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Computational analysis of temperature effect in composite bolted joints for aeronautical applications
Carlos Santiuste, Enrique Barbero and Mara Henar Migulez Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2011 30: 3 originally published online 14 October 2010 DOI: 10.1177/0731684410385034 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jrp.sagepub.com/content/30/1/3

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Computational analysis of temperature effect in composite bolted joints for aeronautical applications
Carlos Santiuste1, Enrique Barbero1 and lez2 a Henar Migue Mar

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 30(1) 311 ! The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0731684410385034 jrp.sagepub.com

Abstract This study focuses on the analysis of influence of temperature and bolt torque on aeronautical joint behavior. A single-lap joint, according to ASTM D5961, with a titanium bolt and composite plates was considered. A numerical model based on FEM was developed to evaluate the stress in both bolt and composite plates. Loaddisplacement curves, stress fields, and induced damage showed, significantly, the influence of temperature combined with torque level on the joint. It was found that in the plate, both maximum and minimum levels of torque considered produced damage above critical threshold. This fact should be accounted for, during the design process of the joint.

Keywords Aeronautical structures, finite element modeling, composite joint, thermo-mechanical load

Composite structures are used extensively in aircraft structures because of the combination of excellent mechanical properties and lightness. Mechanical joining is the most important method of assembling structural elements in the aerospace industry, due to its facility to assemble, disassemble and repair, and its tolerance to environmental eects. Bolted joints for high responsibility applications on composite structures should be carefully designed. The enhanced stress intensity factor at the surrounding of the hole and the weakness of the composite, make the designing and assembly process more critical in the case of composite joints than in those based on metallic components. Structural safety should be ensured; thus the study of bolted joints in structural composite components has received considerable attention in both scientic literature and aeronautical standards.17 The joint performance depends on dierent parameters, mainly: joint geometry, laminate and bolt materials, laminate layup, clearance, friction between dierent elements of the joint, temperature, load path, and bolt torque.

The procedure for designing composite joints is predominately based on experimental data and the analytical models are largely empirical in nature.7 The number of inuencing parameters requires powerful tools for joint analysis, such as nite element modeling. Several authors developed studies of composite joints based on two-dimensional models.8,9 However, in single-lap joints, the signicant variation of through thickness stress in the plate induced three-dimensional stress state in the bolt. This fact has motivated the development of three dimensional models of the

1 Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain.

Corresponding author: Carlos Santiuste, Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis, University Carlos III of Madrid, Avda. de la Universidad 30, s, Madrid, Spain 28911 Legane Email: [email protected]

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4 joint;10 however, in some works, the inuence of stacking sequence of the laminate was not accounted.6,11 Aeronautical joints are manufactured under standard values of fastener torque. The level of torque applied to the bolt directly inuences the stress elds in both the bolt and the composite plates. In consequence, the maximum value of torque is limited by standards; see for example Thomas and Zhao.7 However, low levels of torque could also inuence the performance of the joint in a negative way. As was demonstrated in Thoppul et al.2 for carbon/epoxy laminates, the bearing strength grow when the clamping pressure is increased. During its service life, aeronautical structures are subjected to extreme changes in temperature, from 50 C and above, to below 50 C. Some composite parts adjacent to hot source are exposed to relatively high temperature; by contrast, the structure is subjected to low temperature during the ight. Mechanical properties of polymer composite could be inuenced by low and high temper nchez-Sa ez et al.12,13 atures as was demonstrated by Sa Moreover, the joint behavior could be modied even if the composite properties are assumed to remain constant, due to the dierent coecients of thermal expansion exhibited by metallic and composite components. The role of temperature on the behavior of structural joints has been poorly analyzed in the scientic literature. Most studies developed an experimental approach.1416 Hirano et al.14 carried out an experimental study of pinned joint at three temperatures. They analyzed the damage as a function of the load applied. A specimen with a semicircular hole loaded with a pin was used in the tests; therefore no complete joint was tested. Turvey and Wang15 analyzed the ultimate load capacity of single-bolt tension joint in pultruded glassreinforced plastic plates. They studied the time necessary to ensure uniform eld of temperature. Song et al.16 studied experimentally the bearing strength of riveted lap joint of a carbon/epoxy composite after thermal exposure. Scarponi et al.9 analyzed the inuence of temperature and lateral pressure on strength of a double lap pin loaded joint. They considered four dierent lateral pressures and ve temperatures (from 150 C to +80 C). A simple bidimensional numerical model was used to estimate the strength of the joint at 55 C and +80 C and four lateral pressures. They found that the failure load increased with the rise of the lateral pressure and with the temperature decrease. In spite of these works focused on the inuence of temperature on composite joints, there is a lack of knowledge about the interaction between the torque preload and the thermal expansion and its inuence in the strength of the joint. Main objective of this article is the computational analysis of the inuence of combined torque and thermal loading on the behavior of composite bolted joints. The stresses in both laminate

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 30(1) and bolt were evaluated, analyzing the induced damage in the composite as a consequence of the interaction between torque and thermal load. A single-lap composite joint according to ASTM D596117 was selected. A numerical model based on a nite element approach was developed reproducing a typical aeronautical bolted joint between composite plates and titanium bolt.

Numerical model Model description

A numerical model based on nite element method (FEM) reproducing a single bolted joint according to the ASTM 5961 standard,17 was developed using the code ABAQUS/Standard. The joint is illustrated in Figure 1, showing bolt, washer, and composite plate geometry. The model was symmetric with respect to the 13 plane; thus, only half geometry was modeled and symmetry conditions were specied on the 13 plane.

Composite plate. Each composite plate, carbon/epoxy

laminate (AS4/3501-6), was modeled as a quasi-isotropic stacking sequence [45/0/90]2S, with total thickness equal to 3.2 mm and width in direction 2 equal to 36 mm. Composite mechanical behavior was modeled as linear elastic with the anisotropic mechanical properties summarized in Table 1; thermal properties of the composite material are also included. The properties of the AS4/3501-6 composite are well known and can be found in Song et al.18 Each ply (0.2 mm thickness), dened as an anisotropic material, consisted of a single layer of eightnode cubic elements, with reduced integration (C3D8R in ABAQUS19 notation). The use of dierent elements in each ply improved the accuracy for the calculation of through thickness stresses. A high mesh density was used in the hole vicinity (element size around 0.2 mm), due to the high strain gradients existing in this zone. Mesh density was stated after successive space discretizations, in order to obtain low mesh sensitivity and time eciency in the calculation. The process was stopped when no signicant changes in numerical results were observed with mesh renement. The nal number of elements used in the model was around 44,300.

Bolt and washer. The joining was developed with a

bolt (titanium alloy Ti6Al6V2Sn, diameter equal to 5.94 mm). The washers (see dimensions in Figure 1) were based on the same material. The bolt-hole clearance stated in the joint was equal to 0.06 mm, this value lying within current aerospace standard.5 Titanium bolt and washers were modeled according to isotropic linear

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Santiuste et al.

11.7 mm 6 mm

3.2 mm

3 36 mm 2 1

Figure 1. Model description showing dimensions, reference system, and mesh.

Table 1. AS4/3501-6 properties: mechanical and thermal18 Longitudinal modulus, E1 (GPa) Transverse modulus, E2 (GPa) In-plane shear modulus, G12 (GPa) Major in-plane Poisson ratio, 12 Through thickness Poisson ratio, 23 Longitudinal tensile strength, X T (MPa) Longitudinal compressive strength, X C (MPa) Transverse tensile strength, Y T (MPa) Transverse compressive strength, Y C (MPa) In-plane shear strength, S12 (MPa) Longitudinal thermal coefficient, 1 (106/ C) Transverse thermal coefficient, 2 (106/ C) 126 11 6.6 0.28 0.4 1950 1480 48 200 79 1 26

Table 2. Titanium alloy Ti6Al6V2Sn properties: mechanical and thermal Young modulus, E (GPa) Poisson ratio,  Longitudinal thermal coefficient, (106/ C) 110 0.29 8.41

from similar applications in literature, as those proposed by Ekh and Scho n.11,20

Loading path
Fastener torque is limited in aeronautical standards in order to avoid excessive stresses in both the bolt and laminate. In this study, the inuence of fastener torque was analyzed, dening four levels of torque: nger tight, nominal torque proposed in the standard ASTM 5961,17 and two other values, 30% below, and 30% above the nominal value. The eect of torque was introduced using the pretension bolt load option available in ABAQUS/Standard. The equivalence between pretension load and torque was deduced from the work of Chen et al.21 The values of pretension in the bolt corresponding to the four levels of torque are shown in Table 3. Four levels of temperature were implemented, covering the temperature range from typical levels reached during ying operation (50 C) to elevated temperature in the zones close to heat sources. High temperature equal to 90 C was imposed as an upper limit of temperature that could be reached in areas surrounding heat sources in the aircraft. Two other intermediate

elastic behavior, with the mechanical and thermal properties shown in Table 2.

Contact. Components interaction was modeled using surface-based contact available in ABAQUS/ Standard. The linear penalty method is used by default for the nite-sliding, surface-to-surface contact formulation.19 Friction between composite plates and metallic components and also between composite plates was considered. The eect of pressure on friction coecient was neglected, and constant values of friction coecient were implemented. At the inner surfaces, friction between metallic parts (bolt and washer) and composite plates was equal to 0.05, assuming that there was lubrication at these surfaces. Friction coecient between composite plates was 0.65. These values were stated

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Table 3. Bolt pretension load Torque levels Bolt preload (N) Finger tight 450 70% of nominal torque 1500

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 30(1)

Nominal torque (ASTM 5961) 2250

130% of nominal torque 3000

Step 1

Step 2


Step 3

Figure 2. Loading procedure of the model.

values were considered: room temperatures 20 C and 50 C. All possible combinations of fastener torque and temperature values previously cited were modeled (up to 16 cases). The analysis was performed in three steps. In the rst one, the preload in bolt was applied at room temperature. In the second step, the thermal load was applied, increasing or decreasing the temperature of the joint to the prexed value. Finally, the mechanical load was applied during the third step. Loading procedure is illustrated in Figure 2. A constant velocity equal to 0.16 mm/s was imposed at contours A and B during the third step, in order to analyze the evolution of the load as a function of displacement. The displacement of the contour caused a longitudinal tensile load in direction 1 (Figure 1); the step was stopped once the maximum allowed longitudinal load was reached. An experimental work published by Ekh and Scho n11 was used as a reference, both to dene the maximum load preventing the failure of the joint and also for validation of the numerical model presented in this article. This maximum load

was stated equal to 3000 N, leading to a safety coecient equal to 2, for the joint analyzed in this study. The scheme of load application corresponds with the current process when the actual joint is considered (torque application at room temperature, followed by thermal loading and subsequent mechanical loading due to structural forces during component service).

Numerical results and discussion Loaddisplacement curves

The loaddisplacement curves, obtained from all cases simulated are shown in Figure 3. In order to account for the preload originated due to torque and temperature eld, both eects are represented at zones A and B, respectively. It is important to note that the axis x has no physical meaning in this zone, it is just the internal calculation time used in simulations to impose rst, the torque, and second, the temperature eld. The eect of both parameters on the preload is shown with the value of y-coordinate at the vertical lines Y0 and Y.

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Santiuste et al.

Y A Step 1

3000 B Step 2 2000

Y C Step 3
F=450N, T= 50 F=450N, T= 20 F=450N, T= 50 F=450N, T= 90 F=150N, T= 50 F=1500N, T= 20 F=1500N, T = 50 F=1500N, T = 90 F=2250N, T= 50 F=2250N, T= 20 F=2250N, T= 50 F=2250N, T= 90 F=3000N, T= 50 F=3000N, T= 20 F=3000N, T= 50 F=3000N, T= 90

Load (N)


X 0 40 Displacement (mm) Bolt load

Thermal load 1000



Figure 3. Loaddisplacement curves for all the cases analyzed.

Zone A corresponds to the rst step (the application of torque). Bolt loading led to out-of-plane compressive load on the plates, resulting in a compressive load in direction 1 on the composite plates due to Poisson eect. Although the value of these loads are almost negligible, it is possible to distinguish four dierent levels of compressive load, acting as a preload which were added to that originated in the following steps. Zone B shows the eect of thermal load. Variation of temperature led to thermal expansion on the composite and subsequent mechanical loads (tensile in the case of low temperature, compression when high temperature was imposed). These loads were added to those resulting from the rst step. Maximum tensile load was achieved with the lowest torque combined with the lowest temperature. Maximum compressive load was associated to the highest torque combined with the maximum temperature. Zone C corresponds to step 3; the x-axis represents displacement of the contours A and B at constant velocity (Figure 2). Signicant inuence of torque value and temperature on the loaddisplacement curve was found. First of all, it should be noted that the friction forces at the interface of washerplate and plateplate were strongly inuenced by the out-of-plane load produced by the bolt torque and the thermal expansion through the normal load at the interface. The high levels of friction forces were produced by

high torque and high temperature due to the enhanced normal force at the interface. The relative displacement between the bolt and the plates was inversely dependent on the friction forces. The higher values of the friction forces were associated to low displacements, causing the displacement to be lower than the clearance; thus no contact between the bolt and the inner surface of the hole was produced. On the contrary, the lower values of the friction forces led to a relative displacement between bolt and plates higher than the clearance, where the contact force between the bolt and the inner surface is added to the friction force. When the highest value of torque was considered, no contact between the bolt and the inner surface of the plates occurred; thus linear dependence of the load on the displacement was observed for all temperatures analyzed with the highest torque. Although this behavior could be interpreted as an advantage due to the lower displacement observed in these cases for the maximum design load, the level of stress should be analyzed as shown in the following section. Since the increment of temperature resulted in enhanced compressive load, the total displacement required to reach the maximum tensile load stated as a limit (3000 N) was also increased. If the value of torque was equal or lower than that established in ASTM D5961 standard,17 the relative displacement between the bolt and the plates was

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8 higher than the clearance. Thus, the contact between the bolt and the inner surface of the plates produced a contact force added to the friction forces. Consequently, the loaddisplacement curve shows a break in the linear relationship corresponding to initiation of inner contact. From this point, the displacement was enhanced up to a maximum value increasing with temperature and decreasing with torque.

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 30(1) values are shown in Table 4. Negligible inuence of both torque and temperature was observed in the stress state of the bolt. However, the composite stress state was much sensitive to changes in these parameters. Comparing to the reference value, in the case of the highest temperature, maximum ber direction stress was increased up to 11% for the standard torque and 33% for the highest torque. When low operation temperature was considered, maximum ber direction stress was decreased to 149%, which is the most unfavorable case of the nger tight torque. Concerning the maximum out-of-plane stress, increment of 60% was found for the standard torque combined with the maximum temperature, when comparing with the reference case. For the highest value of torque, increments in normalized stress ranged from 66% to 119%. In order to analyze the damage initiation in the composite, Hashin failure criteria was evaluated. The composite failure criteria proposed by Hashin and Rotem22 include four failure modes: ber tensile failure, ber compressive failure, matrix cracking, and matrix crushing. Since the bolt torque produced compressive normal stresses in the plates, delamination failure criterion was not considered. Fiber tension ( 11 > 0):  2  2  11  2 df2 12 2 13 1 Xt SL Fiber compression ( 11 < 0):   11 2 df 2 Xc

Stresses and damage indicators

The safety of the joint was analyzed in terms of the maximum values of stresses. As it is well known, damage indicators are dependent on stress elds, and thus critical values of stresses should be limited to ensure damage absence. Table 4 summarizes the most signicant values of stresses in the bolt (maximum principal stress) and in the laminate (maximum stress in ber direction,  11; and maximum out-of-plane stress,  33). The values of  33 in Table 4 were always compressive due to the nature of stress state induced on the plates. However, the values of  11 in Table 4 corresponded to the maximum absolute value of the stress (either tensile or compressive). Tensile stresses were induced by the tensile external load when the displacement remained below the clearance value (all cases except nger tight torque). Maximum absolute value of compressive stress was higher than that of maximum tensile stress when nger tight torque was imposed, since the displacement was larger than the clearance. Considering standard torque combined with room temperature as a reference case, normalized stress

Table 4. Maximum values of stresses and normalized stresses Maximum stress (MPa) A Maximum principal stress in the bolt T 50 T 20 T 50 T 90 in the plates (fiber direction stress) T 50 T 20 T 50 T 90 in the plates (out-of-plane stress) T 50 T 20 T 50 T 90 264 267 274 289 726 646 624 536 58 52 52 55 B 326 355 368 382 465 461 461 465 65 72 75 77 C 382 384 388 396 434 486 500 540 80 85 89 136 D 416 456 477 505 524 579 608 646 141 165 175 186 A 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.75 1.49 1.33 1.28 1.10 0.68 0.61 0.61 0.65 Normalized maximum stress B 0.85 0.92 0.96 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.76 0.85 0.88 0.91 C 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.03 0.89 1.00 1.03 1.11 0.94 1.00 1.05 1.60 D 1.08 1.19 1.24 1.32 1.08 1.19 1.25 1.33 1.66 1.94 2.06 2.19

Maximum  11

Maximum  33

Bolt preload: A 450 N; B 1500 N; C 2250 N; and D 3000 N. The shaded boxes correspond to the standard values (room temperature and standard torque).

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Santiuste et al. Matrix cracking ( 22 > 0):

2 dmt

9 Maximum values for ber failure criterion were located at the zone surrounding the hole while lower values were found at the surfaces subjected to friction forces (platewasher and plateplate contact surfaces). On the other hand, the maximum values for matrix crushing were found at the contact surfaces between plates and between plates and washers, due to the compression load applied by the bolt torque. Although matrix crushing criterion values were lower than those associated to ber failure, the matrix crushing criterion were extended on a wider area. Failure mode distribution was obtained for all the cases analyzed. Table 5 shows the main failure modes at each combination of torque and temperature considered. The maximum values of the matrix failure criteria were found for matrix crushing, for all cases, due to the stress state produced by the bolt torque. The maximum value for the ber failure was found in compressive failure criterion for nger tight torque, whereas higher bolt torques resulted in a higher value for tensile failure criterion. The reference case (standard torque and temperature room) was used to validate the numerical results presented in this study. The maximum value of Hashin

   2   2 2 2 2 22 33 2 12 13  22 33 23 2 Yt SL ST 3

Matrix crushing ( 22 < 0):

2 dmc

1 Yc


2 2 23 22 33  2 12 2 13 2 ST SL

Yc2 2ST


# 1 22 33

22 33 2ST


where  ij denotes the corresponding component of the stress tensor. Values for Hashin failure criteria for both tensile and compressive stresses corresponding to ber and matrix were obtained in the laminate. Damage elds are shown in Figure 4 corresponding to standard torque at room temperature. The main failure modes were tensile failure of ber due to the mechanical load and matrix crushing produced by bolt torque.

Tensile fiber faiure (Avg: 75%) +5.011e01 +4.594e01 +4.176e01 +3.758e01 +3.341e01 +2.923e01 +2.506e01 +2.088e01 +1.670e01 +1.253e01 +8.352e02 +4.176e02 +8.657e09

Matrix crushing (Avg: 75%) +3.672e01 +3.361e01 +3.051e01 +2.740e01 +2.430e01 +2.119e01 +1.809e01 +1.498e01 +1.187e01 +8.768e02 +5.662e02 +2.556e02 5.495e03

Figure 4. Fields of main failure modes; standard torque and room temperature.

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Table 5. Maximum values of damage indicators Maximum fiber criterion A T 50 T 20 T 50 T 90 3.26 2.37 2.16 1.39 B 0.44 0.41 0.40 0.41 C 0.46 0.50 0.59 0.71 D 0.64 0.68 0.71 0.75

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 30(1)

Maximum matrix criterion A 0.52 0.28 0.24 0.10 B 0.27 0.23 0.26 0.40 C 0.50 0.37 0.57 0.75 D 0.64 0.67 0.86 1.15

Torque: A 450 N; B 1500 N; C 2250 N; and D 3000 N. The shaded boxes correspond to the standard values (room temperature and standard torque).

criterion which is equal to 0.5, corresponding to the tensile ber failure, could be considered as a safety coecient equal to 2 in agreement with the experimental results obtained in Ekh and Scho n.11 The use of nger tight torque dramatically increased the criterion values, being representative of damage in the composite. It should be noted that while high values of torque are well recognized to be dangerous for structural integrity of the composite, low values of torque could be even worse for damage initiation. The increase of both temperature and torque with respect to the reference case led to an increased value of this criterion and thus the safety coecient was diminished. Considering the reference case, an increment of temperature does not produce the failure of the plate, and neither an increment of torque. However the combination of increment of torque and temperature led to a value of matrix crushing criterion equal to 1.15, showing damage initiation in the matrix.

temperature and low torque was found to be harmful for the ber. High torque combined with high temperature, resulted in matrix damage values above the limit ensuring joint safety. Future work will involve the experimental study of the model, just validated in this article with experimental results from literature. Preliminary results obtained in this article could be of interest when designing the composite joint in order to avoid damage due to the cross-eect of temperature and torque. Funding
n This work was supported by Spanish Comisio Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog a [project TRA200403960].

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