HMT16 Marks

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1. A reactors wall 320 mm thick is made up of an inner layer of fire brick (k=0.84w m!"#. $he reactor operates at a temperature of 132%&" and the ambient temperature is 2%&c. 'etermine the thickness of the firebrick and insulation which (i)es minimum heat loss. "alculate the heat loss presumin( that the insulatin( material has a ma* temperature of 1200&". 2. 'eri)e an e*pression for the heat conduction throu(h a hollow cylinder from the (eneral heat conduction e+uation .Assume steady state unidirectional heat flow in radial direction and no internal heat (eneration. 3. A 2%mm diameter rod of 3,0 mm len(th connects two heat sources maintained at 12-!" and 22-!" respecti)ely .$he cur)ed surface if the rod is losin( heat to t he surroundin( air at 2-!" the heat transfer coefficient is 10w m2!". calculate the loss of heat from the rod if it is made of copper (k=33%w m!".# and steel (k=40w m&"# 4. A thermocouple .unction is in the form of 8mm diameter sphere. $he /roperties of the material are c = 420 0 k(&" 1 2 =8000k( m3 3 4=40w m&". And (h=40w m&"# .$he .unction is initially at 40&" and inserted in a stream of hot air at 300&". 5ind the time constant of a thermocouple is taken out from the hot air after 10 sec and kept in still air at 30&" . Assumin( heat transfer coefficient in air of 10 6 m&". 5ind the temperature attained by the .unction 20 sec after remo)in( from hot air. %. 'ri)e the (eneral one 7dimensional e+uation of heat conduction in "artesian coordinates and deduce it to /oisson and laplace 8+uations. ,. $he a)era(e heat produced by ripenin( 9ran(es is estimated at 300 6 m:.$akin( the a)era(e radius as 0.04 m with k=0.1% 6 m43 calculate the temperature at the core when the surface temperature is 10!". (ii# 'eri)e the lo( mean area of a cylinder used to transfer into an e+ui)alent slab. -. A composite wall is formed of a 2.% cm copper plate (k = 3%% 6 m4#3 a 3.2 mm layer of asbestos (k = 0.110 6 m4# and a %cm layer of fiber plate (k=0.04; 6 m4#. $he wall is sub.ected to an o)erall temperature difference of %,0!" (%,0!" on the "u plate side and 0!" on the fiber plate side#. 8stimate the heat flu* throu(h this composite wall and the interface temperature between asbestos and fiber plate. 8. 6hen a thermocouple is mo)ed from one medium to anther medium at a different temperature3 sufficient time must be (i)en to the thermocouple to come to thermal e+uilibrium with the new conditions before a readin( is taken. "onsider a 0.1 cm diameter copper thermocouple wire ori(inally at 1%0!". 5ind the temperature response ( appro*imate plot of temperature <s time for inter)als of 03 40 and 120 seconds# when this wire is suddenly immersed in (i# water at 40!" (h =80 6 m:4# (ii# Air at 40!" (h=40 6 m:4#Assume unit len(th of wire. ;. 'eri)e the heat conduction e+uation in cylinder co=ordinates usin( an elemental )olume for a stationary isotropic solid. 10. A 3cm 9' steam pipe is to be co)ered with two layers of insulation each ha)in( a thickness of 2.% cm. $he a)era(e thermal conducti)ity of one insulation is % times that of the other. 'etermine the percenta(e decrease in heat transfer if better insulatin( material is ne*t to pipe than it is the outer layer. Assume that the outside and inside temperatures of composite insulation are fi*ed. 11. 8*plain briefly the concept of critical thickness of insulation and state any two applications of the same.

12. A , cm lon( copper rod (k=300 6 m4# ,mm in diameter is e*posed to an en)ironment at 20!".$he base temperature of the rod is maintained at 1,0!". $he heat transfer co=efficient is 20 6 m24. "alculate the heat (i)en by rod and efficiency and effecti)eness of the rod. 13. 'ri)e an e*pression for steady one dimensional heat conduction throu(h a hollow cylinder. 14. A composite wall is made up of a steel plate 1.% cm thick lined inside with silica brick 20 "m thick and on the outside with ma(nesite brick 20 cm thick . $he temperature inside ed(e of -%0 !" and on the outside is 100!". 5ind the heat transferred throu(h the wall per s+uare >eter of wall surface and the interface temperatures. $he conducti)ities of silica brick3 steel and >a(nesite brick are 2.3 *10=3 46 m!"3 0.0;- 46 m!" and %.80% *10=3 46 m!c respecti)ely .?t is @e+uired that the heart flow be reduced by ,0 A by means of an air (ap between steel and >a(nesite brick. 8stimate the width of the air (ap be if the thermal conducti)ity of the air is 4.,4 *10=,k6 m!". 1%. An aluminum rod 2% mm in diameter and 1%0 mm lon( protrudes from a wall which is maintained at 2,0!" .$he rod is e*posed to an en)ironment at 1, !". $he con)ection heat transfer coefficient is 1% 6 m2k. "alculate the heat loss by the rod .Assume the conducti)ity of the aluminum as 204 6 m!". 1,. A thermocouple bead of 2mm diameter (spherical# of material density 8%00 k( m33 thermal "onducti)ity 20 6 mk and specific heat 0.4 40 4( 43 initially at 2% !" is suddenly e*posed to (ases at 200&" with coefficient of 300 6 m2k. "alculate the temperature of the bead after % seconds. 1-. $he inner surface at r = a and the outer surface at r =b of a hollow cylinder are maintained at uniform temperatures $1 and $23 respecti)ely. $he thermal conducti)ity k of the solid is constant. 'e)elop an e*pression for the one=dimensional3 steady=state temperature distribution $ (r# in the cylinder. 'e)elop an e*pression for the radial heat flow rate B throu(h the cylinder of len(th C 'e)elop an e*pression for the thermal resistance of a hollow cylinder of len(th C. 18. A steel rod of diameter ' = 2 cm3 len(th D = 2% cm3 and thermal conducti)ity k = %0 6 (m!"# is e*posed to ambient air at $E = 20!" with a heat transfer coefficient h = ,4 6 (m:!"#. ?f one end of the rod is maintained at a temperature of a 120!"3 calculate the heat loss from the rod. 1;. "onsider one=dimensional3 steady state heat flow alon( two stainless=steel bars3 each of diameter ' =2 cm3 len(th D = 3 cm and pressed to(ether with a pressure of 10 atm. $he surface has rou(hness of about ;0!". "alculate the heat flow rate alon( the bars and the temperature drop at the interface. 20. A %=cm=thick iron plate Fk = ,0 6 (m!"#3 "p = 4,0 0 (k(!"#3 2 = -8%0 k( mG3 and H = 1., * 10=%m: sI is initially at $1 = 22%!" Juddenly3 both surfaces are e*posed to an ambient at $E = 2%!" with a heat transfer coefficient h = %00 6 (m:!"#. "alculate the centre temperature at t = 2 min after the start of the coolin(3 the temperature at a depth 1 cm from the surface at t = 2 min after the start of the coolin( and the ener(y remo)ed from the plate per s+uare meter durin( t his time. 21. A furnace wall consists of three layers. $he inner layer of 10 cm thickness is made of fire brick (k = 1.04# 6 m4. $he intermediate layer of 2% cm thickness is made of masonry brick (k = 0.,; 6 m4# followed by a % cm thick concrete wall (k = 1.3- 6 m4#. 6hen the furnace is in continuous operation the inner surface of the furnace is at 800!" while the outer concrete surface is at %0!". "alculate the rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall3 the temperature at the interface of the firebrick and masonry brick and the temperature at the interface of the masonry brick and concrete. 22. An electrical wire of 10 m len(th and 1 mm diameter dissipates 200 6 in air at 2%! ". $he con)ection heat transfer coefficient between the wire surface and air is 1% 6 m:4. "alculate the critical radius of insulation and also determine the temperature of the wire if it is insulated to the critical thickness of insulation.

23. An aluminum rod (k = 204 6 m4# 2 cm in diameter and 20 cm lon( protrudes from a wall which is maintained at 300!". $he end of the rod is insulated and the surface of the rod is e*posed to air at 30!". $he heat transfer coefficient between the rodKs surface and air is 10 6 m:4. "alculate the heat lost by the rod and the temperature of the rod at a distance of 10 cm from the wall. 24. A lar(e iron plate of 10 cm thickness and ori(inally at 800!" is suddenly e*posed to an en)ironment at 0!" where the con)ection coefficient is %0 6 m:4. "alculate the temperature at a depth of 4 cm from one of the faces 100 seconds after the plate is e*posed to the en)ironment. Cow much ener(y has been lost per unit area of the plate durin( this timeL 2%. 9btain an e*pression for the (eneral heat conduction e+uation in "artesian coordinates. An e*terior wall of a house is co)ered by a 0.1 m layer of (ypsum plaster (k = 0.48 6 m!"# should be added to reduce the heat loss of (ain throu(h the wall by 80AL 2,. 5ind out the amount of heat transferred throu(h an iron fin of len(th %0 mm3 width 100 mm and thickness % mm. Assume k = %8 6 m M" and h = 12 6 m2 " for the material of the fin and the temperature at tip of the fin if the atmosphere temperature 20!". 2-. An electrical wire of 10 m len(th and 1 mm diameter dissipates 200 6 in air at 2%!". $he con)ection heat transfer coefficient between the wire surface and air is 1% 6 m24. "alculate the critical radius of insulation and also determine the temperature of the wire if it is insulated to the critical thickness of insulation. 28. A cylinder 1 m lon( and % cm in diameter is placed in an atmosphere at 4%!". ?t is pro)ided with 10 lon(itudinal strai(ht fins of material ha)in( k= 120 6 m24. $he hei(ht of 0.-, mm thick fins is 1.2- cm from the cylinder surface. $he heat transfer coefficient between cylinder and atmosphere air is 1-6 m24. "alculate the rate of heat transfer and the temperature at the end of fins if surface temp of cylinder is 1%0!" 2;. A steel tube with % cm ?'3 -., cm 9' and k = 1% 6 m" is co)ered with an insulatin( co)erin( of thickness 2 cm and k = 0.26 m". A hot (as at 330N " with h = 4006 m2 " flows inside the tube. $he outer surface of the insulation is e*posed to cooler air at 30N " with h = ,0 6 m2". "alculate the heat loss from the tube to the air flow for 10 m of the tube and the temperature drops resultin( form the thermal resistances of the hot (as flow 3 the steel tube3 the insulation layer and the outside air. 30. $he inner surface at r = a and the outer surface at r = b of a hollow cylinder are maintained at uniform temperature $1 and $2 respecti)ely. $he thermal conducti)ity of the solid is constant. 'e)elop an e*pression for the one dimensional steady state temperature distribution in the cylinder and for the radial heat flow rate throu(h the cylinder o)er a len(th C. 31. 6hat is lumped capacity analysis and obtain the e*pression for temperature distribution of the same. 32. A slap of Aluminum 10 cm thick is ori(inally at a temperature of %00 ". ?t is suddenly immersed in a li+uid at 100! " resultin( in a heat transfer coefficient of 1200 6 m24. 'etermine the temperature at the centerline and the total thermal ener(y remo)ed per unit area of the slap durin( this period. $he properties of Aluminum for the (i)en condition areO H = 8.4 * 10= %m2 s3 k = 21%6 m43 2 =2-00 k( m33 c = 0.; 40 k(4. 33. 8*plain the different modes of heat transfer with appropriate e*pressionsL 34. A composite wall consists of 10 cm thick layer of buildin( brick3 k=0.- 6 m4 and 3cm thick plaster3 k=0.% 6 m4 is to be added to reduce the heat transfer throu(h the wall by 40A. 5ind its thicknessL 3%. "ircumferential aluminum fins of rectan(ular profile (1.% cm wide and 1 mm thick# are fitted on to a ;0 mm en(ine cylinder with a pitch of 10 mm. $he hei(ht of the cylinder is 120 mm. $he cylinder base temperature before and after fittin( the fins are 200!" and 1%0! ". 8stimate the heat dissipated from the finned and the unfinned surface areas of cylinder body 3,. A copper wire of 40 mm diameter carries 2%0 A and has a resistance of 0.2% P10=4 cm len(th surface temperature of copper wire is 2%0 !" and the ambient air temperature is 10 !". ?f the thermal conducti)ity of the copper wire is 1-% 6 m43 calculate

1. Ceat transfer co=efficient between wire surface and ambient air. 2. >a*imum temperature in the wire. 3-. A hollow cylinder of % cm ?' and 10 cm 9' has an inner surface temperature of 200N " and an outer surface temperature of 100N ". ?f the thermal conducti)ity of the cylinder material is -0 6 m4. 'etermine the heat flow throu(h the cylinder per unit len(th. 38. $he wall of an o)en consists of 3 layers of brick. ?nside one is built of 20 cm of fire bricks surrounded by 10 cm of insulatin( brick and outside layer is bindin( bricks of 12 cm thick. $he o)en operates at ;00N "3 such that the outside surface of the o)en is maintained at , 0N ". "alculate (i#. $he heat loss per m2in surface (ii#. $he interfacial temperature. Qi)en the thermal conducti)ity of fire brick3 insulatin( brick and bindin( are 1.23 0.2, and 0.,8 respecti)ely in 6 mN ". 3;. 6hat is meant by lumped capacityL 6hat are the physical assumptions necessary for a lumped capacity unsteady state analysis to applyL 40. A slab of Aluminum %cm thick initially at 200N" is suddenly immersed in a li+uid at -0N" for which the con)ection heat transfer co=efficient is %2% 6 m24. 'etermine the temperature at a depth of 12.% mm from one of the faces 1 minute after the immersion. Also calculate the ener(y remo)ed per unit area from the plate durin( 1 minute of immersion. 6here / =2-00 bar3 "p=0.;k0 k(43 k=21% 6 m43 (alpha#=8.4P10=%m2 s NIT II CONVECTION 1. Air at 20N " and at a pressure of 1 bar is flowin( o)er a flat plate at a )elocity of 3 m sec. if the plate is 280 mm wide and %, N " calculate the followin( at * =280 mm boundary layer thickness Docal friction coefficient A)era(e friction coefficient $hickness of the thermal boundary layer Docal connecti)e heat transfer coefficient A)era(e connecti)e heat transfer coefficient @ate of heat transfer by con)ection $otal dra( force on the plate 2. A cylindrical body of 300 mm diameter and 1., m hei(ht is maintained at constant temperature of 3,.%N ". the surroundin( temperature is 13.%N ". find the amount heat (enerated by the body hour if "p=0.;,40 k(&c3 =1.02%k( m33 k=0.08;26 m&c3 R =1%.0, * 10=,m2 sec and S=1 2;8k=1. Assume Tu=0.12(Qr./r#1 3. 3. A nuclear reactor with its core constructed of parallel )ertical plates 2.2 m hei(ht and 1.4 m wide has been desi(ned on free con)ection heatin( of li+uid bismuth. $he ma* temperature of the plate surface is limited to ;,0N " while the lowest allowable temperature of bismuth is 340N". "alculate the ma* possible heat dissipation from both sides of each plate. $he properties of the bismuth at room temperature cp = 1%0.-k( k(&c3 =1000k( m33k=13.026 m!c3U=3.12 *10=,k( m h. assume Tu=0.12(Qr./r#1 3 4. Assumin( that a man can be represented as a cylinder of 0.30 m radius and hei(ht 1.- m with a surface temperature of 30N ". "alculate the heat he would lose while standin( in a 3, km hour wind at 10N ". %. Air stream of 30!" mo)es with a )elocity of 0.3 m s across a 100 6 electric bulb at 130N ". ?f the bulb is appro*imated by a 0.0, m diameter sphere3 estimate the rate and the percenta(e lost due to con)ection alone. ,. Air at 8 4T m: and 242N " flows o)er a flat plate of 0.3 m wide and 1 m lon( at a )elocity of 8 m s. ?f the plate is maintained at a temperature of -8N"3 estimate the heat to be remo)ed continuously from the plate. -. A 0330 m lon( (lass plate at --N " is hun( )ertically in air at 2-N ". "alculate the boundary layer thickness at the trailin( ed(e and the a)era(e Tusselt number of the plate.

8. Air at 400 4 and 1 atm. pressure flows at a speed of 1.% m s o)er a flat plate of 2 m lon(. $he plate is maintained at a uniform temperature of 300 4. ?f the plate has a width of 0.% m. 8stimate the heat transfer coefficient and the rate of heat transfer from the air stream to t he plate. Also estimate the dra( force actin( on the plate. ;. "ylindrical cans of 1%0 mm len(th and ,% mm diameter are to be cooled from an initial temperature of 20N" by placin( them in a cooler containin( air at a temperature of 1N" and a pressure of 1 bar. 'etermine the coolin( rates when the cans are kept CoriVontal position <ertical position 10. 8*plain for fluid flow alon( a flat plateO (1# <elocity distribution in hydrodynamic boundary layer. (2# $emperature distribution in thermal boundary line. (3# <ariation of local heat transfer co =efficient alon( the flow. 11. $he water is heated in a tank by dippin( a plate of 20cm P 40cm in siVe. $he temperature of the plate surface is maintained at 100N". Assumin( the temperature of the surroundin( water is at 30 N"3 5ind the heat loss from the plate 20 cm side is in )ertical plane. 14. 6rite down the momentum e+uation for a steady3 two dimensional flow of an incompressible3 constant property Tewtonian fluid in the rectan(ular coordinate system and mention the physical si(nificance of each term. 1%. A lar(e )ertical plate % m hi(h is maintained at 100!" and e*posed to air at 30!". "alculate the con)ection heat transfer coefficient. 1,. Jketch the boundary layer de)elopment of a flow o)er a flat plate and e*plain the si(nificance of the boundary layer. 1-. Atmospheric air 2-% 4 and a free stream )elocity of 20 m s flows o)er a flat plate 1.% m lon( that is maintained at a uniform temperature of 32% 4. "alculate the a)era(e heat transfer coefficient o)er the re(ion where the boundary layer is laminar3 the a)era(e heat transfer coefficient o)er the entire len(th of the plate and the total heat transfer rate from the plate to the air o)er the len(th 1.% m and width 1 m. Assume transition occurs at @e = 2 * 10%. 18. A flat plate3 1 m wide and 1.% m lon( is to be maintained at ;0!" in air with a free stream temperature of 10!". 'etermine the )elocity with which air must flow o)er flat plate alon( 1.% m side so that the rate of ener(y dissipation from the plate is 3.-% 46. $ake the followin( properties of air at %0!".2=1.0;k( m G3 W = 2.03*10 =%k( m=J3 /r = 0.-4=0.028 6 m!"3 "p=1.00- 40 k(!". 1;. A hot plate 1.2 m wide3 0.3% m hi(h and at 11%!" is e*posed to the ambient still air at 2%!". "alculate the followin(X >a*imum )elocity at 180 mm from the leadin( ed(e of the plate. $he boundary layer thickness at 180 mm from the leadin( ed(e of the plate. Docal heat transfer coefficient at 180 mm from the leadin( ed(e of the plate. A)era(e heat transfer coefficient o)er the surface of the plate. $otal mass flow throu(h the boundary. Ceat loss from the plate. @ise in temperature of the air passin( throu(h the boundary. Yse the appro*imate solution. 20. A steam pipe 10 cm 9' runs horiVontally in a room at 23!". $ake outside temperature of pipe as 1,%!". 'etermine the heat loss per unit len(th of the pipe. ?f pipe surface temperature reduces to 80!" with 1.% cm insulation3 what is the reduction in heat lossL 21. A steam pipe 20 cm outside diameter runs horiVontally in a room at 23N ". $ake the outside surface temperature of pipe as 1,%N ". 'etermine the heat loss per meter len(th of the pipe. 22. A sphere of diameter 2% mm at 200N " is immersed in air at 40N ". "alculate the con)ecti)e heat loss.

NIT III PHASE CHANGE HEAT TRANSFER AND HEAT E"CHANGERS 1. 6ater at atmospheric pressure is to be boiled in polished copper pan the dia of the pan 3%0 mm and is kept at 11%N". "alculate the power of the burner3 rate of the e)aporation in k( h and the critical heat flu*. 2. A )ertical coolin( fin appro*imatin( a flat plate 40cm in hei(ht is e*posed to saturated steam at atmospheric pressure. $he fin is maintained at a temperature of ;0 N". 8stimate the thickness of the film at the bottom of the fin3 o)erall heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate after incorporatin( >c AdamKs correction. 3. 8*plain how heat e*chan(ers are classified. 4. A counter flow double pipe heat e*chan(er usin( superheated steam is used to heat water at the rate of 10%00 k( h. $he steam enters the heat e*chan(er at 180N" and lea)es at 130N". $he inlet and e*it temperatures of water are 30N" and 80N" respecti)ely. ?f Y=814 6 m2&"."alculate the heat transfer area. 6hat would be the increase in area if the fluid flows were parallelL %. 'eri)e the heat transfer e+uation of a parallel flow heat e*chan(er statin( the assumptions. ,. Jaturated Jtream at 120N" condenses on the outer tube surface of a sin(le pass heat e*chan(er. 'etermine the surface area to heat 1000 k( hour of water from 20N" to ;0N". 5ind the mass of the "ondensate $ake heat transfer "oefficient Y0 = 1800 6 m: and hf( = 2200 40 k(. -. 6ater is heated from 20N" to %0N" by condensin( steam at 120N". ?f the inlet temperature of water falls to 1%N" with flow remainin( constant3 what will be the new outlet temperatureL 8. 6ater is to be boiled at atmospheric in a mechanically polished stainless steel pan placed on top of a heatin( unit. $he inner surface of the bottom of the pan is maintained at 108 N". $he diameter of the bottom of the pan is 30 cm. Assumin( "sf = 0.0130. "alculate $he rate of heat transfer to the water3 and $he rate of e)aporation of water. ;. 'efine effecti)eness of a heat e*chan(er. 'eri)e an e*pression for the effecti)eness of a double pipe parallel flow heat e*chan(er. Jtate the assumptions made. 10. 6ith a neat and labeled sketch e*plain the )arious re(imes in boilin( heat transfer. 11. A )ertical plate 0.% m2in area at temperature of ;2 !" is e*posed to steam at atmospheric pressure. ?f the steam is dry and saturated estimate the heat transfer rate and condensate mass per hour. $he )ertical len(th of the plate is 0.% m. /roperties of water at film temperatures of ;,!"can be obtained from tables. 12. "ompare D>$' and T$Y method of heat e*chan(er analysis. 13. Cot e*haust (ases which enters a finned tube cross flow heat e*chan(er at 300!" and lea)e at 100!" are used to heat pressuriVed water at a flow rate of 1 k( s from 3% to 12%!". $he e*haust has specific heat is appro*imately 1000 0 k(43 and the o)erall heat transfer co=efficient based on (as side surface area is Yh=1006 m24. 'etermine the re+uired (as side surface area At the T$Y method. $ake "p3 c at $c = 80!" is 41;- k0 k(4 and "ph =1000 0 k(.4. 14. 8*plain briefly the )arious re(imes of pool boilin(. 1%. 'ry saturated steam at 100!" condenses on a surface at ;,!"3 $he surface is a )ertical tube of hei(ht 1 m. 'etermine the film thickness and local heat transfer coefficient at a distance of 0.3 m form the top. 1,. 6hat is mean by foulin( factorL 'iscuss the salient features of the correction factorL 1-. A sin(le shell pass3 four tube pass heat e*chan(er is used to cool lubricatin( oil from -0!" to 4%!" at a rate of 1% k( sec. water at 2%!" is used at flow rat e of 1% k( sec .'etermine the area re+uired if the o)erall heat transfer coefficient has a )alue of 1%0 6 m2 4. $he oil has a specific heat of 2.3 40 k(!" . 18. ?t is desired to boil water at atmospheric pressure on a copper surface to the water3 if the surface is maintained at 110!" and also the peak heat flu*. 1;. A tube of 2 m len(th and 2% mm 9' is be used to condense saturated steam at 100!" while the tube surface is maintained at ;2!". 8stimate the a)era(e heat transfer coefficient and the rate

of condensation of steam if the tube is kept horiVontal. $he steam condenses on the outside of the tube. 20. Qi)e the classification of heat e*chan(ers. 21. ?t is desired to use a double pipe counter flow heat e*chan(er to cool 3 k( s of oil ("p = 2.1 40 k(4# from 120!". "oolin( water at 20!" enters the heat e*chan(er at a rate of 10 k( s. $he o)erall heat transfer coefficient of the heat e*chan(er is ,00 6 m:4 and the heat transfer area is , m:. "alculate the e*it temperatures of oil and water. 22. 'escribe the principle of parallel flow and counter flow heat e*chan(ers showin( the a*ial temperature distribution. 23. ?n a counter flow double pipe heat e*chan(er water is heated from 2% N" to ,0N" by an oil with a specific heat of 1.4% 40 k( 4 and ?f the o)erall heat transfer coefficient is 420 6 m:M"3 calculate (1# the rate of heat transfer3 (2# the mass flow rate of water and (3# the surface area of the heat e*chan(er. 24. 'ry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.4% bar condenses on surface of a )ertical tube of hei(ht 1 m. $he tube surface temperature is kept at 11-N". 8stimate the thickness of the condensate film. 2%. A counter flow concentric tube heat e*chan(er is used to cool en(ine oil (c = 2130 0 k( 4# from 1,0N" to ,0N" with water a)ailable at 2%N" as the coolin( medium. $he flow rate of coolin( water throu(h the inner tube of 0.% m is 2 k( s while the flow rate of oil throu(h the outer annulus 9' = 0.- m is also 2 k( s. ?f h is 2%0 6 m243 how lon( must the heat e*chan(er be to meet its coolin( re+uirementL 2,. 'iscuss the )arious re(imes of pool boilin( heat transfer. 2-. 'ry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.4% bar condenses on the surface of a )ertical tube of hei(ht 1 m. $he tube surface temperature is kept at 11-!". 8stimate the thickness of the condensate film and the local heat transfer coefficient at a distance of 0.2 m from the upper end of the tube. 28. A parallel flow heat e*chan(er has hot and cold water stream runnin( throu(h it3 the flow rates are 10 and 2% k( min respecti)ely. ?nlet temperatures are -%!" and 2%!" on hot and cold sides. $he e*it temperature on the hot side should not e*ceed %0 !". Assume hi = ho = ,00 6 m24. "alculate the area of heat e*chan(er usin( Z 7 T$Y approach. 2;. An aluminum pan of 1% cm diameter is used to boil water and the water depth at the time of boilin( is 2.% cm. $he pan is placed on an electric sto)e and the heatin( element raises the temperature of the pan to 110!"3 "alculate the power input for boilin( and the rate of e)aporation. $ake. "sf = 0.0132. 30. ?t is desired to boil water at atmospheric pressure on a copper surface which is electrically heated. 8stimate the heat flu* from the surface to the water3 if the surface is maintained at 110!"and also the peak heat flu*. 33. ?n a double pipe counter flow heat e*chan(er 10000 k( h of an oil ha)in( a specific heat of 20;% 0 k( 4 is cooled from 80!" to %0!" by 8000 k( h of water enterin( at 2%!". 'etermine the heat e*chan(er area for an o)erall heat transfer coefficient of 300 6 m:4.$ake "p for water as 4180 0 k( 4 32. 'ry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.4% bars condenses on the surface of a )ertical tube of hei(ht 1 m. $he tube surface temperature is kept at 11- N". 5ind the thickness of the condensate film and the local heat transfer coefficient at a distance of 0.2 m from the upper end of the tube. 33. ?t is desired to use a shell and tube heat e*chan(er to heat ,8 k( min of water from 3% N" to -% N" by usin( oil ha)in( a specific heat of 1.; 40 k(4. $he oil enters at a temperature of 110 N" and flows at the rate of 1-0 k( min. $he water makes shell pass and the oil makes two tube passes. "alculate the area re+uired for the heat e*chan(er assumin( the o)erall heat transfer coefficient to be 300 6 m24 and specific heat of water to be 4.18 40 k(4.

NIT IV RADIATION 1. 5ind the shape factor 51=2 and 52=1 for the fi(ure shown below.

2. 'iscuss how the radiation from (ases differs from that of solids. 3. $wo )ery lar(e parallel plates with emissi)ity 0.% e*chan(e heat. 'etermine the percenta(e reduction in the heat transfer rate if a polished aluminium radiation shield of [ = 0.04 is placed in between the plates. 4. "alculate the followin( for an industrial furnace in the form of a blackbody and emittin( radiation at 2%00&"O >onochromatic emissi)e power at 1.2Um len(th. 6a)elen(th at which is the emission is ma* >a* emissi)e power $otal emissi)e power $otal emissi)e power of the furnace if it is assumed as a real surface with emissi)ity e+ual to 0.;. %. 'efine the followin(O black body Qrey body 9pa+ue body 6hite body Jpecular reflection 'iffuse reflection. ,. ?n the fi(ure (1# the areas A1 and A2 are perpendicular but do not share the common ed(e. 5ind the shape factor f1=2 for the arran(ement. -. 'etermine the radiant heat e*chan(e in 6 m2between two lar(e parallel steel plates of emissi)ity 0.8 and 0.% held at temperatures of 1000 4 and %00 4 respecti)ely3 if a thin copper plate of emissi)ity is introduced as a radiation shield between the two plates 8. 'iscuss briefly the )ariation of black emissi)e power with wa)elen(th for different temperatures. $he spectral emissi)ity function of an opa+ue surface at 800 4 is appro*imated as "alculate the a)era(e emissi)ity of the surface and its emissi)e power ;. 8*plain briefly the followin(O Jpecular and diffuse reflection @eflecti)ity and transmissi)ity @eciprocity rule and summation rule. 10. Jtate and pro)e 4irchhoffKs law of radiation Jtefan=\oltVmann law

11. Jhow from ener(y balance consideration that the radiation heat transfer from a plane composite surface area A4 and made up of plane surface areas A2 and A3 to a plane surface area A1 is (i)en byO 12. Ysin( the definition of radiosity and irradiation that the radiation heat e*chan(e between two (rey bodies is (i)en by the relationO

13. A surface at 1004 with emissi)ity of 0.10 is protected from a radiation flu* of 12%0 6 m2by a shield with emissi)ity of 0.0%. 'etermine the percenta(e cut off and the shield temperature shape factor as 1. 14. 'eri)e the 8+ui)alent 8missi)ity of a two lar(e parallel (ray planes. 1%. $he intensity of radiations emitted by the sun is ma*imum at a wa)e len(th of 0.% U. As a black body3 determine its surface temperature and the emissi)e power. 1,. 'educe the (eneraliVed e+uation for heat transfer of a system of two parallel plates separated by ]n^ screens. 1-. 8missi)ity of two lar(e parallel at 800&" and 300&" are 0.3 and 0.% respecti)ely. 5ind the net ener(y transfer rate per s+uare meter. 18. 8*plain radiation shape factor and the important laws associated with the shape factor 1;. $ow )ery lar(e parallel planes with emissi)ities of 0.3 and 0.8 e*chan(e heat by radiation. 5ind the percenta(e reduction in heat transfer when a polished aluminium radiation shield of 8missi)ity 0.04 is interposed between them. 20. 'eri)e the e*pression for the radiation heat e*chan(er between two real surfaces3 usin( the definition of irradiation and radiosity. 21. $wo lon( coa*ial cylinders of 0.3 m and 0.4 m diameter are at ,00&" and 400&". $he surface emissi)ities for both are 0.,. $he inner cylinder is hotter one. 'etermine the heat e*chan(er by radiation per unit len(th. 22. 'efine emissi)ity3 absorpti)ity and reflecti)ity. 23. 'escribe the phenomenon of radiation from real surfaces 24. 6hat are radiation )iew factors and why are they usedL 2%. 'etermine the )iew factor (514# for the fi(ure shown below.

2,. $wo s+uare plates3 each 1 m by 1 m3 are parallel to and directly opposite to each other at a distance 1 m3 $he hot plate is at $ 1 = 800 4 and has a emissi)ity Z 1 = 0.8. $he colder plate is at $2 = ,00 4 and also has an emissi)ity Z2= 0.8. $he radiation heat e*chan(e takes place between the plates as well as with a lar(e ambient at $ 3 = 300 4 throu(h the openin( between the plates. "alculate the net heat transfer rate by radiation at each plate to the ambient.

2-. $wo parallel plates are temperatures $1 and $2 and ha)e emissi)ities Z1 = 0.8 and Z2 = 0.%. A radiation shield ha)in( the same emissi)ity Z 3 of the shield in order to reduce the radiation loss from the system to one=tenth of that without the shield. 'istin(uish between solid and (as radiation. 28. 'iscuss how radiation from (ases differs from that of solids. 2;. 'istin(uish between a black and (ray body and Jpecular and diffuse surfaces. 30. 'escribe the phenomenon of radiation from real surfaces. 31. "alculate the shape factor 514for the fi(ure shown belowO 5i( =2 32. 8*plain how the radiation from solids differs from that of the (ases. 33. 6rite short notes on Qaseous emission and absorption. 34. "alculate the net radiant heat e*chan(e per m: area for two lar(e parallel plates at temperatures of 42-!" and 2-!" respecti)ely. Z (hot plate# = 0.; and Z (cold plate#=0.,. ?f a polished aluminium shield is placed3 between them3 find the percenta(e reduction in the heat transfer and temperature of the shield3 Z (shield# =0.4. 34. $wo )ery lar(e parallel plates with emissi)ity 0.% e*chan(e heat. 'etermine the percenta(e reduction in the heat transfer rate if a polished aluminum radiation shield of Z = 0.04 is placed in between the plates. 3%. A 40 mm diameter spherical container used for storin( li+uid nitro(en under atmospheric conditions (boilin( point = ;0 4# is insulated by enclosin( it concentrically within another sphere of 0.-% m diameter. $he inter)enin( annular space between the spheres is completely e)acuated and the material for both spheres has surface emissi)ity of 0.4. >ake calculation for the radiant heat flow of the temperature if the outer container is 400 4. 3,. 6hat will be the reduction in heat loss if a steel screen ha)in( an emissi)ity )alue of 0., on both sides is placed between the brick and steel settin(L Also calculate the desired emissi)ity of the screen if radiation heat loss is 200 6 m2. NIT V MASS TRANSFER 1. Jtate 5ickKs law of diffusion and (i)e its e*pression. 9btain an e*pression for the same in terms of partial pressure. 2. 'eri)e the (eneral mass transfer e+uation in "artesian co=ordinates. 3. A )essel contains binary mi*ture of 92 and T2 with partial pressures in the ratio 0.21and 0.-; at 1%!". $he total pressure of the mi*ture is 1.1 bars. "alculate the followin( 1molar concentration >ass density >ass fraction >olar fraction of each species. 4. Air at 20&" with ' = 4.1,, * 10=%m2 s flows o)er a tray (len(th = 320mm3 width = 420mm#5ull of water with )elocity of 2.8 m s. $he total pressure of mo)in( air is 1 atm and the partial pressure of water in present in the air is 0.00,8 bar. ?f the temperature on the water surfaces is 1%&"3 calculate the e)aporation rate of water. %. 'iscuss briefly the followin(O 5ickKs law of diffusion 8+uimolar counter diffusion 8)aporation process in the atmosphere ,. 6hat are the assumptions made in the 1 7' transient mass diffusion problemsL -. An open pan3 20 cm diameter end 8 cm deep contains water at 2%!" and is e*posed to dry atmospheric air. 8stimate the diffusion coefficient of water in air3 if the rate of diffusion of water is 8.%4P10=4k( h. 8. 8*plain 5ick_s first and second laws of diffusion. ;. 8*plain the phenomenon of e+uimolar counter diffusion. 'eri)e an e*pression for e+uimolar counter diffusion b w two (ases or li+uids. 10. 'efine the Jchmidt3 Jherwood and Dewis numbers. 6hat is the physical si(nificance of eachL

11. 'ry air at 2-!" and 1 atm flows o)er a wet flat plate %0 cm lon( at a )elocity of %0 m s. "alculate the mass transfer co=efficient of water )apour in air at the end of the plate. $ake the diffusion co=efficient of water )apour in air is 'A\ = 0.2, P 10=4m2 s. 12. "ompare diffusion and con)ecti)e mass transfer. 13. 'ry air at 2-!" and 1 bar flows o)er a wet plate 0.% m lon( at a )elocity of %0 m s. "alculate the mass transfer coefficient of water )apour in air at the end of the plate. 14. $he mole fraction of C2 and 92 is 0.4. ?f C2 mo)es with a )elocity of 1 m s and 92 is stationary3 find the mass and molar a)era(e )elocities3 mass and molar flu*es across the stationary surface. 1%. 8stimate the 'iffusion rate of water at 2-!" from the bottom of a test tube of 0.02 m diameter and 0.04 m lon( into dry air at 2-!". $ake diffusion coefficient of water in air as 0.2,P10=4m: s. 1,. 'efine the diffusion coefficient and also specify the similarities between con)ection heat and mass transfer. 1-. 'etermine the mass of water )apour diffusin( throu(h a column of hei(ht 10 m 3 if the total pressure is 1 atm and the partial pressure of water )apour at the bottom is 0.1 atm And at the top is 0.03 atm. $he diffusion coefficient is 0.2,`10 =4m2 sec. "onsider unit area. 18. 'eri)e an e*pression for isothermal e+uimolal counter diffusion mass transfer 1;. Air at 2%!" and at atmospheric pressure flows with a )elocity of 3 m sec inside a 10mm diameter tube of 1 meter len(th. $he inside surface of tube contains deposits of naphthalene .'etermine the a)era(e mass transfer coefficient. (Assume the diffusion coefficient for naphthalene=air as 0.,2 * 10=%m2 sec# 1;. "onsider two lar(e )essels3 each containin( uniform mi*tures of nitro(en and carbon dio*ide at 1 atm3 $ = 288.;43 concentrations. <essel 1 contains ;0 mole percent T2 and percent "923 whereas )essel 2 contains 20 mole percent T2 and 80 mole percent "92. $he two )essels are connected by a duct of d = 9.1%24 m inside diameter and D = 1.22 m lon(. Assumin( that steady=state transfer takes place in )iew of the lar(e capacity of the two reser)oirs. $he mass diffusi)ity for the T2 7 "92 mi*ture at 1 atm and 288.; 4 can be taken as ' = 0.1, *10=4m : s. 20. Atmospheric air at $w = 40!" flows o)er a wet bulb thermometer. $he readin( of the thermometer3 which is called the web=bulb readin( $ E = 20!". "alculate the concentration of water )apor "w in the free stream. Also determine the humidity of the air stream (i.e.3 the ratio of the concentration "w of water )apor free stream to the saturation concentration at the free= stream temperature $ E= 40 !" obtained from the stream table#.21. Atmospheric air at 40M" flows o)er a wet bulb thermometer and it shows 2%M". "alculate the concentration of water )apour in the free stream and also its relati)e humidity. $ake ' (air water# = 0.2%, * 10=4m:. ?f temperatures of dry and wet bulb are 30M" and 2%M" respecti)ely3 what would be the correspondin( )aluesL 22. $he molecular wei(hts of the two components A and \ of a (as mi*ture are 24 and 28 respecti)ely. $he molecular wei(ht of (as mi*ture is found to be 30. ?f the mass concentration of the mi*ture is 1.2 k( m33 determine (1# molar fractions3 (2# mass fractions and (3# total pressure if the temperature of the mi*ture is 2;0 4. 23. An open pan 20 cm in diameter and 8 cm deep contains water at 2%M" and is e*posed to dry atmospheric air .?f the rate of diffusion of water )apour is 8.%4 * 10=4k( h estimate the diffusion coefficient of water in air. 24. A mi*ture of 92 and T2with their partial pressures in the ratio 0.21 to 0.-; are in a container at 2%!". "alculate the molar concentration3 the mass density3 the mole fraction and the mass fraction of each species for a total pressure of 1 bar. 6hat would be the a)era(e molecular wei(ht of the mi*tureL 2%. 'iscuss the analo(y between heat and mass transferL 2,. 'efine mass concentration3 molar concentration3 mass fraction and mole fraction.

2-. $he diffusi)ity of ""l4 in air is determined by obser)in( the steady state e)aporation of ""l 4 in a tube of 1 cm diameter e*posed to air. $he ""l4 li+uid le)el is 10 cm below the top le)el of the tube. $he system is held at 2%!" and 1 bar pressure. $he saturation pressure of ""l 4 at 2% !" is 14.-, k/a. ?f it obser)ed that the rate of e)aporation of ""l 4 is 0.1 ( hour determine the diffusi)ity of ""l4 into air. 28. $he molecular wei(hts of the two components A and \ of a (as mi*ture are 24 and 28 respecti)ely. $he molecular wei(ht of (as mi*ture is found to be 30. ?f the mass concentration of the mi*ture is 1.2 k(mG3 determine the followin(X 'ensity of component A and \. >olar fractions. >ass fractions3 and $otal pressure if the temperature of the mi*ture is 2;0 4. 2;. 8*plain briefly three modes of mass transfer. 30. Air at 1 atm and 2%!"3 containin( small +uantities of iodine3 flows with a )elocity of ,.2 m s inside a 3% mm diameter tube. "alculate mass transfer coefficient for iodine. $he thermo physical properties of air areX )=1%.%*10= m: J3 '=0.82*10 =m: J. 31. 'etermine the diffusion co=efficient of carbon tetrachloride into air if it e)aporates at a rate of 0.012 (m hr from a tube of 2 cm diameter and len(th 4% cm. ?t e)aporates at a temperature of 0 N " into dry air at a pressure of -,0 mm of C(. $he )apour pressure of carbon tetrachloride at 0N " is 33 mm of C(. 32. ?n a (as mi*ture consistin( of C2 and 923 C2 mo)es with )elocity of 1 m s and its mole fraction is 0.2. "alculate $he mass and molar a)era(e )elocities. $he mass and molar flu*es across a plane which is Jtationary >o)in( with mass=a)era(e )elocity >o)in( with molar a)era(e )elocity. ``````````````ALL THE BEST `````````````````

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