'o.a'i0ation De(ined F'o.a'i0ation is a ter! o(ten &sed and se'do! de(ined+ For !$ "&r"oses #ere% I &se t#e ter! 8*'o.a'i0ation9 as a over ter! (or t#e "ro esses .$ )#i # t#e 8)or'd a"ita'ist s$ste!9 .e o!es arti &'ated )it# 'o a' s$ste!s+ Ot#ers #ave 'oo2ed at t#e arti &'ation o( *'o.a' s$ste!s )it# 'o a' s$ste!s [+,](S!it# 56>D)% .&t t#e$ #ave (o &sed on t#e e ono!i arti &'ation% #o) t#e o'onia' str& t&re o( !etro"o'e1sate''ite ( ore1"eri"#er$) )as re"rod& ed in 'o a' settin*s+ F'o.a'i0ation !a$ a((e t te #no'o*$% e ono!i s% "o'iti s% &'t&re% and re'i*ion+ Vario&s a&t#ors #ave 'oo2ed at as"e ts o( *'o.a'i0ation &nder t#e na!es !oderni0ation and ,esterni0ation ( +(+% ,ard and R&sto) 56BD% In2e'es and S!it# 56ED% /i''er 566D)+ ,esterni0ation and !oderni0ation are 'a.e's (or as"e ts o( *'o.a'i0ation+ 4e a&se t#e ter!s are &sed in .ot# Indonesian dis o&rse and ,estern s #o'ars#i"% t#eir &se #ere )i'' re('e t s& # &sa*e+ Ho)ever% t#ro&*#o&t t#e$ are &nderstood to re"resent% at 'east "art o(% *'o.a'i0ation% or t#e "ro ess .$ )#i # 'o a' &'t&res .e o!e "art o( t#e ('o)s o( o!!odities% i!a*es% ideas% ideo'o*ies% and "eo"'e t#at #ara teri0e 'ate *'o.a' a"ita'is!+ Ant#on$ Fiddens avers t#at a"ita'is! is a drivin* (or e in *'o.a'i0ation .e a&se it is "ri!ari'$ an e ono!i order and se ondari'$ invo'ves &'t&ra' and "o'iti a' !atters (566?)+ Danie' /i''er re!ar2s t#at JKr*en Ha.er!as sees !odernit$ as a "rod& t o( t#e <&-ta"osition o( t#ree events: t#e Renaissan e% t#e Re(or!ation% and t#e dis over$ o( t#e Ne) ,or'd (566D% B5)+ T#e t#ree 2e$ events !entioned a.ove a'' o &rred aro&nd t#e ear'$ si-teent# ent&r$% ro&*#'$ t#e sa!e ti!e "eriod to )#i # ,a''erstein attri.&tes t#e .e*innin* o( t#e )or'd a"ita'ist s$ste! (56ED)+ For t#is reason% !odernit$ an .e seen as "art and "ar e' o( *'o.a'i0ation% t#at is% t#e "ro ess .$ )#i # a"ita'is! e-"ands itse'(+ /odernit$% to Ha.er!as% is essentia''$ a !ode o( t#o&*#t t#at re(&ses to a e"t tradition )it#o&t re('e tion and reeva'&ation+ He states% 8!odernit$ an and )i'' no 'on*er .orro) t#e riteria .$ )#i # it ta2es its orientation (ro! t#e !ode's s&""'ied .$ anot#er e"o #; it has to create its normativity out of itself9 (56>E% E)+ C'ear'$ t#is !ode o( t#o&*#t is 'in2ed to s ienti(i !et#od and is "re ise'$ t#e !e #anis! .$ )#i # t#e ado"tion o( s ienti(i te #no'o*$ !a$ #a''en*e ot#er as"e ts o( so ia' and &'t&ra' 'i(e+ Ha.er!as see!s to s&**est t#at !odernit$ ne essari'$ #a''en*es and &'ti!ate'$ re"'a es tradition+ T#e !ateria' onsidered #ere s&**ests ot#er)ise+ In dis &ssin* t#e &'t&ra' i!"a ts o( *'o.a'i0ation on 'o a' &'t&res% ,esterni0ation re(ers to a "arti &'ar 2ind o( &'t&re #an*e t#at (o''o)s an i!a*ined !ode' o( ,estern 'i(e+ ,esterni0ation is o(ten on('ated )it# !oderni0ation: To es a"e ano!$ (si )% /&s'i!s #ave .&t one #oi e% (or !oderni0ation reJ&ires ,esterni0ation+ + + + Is'a! does not o((er an a'ternative )a$ to !oderni0e+ + + + Se &'aris! annot .e avoided+ /odern s ien e and te #no'o*$ reJ&ire an a.sor"tion o( t#e t#o&*#t "ro esses )#i # a o!"an$ t#e!; so too )it# "o'iti a' instit&tions+ 4e a&se ontent !&st .e e!&'ated no 'ess t#an (or!% t#e "redo!inan e o( ,estern ivi'i0ation !&st .e a 2no)'ed*ed so as to .e a.'e to 'earn (ro! it+ E&ro"ean 'an*&a*e [+1] and ,estern ed& ationa' instit&tions annot .e avoided% even i( t#e 'atter do en o&ra*e (reet#in2in* and eas$ 'ivin*+ On'$ )#en /&s'i!s e-"'i it'$ a e"t t#e ,estern !ode' )i'' t#e$ .e in a "osition to te #ni a'i0e and t#en to deve'o"+ (3i"es 56>H% 56EC6>) ,#i'e 3i"es= &'t&ra' #a&vinis! is e-traordinar$% #e does raise an i!"ortant J&estion: Can /&s'i!s ado"t t#e te #no'o*$ o( t#e ,est and sti'' #o'd (ast to t#e tea #in*s o( t#e 3ro"#etL Or

are t#e va'&es o( t#e ,est (and ,esterni0ation itse'() inse"ara.'e (ro! ,estern te #no'o*$ and ,estern st$'e ed& ation+ T#e on('ation o( !oderni0ation and ,esterni0ation a'so o &rs in Indonesian dis o&rse+ T#ere are t#ose )#o .e'ieve t#at !oderni0ation an on'$ o!e a.o&t .$ i!itatin* ,estern% "arti &'ar'$ A!eri an% &'t&ra' "ra ti es+ In s#ort% so!e Indonesians% and even so!e /&s'i!s% see! to a*ree )it# 3i"es+ In #is onsideration o( t#e !odern !ove!ent o( o!!odities and i!a*es% Ar<&n A""ad&rai ar*&es: F'o.a'i0ation does not ne essari'$ or even (reJ&ent'$ i!"'$ #o!o*eni0ation or A!eri ani0ation% and to t#e e-tent t#at di((erent so ieties a""ro"riate t#e !ateria's o( !odernit$ di((erent'$% t#ere is sti'' a!"'e roo! (or t#e dee" st&d$ o( s"e i(i *eo*ra"#ies% #istories% and 'an*&a*es+ (566B% 5E) Hen e% t#e !a<or ontri.&tion o( t#is "a"er is to e-"'ore t#e s"e i(i ities o( #o) t#e Indonesian traditiona'ist /&s'i! o!!&nit$ a""ro"riates t#e !ateria's o( !odernit$+ In t#is a""ro"riation% t#e 'eaders o( t#is o!!&nit$ are on erned )it# t#e de'eterio&s e((e ts o( !oderni0ation% as t#e$ see t#e!Me*otis!% !ateria'is!% so ia' ineJ&ities+ F&rt#er% it e-"'ores #o)% des"ite A""ad&rai=s 'ai! a.ove% t#ese 'eaders see t#e ne*ative as"e ts o( !odernit$ as essentia''$ t#e ,estern% i( not A!eri an% tri!!in*s on t#e #o&se o( !odernit$+ As "art o( t#eir a""ro"riation o( t#e !ateria's o( !odernit$ and t#eir s&.seJ&ent reinvention o( !odernit$% t#ese 'eaders #ave reated an ed& ationa' s$ste! .ot# to address t#e ed& ationa' needs o( a !oderni0in* so iet$ and% at t#e sa!e ti!e% to *&ard a*ainst "er eived !ora' de a$+ F'o.a'i0ation and Java ,e )i'' no) t&rn to one 'o a' e-"erien e o( *'o.a'i0ation+ S"e i(i a''$% it on erns t#e "er eived i!"a t o( 'ate *'o.a' a"ita'is! on Indonesian re'i*io&s va'&es and ed& ation+ 3ost1 inde"enden e Indonesia #as seen tre!endo&s e ono!i *ro)t# and )it# it an in reasin* trend to)ards t#e intr&sion o( A!eri an ons&!er &'t&re% )#i # 4en<a!in 4ar.er ar*&es )i'' inevita.'$ destro$ a'' 'o a' &'t&re and re!a2e it into a Disne$esJ&e t#e!e "ar2 o( [+']s#o""in* !a''s (5667)+ /an$ $o&n* "eo"'e )ear .'&e <eans% *o to dis os% and *et dr&n2 .e a&se t#ese t#in*s are seen as 8!odern%9 8,estern%9 and #en e desira.'e a tivities+ A""ad&rai re!inds &s t#at 8"arti &'ar on<&n t&res o( o!!odit$ ('o) and trade an reate &n"redi ted #an*es in va'&e str& t&res9 (566B% E@)+ T#is is "arti &'ar'$ tr&e in t#e arena o( )#at #e a''s 8!edias a"es%9 t#e te #no'o*ies to "rod& e and disse!inate in(or!ation and t#e 8i!a*es o( t#e )or'd reated .$ t#ese !edia9 (566B% H7)+ In t#e ear'$ 566?s% t#e U+S+ reJ&ired Indonesia to i!"ort A!eri an (i'!s and te'evision s#o)s in order to ontin&e to e-"ort te-ti'es to t#e U+S+ (4ar.er 5667% 65)+ Re"eated'$ I #eard on erns (ro! "esantren "eo"'e a.o&t t#e A!eri an !ovie ind&str$=s "&r"orted intention o( destro$in* Is'a! and orr&"tin* t#e va'&es o( Is'a!i so ieties s& # asIndonesia+ /an$ )ere on erned )it# t#e "ortra$a' o( s anti'$ 'ad )o!en ()it# .are s#o&'ders and 2nees)+ S& # on erns "ersist even t#o&*# A""ad&rai asserts t#at 8t#e United States is no 'on*er t#e "&""eteer o( a )or'd s$ste! o( i!a*es .&t is on'$ one node o( a o!"'e- transnationa' onstr& tion o( i!a*inar$ 'ands a"es9 (566B% H5)+ A""ad&rai a 2no)'ed*es% #o)ever% t#at internationa' !edia 8a((ord "o)er(&' reso&r es (or o&nter!odes o( identit$ t#at $o&t# an "ro<e t a*ainst "arenta' )is#es or desires9 (566B% D7)+ I( no 'on*er "&""eteers% ertain'$ t#e A!eri an i!a*e !a2ers sti'' reate i!a*es o(% and !ode's (or% 8!odernit$9 t#at !&st .e ontended )it# in ot#er nations+ /an$ "esantren "eo"'e asso iate t#e "ro esses o( !oderni0ation and *'o.a'i0ation )it# t#e 'oss o( traditiona' va'&es+ One e'der'$ ustadh (I: 'o) ran2in* Is'a!i tea #er) at 3esantren /a#asis)a A'1Hi2a! 'a!ented t#atIndonesia #ad 'ost its o)n va'&e s$ste!: Indonesia on e #ad esta.'is#ed va'&es% as an .e seen in t#e s& ess(&' esta.'is#!ent o( t#e Re"&.'i o( Indonesia+ T#ese va'&es )ere t#e va'&es o( 56D7+ Ho)ever in t#e 56>?s t#ese va'&es .e*an to .e 'ost and are no) o!"'ete'$ 'ost+ T#e "ro.'e! is t#at t#ese da$s% $o&n* "eo"'e )ant to .e 'i2e t#e United States or Ja"an as J&i 2'$ as "ossi.'e+ 4&t% t#e$ o(ten (or*et

t#atJa"an #as #e'd on to its va'&es tena io&s'$+ T#e Koran an *&arantee 'i(e in t#e (&t&re% t#e Koran an ta2e &s .a 2 to t#e va'&es o( 56D7+ /an$ kyais (J% I: #i*# ran2in* Is'a!i tea #ers)% ustadhs, and ot#er "esantren "eo"'e a*ree )it# t#is .asi senti!ent% t#at t#e va'&es &"on )#i #Indonesia )as esta.'is#ed #ave .een eroded .$ !oderni0ation and ,esterni0ation+ Na(i2% anot#er ustadh at A'1Hi2a!% attri.&tes t#is to "eo"'e )#o naive'$ 'in2 ,esterni0ation and !oderni0ation% a 'in2a*e Ho)ard Feders"ie' identi(ies in t#e )ritin*s o( Sirad<&ddin A..as (566B% @?@)+ Na(i2 ar*&ed t#at !& # o( )#at is done in Indonesia toda$ is ,esterni0ation [++])it#o&t an$ rea' !oderni0ation+ Ed& ation an over o!e s& # naivetN and #en e% #e sa$s% t#e *oa' o( A'1Hi2a! is to train !odern "eo"'e (arts and s ien es st&dents) )it# traditiona' va'&es+ 3eo"'e so trained )i'' .e a.'e to 'ead t#e nation so t#at it an en*a*e in *'o.a'i0ation and (or*e a ne) nationa' identit$ onsistent )it# an Is'a!i #erita*e+ Severa' "eo"'e I intervie)ed asserted t#at *ivin* &" Is'a! is not ne essar$ (or !oderni0ation% .&t t#is 'ai! itse'( ass&!es a !odernit$ in )#i # t#e s"irit&a' is #a''en*ed+ Indeed% A.d&' Fani% an ustadh at "esantren An1N&r ar*&ed t#at 8!an1!ade re'i*ions9 'i2e 4&dd#is! and Hind&is! )ere in o!"ati.'e )it# !odernit$+ Is'a! on t#e ot#er #and% as a revea'ed re'i*ion% is *ood (or a'' ti!es and an (it )it# !odernit$+ Ho)ever% e'e!ents o( "o"&'ar Is'a! need to .e e- ised (ro! t#e o!!&na' .od$ o( "ra ti e in order (or Is'a!i o&ntries to "ros"er+ A.d&' Fani identi(ied t#ese as as"e ts o( "o"&'ar !$sti is! ( kepercayan) aro&nd an estra' s"irits+ Ot#er)ise% #e 'ear'$ s&""orted t#e notion o( t#e "'a e o( S&(is! in !odernit$% as did !an$ ot#ers+ Ro.ert 4e''a# "ointed o&t t#at !odernit$ s#o&'d .e seen not Aas a (or! o( "o'iti a' or e ono!i s$ste!% .&t as a s"irit&a' "#eno!enon or a 2ind o( !enta'it$= (56B>)+ T#is is "re ise'$ t#e o!"onent o( !odernit$ )it# )#i # "esantren "eo"'e are !ost on erned+ T#e$ )ant t#e te #no'o*$ and t#e "o'iti a' and e ono!i di!ensions o( !odernis!% #o)ever% )it# res"e t to t#e !enta'it$ o( !odernis! t#e$ )is# to de(ine an Is'a!i !odernit$+ T#ere are ertain va'&es and !ora's t#e$ )is# to see &nder"in !odernit$+ T#ese va'&es in '&de Is'a!i .rot#er#ood% se'('essness (keikhlasan)% si!"'i it$ in 'ivin* (kesederhanaan)% and se'(1s&((i ien $ (kemandirian)+ A'so in '&ded is a on ern (or so ia' <&sti e and servin* t#e needs o( t#e "oor+ Ta2en to*et#er% t#ese va'&es de(ine a !odernit$ J&ite di((erent (ro! t#at do!inant in t#e ,est+ 4ernard Le)is ar*&es t#at sin e t#e si-teent# ent&r$% t#ere #ave .een t#ree .asi attit&des to)ard !oderni0ationO@P and ,esterni0ation (#ere onsidered "art o( *'o.a'i0ation) t#at /&s'i!s !i*#t ta2e (566E)+ T#e (irst is t#at o( a s&"er!ar2et: /&s'i!s !a$ ado"t )#at t#e$ (ind &se(&' )it#o&t ado"tin* t#e re'i*ion or t#e va'&es o( t#e ,est+ He ar*&es t#at t#is vie)so!eti!es [+-] o!es in an e-tre!e (or! 8in t#e )ritin*s and &tteran es o( t#e so1 a''ed Is'a!i (&nda!enta'ists% )#o see ,estern ivi'i0ation% and "arti &'ar'$ A!eri an "o"&'ar &'t&re% as i!!ora' and dan*ero&s'$ orr&"tin*9 (Le)is 566E% 5@E)+ Le)is asso iates t#is "osition s"e i(i a''$ )it# t#e A$ato''a# K#o!eini )#o de ried t#e United States as t#e Freat Satan% or t#e sed& er o( Is'a!+ T#e se ond attit&de is a #o"e(&' one t#at see2s to !arr$ t#e .est e'e!ents o( .ot# ivi'i0ations+ Ho)ever% Le)is ar*&es% !ore o(ten t#an not t#e res&'t is not a !arria*e o( t#e .est .&t 8a "ro!is &o&s o#a.itation o( t#e )orst9 (Le)is 566E% 5@E)+ T#e t#ird attit&de )as t#at t#at o( Ke!a' AtatKr2 and t#e Yo&n* T&r2 !ove!ent; na!e'$% t#at 8t#e )or'd #as seen !an$ ivi'i0ations+ Ea # #as *ro)n and ('o&ris#ed in its da$% t#en "assed a)a$+ At t#is !o!ent in #istor$ on'$ one is sti'' a'ive+ ,e !&st <oin it or .e &n ivi'i0ed9 (Le)is 566E% 5@E)+ /ost "esantren "eo"'e are ta2in* t#e se ond ta 2+ Ho)ever% t#e$ are doin* !ore t#an si!"'$ tr$in* to !arr$ t#e .est o( .ot# )or'ds% t#e$ are !a2in* an Is'a!i !odernit$+ I( !odernit$ entai's a set o( attit&des a.o&t a&t#orit$% ti!e% so iet$% "o'iti s% e ono!i s% and re'i*ion% t#en t#e 'eaders o( t#e "esantren)or'd are tr$in* to s#a"e t#ose attit&des+ T#e &'ti!ate on ern is sti'' )it# sa'vation and t#e #erea(ter+ Con erns a.o&t t#is )or'd are (ine as 'on* as t#e #erea(ter is not (or*otten+ T#e$ are a)are o( t#e En'i*#ten!ent t#esis t#at t#is )or'd is a'' t#ere is% and t#e$ ons io&s'$ re<e t it+ In t#e ne-t se tion )e )i'' t&rn to s"e i(i strate*ies no)

e-"'oited in t#e "esantren )or'd+ 3esantren"eo"'e are rede(inin* !odernit$% and .e a&se "esantren are ed& ationa' instit&tions% a 2e$ )a$ t#e$ are see2in* to do so is t#ro&*# restr& t&rin* t#eir &rri &'&! and t#ere.$ restr& t&rin* t#e t#o&*#ts o( a""ro-i!ate'$ H?Q o(Indonesia=s s #oo'1a*e #i'dren+ Ed& ationa' Res"onses to F'o.a'i0ation T#e Is'a!i .oardin* s #oo's 2no)n as "esantren traditiona''$ ta&*#t an a'!ost e- '&sive'$ re'i*io&s &rri &'&! and )ere t#e trainin* *ro&nds (or re'i*io&s 'eaders+ 4e a&se t#ere is no or*ani0ed "riest#ood in Indonesian Is'a!% t#e s #o'ars ( kyai) )#o o)n% r&n% and tea # in t#ese s #oo's are t#e 'eaders o( t#e traditiona'ist Is'a!i o!!&nit$ in Indonesia+ 3rior to t#e t)entiet# ent&r$% "esantren )ere t#e on'$ (or! o( ed& ation (o&nd in Java (A.d&''a# 56>E% Denn$ 5667% @6>)+ T#e o&rt "oets o( .ot# t#e Yo*$a2arta and S&ra2arta o&rts )ere ed& ated in "esantren (F'orida 5667)% as )ere so!e !e!.ers o( t#e r&'in* 'ass (3e!.erton 566D% D>C D6% Adas 56E6)+ In t#e 'ate nineteent# ent&r$% t#e D&t # introd& ed se &'ar ed& ation to t#e r&'in* e'ite+ In res"onse to t#is% vario&s nationa'ist or*ani0ations started se &'ar s #oo's as "art o( t#eir nation !a2in* strate*$ (Anderson 566?% 5H@% @DH)+ A(ter inde"enden e% Indonesia esta.'is#ed% as "art o( its nation .&i'din* [+.]strate*$% a nationa' ed& ation s$ste! )#i # o&'d tea # t#e nationa' 'an*&a*e and t#e nationa' "#i'oso"#$ (Pancasila) as )e'' as ed& ate its ne) iti0ens in s ien e and !at#+ 3esantren are asso iated )it# t#e traditiona'ist o!!&nit$ in Indonesia+ Traditiona'ists o"en'$ re<e t t#e 'ai!s o( !odernists to #ave esta.'is#ed "esantren% statin* t#at t#e !odernists #ave done 'itt'e !ore t#at reate re'i*io&s .oardin* #o&ses and dor!itories+ 3esantren "eo"'e de 'are t#at t#e riti a' o!"onents o( !$sti is!% 'assi a' te-ts% and #ara ter deve'o"!ent are !issin* (ro! t#ese &"start instit&tions+ ,it# t#is ens&re t#e$ onde!n t#e !odernist a""roa # to !odernit$+ C'i((ord Feert0% )#en )ritin* a.o&t "esantren, and t#eir #ead!asters (kyai) near'$ D? $ears a*o% "redi ted t#at t#e$ )o&'d .e r&s#ed .$ !odernit$: On'$ t#ro&*# t#e reation o( a s #oo' at on e as re'i*io&s'$ satis($in* to t#e vi''a*er as t#e "esantren% and as instr&!enta''$ (&n tiona' to t#e *ro)t# o( t#e 8ne) Indonesia9 as t#e state1r&n se &'ar s #oo's an t#e kijaji OkyaiP as t#e tea #er o( s& # a s #oo'% .e o!e a !an on e !ore o!"etent to stand *&ard 8over t#e r& ia' <&n t&res o( s$na"ses o( re'ations#i" )#i # onne t t#e 'o a' s$ste! )it# t#e 'ar*er )#o'e+ + + +9 Fai'in* t#is t#e 2i<a<i=s da$s as a do!inant (or e in "io&s Javanese vi''a*es are n&!.ered% and t#e ro'e o( Is'a! in s#a"in* t#e dire tion o( "o'iti a' evo'&tion in Indonesia is 'i2e'$ to .e !ar*ina' at .est+ ,#et#er or not t#e !en a t&a''$ (i''in* t#e 2i<a<i ro'e at "resent inIndonesia are &" to a tas2 o( so io1 &'t&ra' reativit$ o( t#is !a*nit&de re!ains to .e seenMt#o&*# neit#er t#e "er(or!an e o( NU + + + nor t#e s'o)in* do)n o( t#e !odernist re'i*io&s re(or! !ove!ent sin e 56D7% *ives !& # a&se (or o"ti!is!+ (56B?.% @D6) Feert0 )as not o"ti!isti a.o&t t#e a.i'it$ o( kyai to .e .ro2ers .et)een Indonesian &'t&res and !odernit$+ Not on'$ #ave kyai ontradi ted Feert0=s e-"e tations% )#at t#e$ are en*a*in* in is not !ere .ro2era*e; t#e$ are not <&st trans'atin* 8!odernit$9 to Indonesia% t#e$ are inventin* an Indonesian Is'a!i !odernit$+ A't#o&*# Feert0 )as )ron* in #is "ro*nosis% #is dia*nosis o&'d not #ave .een !ore a &rate+ It )as re"eated !ore re ent'$ .$ a 'eadin* Indonesian s #o'ar% Ta&(i2 A.d&''a#% )#o )rote: T#ere(ore t#e (&t&re o( t#e "esantren )i'' .e deter!ined .$ its a.i'it$ to !aintain its identit$ as an &'a!a do!inated ed& ationa' s$ste! )#i'e at t#e sa!e ti!e 'ari($in* its ro'e as a o!"'e!entar$ (eat&re o( nationa' ed& ation+ (56>E% 5?@) /an$ onte!"orar$ "esantren are no) doin* e-a t'$ )#at .ot# Feert0 and A.d&''a# "res ri.ed+ T#e$ are en*a*in* in .ot# traditiona' "esantrened& ation [+/] and nationa' ed& ation+

Toda$% t#ere are t)o .asi *overn!ent re o*ni0ed &rri &'a% t#e Nationa' S$ste! ( Sistem Negeri , )#i # is !ost'$ se &'ar%OHP and t#e !adrasahODPS$ste! (Sistem !adrasah + T#e /adrasa# S$ste! )as ori*ina''$ esta.'is#ed .e a&se !an$ Indonesian "arents )ere 'eer$ o( t#e !ost'$ se &'ar nationa' s #oo's and )o&'d not send t#eir #i'dren to t#e!+O7P 3esantren !a$ #ave neit#er% eit#er% or .ot# t$"es o( s #oo's )it#in t#eir *ro&nds+ A'' .&t t#e !ost onservative "esantren #ave at 'east one+ T#e "attern in t#e !ore onservative "esantren is (or t#e st&dent to (&'(i'' t#e !ini!&! nationa' reJ&ire!ent .e(ore startin* at t#e "esantren+ It s#o&'d .e noted t#at t#e ado"tion o( nationa' &rri &'a )as stron*'$ en o&ra*ed .$ t#e (or!er S&#arto re*i!e+ Nonet#e'ess% t#ere are eno&*# e-a!"'es o( "esantren t#at #ave not ado"ted t#e! to s&**est t#at t#e #an*es )ere not entire'$ e-terna''$ i!"osed+ In addition to t#e *overn!ent &rri &'a% !an$ kyai #ave (o&nd it &se(&' and desira.'e to o((er e-tra o&rsesMEn*'is# and o!"&ter s2i''s .ein* !ost "o"&'arMand <o. s2i''s trainin*% s& # as #a&((e&rin*% a&to!o.i'e re"air% se)in*% s!a'' .&siness !ana*e!ent% and )e'din*+ In "art% t#is is in res"onse to *overn!ent "ro*ra!s en o&ra*in* t#e i!"rove!ent o( #&!an reso&r es+ Ho)ever% s2i''s trainin* is a'so seen as a ti!e1#onored "art o( "esantren ed& ation+ Traditiona''$ st&dents did not "a$ (or t#eir ed& ation or 'od*in* .&t )or2ed (or t#e kyai in e- #an*e (or t#eir e-"enses+ T#ro&*# t#is )or2 t#e$ *ained so!e s2i''s t#at t#e$ o&'d "&t to &se a(ter t#e$ ret&rned #o!e+ Ho)ever t#is tradition #as .een 'ost% .e a&se t#e addition o( *enera' ed& ation #as !eant (e)er #o&rs in t#e da$ (or re'i*io&s st&d$+ Hen e it is no) !ore o!!on (or st&dents% or t#eir "arents% to "a$ dire t'$ (or t#eir e-"enses+ T#e[+(] addition o( o&rses o( i!!ediate "ra ti a' &se is t#&s in "art to o!"ensate (or t#e 'oss o( a""renti es#i"s )it#in t#e "esantren+ 4et)een t#e S&#arto re*i!e=s !eningkatkan K"alitas Sumber #aya !anusia (I: I!"rove t#e I&a'it$ o( H&!an Reso&r es) Ca!"ai*n and t#e ver$ rea' need (or *rad&ates to earn an in o!e% a "esantren t#at did not address t#ese iss&es% or at 'east 'ai! to% J&i 2'$ .e a!e &n"o"&'ar+ K$ai 4adr&ddin at An1N&r said t#at even )it# t#e addition o( se &'ar ed& ation% t#e !ain "&r"ose o( "esantren is to s"read Is'a!+ ,it# t#e addition o( se &'ar s&.<e ts% "esantren *rad&ates are not on'$ a.'e to s"read and stren*t#en Is'a!% .&t a'so to ta2e are o( t#eir o)n .asi needs+ He ar*&ed t#at in t#is ti!e o( deve'o"!ent and #an*e% i( santri ("esantren st&dents) are on'$ *iven re'i*io&s ed& ation% t#e$ )i'' not s& eed+ 4esides re'i*io&s ed& ation% *enera' ed& ation% and <o.1oriented trainin*% t#e santri re eive ot#er trainin*% s& # as in .&d*etin* t#eir !ont#'$ a''o)an es% )#i # )i'' a''o) t#e! to .e o!e (is a''$ res"onsi.'e ad&'ts+ Anot#er 'eve' o( "ra ti a' trainin* is in si!"'e 'ivin*+ For e-a!"'e% K$ai4addr&din to'd !e t#at an as eti 'i(est$'e in t#e "esantren "re"ares st&dents (or eit#er "ros"erit$ or "overt$+ In t#e (or!er% t#e$ )i'' .e o!"assionate; in t#e 'ater% t#e$ )i'' .e ontent+ He ar*&ed t#at t#is "ra ti a' ed& ation s&""orts Indonesian deve'o"!ent .e a&se An1N&r *rad&ates are se'(1s&((i ient% *ood iti0ens+ T#e$ )i'' ontri.&te to% rat#er t#an .&rden% t#eir 'o a' o!!&nities and t#eir nation% i( t#e$: (5) #ave an ed& ation and t#ere(ore an s&""ort t#e!se'ves; (@) an .e ontent in "overt$ or in ri #es; (H) 2no) and &nderstand "ro"ert$ o)ners#i"; and (D) )i'' not diso.e$ t#e 'a)+ An ustadh at An1N&r% one so!e (ee' is destined to .e o!e a kyai, )rote a s#ort essa$OBP t#at s&!!ari0es so!e o( t#e va'&es ta&*#t in "esantren: One *ood *oa' )#en so!eone #as t#e drea! o( 'ivin* &nder t#e "rote tion o( A''a# is to #ave 2no)'ed*e% (or onese'( as )e'' as (or oneRs "eo"'e% re'i*ion% and #o!e'and+ T#ere(ore% /&s'i!s !&st #ave Is'a!i 2no)'ed*e and #o'd ti*#t'$ to it and t#e .o&nds o( re'i*ion+ As t#e ada*e sa$s% Re'i*ion )it#o&t s ien e is .'ind+ S ien e )it#o&t re'i*ion is 'a!e+ T#ere(ore% )e !&st not se"arate t#e t)o and #o'd ti*#t'$ to .ot#+ ,e !&st arr$ .ot# on o&r s#o&'ders+

,e !&st 2no) t#at no) is an era o( 8*'o.a'i0ation+9 ,#at !&st )e do to #o'd .a 2 t#e ('oodL To (a e t#at ne) eraL ,e #ave a'read$ "re"ared o&r 2no)'ed*e to [+)] trans(or! o&rse'ves and to so've "ro.'e!s+ /ean)#i'e% ,estern s&"erstar "er(or!ers% 'i2e /adonna% are a')a$s J&i 2'$ o!in* (or)ard to .oast o( t#eir *reatness t#ro&*# te'evision% video% !ovies% and ot#er a!&se!ents+ To (a e a'' t#is )e !&st (i*#t o&r desires .e a&se on o&r o)n )e #ave no !ore restraint t#an a .a.$+ One kit$b Ore'i*io&s te-t% o!!entar$P e-"'ains t#at )e s#o&'d restrain o&r desire )it# "iet$+ In a adth t#ere is t#e additiona' o!!entar$ t#at states% 8As .ad as t#in*s !a$ *et% )#at I (ear !ore (or $o& is t)o t#in*s: t#at $o& )i'' (o''o) $o&r desires and $o& )i'' #ave (antasies% .&t !ore t#at $o& )i'' #ave (antasies a.o&t t#is )or'd+9 It is an indi*nit$ (or #&!ans% )#o #ave reason% to .e o!e s'aves to !ateria'is!+ T#ere(ore )e an s&!!ari0e t#at t#ose )#o 'ive &nder t#e "rote tion o( )ea't#% i( t#e$ annot set t#eir "riorities% )i'' .e o!e s'aves to t#at )ea't#+ T#is s#ort e"ist'e i''&strates severa' 2e$ on erns+ First% t#ere is a on ern t#at )it#o&t s ien e and te #no'o*$ t#e Is'a!i o!!&nit$ )i'' .e i!"overis#ed+ O( *reater on ern% #o)ever% is t#at in "&rs&in* t#ese t#in*s% t#e Indonesian Is'a!i o!!&nit$ )i'' 'ose its !ora' (o&ndations% *ive into sin(&' desires% and .e o!es s'aves to !ateria'is! rat#er t#an servants o( Fod+ 3esantren va'&es de(ine a !odernit$ J&ite di((erent (ro! t#at "ra ti ed in t#e ,est% or "er#a"s !ore "ro"er'$% t#at )#i # (&n tions &nder t#e ae*is o( nationa'is! and t#e (ree1!ar2et e ono!$+ Ar*&a.'$% t#e *reatest on ern "esantren "eo"'e #ave a.o&t !oderni0ation is t#e t#reat o( e*ois!% or t#e e!"#asis on individ&a' *ain over o!!&na' *ain+ T#e va'&es o( Is'a!i .rot#er#ood and se'('essness are seen as sa(e*&ards to #eart'ess entre"rene&ria'is!+ 8Si!"'i it$ in 'ivin*9 is a ontro' !e #anis! (or ra!"ant ons&!eris! and% )it# t#e e!er*en e o( redit ards% a )a$ to avoid t#e (inan ia' !orass in )#i # !an$ E&ro"eans and A!eri ans (ind t#e!se'ves+ 8Se'(1s&((i ien $9 *ives .ot# t#e individ&a' and t#e nation ontin&ed inde"enden e+ For individ&a's% it !eans t#at one s#o&'d see2 se'(1e!"'o$!entMt#e ver$ entre"rene&ria'is! t#at deve'o"!ent reJ&ires% #o)ever% one ontro''ed .$ Is'a!i va'&es+ For t#e nation% it !eans avoidin* t#e 2ind o( !etro"o'e1sate''ite re'ations#i" t#at AndrN F&nder1 Fran2 !aintains reates &nderdeve'o"!ent (56BB)+ In a 'esson a.o&t !odernit$% F&sOEP Is#o! o( Te.& Iren* ta&*#t one o( #is *rand(at#er Has#i! As#ari=s te-ts )#i # stated t#at /&s'i!s s#o&'d not ada"t t#e )a$s o( t#e k$fir (A: &n.e'ievers)+ In "arti &'ar% one s#o&'d avoid t#eir 'ot#in* st$'e+ In "art t#is is .e a&se t#e 'ot#es (i+e+% "ants) !a$ vio'ate !odest$ 'a)s% .&t a'so .e a&se )earin* ,estern 'ot#es s$!.o'i0es [+*]a*ree!ent )it# a'' t#at is ,estern+ In t#e 'esson it )as !aintained t#at even t#at $o&n* #i'dren s#o&'d not .e a''o)ed to )ear k$fir 'ot#es .&t s#o&'d .e trained to )ear peci and sarong (I: a" and )ra""ed 'ot#% 'o a' Is'a!i *ar!ents)+ T#e on ern% #en e% is 'ess )it# 'ot#in* "er se% t#an )it# t#e onstr& tion o( identit$ in t#e "&.'i s"#ere+ In t#e o'onia' "eriod% )#en t#e te-t )as )ritten% t#is tea #in* )as i!"ortant .e a&se it !ar2ed 'ear distin tions .et)een t#e "esantren )or'd and t#e D&t # o'oni0ers and t#eir o''a.orators+ Toda$% Is#o!=s on ern ontin&es to .e )it# "&.'i state!ents o( se"aration% and #en e identit$+ T#is is seen in #is a''o)an e o( )earin* )estern 'ot#in* as 'o&n*e )ear in t#e "riva $ o( one=s #o!e+ Interestin*'$% t#is is t#e o""osite o( a o!!on "attern in Indonesia toda$% t#e saron* and "e i .ein* )orn at #o!e )#i'e )estern *ar!ents are (avored in "&.'i + F&s Is#o!=s se'e tion o( t#is "arti &'ar Has#i! As#ari te-t )as a o!!entar$ on onte!"orar$ iss&es; it )as a )arnin* a.o&t #o) to dea' )it# !odernit$ and #o) to avoid .ein* tra""ed in t#e )a$s o( &n.e'ie(+ F&s Is#o! )as not advo atin* t#e avoidan e o( !odernit$ (as s$!.o'i0ed in t#e )earin* o( <eans and tee1s#irts)% .&t rat#er t#e &se o( a&tion re*ardin* it+ As #is st&dents e!"#asi0ed% i( one=s nya (A: intention) is to .e 'i2e t#e k$fir in t#o&*#t% a t% and deed% t#en ado"tin* ,estern )a$s is )ron*+ I( one=s nya is "&re t#en s& # &'t&ra' .orro)in*s are not a "ro.'e!+

It s#o&'d .e noted t#at F&s Is#o!=s 'esson on t#e dan*ers o( !odernit$ did not (o''o) a "&re'$ traditiona' instr& tiona' !et#od+ A(ter #e read t#e te-t in Ara.i and *ave t#e makna (I: !eanin*) in Javanese% #e e-"'ained it in Indonesian+ T#e tea #er=s &se o( Indonesian revea's t#at t#is 'esson and t#is te-t )ere t#o&*#t o( not as "rovin ia'% .&t rat#er as nationa'% in t#eir s o"e and re'evan e+ Tea #in* Traditiona' /ora'it$ and F'o.a'i0ation 3esantren 'eaders toda$ are &'ti!ate'$ on erned )it# i!"artin* 8traditiona' !ora'it$9 to st&dents )#o )i'' "arti i"ate in% and even 'ead%Indonesia in !oderni0ation and *'o.a'i0ation+ T#is !ora'it$ is ta&*#t in 'essons a''ed ngaji, )#i # invo've t#e tea #in* o( an Ara.i te-t+ Ho)ever% ngaji is t#e on'$ t#e .e*innin* o( !ora' ed& ation+ /an$ "esantren tea #ers (kyai andustadh) t#at I ta'2ed )it# "ointed o&t t#at st&dents !i*#t .e a.'e to 'earn t#e sa!e t#eoreti a' and t#eo'o*i a' !ateria' at re'i*io&s da$ s #oo's near t#eir #o!es+ Ho)ever% "esantren tea #ers stress t#at )#i'e s& # da$ s #oo's an tea # st&dents a.o&t re'i*ion and !ora'it$% t#e$ annot tea # t#e! to .e !ora'+ /ora' ed& ation% in t#e sense o( tea #in* !ora' .e#avior% !&st #ave e-"erien e% or pengalaman, at its enter+ 3esantren strive to reate an environ!ent in )#i # t#e !ora's o( re'i*ion an .e "ra ti ed as )e'' as st&died+ [-,] T#e st&dents 'earn a.o&t t#e! in ngaji and are *iven t#e o""ort&nit$ to "ra ti e t#e!+ For e-a!"'e% o!!&na' sholat (I Ot#er va'&es% s& # as ikhl$ (A% I: se'('essness)O>P and kesederhanaan (I: !odest 'ivin*) are ta&*#t .$ S"artan and o!!&na' 'ivin* arran*e!ents ( (+ 5667% @6>)+ In !ost "esantren% t#e santri s'ee" on t#e ('oor in a roo! t#at !a$ #o'd &" to ei*#t$ ot#er st&dents+ A roo! t#at one !i*#t <&d*e to .e adeJ&ate (or one% "er#a"s t)o st&dents% #o&ses si- to ei*#t; t#e !ore "o"&'ar t#e "esantren% t#e !ore ro)ded t#e s"a e+ T#e !ea's are !ea*er: ri e and ve*eta.'es+ F&rt#er% )#i'e t#ere is an a 2no)'ed*!ent o( "ersona' "ro"ert$% in "ra ti e% "ro"ert$ is o!!&na'+ Si!"'e t#in*s s& # a sanda's are .orro)ed (ree'$+ Ot#er ite!s% i( not in &se% s#o&'d .e 'ent i( as2ed (or+ T#e santri )#o #a.it&a''$ re(&ses to 'end #is "ro"ert$ )i'' .e san tioned .$ #is "eers and so!eti!es .$ t#e "esantren sta((+ I )as e-"e ted to (o''o) t#ese *&ide'ines as )e''% and I o(ten (o&nd !$ ta"e re order and a!era !issin*+ T#e$ )ere a')a$s ret&rned 'ater% t#e a!era )it# a'' o( its (i'! &sed and )it# a reJ&est to #ave t#e (i'! deve'o"ed+ For t#e santri )#o does not s#are% san tions !a$ in '&de teasin* or a stern re!inder a.o&t Is'a!i .rot#er#ood and t#e i!"ortan e o( ikhl$% In !an$ )a$s% t#e detai's o( "esantren 'i(est$'e #ave not #an*ed !& # over ti!e+ Fiven t#e #an*es o( 'i(est$'e and standard o( 'ivin* in t#e *enera' "o"&'ation% #o)ever% t#ere is a *reater *a" .et)een t#e t)o% and #en e t#e "esantren 'i(est$'e .e o!es !ore as eti + In ot#er )ords% t#e si!"'e 'i(est$'e )as on e a !atter o( ne essit$% neit#er st&dent nor kyai o&'d a((ord !ore+ 4&t no) en(or ed "overt$ and a&sterit$ is "art o( an invented "esantren tradition ( (+ Ho.s.a)! and Ran*er 56>H)+ Indeed% !an$ !odernist s #oo's a''in* t#e!se'ves "esantren are riti i0ed (or .ein* (ar too o!(orta.'e+ As an invented% or re&invented, tradition% t#e as eti 'i(est$'e in "esantren #as o!e to .e an essentia' "art o( t#eir #ara ter deve'o"!ent strate*$+ T#e va'&e o( kemandirian (se'(1s&((i ien $) is ta&*#t .$ #avin* t#e santrita2e are o( t#eir o)n .asi needs+ T#e essentia' idea o( t#is va'&e (mandiri) is seen in a o!!on <o2e+ I )as to'd re"eated'$% in t#e "resen e o( ver$ $o&n*santri (si- to seven $ears o( a*e)% t#at mandiri, t#e root o( kemandirian, )as an a..reviation (or mandi sendiri (I: .at#e on $o&r o)n)+ [-1] ,#i'e t#is <o2e )as a')a$s !et )it# *reat #i'arit$% it o!!&ni ates J&ite 'ear'$% .ot# to t#e $o&n*santri ()#o !a$ sti'' .e &sed to .at#in* )it# o'der si.'in*s) and to t#e (orei*n resear #er% t#at ta2in* are o( onese'( is an i!"ortant va'&e+ In traditiona' "esantren% mandiri !ani(ests itse'( in oo2in* arran*e!ents; st&dents oo2ed (or t#e!se'ves% or in s!a'' oo"erative *ro&"s+ Toda$% to re*ain ti!e (or ngaji'ost to *enera' ed& ation% !an$ "esantren e!"'o$ a a(eteria s$ste!+ Ho)ever% santri sti'' 'earn se'(1s&((i ien $ t#ro&*# doin* t#eir o)n )as#in*% ironin*% and #o&se2ee"in*+ A*ain% )#at )as on e ne essit$ #as .e o!e tradition+ ,it# mandiri, #o)ever%

so!e o( t#e "ra ti es o( t#e invented tradition !&st .e dro""ed (or "ra ti a' reasons (i+e+% (ood "re"aration)+ Hen e% ore e'e!ents are e-tra ted and e!"#asi0ed in ot#er )a$s+ Ot#er r&'es in "'a e in !ost "esantren #ave to do )it# non1attendan e o( 'essons or o!!&na' "ra$er% snea2in* o&t o( t#e o!"o&nd% )at #in* !ovies% t#e(t% and ot#er a tivities dee!ed to .e a*ainst "esantren va'&es+ /ost vio'ations res&'t in t#e santri re eivin* stern advi e (nasehat)+ Re"eated vio'ations !a$ .rin* !ore stern dis i"'ine+ One ustadh s&**ested t#at t#e "&nis#!ent (or !inor o((enses s& # as )at #in* !ovies !i*#t in '&de .eatin*s or even .ein* ordered to do "&s#1&"s in se)a*e r&no((+ I( t#e vio'ation is *reater% t#e st&dent=s #air !a$ .e s#aved o((% o(ten <&st .e(ore a s #ed&'ed 8"arents= da$9 event% )#i # )i'' #&!i'iate t#e santri% O((endin* st&dents !a$ a'so .e sent #o!e+ U'ti!ate'$% t#e (or! and (or e o( t#e dis i"'ine is at t#ekyai's dis retion+ F&s Is#o! o( Te.& Iren* ar*&es t#at in order to "'ant va'&es (menanamkan nilai)% instr& tion is not as i!"ortant as settin* a *ood e-a!"'e+ In order to tea # #is santri t#e i!"ortan e o( sholat jam$a ( o!!&na' )ors#i") a kyai needs to 'ead t#e "ra$ers (mengimam)% not a')a$s% .&t o(ten+ F&s Is#o!Rs o&sin% 3resident A.d&rra#!an ,a#id (t#en *enera' #air!an o( Na#d'at&' U'a!a) a*rees t#at t#e 'ivin* e-a!"'e o( t#e kyai is riti a' in tea #in* santri% In t#is re*ard% ,a#id "oints to #is &n 'e Y&s&( Has#i!% )#o never tea #es 'assi a' te-ts% .&t )#o does tea # #is st&dents t#e i!"ortan e o( s ien e and te #no'o*$ .$ #is a tivities o&tside t#e "esantren% )#i # a''o) #i! to .rin* *overn!ent !inisters to visit (t#ere is a "'a e (or #e'i o"ters to 'and ne-t to t#e a!"&s (or t#is ver$ "&r"ose)+ Ho)ever% #e is <&st as on erned a.o&t t#e !ora'it$ o( #is santri as )as #is (at#er (Has#i! As#ari); )#i'e Has#i! As#ari )as on erned over t#e i!"a t o( "o"&'ar !&si % Y&s&( Has#i! is on erned a.o&t t#e in('&en e o( te'evision on santri, and #as &rtai'ed vie)in* onsidera.'$+ /&sta#in% a'so at Te.& Iren*% ar*&ed t#at 'i2e t#e 3ro"#et% t#e kyai s#o&'d[-'] .e an e-a!"'e to #is st&dents% so t#at "esantren ed& ation )i'' in &' ate not on'$ re'i*io&s 2no)'ed*e .&t a'so !ora' #ara ter+ /&sta#in re(erred to t#e "ra ti e o( t#e Co!"anions in /edina% )#o 'ived to*et#er )it# t#e 3ro"#et and )itnessed t#e reve'ation o( t#e Koran+ In t#is onte-t% t#e$ )ere a.'e to st&d$ not on'$ re'i*io&s 2no)'ed*e% .&t a'so #o) t#e 3ro"#et a t&a'i0ed #is (ait#+ In 'i2e !anner% a kyai !&st 'ive in t#e "esantren so t#at #e an set an e-a!"'e o( an Is'a!i 'i(est$'e+ I( #e does not "rovide t#is e-a!"'e% t#en t#eed& ation is instr& tion ( pengajaran ) on'$ and not tr&e tea #in* (pendidikan)+ In t#is )a$% /&sta#in s&**ests% t#e "ersona'it$ and t#e #ara ter o( t#e kyai#i!se'( is a entra' "art o( "esantren ed& ation+ F&s Is#o! said t#at taa""uf (A: !$sti is!% S&(is!) is entra' in !ora' ed& ation+ He e-"'ained t#at in Is'a! t#ere is a 8trian*'e9 o( !a<or 8s ien es9:ta"d (A: t#eo'o*$; es"e ia''$ as re*ards t#e nat&re o( A''a#)% fiqh (A: re'i*io&s 'a))% and taa""uf% Ea # o( t#ese s ien es !a2es di((erent ontri.&tions+ (a"d esta.'is#es t#e .asis o( (ait#+ 4e a&se (ait# is not eno&*# and needs 8*ood )or2s9 (am$l) to a t&a'i0e it% fiqh "rovides t#e .e'ievers )it# *&ide'ines on #o) to 'ive ri*#t and "er(or! *ood )or2s+ Sin e .e a&se *ood )or2s% a'one% are e!"t$ i( t#e !otivation is i!"&re% taa""uf is needed to insti'' !ora' and et#i a' va'&es in .e'ievers+ T#e asso iation o( S&(is! and et#i s as it a""ears in t#e Indonesian "esantren !a$ .e tra ed to a sin*'e #i*#'$ in('&entia' Is'a!i t#in2er% na!e'$ a'1F#a0S'T+ A'1F#a0S'T is (a!o&s (or #is so.er !$sti is!% )#i # .a'an ed t#eo'o*$ and taa""uf, and (or #is e-tensive )or2s on et#i s (A.d&' I&ase! 56E7)+ It is t#ro&*# t#e &se and st&d$ o( a'1F#a0S'T=s )or2s t#at !an$ in t#e "esantren )or'd asso iate !$sti is! and et#i s+ I( s #oo's !a2e "eo"'e !odern% t#en "esantren 'eaders are see2in* to !a2e "eo"'e !odern in a distin t'$ Is'a!i )a$+ T#e o!.ination o( re'i*io&s trainin*% #ara ter deve'o"!ent% and se &'ar ed& ation is desi*ned to reate "eo"'e )#o an 'ive and o!"ete in a #an*in* )or'd and !aintain traditiona' va'&es+ Con '&sion In s&!!ar$% "esantren in order to (&'(i'' t#eir ro'e as ed& ationa' instit&tions )#i # as"ire to o!"'e!ent se &'ar ed& ation )it# madrasas&.<e ts% o((er in "rin i"'e .ot# t#e *overn!ent

&rri &'&! and traditiona' re'i*io&s to"i s+ For !ost kyai% an additiona' o!"onent is riti a'% and t#at is #ara ter deve'o"!ent+ 4$ "rovidin* se &'ar ed& ation% re'i*io&s instr& tion% and trainin* ai!ed at #ara ter deve'o"!ent% "esantren are reatin* a ne) t$"e o( !odern Indonesian% one )#ose va'&es are (ir!'$ rooted in Is'a!i tea #in*+ Kyai are not !ere'$ #an*in* t#e &rri &'&! o( t#eir s #oo's in order to o!"ete+ T#e$ are rede(inin* !odernit$ in an Is'a!i !ode+ ,#ereas o&r[-+] &rrent t#eories a.o&t *'o.a'i0ation and !oderni0ation (o &s on res"onse% and t#ere.$ de"i t non1,estern &'t&res as "assive or rea tionar$% t#e !ateria' onsidered #ere s#o)s t#at )e !&st onsider t#at t#e 8re eivin*9 "eo"'es t#e!se'ves !a$ .e restr& t&rin* t#e *'o.a' "ro esses+ T#at is to sa$% in ea # 'o a' settin* it !a$ not .e <&st t#e res"onse to !odernit$ t#at is 'o a'i0ed% .&t a'so t#at 8!odernit$9 is re1 reated di((erent'$ in ea # settin*+ Re'i*io&s ed& ation% in an$ (ait#% #as as a entra' *oa' t#e tea #in* o( tradition% #o)ever invented% and t#e reation $o&n* !en and )o!en )#o )i'' &"#o'd t#at tradition in settin*s t#at !a$ .e anta*onisti to)ards it+ As I re('e t on t#e !ateria' onsidered #ere% I a! re!inded o( !$ "ersona' en o&nters )it# re'i*io&s ed& ation as a $o&t#+ Co&nt'ess S&nda$ S #oo' tea #ers and a #and(&' o( C#ristian o''e*e ed& ators a'' #ad .road #o"es t#at t#eir e((orts )o&'d !o'd !$ #ara ter in t#eir i!a*e and t#at I )o&'d &"#o'd% "er"et&ate% and s"read t#eir version o( C#ristian traditions+ It is #ard to eva'&ate t#e a t&a' o&t o!e o( s& # ed& ationa' e((orts+ I a! neit#er t#e "rea #er nor t#e !issionar$ t#at so!e o( !$ tea #ers #o"ed (or+ Nor )o&'d so!e o( t#e! ontin&e to o&nt !e as a !e!.er o( t#eir (o'd+ Ho)ever% it )o&'d .e i!"ossi.'e eit#er to ne*ate or ne*'e t t#eir i!"a t on !$ #ara ter+ Li2e)ise% )#en )e t#in2 on t#e #ara ter deve'o"!ent e((orts o( "esantren tea #ers% )e !&st not 'i!it o&r assess!ent o( t#ose e((orts to t#e de*ree to )#i # t#eir *rad&ates o.serve t#e "i''ars o( Is'a!% or even to t#e de*ree to )#i # t#e$ avoid "arti &'ar sins+ T#e i!"a t o( re'i*io&s ed& ation on individ&a's% and #en e on so iet$ as a )#o'e% is &neven% varied% and ('& t&atin*+ S #oo's t#at o!.ine re'i*io&s and se &'ar instr& tion% )#et#er t#e$ .e at t#e "ri!ar$% se ondar$% or tertiar$ 'eve'% a'' #ave si!i'ar *oa's and strate*ies+ Li2e re'i*io&s ed& ation in *enera'% t#ese instit&tions see2 to reate $o&n* !en and )o!en )#o )i'' 82ee" t#e (ait#%9 8)a'2 t#e ta'2%9 or as said in "esantren ir 'es 8menjalakan ibadah9 (I: e-er ise t#e "i''ars o( (ait#)+ /an$ "esantren and A!eri an C#ristian o''e*es #ad t#eir .e*innin*s as se!inaries+ 4ot# t$"es o( instit&tions (o&nd a *ro)in* de!and (or a .roader% se &'ar% and s ienti(i ed& ation% in addition to re'i*io&s instr& tion+ T#e *oa' o( t#ese s #oo's is invaria.'$ to train "eo"'e to )or2 in t#eir #osen "ro(ession and t#ro&*# t#at "ro(ession rea'i0e t#e (o&ndin* *oa's o( t#e instit&tion% na!e'$% to s"read t#e idea's o( t#e (ait# and t#ere.$ trans(or! so iet$+ T#e e-"erien es o( ot#er Is'a!i o&ntries see! to s&**est t#at "esantren1'i2e instit&tions (madrasas) t#at are &na.'e to o!.ine .ot# re'i*io&s and se &'ar ed& ation )i''% as Feert0 "redi ted% .e re'e*ated to t#e side'ines (56B?.)+ One t#in* is 'ear% )#en madrasa s #oo's (ai' to !eet t#eired& ationa' [--] *oa's% (or )#atever reason% t#ere are serio&s i!"'i ations (or so iet$ as a )#o'e ste!!in* (ro! t#e res&'tin* i!.a'an e+ In T&r2e$% a stron* division .et)een re'i*io&s ed& ation and se &'ar ed& ation #as overta-ed t#e "&.'i ed& ation s$ste! 'eadin* to @EQ o( *ir's .ein* &ned& ated (/ater 566B% 566E)+ Iran=s madrasa s$ste!% as des ri.ed .$ /otta#ede# (56>7)% .ears a stron* rese!.'an e to t#e traditiona' "esantren s$ste!+ Iran% #o)ever 'i2eT&r2e$% #as 2e"t se &'ar ed& ation and madrasa ed& ation se"arate+ It is (ro! an e- '&sive'$ re'i*io&s s$ste! t#at t#e A$ato''a# K#o!eini e!er*ed (/otta#ede# 56>7)+ In ontrast to .ot# Feert0=s (56B?.) e-"e tations and t#e e-a!"'es <&st !entioned% t#e "esantren in Java #ave s& eeded in reatin* a #$.rid s$ste! o( ed& ation o!.inin* re'i*io&s instr& tion and s ienti(i and te #ni a' trainin*+ T#is #$.rid s$ste! is a re('e tion o( a di((erent Is'a!i !ode' o( intera tin* )it# !odernit$ t#an t#at )#i # is en o&ntered !an$ ot#er "'a es in t#e Is'a!i )or'd+ RE0ERE12E3

A.d&' I&ase!% /&#a!!ad+ 56E7+ (he )thics of *l&+ha,$l- * .omposite )thics in /slam% Se'an*or% /a'a$sia: /&#a!!ad A.d&' I&ase!+ A.d&''a#% Ta&(i2+ 56>E+ 8T#e 3esantren in Histori a' 3ers"e tive+9 In /slam and Society in Southeast *sia, ed+ Ta&(i2 A.d&''a# and S#aron SiddiJ&e+Sin*a"ore: Instit&te o( So&t#east Asian St&dies+ Adas% /i #ae'+ 56E6+ Prophets of 0ebellion- !illenarian Protest !ovements against the )uropean .olonial 1rder% Ne) Yor2: Ca!.rid*e Universit$3ress+ Anderson% 4enedi t+ 566?+ 2anguage and Po"er- )3ploring Political .ultures in /ndonesia% It#a a: Corne'' Universit$ 3ress+ A""ad&rai% Ar<&n+ 566B+ !odernity at 2arge.ultural #imensions of +lobali,ation% /innea"o'is: Universit$ o( /innesota 3ress+ Ari(in% I!ron+ 566H+ Kepemimpinan K$ai: Kasus Pondok 3esantren (ebu /reng(K$ai 2eadership(he .ase of 3esantren (ebu /reng)+ /a'an*: Ka'i!asa#ada 3ress+ 4ar.er% 4en<a!in+ 5667+ 4ihad 5s% !c6orld% Ne) Yor2: Ti!es 4oo2s+ 4e''a#% Ro.ert+ 56B>+ 8/eanin* and /odernisation+9 0eligious Studies D:HECD7+ 4o)en% Jo#n R+ 566H+ 8Dis &rsive /onot#eis!s+9 *merican )thnologist@?(5):5>7C6?+ MMM+ 566B+ 8T#e For!s C&'t&re Ta2es: A State1o(1t#e1Fie'd Essa$ on t#e Ant#ro"o'o*$ o( So&t#east Asia+9 (he 4ournal of *sian Studies7D(D):5?DECE>+ 4r&inessen% /artin van+ 5667+ Kitab kuning- pesantren dan tarekat- tradisi&tradisi /slam di /ndonesia% 4and&n*: /i0an+ Denn$% Frederi 2 /+ 5667+ 83esantren9 )ncyclopaedia of /slam, ne) edition% >:@6BaC@66a+ D#o(ier% Ga!a2#s$ari+ 56>?+ 8T#e 3esantren Tradition: A St&d$ o( t#e Ro'e o( t#e K$ai in t#e /aintenan e o( t#e Traditiona' Ideo'o*$ o( Is'a! in Java+9 3#+D+ dissertation% Ant#ro"o'o*$% T#e A&stra'ian Nationa' Universit$+ MMM+ 56>@ Tradisi 3esantren: St&di tentan* 3andan*an Hid&" K$ai (T#e 3esantren Tradition: A St&d$ o( t#e Li(e Vie) o( K$ai)+ Ja2arta: L3HES MMM+ 5666 3esantren Tradition: T#e Ro'e o( t#e K$ai in t#e /aintenan e o( Traditiona' Is'a! in Java+ Te!"e: Ari0ona State Universit$ 3ro*ra! (or So&t#east Asian St&dies+ Feders"ie'% Ho)ard+ 566B+ 8T#e End&ran e o( /&s'i! Traditiona'ist S #o'ars#i": An Ana'$sis o( t#e ,ritin*s o( t#e Indonesian S #o'ar Sirad<&ddin A..as+9 In (o"ard a Ne" Paradigm0ecent #evelopments in /ndonesian /slamic (hought, ed+ /ar2 ,ood)ard+ Te!"e: Ari0ona StateUniversit$ 3ro*ra! (or So&t#east Asian St&dies+ F'orida% Nan $+ 5667+ 6riting the Past, /nscribing the 7uture- 8istory as Prophecy in .olonial 4ava% D&r#a!: D&2e Universit$ 3ress+ Fran2% Andre F&nder+ 56BB+ 8T#e Deve'o"!ent o( Underdeve'o"!ent+9 In 2atin *merica#evelopment or 0evolution, HC5E Fried!an% Jonat#an+ 566D+ .ultural /dentity and +lobal Processes% T#o&sand Oa2s: Sa*e 3&.'i ations+ Fa'.a% Sind&+ 5665+ 3esantren Sebagai 6asah Komunikasi (3esantren as a .onduit of .ommunication)+ Ja2arta: De"arte!en 3endi2an dan Ke.&da$an+ Fardet% L+ 5667+ 8I2#'S9 )ncyclopaedia of /slam, ne) edition% H:5?76aCB?.+ Feert0% C'i((ord+ 56B?a+ 0eligion of 4ava% C#i a*o: Universit$ o( C#i a*o3ress+ MMM+ 56B?.+ 8T#e Javanese Ki<a<i: T#e C#an*in* Ro'e o( a C&'t&ra' 4ro2er+9.omparative Studies in Society and 8istory @(@):@@>CD6+ F#o(ir% A.d&' et a'+ 56>@+ Sketsa Pondok 3esantren: 2aporan 8asil Studi and )ksperimentasi Pondok 3esantren di 4a"a (imur 9Sketch of 3esantren:0esearch 0eport on )ast 4avanese 3esantren) Fa2&'tas Tar.i$a# IAIN S&nan A!"e': /a'an*+ Fiddens% Ant#on$+ 566?+ (he .onsequences of !odernity% Ca!.rid*e: 3o'it$ 3ress+ Ha.er!as% JKr*en+ 56>E+ (he Philosophical #iscourse of !odernity+Ca!.rid*e: /IT 3ress+

Ho.s.a)!% Eri % and Terran e Ran*er% eds+ 56>H+ (he /nvention of (radition%Ca!.rid*e: Ca!.rid*e Universit$ 3ress+ In2e'es% A'e- and David H+ S!it#+ 56ED+ :ecoming !odern- /ndividual .hange /n Si3 #eveloping .ountries% .a!.rid*e: Harvard Universit$ 3ress+ Jones% Sidne$+ 5665+ 8T#e Javanese 3esantren: 4et)een E'ite and 3easantr$+9 In 0eshaping 2ocal 6orlds- 7ormal )ducation and .ultural .hange in 0ural Southeast *sia, ed+ C#ar'es F+ Ke$es+ Ne) Haven: Ya'e Center (or Internationa' and Area St&diesM So&t#east Asia St&dies+ Le)is% 4ernard+ 566E+ 8T#e ,est and t#e /idd'e East+9 7oreign *ffairsEB(5):55DCH?+ /ater% Nadire+ 566B+ 8T&r2e$: Hi*# 3ri ed 3rivate S #oo's No Ans)er to Ed& ation Crisis+9 Inter3ress Servi e En*'is# Ne) ,ire% O t+ 6% 566B+ MMM+ 566E+ 8T&r2e$: Re'i*io&s Se!inaries t#e Ne-t 4att'e*ro&nd (or t#e Ar!$+9 Inter3ress Servi e En*'is# Ne) ,ire% /ar # 5@% 566E+ /i''er% Danie'+ 566D+ !odernity- *n )thnographic *pproach% Ne) Yor2: 4er* 3&.'is#ers+ /otta#ede#% Ro$+ 56>7+ (he !antle of the Prophet- 0eligion and Politics in/ran% Ne) Yor2: 3ant#eon 4oo2s+ 3e!.erton% Jo#n+ 566D+ 1n the Subject of ;4ava%< It#a a: Corne'' Universit$3ress+ 3i"es% Danie'+ 56>H+ /n the Path of +od- /slam and Political Po"er% Ne) Yor2: 4asi 4oo2s+ 3rasod<o% S&d<o2o% /+ Ga!roni% /+ /ast&#&% Sard<ono Feonari% N&r #o'is# /ad<id% and /+ Da)a! Ra#ardo+ 56ED+ Profil 3esantren: 2aporan 8asil Penelitian 3esantren *l&7alak dan #elapan 3esantren 2ain di :ogor(3esantren Profile- * 0esearch 0eport on 3esantren *l& 7alak and )ight other 3esantren in :ogor)+ Ja2arta: L3HES+ S!it#% Caro'+ 56>D+ 8Lo a' Histor$ in F'o.a' Conte-t: So ia' and E ono!i Transitions in ,estern F&ate!a'a+9 .omparative Studies in Society and 8istory @B:5?6CHH+ Steen.rin2% Kare'+ 56ED+ Pesantren, !adrasah, Sekolah% Ja2arta: L3HES+ ,ard% Ro.ert E+ and Dan2)art A+ R&sto)+ 56BD+ Political !oderni,ation in4apan and (urkey% 3rin eton% N+J+: 3rin eton Universit$ 3ress+ ,a''erstein% I!!an&e'+ 56ED+ (he !odern 6orld&System% /% .apitalist *griculture and the 1rigins of the )uropean 6orld&)conomy in the Si3teenth .entury+ 4er2e'e$: A ade!i 3ress% In + Ya &.% H+ /+ 56>7+ Pondok 3esantren dan Pembangunan !asyarakat #esa(3esantren and #evelopment for 0ural Society)% 4and&n*: An*2asa+ O5P T#is "a"er is .ased on resear # (&nded .$ an Henr$ L& e Fo&ndationUAri0ona State Universit$ So&t#east Asia Dissertation Fe''o)s#i"+ An ear'ier version )as "resented at t#e 566> A!eri an Ant#ro"o'o*i a' Asso iation /eetin*s in 3#i'ade'"#ia% 3A+ T#e a&t#or )o&'d a'so 'i2e to t#an2 t#e (o''o)in* "eo"'e (or t#eir insi*#ts and o!!ents: Jose"# 4e''% Kennet# Feor*e% S&san J&n*2% Katr$ne L&2ens14&''% and /ar2 ,ood)ard+ Indonesian and Javanese )ords are s"e''ed a ordin* to t#e o((i ia' onventions set in 56E@+ T#e !a<or #an*es )ere d< V < (as in Jo#n); < V $ (as in $es); t< V (as in #o2e); oe V &+ T#e on'$ e- e"tions to t#is are )ords )it#in J&otes% tit'es o( .oo2s "&.'is#ed .e(ore 56E@% and t#e "ro"er na!es o( a&t#ors and !a<or (i*&res+ Ara.i )ords )i'' .e s"e''ed a ordin* to a e"ted En*'is# trans'iteration% a !odi(ied version o( t#e s$ste!s o( t#e Li.rar$ o( Con*ress and t#e )ncyclopaedia of /slam% Ara.i na!es o( Indonesian "ersons and or*ani0ations )i'' .e s"e''ed a ordin* to Indonesian onventions+ ,#ere Indonesian &sa*e di((ers !ar2ed'$ (ro! t#e Ara.i % I )i'' &se t#e Indonesian (or!+ O@P Le)is a'so re!inds &s t#at in an ear'ier "eriod o( 8!oderni0ation9 (in t#e 'ate /idd'e A*es) E&ro"eans !a$ #ave )e'' as2ed 8Can )e ado"t t#e te #no'o*$ o( t#e /&s'i!s and sti'' #o'd (ast to t#e tea #in*s o( C#ristianit$L9 as t#e$ ado"ted t#e /&s'i! innovations o( e-"eri!enta' s ien e% a'*e.ra% and astrono!$% as )e'' as "a"er% t#e 0ero% and "ositiona' n&!.erin*% )#i # /&s'i!s .ro&*#t (ro! C#ina and India res"e tive'$ (566E% 5@6)+

OHP Ca''in* eit#er o( t#e t)o nationa' &rri &'a se &'ar !a$ .e a .it on(&sin* to readers )#o !i*#t e-"e t a 'ear se"aration .et)een #&r # and state+ T#e nationa' &rri &'a .ot# reJ&ire a !ini!&! a!o&nt o( re'i*io&s trainin*+ Ho)ever on'$ 7C55Q o( t#ese &rri &'a are (o &sed on re'i*ion+ F&rt#er% t#e o((i ia' te-ts (or t#ese o&rses (avor !odernist "ositions+ Hen e% in t#e !inds o( "esantren "eo"'e% t#e distin tion .et)een "esantren ed& ation and nationa' or 8se &'ar9 ed& ation is 'ear+ ODP T#e Indonesian ter! 8!adrasa#9 is t#e 'o a' &sa*e o( t#e Ara.i 8!adrasa9 )#i # di((ers (ro! Ara.i !eanin*+ ,#i'e !adrasa are "esantren1'i2e instit&tions% !adrasa# in Indonesia are da$ s #oo's t#at (o''o) a *overn!ent &rri &'&! t#at% sin e 566D% in '&des t)e've "er ent re'i*io&s instr& tion+ A't#o&*# it is &n o!(orta.'e to #ave t)o di((erent !eanin*s #in*e on s& # a s!a'' di((eren e in s"e''in*% )e #ave 'itt'e #oi e )#en )e (o''o) t#e Indonesian &sa*e+ O7P T#e !adrasa# s$ste! #as t#ree 'eve's )it# de reasin* 'eve's o( re'i*io&s instr& tion (Denn$ 5667% @6>)+ In 566D% t#e a!o&nt o( re'i*io&s instr& tion in t#e #i*#est 'eve' )as red& ed to 'ess t#an 5@Q OBP Un"&.'is#ed and &ndated% .&t t$"ed on o((i ia' "esantren 'etter#ead+ Vie)ed in ear'$ 5667+ OEP +us is a Javanese tit'e t#at indi ates t#at a $o&n* !an is t#e son o( a kyai+ /an$ (a!o&s kyai !a$ ontin&e to .e a''ed +us as a (riend'$ ter!+ T#is a'so serves as a re!inder o( #is "edi*ree+ O>P Re('e tin* t#e Ara.i n&an es o( purity, devotion, and faithfulness% C(+ L+ Fardet% )ncyclopaedia of /slam, ne) ed+% vo'+ H% s+v+ 8i2#'S+9

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