pdf3 - Builders - Detailed - Manual - Upgradeable - Blair - VIP PDF
pdf3 - Builders - Detailed - Manual - Upgradeable - Blair - VIP PDF
pdf3 - Builders - Detailed - Manual - Upgradeable - Blair - VIP PDF
Manual for the upgradeable BVIP model with spiral superstructure and tubular vent pipe
Peter Morgan
Aquamor, Harare
January 2011
In 2010 the Government of Zimbabwe relaxed its technical policy guideline for family toilets (the spiral brick Blair VIP) to include an additional design called an Upgradeable BVIP (uBVIP). In this version the basic requirement is for a brick lined pit and a covering concrete slab, which allows the owner to upgrade in a sequence of steps to attain the final brick built Blair VIP. The starting point is a brick lined pit of suitable capacity capped by a slab which has both squat and vent holes. The government specifies that the range of vent pipe options should include those made from bricks as well as tubes (eg PVC or asbestos etc). It is a requirement that the minimum life of the pit be at least 10 years. However recent developments in manufacture have significantly reduced the cost of PVC pipes. It already well established that tubular vents are more efficient than brick pipes, and therefore there is a place for them in modern BVIP technology. There are certain other advantages in using tubular pipes. The configuration of the concrete slab can be modified to reduce the number of bricks used and also the ease of construction. A manual has already been written on the uBVIP designed for use with a brick (or tubular) pipe. This manual describes the construction of a BVIP designed specifically for the tubular 110mm pipe. In modern Zimbabwe an era of constraint dictates that cement should be used sparingly so that the investment made is good value for money and time. Consequently a smaller, lighter and more economical 1.2m diameter concrete slab has been designed. This uses 12 litres of Portland cement and 60 litres of clean river sand (5:1) and 3mm or barbed wire for reinforcing. The method of construction of the brick lined pit has also been streamlined. The depth is shallower than older pits (2m rather than 3m), but it is also wider (1.4m rather than 1.1m). In order for the wider pit lining to connect to the small diameter slab, a method known as corbelling is used where the upper courses of brickwork are stepped in to the required diameter that will support the slab (1.2m). This revised method of pit lining is easier to construct since the builder can stand on the base of the pit throughout the construction. Also a well tested method of using a much weaker cement mortar has been introduced for bonding the pit brickwork. This consists of 20 parts pit sand and 1 part Portland cement. This well researched revision of the construction method means that a single 50kg bag of Portland cement is sufficient to line a pit and caste a suitable concrete slab.
The basic aim of this new approach is to provide, at relatively low cost, a system which can considerably reduce the extent of open defecation (in the absence of any toilet), and has the potential to be upgraded into the familiar BVIP over time. Farm brick are common in most parts of Zimbabwe and are produced locally and at low cost. Where bricks are not easily available alternative approaches must be found.
How it works 4
Materials required
The Upgradeable BVIP is constructed in two stages. The first stage is the pit lining and the construction and fitting of the concrete slab. The second stage is the construction of the superstructure.
*Down hill from a well or borehole to reduce possible underground contamination of the water supply. *Where the soil is firm to avoid possible latrine collapse *On slightly raised ground so that rainwater can drain away from the site of the toilet *Near the house for the convenience of the householders *Away from trees so that air can flow easily over the pipe *The orientation of the structure - to provide the best privacy for the users
Stages of construction
The stages of construction are as follows:
1. Dig the pit. 2. Make the concrete slab 3. Line the pit with bricks and fit the cured slab 4. Build the superstructure Stage 1. Dig the pit Dig a round pit 2m deep and 1.7m in diameter. Dig the pit with straight sides and a flat bottom.
Stage 2.
The concrete slab for the uBVIP is 1.2m in diameter and made with a mix of 12litres of Portland cement and 60 litres of clean river sand (1:5 mix). The hole for the vent is 110mm in diameter and the squat hole measures 300mm X 150mm. The vent hole is designed for a 110mm PVC pipe which is placed inside the structure. The 110mm hole is placed 110 112mm from the edge of the slab and the vent and squat holes are about 200mm apart. The arrangement of the holes are shown in the photo. The vent hole is made by using a short length (75mm) of PVC pipe as mould. The squat hole in this case is made using a specially designed steel mould. 12m of steel wire or barbed wire is required for reinforcing per (4 X1.1m + 5 X 1m + 4 X 0.6m).The slab is cast over plastic sheet or on levelled ground covered with sand which is wetted down. One level 10 litre plastic bucket contains 12 litres of material. One level 10 litre bucket of cement and 5 level buckets of river sand are used.
Half the concrete mix is added first. Then the wire reinforcing is added. The 3 4mm wire reinforcing is cut and laid in a grid formation 15cm apart.
Once the wires have been laid, with an extra piece between vent hole and slab rim, the remainder of the concrete is added and smoothed down flat.
Stage 3. Line the pit with bricks using the corbelling technique
Whilst the slab is curing the pit can be dug and lined with bricks. A technique known as corbelling is used where the upper courses of brickwork are stepped in, so the diameter of the pit is reduced nearer the top of the pit. This allows a large diameter pit to be used together with a smaller and economic concrete slab which caps the pit. This technique allows for a large diameter pit to be built which is shallower (total depth 2m with 0.2m above ground level) and this easier to build. The pit has ben dug 2m deep and 1.7m wide. Line the pit from the bottom with strong fired bricks. Using a cement mortar mix of 20 parts of pit sand and 1 part Portland cement (5 litres cement in 100 litres pit sand). The inside diameter of the first 1metre of brickwork must be 1.4m (about 19 bricks per course). Retain this internal diameter (1.4m) diameter for 1.4m above the pit bottom and then start to step in the brickwork Each additional course above 1.4m should be stepped in by about 20mm above the lower course. The brickwork should continue above ground level by about 20cm so the full pit depth is about 2.2m. This will take about 24 courses of bricks depending on brick size. The uppermost course of bricks uses about 15 bricks. The total number of bricks (standard size 220mm x 110mm X 75mm) is about 500. The amount of cement in a single 50kg bag should be enough to make the slab, line the pit and leave some spare to make either the foundations of the spiral brick toilet or the extended floor in front of the slab for a doored toilet.
The pit is dug 1.7m wide and 2m deep. Walls are straight and bottom flat
Ensure the walls are vertical and the pit base flat. The mortar mix is made with 5li of Portland cement and 100li of pit sand (20:1). It works!
Lay the bricks against the edge of the pit wall. The mortar is quite thin but sufficient to bond the bricks together. The internal diameter is 1.4m. Continue with this diameter for 1.4m
A simple ladder can be made to enter and leave the pit. After 1.4m each brick course is stepped in (corbelled) by about 20mm per course. This corbelling continues till the brickwork is about 2 courses above ground level.
The brickwork is stepped in at each course. The brickwork should rise about 2 courses above ground level with a final external diameter of just over 1.2m
The annular space between pit wall and brickwork is filled in and rammed hard.
The 1.2m diameter slab is carefully raised and washed and then rolled on to site. A bed of weak (20:1) cement mortar is laid on the brickwork, so that the slab can be bedded in it.
The slab is lowered down on to the brick work in the correct orientation that will suit the structure. The slab is made flat by adding small stones under the slab where it is low and filling with cement mortar.
In this new and economic configuration the squat hole faces the entrance. The bricks are built around the rim of the slab and continue around the rim of the concrete extension to the slab. This configuration combined with the use of wooden templates makes the spiral structure easier to build.
uBVIP Superstructures
The concept behind the uBVIP is that once the first stage is complete (the construction of a lined pit and cover slab), the further construction of the superstructure is primarily for privacy and this stage is in the hands of the owner/user. The slab used in the first stage is very versatile and can be used to make a range of simple toilets with the superstructures made of poles, grass or reeds. However at not much greater expense a more durable brick structure can be built on the same slab. This section describes one example of a grass structure which can be built with locally available materials.
painting the poles, or the lower parts of the poles with old car engine oil, carbolineum or creosote or a combination of these. However, even these materials may not be available in the rural areas. Poles made of hardwood can be used if available. However depletion of natural woodlands is also not advisable. The burning of bricks also uses wood fuel, and these pose problems in terms of the negative effects of toilet building on the environment. A compromise can be sought by growing trees nearby the toilets. The growth of such trees, such as gum, can be enhanced by the application of diluted urine and also once the roots have penetrated more deeply can absorb nutrients provided by the composting excreta held in the pit. These aspects will be described later in further literature prepared for this development.
Poles are placed around the slab in a spiral shape. Cement left over from the pit lining is used to make a cement floor in front of the slab. This cement can be extended into the entrance of the toilet. Note in this photo the slab-squatvent hole configuration is intended for a future brick or tubular pipe.
Extension of the concrete floor made at the entrance. The vent hole can be plugged or capped with a concrete plug.
Pole and grass structures are only temporary and will eventually be eaten by termites. Old engine oil or carbolinium or a mix of both can be used to lengthen the life of pole and grass structures. Such structures can be built very neatly and work well, but eventually they should be replaced with brick superstructures. Flies and odours can be partly controlled by the liberal addition of wood ash to the pit and also by placing a loose tin cover over the squat hole. This cover can be moved by foot. Fly traps can also reduce the number of flies entering the environment in unventilated pit toilets. 15
The concrete floor is extended in front of the slab and also within the spiral entrance. The vent hole has been temporarily plugged.
Fly and odour control in unventilated pit toilets Simple pit toilets, built without vent pipes will smell and breed flies. But at first they will reduce open defecation in the environment. Smells can be reduced by washing down the slab regularly and adding wood ash down the pit. A cover plate can also be placed over the squat hole, when the toilet is not in use. The plate can be moved by foot. Fly breeding can become considerable and thousands of flies may be released in a few days. This is because they are attracted to the odour coming out of the squat hole. They lay their eggs in thousands, which become larvae, the pupae then emerge as flies. Flies can be trapped by the use of a simple fly trap used in combination with the squat-hole cover plate. This is because flies are attracted to light when they emerge from a pit. They will fly towards the strongest light source. The trap can be placed over the future vent pipe hole if it is opened up after being closed. The trap will only work, however, if the squat hole is covered with the cover plate. If the cover plate is not fitted over the squat hole, flies will emerge in their thousands from the squat hole. Adding a roof and making the interior darker will also help to reduce flies a little. The use of a roof, a cover plate and adding ash can help a lot. Washing the slab down regularly with water also helps as the smell of urine absorbed by the concrete also attracts flies. 16
A fly trap
The screened vent pipe of the BVIP is a fly trap as well as a ventilator. How its works has been described earlier. However at first the vent may not be available due its cost (the cost of tubular vents is going down rather than up). Many types of fly trap can be made. Those made of glass last longer than those made of plastic. The photos below show a fly trap in use in an unventilated pit toilet which has been built with a vent pipe hole, and where later a vent pipe be fitted.
The parts of a glass fly trap made from the upper half of a glass bottle which has been cut in half using a method described on the next page. A glass jam jar is placed over the neck of the bottle to tap the flies
A fly trap fitted over the vent pipe hole can only work if the squat hole is covered with a plate. In this case the plate is made of wood. Flat metal plates are better. They stop light entering the pit through the squat hole, and thus emerging flies fly towards the light coming through the trap. The trap is emptied of dead flies from time to time. On the right a photo of flies accumulating in the trap.
Mount the mounted bottle top over the vent hole and cover with a jam jar
By far the best superstructure for the BVIP is made of fired brick. Brick technology is well established in Zimbabwe. The conventional brick spiral superstructure has already been described in another manual. The new method described below saves on bricks and is easier to build than the original version. It uses about 440 bricks rather than 700. In this version a tubular vent is used. The orientation of the slab within the superstructure has been changed. The roof is made of a wooden frame and tin sheet, so that it can be detached easily and fitted to a new toilet when the old pit is full. The unit is made by putting together a series of components (bricks, pipe, roof) which are relatively easy to assemble and take apart. This makes the unit more easily recyclable. Like the standard BVIP the slab is extended to one side which enables the brickwork to be extended to form the open spiral shape.
The spiral shape of the new BVIP. The orientation of the slab has changed within the structure. The shape is in the form of an almost continuous curve which provides strength. There are no moving parts. The unit provides privacy and semi darkness for fly control.
Stages of construction
The slab extension Once the 1.2m concrete slab has been mounted with the correct orientation over the pit, the next stage is to extend a foundation for the part of the brick wall which lies outside the slab area. The topsoil to the right of the slab is taken away and a brick foundation is laid down in a curved shape which extends 65cm beyond the slab. The brick work is built up to slab level. The area within this brickwork extension is then filled with stones and rubble and then capped by a thin layer of strong concrete. The slab and extension are thus set at the same level. This is left to cure overnight.
The curved extension to the 1.2m slab is built up in bricks to the height of the slab. The brickwork also is built up across the entrance as shown.
Stones, broken bricks and rubble are rammed into the extension within the brick wall. A tin layer of strong concrete is laid over this extension so the level of the slab and the extension is the same.
To make construction easier for those less skilled in brick laying 2 wooden templates have been designed as guides. These photos show how the templates (2) are positioned on the slab and extension. These act as guides and are set at each end of the curved wall. When the wall has been built they are taken away.
Preparing the bricks. Each course of the wall takes about 20 bricks and there are 22 courses. This is 440 bricks. This may vary a little as brick size varies. Allow for 500. The mortar is made with mixes of 5 litres of Portland cement mixed with 100 litres of pit sand (20:1). About 4 mixes will be required.
The two wooden templates are placed in position and made upright with a spirit level. The templates are supported by wooden timbers. The bricks are then laid around the slab rim and the rim of the extension.
The bricks are laid using the cement mortar as bonding with bricks off set as shown. Half bricks are also used. The spiral shape follows the curve of the slab and extension.
The structure shown in these photos was build by school pupils guided by a builder
The combination of templates and building around the rim of the slab and extension makes construction much easier than the earlier BVIPs.
The internal walls of the structure. These can be plastered later if the family chooses. Once the wall has been built up to the required height 1.8m (about 22 courses), the two templates can be carefully removed.
Three sheets are used each 1.5m long. These are cut from 3m sheets. The three sheets are fastened to the wooden from with small nails with large heads. Each sheet overlaps the one next to it.
The nails should be driven through the tin sheet and made tight in the wood.
The roof is placed over the structure and located so all the walls are protected from rain.
The wooden frame is made level. Stout wires are then used to attach the wooden frame to the brickwork. The wires pass through the mortar in the brickwork about 3 courses down.
A nail, sharp knife and tin snips can be used to cut a hole in the roof just over 110mm in diameter and directly over the vent hole in the slab.
The vent pipe is added through the roof hole and then placed in the vent hole in the slab. A weak cement mortar is laid around the vent on the roof.
In this case a resin filled hessian pipe has been used. PVC pipe is the most common. The diameter should be 110mm. The pipe is held fast in the slab using a little cement mortar. The pipe must be fitted with a corrosion resistant fly screen made from like aluminium or stainless steel.
The floor is plastered with a strong mix of river sand and Portland cement and is sloped downwards towards the squat hole from the entrance.
1. Specialised pit linings
The ideal pit lining for a BVIP is brick from top to bottom. The corbelling technique enables a large capacity pit to be used with a slab which has a smaller diameter than the main pit. However there are conditions where a full pit lining may be unnecessary. These are where the soil is firm, and where a partial pit lining will support a brick structure. The second condition is where the superstructure is light and portable and where a ring beam is made and built up a few courses with brickwork. A third condition is where trees will be planted around the toilet pit and where some lateral seepage of pit fluid will assist tree growth.
1a Partial linings
This method is suitable only where the soils are firm. The pit is dug down to a metre deep and 1.7m wide. The pit is then bricked up and corbelled in the normal way. Then the pit is dug down another metre below the brickwork. This makes a 2 metre deep pit. About laf the number of bricks are used compared to a fully lined pit.
Partially lined pit after corbelling and where the soil is being backfilled between pit wall and brickwork. The slab is fitted. In this case the slab is designed for use with either brick or tubular vents (see other manual).
Soil is built up around the brickwork, weak mortar placed on the bricks and the slab fitted. A light weight structure is fitted on top.
1c. Leaky brick wall lining In this technique holes are made in the brickwork ling to allow some seepage of liquid pit contents into the soil around the pit. Most seepage will be beneath the pit, but this technique enables the roots of trees planted around the pit to locate the high nutrient content of the pit more quickly. Glass bottles are used to make the holes in the mortar between brickwork. The bottles are left in place for 10 15 minutes then removed and reused. This technique is used only on the vertical part of the brick wall.
Mulberry and gum growing close to BVIP. One disadvantage is the proximity of tree foliage near to the vent pipe which interferes with the air flow. Gum trees will grow tall with the leaves above vent pipe level after a year or two. Some experimentation is required.
Making the ring beam and fitting the slab. The slab is made with a central raised collar around the 30cm diameter hole. A tin lid is fitted.
The can is placed over a log or pole which makes the hole easy to make with a nail. Two holes are made on either side of the can at the top. Then a single hole is punched into the base of the can in a position between the two holes at the top of the can. A good nail diameter is 3mm.
A length of wire about 30cm long is then taken and passed through the two holes at the top of the can. The wires are twisted together behind the can as shown. A loop is made at the end of the wire. The hand washer is hung from another wire attached to the toilet roof.
A container of water is required as a source of water. The hand washer is dipped into the water and then hung up on a wire hook suspended from the toilet. Then hands can be washed. Used water can drain on flowers.
Soap can be drilled with a hole and hung on a wire from the toilet roof. Also a tin container can be attached to the side wall of the toilet and filled with wood ash. The fingers are wetted first, dipped into the ash and then washed again. It is a very effective and simple method of washing hands.