International Graduate Financial Statement
International Graduate Financial Statement
International Graduate Financial Statement
can be sent to you. It is your responsibility to demonstrate that sufficient funding is available to meet all university and living expenses for one year of your studies and that such funding will be available to you for the duration of your academic program. This form must be completed by the student and the
sponsor and accompanied with an original bank statement from the sponsor showing adequate funds of at least $34625 or its foreign currency equivalent. The bank statement must be of recent date of issue, no more than 6 months old, in English, and it must be in the same name as the sponsor.
Student Name
___________________________________________________________________ Family Name First You Must Submit Original Certified Bank Statement Original Certified Bank Statement Original Certified Bank Statement Official Letter of Funds and Duration of Award Official Letter Funds and Duration of Award Middle
Source of Funds Personal Savings Family Funds Other Sources Government Scholarship Other Scholarship 3.
This is to certify that I, _______________________________________________________ (Sponsors name printed) will provide funds in the amount of at least $34625 (U.S.) per year for tuition, fees, living expenses ___________________________________________________________________ (Students name printed) This level of support will continue for the duration of the program of study. Further, I understand that I am responsible for any and all debts incurred by the student while attending the University of New Haven. Sponsor's annual income (in U.S. dollars): Sponsors Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________ Sponsor's Signature Date Sponsor's relationship to student: _______________
To be signed by student: I certify that the statements given by me in this form are complete and accurate. Furthermore, I take all financial responsibilities should my source of funding, as specified above, be interrupted or stopped; and I understand that the University of New Haven cannot give any financial assistance in scholarship form and that permission for employment is difficult to obtain from the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization. Student's Signature Date
Revised 06/2011