Sociology For Nursing
Sociology For Nursing
Sociology For Nursing
Why Sociology
Sociological Imagination
Sociological Perspective
American Families
The American Family has gone through many changes over the past few decades,
We have seen a shift in the social powers from the mans world to a more liberal world
were women are able to compete with men for the same jobs.
Conflict; This has brought about many new conflicts with the family like, who
will stay home to take care of the house or tend to the children when they are sick, or
watch them after school. In some family were both the mother and the father work, even
more problems like day care, transportation for the children and quality time for love,
bounding and correct social upbringing are brought into light.
Structural-functional; How will we balance the demands for income, housing,
food and the needs for protection, of are love ones in this modern time? As we see an
increase in our economy, and our inflation continues to rise, it become more and more
difficult to cope with the demands of life, and the expected social standards. It is no
longer a world where the women stay home and the man brings home the money.
Interaction between parents and their children have also gone through some
changes, in the past daughters were shown how to care for the house and prepare meals
for their family or husband. Which has now evolved to a microwave society, for we are
willing to give up quality and taste for speed. Which I believe has caused a transverse
reaction on the kids of today that are much too impatient and quick-tempered. This has
been seen on our television and news as road rage.
Sons are on longer taught how to fix, mend or repair things about the house or
their vehicle. This may sound like minor problems, however they are what brings about
independence in men and empowers them to be able to over come the obstacles that they
shall be faced with in their future.
Jason Cooper
Scientific Methods
Over the past decade the medical profession has noted a change the way people
seek out health care. They suspect that this is do to the rising cost of insurance in the
nation that the poor no longer receive the care that they need or that the middle class even
through they have insurance will not readily seek medical attention unless it is emergent.
A noticed increase in the number of people using the Emergency Department as
their primary care facility instead of their own doctors or clinics has been on a steady rise
over the past few years.
Why have people decided to come to the E.D. verses the Doctor’s office, what are
the factors that influence them to use one place over the other. Is it the location, time,
cost, insurance or the ability of the doctors to treat their particular illness the reason? Or
do they seek a specialist like, cardio, pulmonary, orthro, etc. Why will they choose to stay
in the E.D. waiting area some times for many hours if they could be treated quicker at
their doctor’s office or a walk in clinic. Maybe it is because the E.D. can’t refuse to treat
a person regardless if they are insured or not.
How many subject, this is hard to figure because of all the factors involved the
patient type changes through out the year along with the number of patient the E.D.
would receive at different months of the year, The winter is the busiest time for Florida
hospital and slower for the northern hospital.
Taking this in to account I would choose the months of September and October.
The E.D. see about eighty to one hundred patient a day during the day light hours of
7a.m. till 7p.m. this should bring in a subject sample of 4,800- 5,000.
Expected results hopefully the information obtained will enable the hospital to
offer alternative methods of treatment or location that would improve the quality of the
patient care and help to expedite the treatment process at the Emergency Department.
And in doing so improve the why people feel about going to the hospital overall.
Jason Cooper
The Cajun subculture has long been an interesting and fascinating subculture of
the American people and of the south. They have become well known over the past three
decades for their music, food, easy of life style and of the world famous Mardi Gras.
The word Cajun came from the word Acadia, they are descendents of the French
who came to Louisiana in 1755 from the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, and their
religion is Roman Catholic.
Material: make up of the Cajun people are as diverse and different to the
American people as that of the native American Indians. They have developed a life
style that is very adaptations to the condition of the south’s wetlands and marshes.
The Cajun people express their hardship and good time through their music and
food. Their music is a uniquely different then that of American music. The musical
instruments are made up of very day items such as washtubs, sticks, and bottles, but the
main instrument is the violin.
Cajun food is known for its spice for life with the hot bite of cayenne pepper which is
found in most of its food like gumbo, dirty rice, crawfish and blacken redfish.
Cognitive: The Cajun people were small-scale farmer and rancher. These
farmers and ranchers constituted the majority of the Acadian population at the time of
the American Civil War. Their ideas are that of hard work, honesty, and loyalty to their
kinship. The values are bases on their religion of the Roman Catholic faith. Nearly one-
half of Louisiana’s religious adherents are members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Normative: The Cajun and Louisiana people live in an area were fishing and
the wildlife is plentiful. There are many national parks in Louisiana. They mostly lay
along rives and mashes. Mardi Gras is one of the leading attraction to Louisiana which
draws more then 3 million people to the parades and generate approximately $1 billion
for the local economy each year.
The Cajun music and food are intertwined with their day-to-day life they are a
crucial part of how they interact with each other. From cookouts, social events and
shopping. You would be hard pressed not to find one of these norms through out your
stay in Louisiana.
Ethnocentrism is when we think or believe that are culture is better then that of
another culture. Being unable to interact with another culture that you feel is below
your own culture will cause a very narrow view of your own life and in return limit the
quality of your life!
The ethnocentric person would look upon a minority subculture as inferior to his or
her own. Unworthy to be dealt with or interact with. He would talk down to or talk bad
about the other culture. This would only serve to show to others the limited knowledge
he possessed of the other culture.
Jason Cooper
Analyzing ones own socialization is hard and difficult to say the least. It requires
you to take a long hard look at what makes you who you our. That type of up bring did
you have during your formative years when you were still very young is hard for some
one to say, for you are not able to remember the time you took your first steps, smiled,
laughed or spoke your first words. All of this and more is that help us to become who we
are today for it is a never-ending process of growth. Each year that goes by in turn builds
on the foundation of the former years.
We learn at an early age what is right and wrong through trial and error. It is
through kind, loving and caring words from our mother and father that we learn the
acceptance that our action is socially correct. Because of this nurturing behavioral
process we will have the foundation need to grow. Nature refers to the genetic make up
of each person in the respect of how they will respond to the social world around them
and how they can adapt to their surrounding. Are they physically and mentally able to
learn and acquire the resources needed so that they can make the distention of right and
Imitation stage: At the age of two we learn social behavior through imitations of
the physical and verbal behavior of a significant other in our life. Sensory motor
development also occurs during these years where the basis of thought is laid down.
Play stage; Between the age of two and seven is there the children take on the
role-play. Like Police, firefighter, doctor, etc. They are in the preoperational stage there
they learn to think symbolically and use language.
Concrete operations; occur during the age of seven to eleven when children start
to think logically about time, quantity and space.
Formal operations: Occur from the age of eleven and continue through out our
adolescence. We are able to think with out the aid of concrete object and manipulations.
We know that the development of a child to be able to function in society must
have the before mentioned stages, total isolation is catastrophic to a child and will disable
them from learning.
The family plays a very important role in a person social development. Children
learn from their brother and sisters, what is to be expected from them? Their grandparents
also fit into the role of parenting teaching right from wrong.
During your teenage years you will learn from your peers, groups can have a
strong influence on a person social development. From peers children learn new ideas
and social morals.
We continue to learn from the world around us on a daily bases. We learn to
adjust to different condition and roles that we must fill at work, home and play. The
Socialization of a person is a never-ending process of change to our surrounding.
Jason Cooper
Social Interactions
I work as a Paramedic for Polk County E.M.S. and for Winter Haven Hospital
E.D. I’m expected to take on the role of leader while working on the ambulance. I’m
responsible for the care and treatment of the sick and injured. Along with this role the
added responsibility is to ensure the safety of the patient and my co-workers. As a public
safety member we take on many role like police, fire along with the medical.
While in the Hospital my role and responsibilities change instead of a position of
team leader I am a team player. We work as a single unit all equally trained to care for the
patient. Only in certain conditions do I return to the role of team leader, like treating a
patient with a cardiac condition were I’m able to us my specialty training.
The norms found in the Hospital and the Ambulance is that the higher trained
caregiver take on patient responsibility. People in a lower position of rank will assist you
with the patient treatment and if they are comfortable with you they will interject their
ideas on how best to manage the patient problem if they feel that you might have over
looked something.
Role conflict is when one role conflicts with another role. Example is that it is
hard to return to school, manage a job, take care of your children and nurture a
Role strain is when you feel that you have to take on multiple roles of a single
status clash. Like cleaning the house, paying bills and picking the children up from
school. All of this put a strain on the role of being a parent.
Jason Cooper
Social Groups
A primary Group is composed of people who are emotionally close, know one
another well, and seek one another’s company. There is a “we” feeling to the group, as if
it were one large family of people gathering for a special event like Thanksgiving.
Everyone hugs each other and asks now are you doing with true concern. Everyone feel a
close and sometimes a special bond to one another. As an example I’m a paramedic and
as a paramedic working on the ambulance I feel a close connection to my fellow brother’s
in the fire and police dept for who I see every workday. We look out for each other on and
off the job.
This type of closeness is also seen in church groups were people would gather
before, during, and after church. In some cases they will meet at different times during
the week at their homes for pray meeting. These groups become very close and
The difference between the Primary and secondary groups, is that the primary
groups are close knit and interact with each other on a personal level and on a regular
bases, as were the secondary groups are mostly made up of people who do not know each
other and do not interact with each other on a regular bases.
A Groups influence on our beliefs and behaviors are well known and
documented. The conformity that occurs with close interactive groups happens when we
adapt our behavior to fit the behavior of those around us. This gives us a since of
acceptance and increase self worth. If we look upon the social groups that we interact
with in high regard and feel better about our self because of this acceptance, we are more
likely to change our beliefs and behaviors to conform those around us.
Jason Cooper
Formal Organizations
The bureaucracy in whom I’m most familiar with is the Polk County Emergency
Medical Service. The Specialization of this organization enables employees to learn on
the job as an E.M.T. (emergency medical technician) to help acquire the skills needed to
become paramedic along with additional schooling. The Paramedic is the highest skilled
employee in the field of E.M.S. The Division of labor enable personnel to become
proficient in certain area of the organization so the organizational team can do it job in
the most efficient manner possible. The positions rank from E.M.T., Paramedic,
supervisor, training dept, and then department heads.
The department heads decide on the decisions that are made on the behalf of the
employees and the public that we serve. The employees have an employees counsel
group were the concerns of the employee are discussed. The counsel speaks for the
employees in an attempt to combat the hierarchy of the organization.
The organization is overseen by the Polk County Board Of County
commissioners. Which has a set of rules and regulations that help to protect the
employee’s rights. Because of these rule and regulation it does not matter if current key
position are replaced with new employees the organization will still run in the same
manner as before.
Written records are kept on all the patients that the ambulances see for a period
of ten years. The law requires us to keep records of all the call ran during the year. We
must have written records so that in the case a patient go to court me by be able to
accurately portray the events that happened.
The impersonal relationship help to insure personnel are selected for raises
bases on their merits. We receive an evaluation each year that covers every thing from our
dress/appearance, the cleanliness of the station and truck. The performance of our job and
the letter written by patients stating their satisfaction.
The functional and dysfunctional characteristics that are seen in a bureaucracy are the
paradox between the efficient ways in which work is done but at a price of the employee.
The bureaucracy is very efficient because it promotes teamwork. However the raggedness
Of the system causes training incapacity which prohibits continued education and
promotion, rigid hierarchies were the department head are sometimes unreachable and
alienation of employees.
Jason Cooper
Community, Societies, &Nations
Community Characteristics
Retired Communities
Retired communities are abundant in central Florida. Polk County has one of the
largest populations of retired citizens in the state. Each year during the winter months our
population nearly doubles in size. We see the evidence of this on a daily bases in the form
of increased traffic, shoppers, and at social gathering like restaurant.
The retired community are of a Gemenischaft type, there are social
function were they interact with each other such as golf, bowling,
shuffleboard and church. There is a close bound between the members of the
community in a retirement park, they like to check, and keep tabs on each
other as a form of community awareness and safety. This bound is increased
by the fact they share similar medical condition, which heightens their
concern for each other well being.
In some areas the retired communities are of the territorial type, they
have set geographical boundaries in small communities. There is a small
area just south of Polk county which is call sun city, and also to the east of
Polk county that is call Indian lake estate that has a population solely of
retired individuals.
Medical community
Internet Community
In the past decade we have seen an increase of the electronic community. The
Internet has opened the doors to a new form of community that can interact with each
other over great distances. Through the media of Internet chat people are able to share
similar ideas and vales.
This is yet again another form of Gesellschaft type of community
because they are well organized but impersonal. There are no face-to-face
contact or any physical interaction between members. They bound because
of the similar believes and values.
Due to the lack of physical interaction between the members there is a
lack of loyalty. If a member become upset or angered at another member
they are less likely to try to solve the dispute v/s no longer communicating
with the other party. However there are some members who move out side
the norms and have physical and sometime sexual relation with the other
member of the community.
Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft
Unlike the societies of the past, which were based on the cast or estate level of
stratification, today societies are bases mostly on the class form of stratification in the
modern nation.
The cast form of stratification is based on the conflict view which states that your
status is based on the power in which you are born in to, if your family is of a lower cast
whose job is to tend to the farm or cattle, you would not be look upon as the same as a
noble person whose family are of a higher political status.
The belief was that wealth begets wealth and poverty begets poverty. However in
today society, and in a more flexible nation one can rise above their destitutions. Through
the means of education it is possible to change one class from a lower to an upper class
because with education come better jobs and income.
The functional view is that we need to have unequal class to maintain balance in
society. Reward those in the middle class to help keep the most talented people there and
encourage the lower class to rise to a higher status.
The interaction view is that a person shows his or her class status by the thing they
own, like cloths, cars, home, and or hobby/sports. You might see people with cell phones
and wearing Tommy hilfiger clothe. Others might be wearing large diamonds and lots of
gold to show her status level.
You may have won the lottery but have you won nobility? To your family and
friends you are the same old person that they have always known. Just because you have
more money does not mean that you have acceptance among the upper class. Yes it is true
that money does not buy you everything. You have to earned the nobility. For you to gain
the acceptance of the upper class you must get the education and job status that goes with
the money that have been given, if not you will be looked upon as “new money” and not
worthy of acknowledgement.
Old money is the wealth that is handed down from generation to generation. This
may be a form of estate stratification wear wealth land owner pass their money down to
the next generation. To run a family business and watch after the family affairs.
Jason Cooper
Social Class
1)Upper-upper class is less then 1% of the population of American who are known as the
aristocracy. It member represent the old money with well-known name as Dupont, ford,
Rockefeller and Vanderbilt. To enter this elite class your money would have to age over
many years and generation.
2)Upper class is 1-3% of the population with a typical income of $1.5million; their jobs
are Investor, executives. Their education is of a PhD or Dr.
3)Upper middle class is 14% of the population with a typical in come of $80,000; Their
job are upper managers, professional and medium size business owner; Their education
level is of college and university.
4)Meddle class is 30% of the population with a typical income of $45,000; their jobs are
lower manager, semi-professionals, crafts workers, supervisor, and non-retail sales; the
have a college education and have aspiration to achieve a higher educational and
occupational position.
5)Working class is 30% of the population with a typical income of $30,000; their jobs are
low skill manual, clerical, retail sales. They are referred to as blue-collar workers. They
have an educational level of high school and some college or trade school.
6)Working poor is 13% of the population with a typical income of $20,000; their jobs are
lowest paid manual, retail and service worker they do not earn enough to rise above the
poverty line; their educational level –most don’t finish high school.
7)Under class is 12% of the population with a typical income of $10,000 or less; they are
usually unemployed and come from a family with a history of unemployment. They have
a lack of education and some have physical or mental disability.
The Guerry family has a positive attitude towards their future; they are hard
workers and are looking out for their children. The wife is working part time
to insure health insurance coverage for the family.
They are living within their means and seam to have a good idea and how to
manage their money. They encourage their children to look out side the typical
box of employment and embrace the American dream.
Jason Cooper
Gender Stratification
Cost of Sexism
The cost of sexism are many, we as a society have lost out on the potential finding
that women in the science and business industry could have offered to the nation. There
are many contribution that have been prohibited on both sides of the sexes, Men have not
been aloud in position like nursing or hair styling with out some form of stereotyping.
There is also a physical and mental cost of from the problems of sexual
harassment in the business work place. Predominately men have sexually harassed the
women in the workplace but this is also true for the other sex.
Women in higher position have harassed the men in lower position stating that
they would not receive any advancement if they did not accept their sexual advances
towards them. This again can be said for the other sex.
Jason Cooper
Race Ethnicity
Prejudice or Discrimination
Institutionalized discrimination