What About The Phonetic Font I Already Use?: Vowels

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As well as Lucida Sans Unicode, there are one or two other Unicode fonts available that include the

IPA symbols. If you happen to have a Japanese version of Windows, you will probably find that you have a font called MS Mincho. As well as thousands of an!i "#hinese$ characters, this %.&&'( font also has most of the IPA characters, thou)h some are not very well drawn. *owever, there are only a handful of Spacin) 'odifier Letters and no #ombinin) +iacritical 'ar,s at all. -he rest of us can download this font free as part of the ./ffice 0P -ool1 Japanese Lan)ua)e Pac,2 available at http133office.microsoft.com3downloads3 . -he lar)est Unicode font is Arial Unicode MS. It runs to 45.6 '( and includes 78,8%6 different characters 9 the entire Unicode 4.6. It naturally includes the full set of IPA characters and diacritics. If you want to mi: #hinese, Arabic, *indi and ;ietnamese characters with phonetic symbols, all without chan)in) fonts, this is the one to )o for. (ut because this font is so vast, there is a ris, that it will slow your computer down when you use it. If you<d still li,e to have it, you can download it free from 'icrosoft at http133office.microsoft.com3downloads346663aruniupd.asp: . So the best Unicode phonetic font seems to be Lucida Sans Unicode. It has everythin) the ordinary practisin) phonetician needs in the way of symbols, yet remains conveniently compact. =ou may find it u)ly when displayed or printed in lar)er si>es1 if so, stic, to si>e 86, as I do.

What about the phonetic font I already use?

(efore Unicode "multibyte$ fonts became available, many of us used special customi>ed sin)le?byte phonetic fonts. =ou may be familiar with proprietary fonts such as the Ipa?sam fonts available from University #olle)e London, or the free SIL @ncore fonts from the Summer Institute of Lin)uistics. -hey will still wor, in current versions of Windows and Word, but you can<t e:ploit Auto#orrect with them in the way Auir,e and *olser discuss, and I shanBt mention them further. -hey will probably )radually disappear over the ne:t few years, as more and more Unicode fonts become available.

AutoCorrect codes for phonetic symbols

=ou can create Auto#orrect codes for IPA symbols in e:actly the same way as Auir,e and *olser describe for accented letters of the ordinary alphabet. A)ain, it<s up to you to decide what codes you choose to use. Personally, for the startin) and endin) character of my phonetic symbol codes I use C, the vertical line. /n a U ,eyboard, it<s conveniently located on the same ,ey as the bac,slash, but reDuires you to press the shift ,ey. -his is handy, because I li,e to use SA'PA for my Auto#orrect codes, and most of the SA'PA symbols are uppercase. "If you<re not familiar with SA'PA, it<s an AS#IIi>ation of IPA widely used by speech technolo)ists. Eead about it at http133www.phon.ucl.ac.u,3home3sampa3home.htm .$ So I su))est the followin) pattern for phonetic codes1 "8$ Startin) character 9 C "4$ SA'PA code 9 such as A "for $ or F "for G$ "5$ @ndin) character 9 C -hus the code for is CAC, and the code for G is CFC. Hollow the instructions )iven in Auir,e and *olser<s article to create an Auto#orrect code for each phonetic symbol you want to use. *ere<s a table of the basic SA'PA set. Vowels Code CAC CIC Letter J Description script a, open bac, unrounded, #ardinal 7, @n). start ae li)ature, raised open front unrounded, @n). trap



turned a, open?mid schwa, Kerman besser turned script a, open bac, rounded, @n). lot epsilon, cardinal 5, open?mid front unrounded, Hr. mme turned e, schwa, @n). banana reversed epsilon, open?mid central, @n). nurse small cap i, la: close front unrounded, @n). kit turned c, cardinal &, open?mid bac, rounded, @n). thought slashed o, cardinal 86, close?mid front rounded, Hr. deux oe li)ature, cardinal 88, open?mid front rounded, Hr. neuf small cap oe li)ature, cardinal 84, open front rounded upsilon, la: close bac, rounded, @n). foot barred u, cardinal 8%, close central rounded, Swedish sju turned v, cardinal 8Q, open?mid bac, unrounded, @n). strut small cap y, la: close front rounded, Kerman hbsch Description beta, voiced bilabial fricative, Spanish cabo c?cedilla, voiceless palatal fricative, Kerman ich eth, voiced dental fricative, @n). then )amma, voiced velar fricative, Spanish fuego left?tailed n, palatal nasal, Spanish ao turned y, palatal lateral, Italian famiglia en), velar nasal, @n). thing inverted s.c. r, voiced uvular fricative, Hrench roi esh, voiceless postalveolar "palatoalveolar$ fricative, @n). ship theta, voiceless dental fricative, @n). thin turned h, labial?palatal appro:imant, Hrench huit e>h "yo)h$, voiced postalveolar "palatoal.$ fricative, @n). measure dotless Y, )lottal stop, Kerman Ver_ein

Consonants Code Letter C(C R C#C S C+C T CKC CJC CLC CUC V CEC CSC C-C W C*C CXC CYC

Length, stress and tone marks Code C1C CZC C[C Diacritics Code C\C C]C Symbol , e.). n ^, e.). ^ Description combinin) vertical line below, syllabicity mar,, @n). garden combinin) tilde, nasali>ed, Hrench bon Symbol Description trian)ular colon, len)th mar, vertical stro,e, primary stress mar, low vertical stro,e, secondary stress mar,

Uote that you have to type a diacritic after the base symbol it )oes with. So for ^you type CACC ]C. In the symbol bo:, by the way, the syllabicity mar, is located directly above the Kree, capital pi "_$, but two lines hi)her. -he combinin) tilde is directly above the Kree, upper?case >eta "`$, but three lines up. As you may notice, the Lucida Sans Unicode diacritics are not always easy to read on?screen. -hey donBt all print out very well, either. -hese may be all the symbols you need. -hey are sufficient for you to ma,e phonemic transcriptions of @n)lish EP, Hrench, Kerman, Spanish and Italian. If you need more symbols, create an Auto#orrect code for them in the same way. -here may not be a SA'PA code for them, but with the help of the 0?SA'PA proposals "www.phon.ucl.ac.u,3home3sampa3:?sampa.htm$ you can code all the remainin) IPA symbols unambi)uously. "(ut remember that you can instead use any other code you find convenient.$ *ere is a selection of 0?SA'PA codes1

Code C8C fig!"# CtaC CnaC CEbC CQC ChbC C C C7C C'bC CcdC Cc6C fig!$%# CcdC

Symbol e!g! p$ e!g! n$ e!g!$n$

Description barred i, cardinal 85, close central unrounded lon)?tailed t, voiceless retrofle: plosive lon)?tailed n, retrofle: nasal small cap r, uvular trill turned s.c. !, alveolar tap hoo,ed h, voiced )lottal fricative belted l, voiceless alveolar lateral fricative dar, l, velari>ed alveolar lateral velar appro:imant modifier apostrophe, e!ective combinin) rin) below, voiceless3devoiced combinin) brid)e below, dental

-he e!ective diacritic is located immediately below "small cap b$. -he voicelessness diacritic is located in the same column as the Kree, upper?case mu "e$, but two lines hi)her up. -he dental diacritic is in the same column as the Kree, upper?case rho "f$, but two lines up.

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