Administration of Medication

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Ohio Department of Job and Family Services


Child Care Centers and Type A Homes

This form must be used by child care centers and type A homes to meet the requirement of OAC rules 5101:2-12-31 and 5101:2-13-31

JFS 01217 (Rev. 9/2005) Page 1 of 2
This form is valid for no longer than twelve (12) months. One form must be used for each medication.

Box 1 - The following section must always be completed by the parent/guardian.

Check all that apply:

Prescription medication Topical product or lotion
Nonprescription medication Food supplement
Refrigeration required Modified diet

Complete all of the following information:

Name of child:___________________________________ Date of birth: _______________Weight: __________

Name of medication:______________________________ Exact dosage: _______________________________

To be administered at the following times_________________________________________________________

For the following period of time:________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature:________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Box 2 -The following section must be completed by a licensed physician, a licensed dentist or an advance
practice nurse when:
1. A physician's instruction is needed for a nonprescription medication (e.g. child is underage or
underweight per the label instructions); or
2. It is a sample medication without a prescription label; or
3. The nonprescription medication is to be given longer than three consecutive days within a fourteen day
period or is a topical product or lotion that is being used for a skin ailment and is to be applied longer than
fourteen consecutive days; or
4. The child is on a modified diet (an entire food group is eliminated) or food supplement; or
5. The medication contains codeine or aspirin.

_________________________________ is under my care and should receive _____________________________
(name of child) (name of medication, vitamin, diet)

as follows: ___________________________________________________________________________________
(include dosage and instructions)

Possible side effects to watch for are: ______________________________________________________________

Expiration date: _______________ (May not exceed 12 months from the date of this request for medications or food

______________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________
Signature of physician, dentist or advance practice nurse Date of signature Phone number

Reset Form
This form must be used by child care centers and type A homes to meet the requirement of OAC rules 5101:2-12-31 and 5101:2-13-31

JFS 01217 (Rev. 9/2005) Page 2 of 2

Box 3 - The section below must be completed by the center or type A home staff and each administration of
medication must be documented. All dosages must be recorded on page 2 of this form.

_______________________________ was given ____________________ in the amount of _______________
(Name of Child) (Name of Medication, (Dosage)
Vitamin or Diet)

Date and Time of Dosage Dosage Amount Signature of Designated Person Administering Medication

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