Govt. of NCT of Delhi Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Mangolpuri: Delhi 110 083
Govt. of NCT of Delhi Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Mangolpuri: Delhi 110 083
Govt. of NCT of Delhi Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Mangolpuri: Delhi 110 083
EPABX No: 011-27900333 (011-27900100-339) Fax: 011-27924403, E-mail: [email protected]
Applications are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates to fill up the vacant/likely to become vacant posts of Senior and Junior Resident Doctors on Regular basis in this hospital. FOR JUNIOR RESIDENTS: S. No. Deptt. Vacancies Date of Interview UR SC ST OBC Total 1. JR (Dental) 2 2 16.01.2014 11.00 A.M 2. JR (MBBS) 17 03 03 14 37 27.01.2014 11.00 A.M Out of above posts, one post is reserved for Person with Disabilities as per rules. Reserve Category seat will be filled by General Category on Adhoc basis in case of non availability of suitable candidate of reserve category. Qualification: MBBS/BDS Degree from a recognized University/Institution and must possess valid Registration Certificate from DMC by MBBS candidates and from Delhi Dental Council by BDS candidates. Must have registration receipt for DMC/DDC on day of interview. Internship: Candidates who have completed internship earlier than 15.01.2012 are not eligible. Pay Scale: PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100+Grade Pay Rs. 5400 plus allowances as admissible under the rules. Age: 30 years for General, 5 years relaxable for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC candidates (belonging to delhi only) on the closing date of submission of application. Tenure: The maximum tenure of Junior Residents (MBBS) is for a period of one year only including any service rendered as Junior Resident earlier on adhoc/regular basis in any recognized institution. The appointment will be initially for 06 month that can be extended further upto a maximum period of 01 years subject to satisfactory performance, work and conduct report from concerned HOD. However, tenure of services of Jr. Resident (Dental) will be only for a maximum period of Six months. Further, in case of non availability of candidates, as per the relevant scheme mentioned above, candidates may be considered in terms of the relaxation of provision as per circular No. F.121/26/2010/H&FW/1996-2045 dated 10.06.2011 of Deptt. of H&FW, GNCT of Delhi with the following relaxation :i. ii. Upper age limit for eligibility for SR/JR will be 40 years. In case of non availability of fresh candidates, candidates who have completed 03 years of Residency as Senior Residents and candidates who have completed 01 year Residency as JR. Residency may also be allowed to appear in the interview. Separate merit lists for fresh candidates and for other (i.e. those who have competed 3 years of Sr. Residency/01 year Junior Residency already) would be prepared. Firstly, the list containing the names of fresh candidates would be exhausted for appointment and the second list would be used only after that.
iii. iv.
v. vi. vii.
Post Graduate doctors who are interested to serve as Junior Residents will be allowed to join as Jr. Residents. All appointments for Residentship from second list will be for one year only. It would not be renewable after one year. Candidates who have completed internship earlier than 15.01.2011 are not eligible. FOR SENIOR RESIDENTS: S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Deptt. UR Obst. & Gynae Pediatrics Patholoty Orthopedic Radiology Medicine Anaesthesia Surgery 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 3 1 Vacancies SC ST OBC Date of Interview Total 6 7 1 3 2 2 5 1 17.01.2014 11.00 A.M 20.01.2014 11.00 A.M 22.01.2014 11.00 A.M 24.01.2014 11.00 A.M
Out of above, vacant posts in the aforesaid Departments two posts are reserved for Person with Disabilities as per rules. Reserve Category seat will be filled by General Category on Adhoc basis in case of non availability of suitable candidate of reserve category. Qualification: MBBS with P.G. Degree/Diploma/DNB in the concerned specialty from a recognized University/Institution and should have a valid registration with Delhi Medical Council. Must have not completed 03 years Senior Residency in any recognized institution including regular & adhoc period. Must have DMC registration receipt on day of interview. Pay Scale: PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100+Grade Pay Rs. 6600 plus allowances as admissible under the rules. Age: 35 years for General, 5 years relaxable for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC candidates (belonging to delhi only) on the closing date of submission of application. Tenure: The tenure of Senior Residents is for a period of Three years including any service rendered as Senior Resident earlier on adhoc/regular basis in any recognized institution. The appointment will be initially for 01 year that can be extended further upto a maximum period of 03 years subject to satisfactory performance, work and conduct report from concerned HOD after yearly review. Other conditions/requirements:1. All Senior and Junior Residents already working on short term/adhoc basis in SGMH will also apply and appear for the interview. 2. The candidates who are already in govt. service should submit an NOC from His/Her employer. 3. In case of non availability of SC/ST/OBC candidates, the post shall be filled on adhoc basis from other categories. 4. The services of Junior and Senior Residents shall be governed by residency schemes of Govt. of India/Civil Services (Temporary Rules). 5. Candidates are required to bring all original certificates and testimonials along with two passport size photographs on the date of interview.
6. The posts will be filled up in phases as per availability of vacancies. The number of vacancies as shown above is subject to change. 7. Appointment shall be subject to medical fitness & verification of certificates. 8. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview 9. Hostel Accommodation is compulsory for Jr. Residents subject to availability.
Fee Payable (Non-refundable) for Sr. Resident and Jr. Resident Post: Rs. 500/- for General/OBC candidates in the form of Demand Draft/Pay order, in favour of Medical Superintendent, SGM Hospital, payable at Delhi. SC/ST/Person with Disabilities candidates are exempted from payment of fee. Submission of application: Interested and eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format (available on the official website on Delhi Govt.) alongwith demand draft, self attested copies of all testimonials and certificates. Last Date: Application, complete in all respect must reach the office of the Medical Superintendent, Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Mangol Puri, Delhi-110083 by 14.01.2014 incomplete application or application received after the closing date will be rejected and no further correspondence/inquiry shall be entertained. NOTE: - Competent Authority reserves the right to any amendment, cancellation and changes of the advertisement. -SdMEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT SANJAY GANDHI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
Application for the post of JR/SR in the Deptt. of 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Candidate:.. Fathers/Husband Name:... Date of Birth :. Postal Address:. .... 5. Permanent Address: .... .. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Category SC/ST/OBC (OBC of Delhi Only). Telephone no.:.... Date of completion of Internship Academic Qualification:.... DMC registration:.. DD Detail: Experience:. .. .... I solemnly declare that the above statements made by me are correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed thereof. Place: Date:. (Signature of Applicant) Paste your recent passport size photograph