Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: Third Edition
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: Third Edition
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: Third Edition
Third edition
Spanish > English English > Spanish
Chief editors
Nicholas Rollin Carol Styles Carvajal Jane Horwood
hippy, hippie /"xipi/ adj ( pl hippies) hippy (before n), hippie (before n) 2mf hippy, hippie hiriente adj hurtful, wounding (before n) hirviendo h hervir hisopo m (a) (bastoncillo) cotton swab (AmE),
cotton bud (BrE) (b) (Chi) (de afeitar) shaving brush
word/expression peculiar to Spain; ( palabra ol) hispanicism; (estudio) Hispanic derivada del espan studies ol) Spanish, Hispanic hispano -na adj (a) (espan ses de habla hispana Spanish-speaking (frml); pa countries (b) (hispanoamericano) Spanish American, Latin American; (en EE UU) Hispanic ol) Spaniard (b) 2m, f (a) (liter) (espan (hispanoamericano) Spanish American, Latin American; (en EE UU) Hispanic rica f Spanish America Hispanoame hispanoamericano -na adj/m, f Spanish American hispanohablante, hispanoparlante mf Spanish speaker histeria f hysteria; d colectiva mass hysteria rico -ca adj (Med, Psic) hysterical; histe (exaltado): ponerse d to have hysterics o a t; me pones d you drive me mad 2m, f (Med, Psic) hysteric; (exaltado): es un d he gets quite hysterical about things historia f 1(Hist) history; d antigua ancient nica medical history; pasar a la d history; d cl ( por ser importante) to go down in history; ( perder a la d that's actualidad) (fam): aquello ya paso ancient history now (colloq) 2(relato) story; la d de su vida the story of his life 3(fam) (cuento, asunto): me vino con la d de que he came up jate de ds stop with this story o tale about ; de de no se que ds he making excuses; se quejo complained about something or other (colloq) historiador -dora m, f historian dico nico or me historial m record; d cl (AmE), medical history; d personal resume curriculum vitae (BrE) rico -ca adj (real) historical; (importante) histo historic historieta f comic strip, cartoon story hit /"xit/ m ( pl hits) hit hito m (hecho trascendental) landmark, milestone hizo h hacer Hnos. (= hermanos) Bros. hobby /"xoBi/ m ( pl -bbies) hobby hocico m (de cerdo) snout; (de perro, lobo) snout, muzzle n -cona m, f (CS, Me x fam & pey) hocico bigmouth (colloq & pej), blabbermouth (colloq & pej) hockey /"(x)oki/ m hockey; d sobre hielo ice hockey hogar m home; formar un d to set up home; culos para el d household goods; las labores art del d housework; quedarse sin d to be left homeless; d de ancianos residential home for the elderly, old people's home (colloq) o -n a adj persona home-loving; hogaren vida/escena domestic (before n)
2m, f (m) Dutchman; (f ) Dutchwoman; los holandeses the Dutch, Dutch people s2 m (idioma) Dutch holande
hojaldre m puff pastry, puff paste (AmE) hojear [A1] vt to leaf o glance through hojilla f (Ven) razor blade hojuela f (AmL exc CS) ake hola interj (saludo) hello, hi! (colloq) interj (RPl) ( por tele fono) hello? hola n m (Me x) ounce, frill hola Holanda f Holland s1 -desa adj Dutch holande
prenda loose-tting, n comfortable; viven ds baggy (b) posicio a they're comfortably off (c) victoria/mayor s ds iremos ma comfortable (d) (de espacio): as we'll be more comfortable like that a s): holgar [A8] vi (en 3 pers) (frml) (estar de ma huelga decir que it goes without saying that ; huelgan los comentarios what can one say? n -zana adj lazy holgaza 2m, f idler, lazybones (colloq) holgazanear [A1] vi to idle, laze o loaf around mico, comodidad): vivir holgura f (a) (bienestar econo con d to live comfortably (b) (de prenda) fullness, looseness hollejo m skin n m soot holl n) man; ds, mujeres y nin os hombre m (a) (varo men, women and children; no es lo bastante d para he's not man enough to ; d al agua! man overboard!; este d no sabe lo que dice this guy doesn't know what he's talking about; d de conanza right-hand man; d del tiempo weatherman; d de negocios businessman; d lobo werewolf; d medio man in the street; d rana frogman, diver; d precavido vale por dos forewarned is forearmed (b) (especie humana): el d man sorpresa! well! what a nice 2interj: d! que a venir? d! would you surprise!; te gustar like to come? you bet! what do you think?; d, no es lo mismo come off it, it's not the same thing at all (colloq) hombrera f (almohadilla) shoulder pad; (Mil) (de uniformes) epaulet a f manliness hombr hombrillo m (Ven) shoulder (AmE), hard shoulder (BrE) hombro m shoulder; encogerse de ds to shrug (one's shoulders); lo llevaron a ds they
means the meat itself. Guests eat the meat with sausages and salad. Wine, beer, or CHICHA is drunk and there is singing to a guitar. Asturiano O BABLE Audiencia Nacional The Spanish high court for crimes affecting the national interest, e.g. drug trafcking and large-scale fraud. It has powers of extradition. autonoma O COMUNIDADES AUTNOMAS AVE Alta Velocidad Espaola A high-speed train service linking Madrid with Seville and Huelva via Cadiz, established in 1992. Other lines under construction include Madrid to Barcelona, with an extension to France. Aztecas A nhuatl-speaking people of Central America who, in the 14th century, established a brilliant but tyrannical civilization in central and southern Mexico. The capital was Tenochtitln, which became Mexico City . Renowned for their jewelry, the Aztecs were also skilled architects. They worshipped the plumed serpent Quetzalcatl and the war-god Huitzilopochtli, appeasing him with human sacrice. The Aztec empire collapsed in 1521 after defeat by the Spanish under Hernn Corts and Pedro de Alvarado. Bable or Asturiano A variety of Castilian spoken in Asturias. It went into decline when the kingdom of Castile achieved political dominance and imposed Castilian on what became Spain. By the 20th century it was conned to rural areas. With the revival of Spanish regional languages Bable has seen a resurgence in use. On-line newspaper at www.Asturies.es Bachillerato A traditional term for secondary education. Today, under the logse (1990), it specically means the last two years of secondary education (1618 years) following eso, for students who wish to go to university . In parts of Latin America bachillerato is the examination taken at the end of secondary education. In Peru it is the rst university degree. balsero A name for Cubans who try to enter the US by sailing to Florida in small boats and rafts. See also patera. bar Bars (bares) in Spain sell hot and cold drinks, snacks such as tapas and racines, sandwiches, and pastries. They often provide full meals at lunch and they open from early in the morning until late at night. barbacoa In Mexico, this is meat or poultry that is cooked in a hole in the ground lined with heated stones. In Peru it is known as pachamanca and in Chile curanto, where its main ingredient is seafood. barrio A city neighborhood, dened by its geographical location, a characteristic of its inhabitants, a particular feature, or its history . Most barrios have very strong identities. Buenos Aires is unique, with a total of
enslave /In"sleIv/ vt esclavizar* ensue /In"su; ||In"sju;/ vi seguir*; in the ensuing en suite /%A;n"swi;t ||%Qn"swi;t/ adj adjunto, en ensure /In"SUr ||In"SU@(r), In"SO;(r)/ vt asegurar entail /In"teIl/ vt risk implicar*, suponer*;
suite n ght en la pelea que tuvo lugar a continuacio
enquire etc (BrE) /In"kwaIr ||In"kwaI@(r)/ h enrage /In"reIdZ/ vt enfurecer* enrich /In"rItS/ vt enriquecer* enroll, (BrE) enrol /In"r@Ul/ vi-ll- matricularse,
2d vt matricular, inscribir* enrollment, (BrE) enrolment /In"r@Ulm@nt/ cula f n f, matr n inscripcio
inscribirse* inquire etc
expense acarrear, suponer*; responsibility conllevar entangle /In"t&Ng@l/ vt enredar enter /"ent@r ||"ent@(r)/ vt 1 (a) room/house/ country entrar en, entrar a (esp AmL) (b) ( penetrate) entrar en 2(begin) period/phase entrar en 3 (a) ( join) army alistarse en, entrar en; rm/organization entrar en, incorporarse a (b) (begin to take part in) war/negotiations entrar en; debate/dispute sumarse a (c) student/ candidate presentar (d) race inscribirse* ( para tomar parte) en; to d a competition presentarse a un concurso 4 (a) (record in register) inscribir*; ( in ledger, book) anotar (b) (Comput) dar* entrada a 2d vi 1entrar 2to d (for sth) for competition/race inscribirse* (en algo); for examination presentarse (a algo) enterprise /"ent@rpraIz ||"ent@praIz/ n 1 (a) ( project) empresa f (b) (initiative, daring) empuje m 2 (a) (company) empresa f (b) (business activity): free d la libre empresa; private d la iniciativa privada; (sector) el sector privado entertain /"ent@r"teIn ||%ent@"teIn/ vt 1(amuse) audience entretener* 2(frml) idea/suggestion contemplar; doubt/suspicions abrigar* (frml) 2d vi 1( provide entertainment) entretener* 2(have guests) recibir entertainer /"ent@r"teIn@r ||%ent@"teIn@(r)/ n culo); ( presenter of artista mf (del mundo del especta program) (Rad, TV) animador, -dora m, f entertaining /"ent@r"teInIN ||%ent@"teInIN/ adj book/movie/anecdote entretenido; person divertido entertainment /"ent@r"teInm@nt ||%ent@"teInm@nt/ n (a) (amusement) culo m entretenimiento m (b) (show) especta enthrall, (BrE) enthral /In"TrO;l/ vt -llcautivar enthusiasm /In"Tu;zi&z@m ||In"Tju;zi&z@m/ n entusiasmo m enthusiast /In"Tu;zi&st ||In"Tju;zi&st/ n entusiasta mf enthusiastic /In"Tu;zi"&stIk ||In%Tju;zi"&stIk/ adj entusiasta entice /In"taIs/ vt atraer* entire /In"taIr ||In"taI@(r)/ adj (a) (whole) (before n) entero (b) (intact) ( pred) intacto entirely /In"taIrli ||In"taI@li/ adv totalmente, completamente entirety /In"taIr@ti ||In"taI@r@ti/ n: in its d ntegramente, en su totalidad entitle /In"taItl!/ vt 1(give right) to d sb to sth darle* a algn derecho a algo; to be dd to sth tener* derecho a algo 2(name) (frml) (often pass) titular entity /"ent@ti/ n ( pl -ties) entidad f quito entourage /"A;ntU"rA;Z ||%QntU"rA;Z/ n se m