ENSC 283 Introduction To Fluid Mechanics: Chapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed Bodies
ENSC 283 Introduction To Fluid Mechanics: Chapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed Bodies
ENSC 283 Introduction To Fluid Mechanics: Chapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed Bodies
Peyman Taheri
In Chapter 6, we studied flows completely bounded by solid surfaces, so-called internal flows. In this chapter, we use, and extend, the concepts we learned for internal flows, to study external flows, in which flow is partially bounded by solid surfaces. Similar to the internal flows, there are three techniques to study external flows: i) numerical solutions with computers, ii) experimentation, and iii) analytical solutions with boundary layer theory. In this course we must focus on the third tool, boundary layer theory, which was first formulated by Ludwig Prandtl in 1904. Similar to Chapter 6, in this section we will only consider viscous incompressible flows; hence we will study the flow of liquids and gases that have negligible heat transfer, for which the Mach number is small, Ma < 0.3 .
When two processes are coupled nonlinearly, it means that even a very small change in one process can cause a drastic (and sometimes unpredictable) change in the other. In contrast, linear coupling of two processes means that the rate of their changes is a constant.
Peyman Taheri
5 1/ 2 Re x = x 0.16 1/7 Re x
laminar turbulent
Re x =
As mentioned above, for Re x < 1000 boundary layer theory is not applicable.
For slender bodies, such as plates and airfoils parallel to the oncoming stream, and for sufficiently large Reynolds numbers, we conclude that the interaction of viscous layer and inviscid regions is linear and most of the times negligible. However, for blunt bodies, even at very high Reynolds number flows, there is a discrepancy in the viscous-inviscid patching concept. Figure 3 shows two sketches of flow past a cylinder (or sphere). In sketch (a) the idealized case is shown in which there is a thin film of boundary
Peyman T Taheri
layer arou und the body and a a narrow sheet of viscous wake in t the rear. The p patching theo ory would be glorious for f this picture e, but in realit ty the bounda ary layer is th hin on the fron nt side of the body and the en breaks off f, or separates s, into a broad d, pulsating wake w in the rea ar, see Fig. 3( (b). The main nstream is deflected by this wake. . Accordingly y, external flo ows for blunt b bodies are qu uite different f from what is ry layer theor ry for slender bodies. expected from boundar Note: The T theory of strong s interac ction between n blunt-body v viscous and in nviscid layers s is not well de eveloped. Suc ch fluids are normally n stud died experime entally or with h computer m modeling, i.e., , Computational C l Fluid Dynam mics (CFD).
Figure 3: : Illustration of f the strong inte eraction betwe een viscous and d inviscid regio ons in the rear of blunt-body flow. (a) Idea alized and definitely false pic cture; (b) Reali istic picture of blunt-body flo ow.
Example: hin flat plate is i placed para allel to a 20 ft/ /s stream of w water at 68F. . At what dist tance x from m the A long, th leading ed dge will the boundary b laye er thickness be e 1 in. [SOLUTI ION] Equation (1) must be applied a in app propriate range for Reynold ds number. Fi irst we guess a laminar flo ow, if contradict tory, then we should recalc culate with tu urbulent flow formula.
05 ft 2 /s . Wi From Tab ble A.1 for wa ater at 68F, = 1.08210 ith = 1in =
Peyman Taheri
5 5 = 1/ 2 1/2 Re x Ux
1 / 12 5 = 1/ 2 x 20 x 5 1.082 10
Solving the above equation for x give, x = 513 ft , which seems a very long distance for the given stream velocity! Check the local Reynolds number (at x = 513 ft ),
Re x =513ft = 20 513 = 9.48 108 > 106 (turbulent) 5 1.082 10
Peyman Taheri
We shall consider a streamline which meets the boundary layer at x = L . A control volume can be constructed using this streamline. The control volume includes the boundary layer and a portion of the free stream. The boundaries of the control volume are labels from 1 to 4 in Fig. 4. The x-momentum equation for incompressible flows in integral form is,
d Vm V dV + Vm dt CV inlets outlets