Shara Punk Ha

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Sharapunkha is an annual herb used in Ayurveda that has many medicinal properties. It has red or white flowers and contains various chemical constituents.

Sharapunkha is also known as Wild Indigo. Its botanical name is Tephrosia purpurea. It is described as having many branches, compound leaves, red stalked flowers, and curved legumes containing 6-10 seeds.

Sharapunkha has properties of being bitter, astringent, heating, and pungent. Its actions include expelling downwards, stimulating digestion, destroying parasites, and being rejuvenative, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing.

Sharapunkha (Tephrosia purpurea)

Sanskrit Names: Sharapunkha, Sarpamukhu, Indupushpika, Kalsha, Pleehashatru, Neelavrukshakruit. English Name: Wild Indigo Hindu Name: Sarfonka Botanical Name: Tephrosia purpurea Synonyms: Family: Fabaceae

It is an annual herb ith man! branches "#$cm high, The leaves are compound, $ % &'cm in length, &( % '& in number, ith round tips. Flo ers are red stalk, " % $ cm. In length, legume '." % " cm in length and curved. It contains ) to &* seeds. The plant flo ers in the rain! season and fruits in inter. +arities. There are t o t!pes. &, -ed and ', White .the above description is of the red one,. White Sharapunkha is small and spreads on the ground and has hair! branches. Flo ers are hite. Its /atin name is Tephrosia villosa .rough haired,. It is a rasa!ana, 0ro s all over India, but more in mountainous areas.

Tephrosia purpurea

Principle Constituents
1lassical 1ategories .0ana, 1araka 0anas2 Susruta30anas2 4nergetics asa .taste,2 Tikta .bitter,, Kasha!a .astringent, !una .5ualit!,2 /aghu .light, "irya .energ!,2 6shna .heating, "ipaka .post digestive effect,2 Katu .pungent, Pra#ha$a .Special 5ualit!,2 7hedana Dosha E%%ect: +K# Dhatus .tissues,2 -asa, -akta Srotas .channels,2 Pranavaha, -asavaha, 8nnavaha

Chemical Constituents /eaves contain rutin and rotenoids possessing piscidal and insecticidal properties.
/eaves contain high amounts of nitorgen and potassium. 8!urveda 8ctions &nulomana # e9pels do n ards Dantya # good for teeth Deepana # stimulates digestion '$araghna # anti#p!retic (rimaghna # destro!s parasites (ustaghna # good for skin condition )utrala # diuretic asayana # re:uvenative tonic Shotahara # anti#inflammator! "ishaghana # anti#poison "ranaropana # ound healing

*mportant &ctions 0ood for men during pitta stage of life. For *ndications

omen in vata period.

Phila roga, /iver disease, 0ulma .abdominal gro th,, Kasa;S asa .cold;asthma,, <vara .fever,

E+ternal use
-educes inflammation, kustaghna, antidotal, bacterial, ound healing and haemostatic. 6seful in toothache.

*nternal use
Circulatory system: 8cts of the spleen and is anti#inflammator!. Digesti$e system: 4nhances taste, improves digestion and e9pulsion, optimises bile secretions and is good for removing parasite and orms. -oot decoction good for flatulence. espiratory system: 49pectorant. eproducti$e System: 6terine stimulant. Skin: 0ood action on the skin. ,rinary system: =iuretic

Precautions Sa%ety
No drug#herb interactions kno n.

Parts ,sed
Parts used: -oot and hole plant Dosage: Po der (#) gm

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