Sunday, January 19, 2014 Knox Bulletin

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Church Opening Today: Jim Hider Church Opening Next week: Tim Pauli Ushers this week: Sean

Raleigh, Mike & Cathy Bachner, Annie Pottle Ushers next week: Tim Pauli, Karen Savelle, iane Parker & Ron !ray Greeters this week" oug & Kathy Baker Greeters next week: on & Margaret McMillan Coffee this week: Marlene Han#on & Sharon Tay# ADULT STUD G!OU" $e meet together in the Parlour on Thur#day, January %&th at ' PM (or a)out an hour (or our (ir#t #tudy time o( *&'+, -ur re#ource i# Embracing An Adult Faith by Marcus Borg on What It Means To Be A Christian: , .ach #e##ion, /e /ill /atch a 0 1re#entation and then #hare in conver#ation and 1rayer, There i# a /ork)ook (or 1artici1ant# that /ill hel1 u# in our #hared 2ourney, The co#t o( thi# )ook i# 3'4,&&, 5( you have any 6ue#tion#, 1lea#e #1eak /ith Mark !edcke, A thank you to everyone /ho ha# #igned u1 to #et7u1 and clean7u1 co((ee and treat# on Sunday morning#, 5 #till re6uire * 1eo1le (or 8e)ruary and June, The Sign u1 #heet i# in the church o((ice or contact Anne Marie9Tim Pauli at either 4':7*;'7 <;'= or at tim1auli>roger#,com, OU! ##$%%&L '(SS(ON ) on?t (orget to #to1 at the 8ood Bank ta)le and 1urcha#e an item, All (ood item# have 1rice# marked, Sim1ly make your choice and 1lace it in a )o@ )elo/, Then 1ay )y 1utting the money into the ca#h )o@, So #im1le )ut each donation make# #uch a di((erence in the live# o( tho#e in need, &(NTA(L ON T*% !OAD Aa#t July, /e had a (anta#tic 4 day# /ith BKintail -n The RoadC, Thank# to the good /ork o( the 1lanning team, volunteer# and the Kintail Sta((, /e had an amaDing time, $e 1lan to have K-TR at our church again thi# #ummer, $e are in need o( mem)er# (or our Planning Team, including #omeone to co7 chair /ith Bev Hider, Plea#e #1eak /ith Mark !edcke, Bev Hider or Mary ougall to learn more,

'inister: Rev, Mark !edcke 4': 4;4 =='; or )y email at mgedcke>kno@#trat(ord,com Director of 'usic: SuDanne Strahan Office Ad+inistrator: Kathy Baker Treasurer: Shannon Archer Office: ,#-)./#)01/1 kno@#>/ightman,ca O22(C% *OU!S -a+) #p+ Tuesday through 2riday

&NO3 "!%S4 T%!(AN C*U!C* 5anuary #-th6 .0#7 ##:00 a+ Mini#ter7 Rev, Mark !edcke irector o( Mu#ic7 SuDanne Strahan

"!%"A!AT(ON 2O! $O!S*(" 7 Prayer, Meditation and 0i#iting "!%LUD%: Thank# Be To Thee 7 Handel

$%LCO'% AND ANNOUNC%'%NTS CALL TO $O!S*(": Aeader" The my#tery o( human e@i#tence i# that /e )elong to !od and have )een made in the divine image, People: In God we live and move and have our being. Therefore, we know ourselves only when we know God. Aeader" -ur live# mu#t re(lect the Creator?# love and 1ur1o#e (or creation, People: We acknowledge God as Crea or and !ord. EAiving 8aith


Come, let u# /or#hi1 !od, G %*' Prai#e to the Aord, the Almighty

O"%N(NG * 'N:

"!A %! O2 ADO!AT(ON 8 CON2%SS(ON AND T*% LO!D9S "!A %!: -ur 8ather in heaven, hallo/ed )e your name, your kingdom come, your /ill )e done on earth a# in heaven, !ive u# today our daily )read, 8orgive u# our #in# a# /e (orgive tho#e /ho #in again#t u#, Save u# (rom the time o( trial and deliver u# (rom evil, 8or the kingdom, the 1o/er and the glory are your# no/ and (orever, Amen "ASS(NG O2 T*% "%AC%: Aeader" The Peace o( Chri#t )e /ith you Congrega ion: "nd also wi h you. ANT*%': Aord, 5 Stretch My Hand# to Hou I Jay Althou#e

C*(LD!%N9S * 'N: G +=+ The church i# /herever !od?# 1eo1le C*(LD!%N9S T('% SC!("TU!% !%AD(NG: Jeremiah *:"'7*, +7'+ Roman# '4"47;,'% S%!'ON: A 8uture $ith Ho1e

* 'N: G;4: 5n loving 1artner#hi1 O22%!(NG O22%!TO! : Andante con moto 7 Mendel##ohn

O22%!TO! "!A(S%: G';* A# /ith gladne## men o( old "!A %! O2 D%D(CAT(ON EtogetherF od o! ho"e# $e gi%e you our than&s !or the many gi!ts that $e en'oy. Bless these gi!ts $e ha%e gi%en. May our o!!erings both here and in e%ery "art o! our li%es ( our time# our talents and our money ( $or& to$ards building a $orld !illed $ith ho"e# both through the ministries o! our congregation and through od)s mission carried out by $hat $e do together. In *esus) name. Amen "!A %!S O2 T*% "%O"L%: CLOS(NG * 'N: G+=& 5n Chri#t there i# no ea#t or /e#t 4%N%D(CT(ON * 'N: G;44 !o ye, go ye into the /orld "OSTLUD%: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : The #ermon, call to /or#hi1, o((ering 1rayer and 1rayer# o( the 1eo1le come (rom Eor have )een ada1ted (romF material #hared (or +resbyterians ,haring ,unday (rom the Pre#)yterian Church in Canada,,

T*AN& OU ;<To Mary ougall, Allan Roth/ell and .leanor $aldie (or #haring in the /or#hi1 #ervice thi# morning, GA'%S N(G*T = 5anuary 1#st6 .0#7 = /:00 p<+< Aooking (or #omething to do to get rid o( the /inter )lah#J Join u# (or a (un night o( game# in the )an6uet hallK Bring your (avourite game and #nack, Hou can 1lay your (avourite game /ith your (riend# or learn a ne/ one, Mark you calendar# and )e ready to have #ome (un /ith your church (amilyKKK OUT* G!OU" GO%S 2O! A SL%(G* !(D%> Tonight, /e /ill )e going on a one7hour #leigh ride, $e meet at 4"+4 1,m, at the church and /ill car1ool, -ur #leigh ride i# (rom <"%& I ;"%& 1,m, and then /e /ill return (or a cu1 o( hot chocolate at the church, 5( you have any 6ue#tion# or i( you are intere#ted in attending thi# (un event, 1lea#e #1eak /ith Shannon & $endell Archer, -ur ne@t event /ill )e held on 8e)ruary :, $e /ill have lunch and then go Btu)ingC at St, Mary#, The co#t /ill )e 3*& 1er 1er#on, S%SS(ON !%"O!T Se##ion met January '%th and /elcomed the (ive ne/ly ordained .lder#" 0ivien Harding, $endell Archer, Aori S1eiran, Jim ougall and Bev Hider, iane Parker /a# elected a# the ne/ Roll Clerk, A committee /a# (ormed to revie/ our Roll and to organiDe ne/ .lder route li#t#, 5t /a# decided to invite BKintail on the RoadC to organiDe our 0acation Bi)le School thi# #ummer, .a#ter #ervice# /ere 1lannedLMaundy Thur#day A1ril '; at ; 1,m,, !ood 8riday A1ril '= at '' a,m, and .a#ter Sunday A1ril *& at '' a,m, The Annual Meeting ha# )een 1lanned (or Sunday March *, Several i##ue# (or the meeting /ere di#cu##ed, The -utreach Team re1orted that the nearly 3'4& rai#ed at the Sho11ing S1ree /a# donated to BChange Her $orldC in memory o( Aaure St, Pierre, Kno@ ha# T/itter and 8ace)ook account# and grou1# are reminded to contact the -((ice to have event# and other in(ormation 1o#ted, Su)mitted )y Margaret Au1ton ('"O!TANT NOT(C% Pre1aration o( the Annual Re1ort /ill )egin #hortly, 8or tho#e /ho /ill )e #u)mitting re1ort#, 1lea#e do #o a# #oon a# 1o##i)le, The (inal deadline (or your re1ort i# 2e?ruary #7< Hour re1ort i# to )e given to Kathy Baker in the o((ice, Thank#

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