HILTI ExBar Rebar Design Soft Ware

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The document discusses rebar design software and provides guidance on using the program and interpreting its outputs.

The document is discussing rebar design software for calculating load capacities of reinforcement bars. It provides disclaimers and guidelines for using the program.

The document mentions that the program's calculations consider factors like material strengths, geometry, substrate temperatures, cracks, water saturation, and transverse reinforcement.

Hilti EXBAR Rebar Design

Copyright 2004 Hilti AG, FL- 4 4 !"haan Dis"lai#er

$%&'R(A)(* &LEA!E READ CAREF+LL, By using this program you are indicating your agreement with the following statement.

All data and calculations (incl. drawings) itemized in the program are based upon the principles, for and safety factors set out in the Hilti technical instructions, the operating manuals, the setting man the installation manuals and other data sheets. Any values therein are based on the respective av values obtained during the product testing phases. Because of variations in materials, on-site testin be performed to determine performance at any specific site.

Any modification of these preconditions by the user, if possible, could result in an application not m the safety provisions given by Hilti or by law. herefore, the user agrees to indemnify and hold har Hilti from all claims relating to applications based on such modifications.

he program has been designed in such a way so as to give a specific type of result from the data has been entered. !t remains the responsibility of the customer and"or engineer responsible for the to chec$ these results before use and to assure that these results, which it provides, are suitable f customer%s specific application. he program is only an aid without any guarantee to be faultless o accuracy of the calculation in a specific application.

Hilti cannot accept any liability for direct, indirect, incidental or conse&uential damages, losses an e'penses in connection with, or by reason of, the use of, or inability to use the program for any pur

his program is provided (as is(. Any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are specifically e'clu

Version 2.10


4 4 !"haan


with the following statement.

e based upon the principles, formulas rating manuals, the setting manuals, are based on the respective average tions in materials, on-site testing must ny specific site.

d result in an application not meeting rees to indemnify and hold harmless n such modifications.

ific type of result from the data which or engineer responsible for the pro#ect which it provides, are suitable for the any guarantee to be faultless or for application.

se&uential damages, losses and or to use the program for any purpose.

. r purpose are specifically e'cluded.


1ote; 8hange parameters in actual spread sheet and modify presettings only for permanent changes

accepted limits min ma' actual H* +,- ./ ,--


%aterial fyt 01"mm23 steel yield strength (char. values) 200 .00 420 420 db reinforcing steel diameter (do not use bar sizes larger than 42 for bending) 0mm3 / 42 selection <= 01"mm23 strength class of concrete 556 0. 10 20 20 Re2-"tion Fa"tors s steel 0310 0300 0300000 0.90 0300000 0.90 b bond 0320 0300 031 03/ 0.67 0.56 c concrete 0320 0300 031 031 0.67 0.67 reduction factor for recommended loads 0344 0300 0 0 1.00 1.00 Geo#etry cs concrete cover (from a'is) 0mm3 41 00000 41 40 db min. as multiple of bar size 231 0000 231 231 spacing (from a'is to a'is) s 0mm3 10 00000 10 10 db min. as multiple of bar size 1 0000 1 1 !-bstrat te#perat-re at installation 78 -1 40 20 20 inst at service Hilti H! H*-+,78 -.0 /0 20 20 ser at service Hilti H! ./-,-78 -.0 /0 20 20 ser $n5l-en"ing 5a"tors fw,sat water saturated concrete 036 030 n.a. 030 crac$s parallel to bar 031 036 031 036 Cast-in bars lapped splice according to A8! 8ode reinforcement steel characteristic yield fyl 01"mm93 200 .00 420 420 reinforcement location factor 034 034 splice type A " type B B B (rans7erse rein5or"e#ent fyl 01"mm23 reinforcing steel characteristic yield 200 .00 420 420 str spacing 0mm3 separate table diameter db,tr 0mm3 430 40 selection

show fbd and lb" for length to yield (see calculation sheet)


proposed H* +,- ./ ,->2>2selection 220.90 0.56 0.67 1.00 [email protected]? -.A? +.-4, 2., ,-.@-.,A -.A? +.-4, 2., ,, 222+.-.? >2+.4 B

$nitial settings
Bar si8e sele"tion re"3 Hole 2ia#eters 314 02360 013 0 +2-+> +?-+@ 2--22 +2 +? 2Cast-in bars 0mm3 31 0236 013 !etting o5 #in3 e2ge 2istan"e an2 spa"ing 5or Hilti H$( H,-010 anchorage " no crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size @.,4 +2.?+,.@cs 0mm3 min. edge distance >, ,,4 spacing s 0mm3 @@, ++anchorage " crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance spacing s 0mm3 db CCdb 0mm3 0mm3 0 300 24-2, 24 0 30 22320 2?-2@ 2? 2232 21340 4--42 42134 2/3.0 4A-4B 4A 2/3.



2,.>B, +?-

@.,4 4, ,-


+,.@>, @-


22.2,, ++-

2,.>A, +2,

222n.a. -., >2+.4 B

lapped splice " no crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size @.,4 cs 0mm3 , min. edge distance >spacing s 0mm3 Blapped splice " crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance spacing s 0mm3

+2.?>, @,

+,.@,, ++-



2,.>B, +?-

@.,4 4, ,-


+,.@>, 4-


22.2,, ++-

2,.>A, +2,

>2>2separate table selection

shear design " no crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size @.,4 cs 0mm3 min. edge distance @spacing s 0mm3 +Bshear design " crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance spacing s 0mm3

+2.?+-, 22-





@.,4 ,-+4-







403/0 4@->2 4@ 403/

443 0 >2->, >2 443

4/300 >,->B >, 4/

40340 >B-,2 >B 4034

An"horag length










!etting o5 #in3 e2ge 2istan"e an2 spa"ing 5or Hilti H$( RE-100 anchorage " no crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 @.,4 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance ,spacing s 0mm3 +-anchorage " crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance spacing s 0mm3

+2.?- +,.@- +@.+- 22.2- 2,.>- 2B.AA, ??, +-+2, +>+4+>+4, 2-2,2B-

@.,4 4, ?-

+2.?- +,.@- +@.+- 22.2- 2,.>- 2B.A,,, ?, @, B++, +-+++,+@+A24-

lapped splice " no crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 @.,4 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance >, spacing s 0mm3 @lapped splice " crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 @.,4 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance >, spacing s 0mm3 @shear design " no crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 @.,4 bar size cs 0mm3 min. edge distance @spacing s 0mm3 +Bshear design " crac$s parallel to bar db 0mm3 @.,4 bar size cs 0mm3 4-min. edge distance spacing s 0mm3 +,-

+2.?- +,.@- +@.+- 22.2- 2,.>- 2B.A,,, ,, AA, B, +-++++, +2, +4+?-

+2.?- +,.@- +@.+- 22.2- 2,.>- 2B.A,,, ,, AA, B, +-++++, +2, +4+?-

+2.?- +,.@- +@.+- 22.2- 2,.>- 2B.A+++>, +?2-22, 2A, 24, 2@4>>->,,4-

+2.?- +,.@- +@.+- 22.2- 2,.>- 2B.A,,B-B-@,- +2-- +B-+,+,+,+,, 2-2@-















4+.B- 4>.@- 4B.++>, +,2@2@,


+A 22, 44, >,-

4+.B- 4>.@- 4/300 ++, ++, 2424-

>+.4++, 24-

4+.B- 4>.@- 4/300 @, +++@22-


4+.B- 4>.@- 4/300 @, +++@22-


4+.B- 4>.@- 4/300 2@4A,B?2-


4+.B- 4>.@- 4/300 2--- 2,-424A-


8ustomer 1o.; 9ainal Abi2in Fhone; 0/011..20101 .esp.;

Hilti EXBAR Rebar Design Docation;

&age Euotation; Fro#ect; Dist 1o. Cate;

Hilti AG FL- 4 4 !"haan B 2.+@ A8! 4+B--2 (able 434b


Fro#ect 1ame; .cd s<2 s




s s

Hilti H$(-RE 100

2esign loa2s in :;)<#= 2ry "on"rete steel $)&+( %aterial steel strength class of concrete Geo#etry min. edge distance min. spacing Drille2 Hole Con2ition hole to be clean water saturation Substrate temperature at installation in service bar si8e drill bit size sectional area of bars design yield basic design bond edge distance spacing length to develop yield design bond stress multiple of bar size
inst ser



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bond of adhesive Re2-"tion Fa"tors s steel 0300000 0.90 b bond 03/ 0.56 c concrete 0306.46 0.67 reduction factor for allowable loads

concrete; splitting trans7erse rein5or"e#ent str spacing; db,tr diameter fyl yield strength

fyl <= cs,min smin

400 41 231 1

1"mm9 1"mm9 db db

200 0 420

1.00 0

shear stress acting in slab

fw,sat 0 20 20 db CAH Iyd,s l%banchorage multiple of bar size design bond stress cs+ s lb fbd lb "db 400 000 factor 78 78 0mm3 0mm3 0mm93 0$13 0mm3 01"mm93 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 01"mm93 0--3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 0mm3 00 +2-+> ?+ 2A ++2 +2 ?.A 10 200 ++2.4 7.6 11.8 "ra";s parallel to bar type o5 "onne"tion

no an"horage

8ast-in bars yield strength fyl reinforcement location factor splice type (class B 5 standard)
04 0. 0 +?-+@ 2--22 24-2, +2? >A +,+2 ?.A .1 200 +>@.A 7.6 11.8 +@@ ?+ +B? +2 ?.A 60 200 +B?.4 7.6 11.8 2B? +-4 22, +2 ?.A 61 200 22,.7.6 11.8 22 21 2 2?-2@ 4--42 4A-4B 4B? +4@ 2A2 +2 ?.A 021 200 2A>.2 7.6 11.9 ,-? +B2 4-> +2 ?., 021 200 44B.B 6.7 13.3 A>2 24+ 4@+ +> A.A 040 200 >2-.4 6.1 14.7 42 4@->2 ?@> 2BA >A2 +, A.2 041 200 ,-B.? 5.6 16.0

>2+.4 class B
41 >2->, @,? 4>> ,>+, ,.B 010


cast-in bar to be spli >B2 1 ,4@.@ >2,.2?A 4.,,,4> 5.8 2A.,?@B 15.5

020 pre-2rille2 hole to be "lean at ti#e o5 installation 040 0.0 spli"e> lap length ls < an"horage> linst 0/0 200 220 210 400 410 400 410 100 110 .00 600 /00 00 0000 0000 0200

2,.A?@ 22.B? 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@ 2,.A?@

>,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, [email protected], +A+.,+ +A,.-A

loa2s in :;)<bar= 5or r-ling 7al-es steel, bon2 an2 "on"rete

>2.AA@ >,.A-> A+.-,2 >,.A-> AB.AB4 >,.A-> ?+.>B @+.A?4 >,.A-> ?+.>B +--.B> >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+, >,.A-> ?+.>B +-4.+,

2e5or#e2 high bon2 rein5or"ing bars

+4+.B> [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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+A,.-A +@2.,B 22-.-@ 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2? 24+.2?

+@A.?2 22>.B4 2,2.@4 2B+ 2B,.@2 2B,.@2 2B,.@2 2B,.@2 2B,.@2 2B,.@2 2B,.@2 2B,.@2

224.2, 2,,.+, 2B?.-> 4+B.@> 4>>.4B 4>>.4B 4>>.4B 4>>.4B 4>>.4B 4>>.4B 4>>.4B 4>>.4B

?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+> ?A.--+>

format of loads; bold 5 steel fully utilizedG standard 5 bond is criticalG italics 5 concrete is critical Cata and results must be chec$ed for agreement with the actual e'isting conditions and for plausibility B 2.+@ J2.+- -4"2--, 2--> Hilti AK, ID-@>@> Hchaan Hilti is a registered rademar$ of Hilti AK, Hchaan

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