Water Permit Application Form

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Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD 8th Floor, NIA Building, EDSA, Diliman, Quezon City

No. Filed in the Office of Date _________________

5. Filing & Legal Research fee Payable to National Water Resources Board a. Phil. Postal Money Order Nos.



1. Name of Applicant

2. Mailing Address b. NWRB Official Receipt No. _________________ 2a. Telephone No. 3. Tax Account No. 6. Name of Water Source 9. Months of Low-Flow 4. Citizenship Date __________________ Email Address 8. Method of Diversion 11. Purpose

7. Location of Diversion Point 10. Water Needed in Liters/Second

12. If for Agriculture, Area of Land and Crops Raised

13. If for Domestic Water Supply. Population Served

14. If for Industry, Brief Description on how Water will be Used

15. If for Power, Rated Capacity in Kilowatts

16. Other Uses

17. Name of Person/s Holding or Claiming Rights to the Use of Water including the Amount and Nature of Use Downstream and Upstream of Proposed Point of Diversion

I hereby certify that the information given above and in documents submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. __________________________________________ Signature of Applicant TO BE FILLED BY NWRB AGENT 18. CHECKLIST on General Information and Description a. Ownership/right to land established b. Citizenship as a Filipino established c. Brief description of proposed project/development d. Location plan of water source and point of diversion using a scale of 1:50,000 19. Diversion Point Latitude : Longitude : Prepared by:

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date

___________________________________ Notary Public/Administering Officer e.

Location plan of areas to be developed indicating the layout of proposed works f. Certification of Incorporation if applicant is an association or corporation g. Other information as specified under Sect. 4 Rules and Regulations implementing the Water Code 20. Possible adverse effect to public and/or provate interest:

Submitted by:

Date: Date: 21. Water Discharge (To be filled by NWRB Hydrologist/Staff) a. 80% of time equalled or exceeded b. Mean of monthly discharge L/S c. Amount of Water recommended for approval

22. Other comments and recommendations: Prepared by: Date: Submitted by: Date:

Name and Address of NWRB Agent


Date: By:
This is to certify that an application of WATER PERMIT with pertinent information included herewith, has been filed with this Office. Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed appropriation may file with this Office, a written and subscribed protest stating the reasons for his objection. 1. Name of Applicant 2. Mailing Address

3. Name of water source

4. Method of Diversion

5. Location of Diversion Point

6. Water Needed in Liters per Second

7. Period of Water Use

8. Purpose


No person shall divert or appropriate water from any public water source such as rivers, creeks, brooks, springs, lakes, lagoons, swamps, marshes, subterranean, or groundwater and sea water, without first securing a Water Permit from the National Water resources Board.


Water Permit Applications must be filed with the Office of the DPWH District Engineer, the NIA Provincial Irrigation Engineer, NPC Regional Manager or the LWUA Water District General Manager whichever is designated as agent by the Board in the province where the point of diversion is situated. 1. The following may file an application for Water Permit: A. Citizens of the Philippines; B. Association, duly registered cooperatives or corporations organized under the laws of the Philippines at least 60 percent of the capital of which is owned by the citizens of the Philippines C. Government entities and instrumentalities, including government owned or controlled corporations. 2. All communications to the applicant, including the Water Permit, will be directed to the mailing address indicated. The National Water Resources Board must be notified immediately of any changes in address. 3. Applicants without a TIN must first secure one from the Bureau of Internal Revenue before filing a Water Permit Application. 4. Only citizens of the Philippines of legal age, as well as judicial persons, who are qualified by law to exploit and develop water resources, may apply for a Water Permit. 5. 6. The PMMO or NWRB Official Receipt Number, the date and amount paid shall be indicated. The official name or (local name) of the river, creek, brook, lake, etc., or the words spring or groundwater, whichever is appropriate, shall be indicated. 7. The location of the diversion point indicating the sitio/Barrio and the municipality where the diversion point is located. 8. 9. Indicate method of diverting water whether by dam, pump, etc. Indicate the months during the year when the floe of the stream is considered low flow (say, for example, from January to April). 10. Indicate the amount of water applied for, expressed in liters per second. 11. The purpose of which a Water Permit is applied for whether for Domestic, Municipal, Irrigation, Power Generation, Fisheries, Livestock Raising, Industrial, Recreational or other purpose. 12. If water will be used for irrigation, indicate the area of land in hectares and the crop to be raised. 13. For domestic water supply, indicate the number of people served. 14. For industry, such as mining, or other industrial purpose, make a brief description of the proposed project including, among others, how the water will be used, the amount of water needed for the purpose, the amount and quality of water to be discharged back to the source if any, and the proposed waste water treatment works to be provided. 15. For hydraulic power development, indicate the power plant rated capacity in kilowatts. 16. Specify other uses or which Water Permit is applied for. 17. Indicate the names of appropriators holding or claiming rights to the used of water including the amount in liters per second and nature of use, both downstream and upstream of the proposed point of diversion.


Application with incomplete information and/or insufficient documentation shall not be accepted for filing 18-20. To be filled by NWRB Agent 21-22. To be filled by NWRB Staff


Accomplished application form must be in 4 copies and Notice of WPA must be in 10 copies


A. Duly accomplished Water Permit Application and Notices B. Land Ownership (any of the following : Certificate of Title; Tax Declaration; Deed of Sale; Lease Agreement; Deed of Donation; Certification from LGU to utilize the source) 2 copies C. List of beneficiaries with corresponding hectarage and tax declaration certified by Municipal/Provincial Assessor D. Location plan and vicinity map showing : 1. point of diversion of source of water 2. delineation of service area indicating hectarage for which water will be used 3. nature of diversion works whether temporary or permanent 4. in case of groundwater, location and spacing of proposed drilling sites E. CORPORATION/PARTNERSHIP - SEC Registration with Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws and Certificate of latest Corporate Financial Structure issued by the Corporate Secretary; COOPERATIVE - Certificate of Registration from CDA; SINGLE PROPRIETOR - Certificate WATER DISTRICT - Certificate of Conformance from LWUA of Registration from DTI; BARANGAY WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION - Certificate of Registration F. Environmental Compliance Certificate or Certificate of Exemption (DENR - Reg'l. Office) G. Bacteriological Test (if found negative, attached duly notarized manifestation letter indicating water treatment process) H. Clearance from B.F.A.D. or any agency accredited with B.F.A.D. (for Bottled Water) I. Clearance from L.L.D.A. if source of water is within Laguna de Bay watershed region J. Subdivision Plan K. Brief description of project which includes : 1. how water will be used 2. amount of water needed 3. power expected to be generated 4. amount of water to be discharged back to the source 5. measures to be taken to avoid water pollution 6. population and area to be served 7. area of water surface needed for the purpose 8. scheme of development L. Well drilling data (Pumping Test, Well Log Data, Water Analysis) in case of existing groundwater source. NOTE: WELL DRILLER MUST HAVE A VALID NWRB CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION M. Other requirement as deemed necessary by the Board


MUNICIPAL USE: documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, D4, E, G, J, L, M IRRIGATION/AGRICULTURE USE: should submit documents listed on letters A, B, C, D1-4, E, L, M POWER USE: should submit documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, E, F, K1-5 and K8, L, M FISHERIES USE: should submit documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, D4, E, F, L, M INDUSTRIAL USE: should submit documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, D4, E, F, I, K1, K2, K4, K5, K8 L, M LIVESTOCK USE: should submit documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, D4, E, F, L, M RECREATIONAL USE: documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, D4, E, F, K1, K2, K5, K7, L, M OTHER USE: documents listed on letters A, B, D1, D3, D4, E, G, H, K1, K2, K5, L, M

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