PHP Project Titles With Abstract

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DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL ONLINE LEAVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online leave management system that is of importance to either an organisation or a college . The Leave Management System (LMS) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group !ept. This system can be used to automate the "or#flo" of leave applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features li#e email notifications$ cancellation of leave$ automatic approval of leave$ report generators etc in this system.



This project is aimed at developing an %nline &elp !es# (%&!) for the facilities in the campus. This is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the campus. This system can be used to automate the "or#flo" of service re'uests for the various facilities in the campus. This is one integrated system that covers different #inds of facilities li#e class(rooms$ labs$ hostels$ mess$ canteen$ gymnasium$ computer center$ faculty club etc. )egistered users (students$ faculty$ lab(assistants and others) "ill be able to log in a re'uest for service for any of the supported facilities. These re'uests "ill be sent to the concerned people$ "ho are also valid users of the system$ to get them resolved. There are features li#e email notifications reminders$ addition of a ne" facility to the system$ report generators etc in this system

!. DEVELOPMENT OF AN AGENT-BASED INFORMATION PUSH MECHANISM ABSTRACT:Information push mechanism is a "ay of pushing the information to the user "ho "ould be interested in that. This techni'ue is "idely used in "eb(site advertising (sho"ing the advertisements that a user "ith a certain profile "ould be interested in$ yahoo* sites for e+ample). This techni'ue can also be applied in other areas "herein a user "ith a #no"n profile interacts "ith an information system (such as a "ebsite). ,ased on the profile and on the history of activities of the user$ a behavioural profile of that user could be determined and this behavioural profile "ill help the information push system in determining the content that the particular user "ould li#e to vie". This project is aimed at developing an agent(based information push mechanism. In this system$ an agent program "ould be montioring the user-s activities (li#e "hat he types on a "ord document$ for e+ample) and then propose to get him some help to perform his activity in a better and easier "ay. This could be something li#e searching a repository for the documents that "ould help the user in preparing his current document and then providing him those documents. Instead of the user searching for help on his activity$ the agent ta#es the initiative of offering help to the user and so this comes under the information push systems.

". DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL ONLINE ON-RE#UEST COURSES COORDINATION SYSTEM (ORS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online on(re'uest courses coordination system that is of importance to an IT organization "hich has a training department of its o"n. The online on( re'uest courses coordination system (%)S) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group !ept. This system can be used to automate the "or#flo" of the re'uests that come from various departments for project specific trainings and their approvals. The training department has to cater to the training of the fresh recruits. It has a regular calendar and schedule to train the .reshers. In addition to this it has to handle the project specific training re'uests coming from various departments. .or this the department has appointed one person as the on(re'uest coordinator$ "ho "ill be able to service the re'uests "ith help of %)S. The "hole process starting from logging the re'uest by a dept to servicing the re'uest is automated. There are features li#e logging the re'uest$ to chec# the e+isting training calendar and chec#ing the availability of respective faculties for the course$ allocating the faculty for the course$ if an internal faculty is not free during that period getting faculties from outside$ report generators etc in this system. %)S. The "hole process starting from logging the re'uest by a dept to servicing the re'uest is automated. There are features li#e logging the re'uest$ to chec# the e+isting training calendar and chec#ing the availability of respective faculties for the course$ allocating the faculty for the course$ if an internal faculty is not free during that period getting faculties from outside$ report generators etc in this system.

$. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LIMS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online Library Management System (LiMS) for the college library. This is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the campus. This system can be used to search for boo#s magazines$ reserve boo#s$ find out "ho is having a particular boo#$ put in re'uests to buy a ne" boo# etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian component. There are features li#e email notifications reminders$ report generators etc in this system.

%. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ONLINE SALES AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SIMS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online Sales and Inventory Management System (SIMS) for a departmental store. This system can be used to store the details of the inventory$ update the inventory based on the sale details$ produce receipts for sales$ generate sales and inventory reports periodically etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component (used by salespersons$ sales managers inventory managers etc) and the admin component (used by the administrators for performing admin level functions such as adding ne" items to the inventory$ changing the price of an item etc). This system runs on multiple terminals$ offers a /0I interface to its users and connects to a common database(s).


APPLICATION. ABSTRACT:!evelop an Intranet 1pplication for 1,2 Technologies Ltd. for maintaining information related to its employees transfer and generating the transfer related documents. This application "ould be facilitating the system administrator (&igher Management) to search the employees transfer record$ ma#e ne" transfers and also amend the allo"ances offered to the employee "hich usually depends on the post of the employee and the type of transfer he is getting. !evelop an Intranet 3mployee Transfer 1pplication$ "hich "ill cover the follo"ing functionalities4 5) Login a) 3mployees b) System 1dministrator 6) Interface for filling up the follo"ing information a) Searching the transfer records. b) 0pdating the transfer records. c) Ma#ing ne" transfers.(this can be combined "ith the update page by enabling and disabling the update and ma#e transfer buttons.) 7) Interface to generate the transfer related documents in !oc format. 8) 1utomatic mail notifications to the employees "ho got transferred and to the managers "ho "ould be receiving the transferred employees. 9) Logout

&. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, RESUME BUILDER APPLICATION ABSTRACT:!evelop an Intranet 1pplication for :inner Technologies Ltd. for automating the process of )esume :riting. This "ould be facilitating the employees to ma#e and print their resumes in a proper format. In addition$ it "ill be facilitating the higher management to search the employees depending upon their s#ills sets and other attributes. The ,asic )e'uirement is to have a centralized repository of all the s#ill(holders in the organization so that an employee "ith a particular s#ill set can be immediately found in case of urgent re'uirement. .

'. DEVELOPMENT OF A SAFE AND SECURE BAN ING SYSTEM IN VISUAL BASIC (STAND ALONE). ABSTRACT:This project aims at creation of a secure Internet ban#ing system. This "ill be accessible to all customers "ho have a valid 0ser Id and ;ass"ord. This system provides the follo"ing facilities4 ,alance 3n'uiry .unds Transfer to another account in the same ban# )e'uest for che'ue boo# change of address stop payment of che'ues <ie"ing Monthly and annual statements.

1(. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL ONLINE INTRANET NOWLEDGE MGMT SYSTEM FOR THE COLLEGE ( MS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online intranet #no"ledge mgmt system that is of importance to either an organisation or a college. The system (=MS) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organisation or a specified group !ept. This system can be used as a #no"ledge information mgmt system for the college. Students Staff logging should be able to upload any #ind of technical information. Students staffs logging in may also access search any information put up by others. =MS should facilitate #no"ledge sharing from the grass root level li#e project teams to the entire college




ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online application for the Training and ;lacement !ept. of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organisation and outside as "ell "ith proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for the T;% of the college to manage the student information "ith regards to placement. Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a 2<. <isitors 2ompany representatives logging in may also access search any information put up by Students.

12. DEVELOPMENT OF A REPOSITORY AND SEARCH ENGINE FOR ALUMNI OF COLLEGE (RASE) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a repository for the alumni of the college$ "hich is of importance to a college. The )epository and Search 3ngine ()1S3) is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the :orld. 1ny one can access the search 3ngine to #no" about any 1lumni of that college but can-t able to add. 1lumni can only update the database "hen they are in the college

1!. DEVELOPMENT OF A SPLIT SCREEN APPLICATION FOR THE DATA ENTRY OF THE SHIPMENTS ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online data entry system that "ill enable image assisted data entry for the shipment for the courier logistics. The scanned image if available "ill be displayed on the left side of the screen "hen the 1ir"ay ,ill >umber (1:,) is entered on the right side. This is a ;%2 (;roof %f 2oncept) assignment$ "hich can be sho"cased to any organization "here chun# of the "or# is paper(based.



ABSTRACT:1n insurance company "ants to start campaigns for its ne" products to be sold to the prospective customers. 2ampaign means advertising of the products through channels li#e Tele mar#eting$ letters$ signboards$ T< 2ommercials$ etc. There are different campaigns for different products and there is a specific period for each campaign. ,efore the campaign starts$ estimates are made on sales to be achieved$ budget allocation for each campaign and variance allo"ed (?) both for sales and budget. :hen the actual data is captured$ the actual variance(?) is calculated. The difference bet"een the actual and the estimated variance gives the insurance company an insight into their estimation and it helps in ma#ing strategic decisions about budgets and



ABSTRACT:The e(;ost %ffice is the shopping portal of the "orld reno"ned postal service on the internet and an additional distribution channel. It sells Stamps$ ;ost2ards$ ;ac#ets$ 2artons and has services li#e courier$ registering for electricity vendors$ selling mobile cards$ etc. 0nder this "ebsite many products and services can be ordered $ that are also available in a @normal@ branch. The product prices are identical "ith the prices of their normal branches. The e(;ost %ffice is e+panded permanently through ne" products and services in order to offer a product portfolio corresponding to the mar#et. ;rivate customer and business customers can order the selected products of the postal service online 'uic#ly and comfortably. ,esides this$ the e(Services offer ne" fle+ibility through e(;ac#et$ the ;I2=0; order for pac#ages over the internet as "ell as the online for"arding order and storage order. .or the case of the absence or the move$ one can let delegate here the after shipment of the postal service at another address or store the letter shipments. The customers can register themselves and can be served individually. Target groups of customer of the e(;ost%ffice are predominantly little and middle(class business(SM3s). The customers can have a payment alternative through credit card. In order to use the load "riting procedure$ the customer registers itself in the e(;ost%ffice and receives a login for its purchases name. Aou have to develop this "eb site $ "hich captures the above functionality. It is an internet application.

1%. DEVELOPMENT OF A LOST ARTICLES AND LETTERS RECONCILIATION SYSTEM. ABSTRACT:1 ;ost %ffice "ants to improve its efficiency by delivering the lost letters and lost articles ("hich are sent in parcels) in a short period of time. 2urrently it ta#es about 7 months for a lost letter or a lost article to reach the correct destination. 1 machine reads addresses on letters. The ones$ "hich could not be read by machine$ are sorted by human intervention. 3ven after this$ the address is not readable$ it becomes a lost letter. 1rticles that fall out of the parcel become lost articles. :hen the sender receiver calls up or contacts the post office for their letter article$ a manual note is made and then this note is sent to the "arehouse "here lost articles and lost letters are #ept. The reconciliation process of finding the lost letter article is manual and sometimes "rong letter article(s) is sent. Aou have to develop a system$ "hich captures the above functionality and reduce the turnaround time from 7 months to 5B "or#ing days.

1). STUDENT PROJECT ALLOCATION AND MANAGEMENT WITH ONLINE TESTING SYSTEM (SPM) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a "eb(based system$ "hich manages the activity of CStudent ;roject ManagementD and C%nline TestingD. This system "ill manage the database and maintain a list of all student groups that have registered on this site$ conduct their online test and shortlist those students "ho have passed the eligibility criteria as set by the professors



ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an %nline Testing System (%TS) that is of importance to either an organisation or a college . %nline Testing System is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organisation or a specified group !epartment. This system can be used to conduct tests on various topics. The system should be able to generate graphical results for better analysis.

1'. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RMS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a system$ "hich manages the activity of CStudent ;roject ManagementD and C%nline TestingD. This system "ill manage the database and maintain a list of all student groups that have registered on this site$ conduct their online test and shortlist those students "ho have passed the eligibility criteria as set by the professors.

2(. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE RICH, PRACTICAL ONLINE TIC ETS RESERVATION SYSTEM FOR CINEMA HALLS ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online tic#et reservation system for 2inema &alls. The Tic#et )eservation System is an Internet based application that can be accesses throughout the >et and can be accessed by any one "ho has a net connection. This application "ill automate the reservation of tic#ets and 3n'uiries about availability of the tic#ets. This application includes email confirmation for the tic#ets.

21. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE RICH, PRACTICAL TIME TABLE GENERATION SYSTEM FOR A COLLEGE ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a Time Table /enerator for 2olleges. olleges are supposed to ma#e time tables for each semester "hich used to be a very tedious and pain sta#ing job. 3ach teacher and Student is eligible for vie"ing his o"n timetable once they are finalized for a given semester but they can-t edit them.66. !evelopment of a ser friendly $feature(rich$ practical 1ppraisal Trac#er This project is aimed at enveloping an 1ppraisal Trac#er that is of importance to either an organisation or a college. This praisal Trac#er system is used to trac# the performance of an individual. 1n individual-s performance is rated by himself and his superior in the organization. The tas#s for the ne+t E months are set by the superior. The performance rating is done based on several attributes (li#e the timeliness$ 'uality of "or#$ communication s#ills etc).

22. DEVELOPMENT OF EFFORT TRAC ER SYSTEM ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a 3ffort Trac#er System that is of importance to an organisation. The 3ffort Trac#er System is used to trac# the employee activities and summarize all related activities "ith the total hours spent and percentage efficiency utilized and generate a report for the same.

2!. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL *WEB ENABLED ESTATE AGENT+ (WEEA) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a online real estate agent system that is of beneficial to either a real estate agent or a prospective. The C:eb 3nabled 3state 1gentD(:331) is an Internet based application. This system can be used to store and search the property portfolios.

2". DEVELOPMENT OF A WOR FLOW BASED COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WHERE THE COMPLAINTS ARE RECEIVED THROUGH EMAILS) ABSTRACT:1n organization-s customers may have complaints about its products. They "ill be given an email id for each product$ "here they can send an email "hen they have a complaint to register. The emails "ill get converted to complaints and get assigned to the persons handling that product. The complaints can be assigned to different persons and "ill get trac#ed to closure. The person handling the complaint "ill have the facility to communicate "ith the customer via emails through the system.

2$. DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPLICATION FOR RECEIVING ORDERS FOR PRINTING DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS ABSTRACT:1 customer can have a set of digital photographs in his des#top "hich he she "ants to print. &e she can provide the application the path to the folder "here the photographs are stored and can choose the photos that he she "ants to print and choose the size of the prints. The application "ill calculate the price after do"nloading the price information from the database for the different print sizes and sho" it to the user. The user "ill enter his her credit card other payment option (or choose any other mode of payment) and shipping information if he she "ants to go ahead "ith the order. If the credit card information is found correct$ the photos are uploaded to the server and a purchase order is created in the database.

2%. DEVELOPMENT OF A WOR FLOW BASED PURCHASE RE#UEST APPROVAL SYSTEM. ABSTRACT:.or purchase of any item$ the user "ill create a purchase re'uest in the system. 1n approval route for this purchase re'uest "ill then get generated depending on the price of the re'uest and the reporting and approving hierarchy of the organization. This purchase re'uest "ill then be submitted by the user and it "ill flo" to the ne+t approver in the route. The various approvers in the route can be either in series or parallel or a combination of both. There should be some report generation facility also by "hich a user can generate different reports. )eminder mails should automatically go to users "hen a re'uest is lying for his approval for a long time and also$ to the user "hen his re'uest is approved fully.

2). DEVELOPMENT OF A DEFECT TRAC ING SYSTEM (DTS) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online defect trac#ing system useful for applications developed in an organization. The !efect Trac#ing System (!TS) is a "eb based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used for logging defects against an application module$ assigning defects to individuals and trac#ing the defects to resolution. There are features li#e email notifications$ user maintenance$ user access control$ report generators etc in this system.

2&. DEVELOPMENT OF A PRODUCT MASTER MAINTENANCE SYSTEM ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online product master maintenance system used in a manufacturing industry. The ;roduct Master Maintenance (;MM) is a client server based application that can be accessed by a selected group of users. This system can be used for maintaining all the details related to a product li#e ;roduct hierarchy$ product sub(components attributes(cost size "eight etc.) and supplier details. There are additional features li#e user access control$ report generators etc in this system.

2'. DEVELOPMENT OF A RECIPE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ABSTRACT:This application is for fresh department of a store. This corporate function encompasses the processes for the management of recipes used by the fresh departments in the stores. This includes the processes for creation$ approval$ maintenance and inactivation of recipes. The store function of scaling recipes is also included. The recipes are used by )eplenishment planning processes to determine ingredient and supply item re'uirement and plan the replenishment of the same at the stores.

!(. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH EMPLOYEE SEPARATION SYSTEM (E-SEPARATION SYSTEM) ABSTRACT:The 3(Separation System "ill facilitate the automation of the employee Separation process The application "ill automate the e+isting tas# of the employee to initiate the separation process and get clearance from all the departments online. &uman )esource !evelopment can process the separation online and provide the relieving letter once the clearance is obtained. This is also applicable to a college scenario "here a student has to get a no(due certificate from various departments such as library$ hostel$ etc$ before completion of the program.

!1. DEVELOPMENT OF A MILES AC#UISITION SYSTEM (MAS) ABSTRACT:Miles 1c'uisition System (M1S) is a application for a particular 1irlines company. This application facilitates registering$ updating$ and utilization of miles for a .re'uent .lier of its flights. The fre'uent flier should be able to login and #ey in all the details of his travel in their airlines. The application is accessible for the fre'uent fliers from the e+isting "ebsite of the airlines.

!2. DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB BASED MEETING SCHEDULER ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a scheduler for group meetings. This is a "eb(based tool. 1ny user can call for a meeting and send the detailed co(ordinates of the meeting (location$ date$ time etc) to all invitees. This is useful for a small office$ school or a department or for that matter any group "ho is interested to organise it effectively. .acility to boo# room and editing boo#ed room are also available.

!!. DEVELOPMENT OF AN EMPLOYEE CUBICLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at trac#ing and having the vie" of the cubicle and the person sitting in it. 1ssuming there is already system that has the cubicle numbers and the telephone number data$ at the same time this system "ill also need to ta#e the floor plan as input and maintain the cubicle plan and the seat numbers. The floor plan input is needed to ma#e system more robust and adaptable to the ne" buildings coming up.

!". DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB BASED STATIONERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a tool for trac#ing the Stationery re'uest for any Institution. >ormally in any institution the re'uest for the stationery is trac#ed via an e(mail or via e+cel sheets or registers and this leads to tremendous "astage of resources. .or e+ample4 ( there may be scenarios "here the 'uantity #ept in the godo"n or store of the item may be more than needed and the supply of fe" items may be less than needed. This system "ill thus help in reducing the "astage at the same time loo# into generating reports to give a high level vie" to the higher management for the benefit of the organization.

!$. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ONLINE COURSE PORTAL FOR A CAMPUS ABSTRACT:This project aims at creating a 2ourses portal for a campus organization. This allo"s registered users of the system to join a course available in the site and access the materials published for the course. ;eople can register themselves as students of a course or .aculty for a course. :hen a person registers himself as a .aculty$ an approval mechanism should be triggered "hich sends an email to the 1dministrator for approving the person as a .aculty. There "ill be an admin approval page "here admin can approve the faculty members for the course. The course home page should contain the title of the course and a brief description. There "ill be a discussion board for each course "here students can interact$ an announcement section$ "hich contains the latest announcements$ and a course content section "hich gives the lin#s for the material available for the course. .or faculty members there "ill be an e+tra lin# for uploading the course content in a zip file format. The course content should be html pages $ "hich should be uploaded in the zip file format. There should be a mechanism for the faculty members to create a test for the course specifying the test title and a set of multiple(choice 'uestions and duration of time of the test.

!%. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ONLINE AUCTIONING SHOP FOR A CAMPUS,ORGANI-ATION ABSTRACT:This project aims at creating an %nline 1uctioning system "hich can be used to buy and sell articles. The users of the system can create an Item for sale providing the itemname$ description$ an image of the item$ minimum bid prize etc. The buyers can bid by providing a bid amount ("hich should be greater than the previous bid). The system "ill have an administration module to administer the categories of the Shop as "ell as to bloc# fraudulent users. The administrator "ill set up the 2ategories of the items. 1 category is a logical subdivision of 2ategory of similar products (eg4 .urniture $ 3lectronic 1ccessories$ ,oo#s) 1dmin should be able to 2reate 2ategories$ Merge 2ategory etc. There "ill be a Search by "hich users can search for items up for sale.

!). SOLVING SYSTEM OF LINEAR E#UATIONS USING PARALLEL PROCESSING ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at analyzing the available methods for solving a system of linear e'uations of the form n + n. 0sing a couple of iterative and or direct methods$ implement a program for these methods that could be run on a parallel processor . 1t the end$ a graph can be plotted "ith time ta#en for e+ecution of a method considered < s number of processors used (6$ 8$ F$ 76). .or e+ample follo"ing 'uestions need to be addressed 5. .or a method considered$ evaluate that as the number of processors is increased does the time ta#en necessarily reduce to solve the e'uation(s)6. .or a given number of processors "hich is the best method that could be employed "hich ta#es least time.

!&. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF POINT OF SALE .POS/ ABSTRACT:This project is a very popular and "idely used in many big supermar#et departmental stores and is used to cater the need of the sales system there. This is an online system and is used maintain control most of the activities happening in big stores. This maintains and controls the stoc# details and does online billing and generates various online reports.

!'. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPEED CASH SYSTEM .SCS/. ABSTRACT:The Speed 2ash System is used to transfer money from one place to another "ithin a day. This is basically used to speed up the money transfer. The necessary information for the money transfer from the source ban# to the destination ban# is sent in the form of file on daily basis. This file contains the information li#e remitter details$ beneficiary details and !! (!emand !raft) details$ etc. ,asically the remitter is a person "ho sends the money and the beneficiary is the person "ho receives the money. If the remitter has already an account "ith the ban#$ the deduction at the bac# end should happen instead of cash dealings. %nce the file is received$ it is processed and the data is put into the database. Then it is again processed and !! is printed. The printed !! "ill be handed over to the concerned person. <arious reports are generated by this system.

"(. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL ONLINE SURVEY TOOL (OST) ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing an online Survey Tool that is of importance to either an organization or a college. The %nline Survey Tool System (%ST) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group !ept. This system can be used to launch surveys (such as &ostel .eedbac#$ Library 0sage) and record user responses. The surveys responses report is to be automated. There are features li#e email notifications of surveys$ publishing of survey results$ report generators etc in this system.

"1. DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB-BASED RECRUITMENT PROCESS SYSTEM FOR THE HR GROUP FOR A COMPANY. ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a "eb(based and central )ecruitment ;rocess System for the &) /roup for a company. Some features of this system "ill be creating vacancies$ storing 1pplicants data$ Intervie" process initiation$ Scheduling Intervie"s$ Storing Intervie" results for the applicant and finally &iring of the applicant. )eports may be re'uired to be generated for the use of &) group.

"2. DEVELOPMENT OF A BUDGET APPROVAL SYSTEM. ABSTRACT:This project is aimed at developing a system by "hich the employees in the organization submit the bills to their managers. The bills could of various types and also of various amounts. The employee after submitting the bill "ill automatically provide the manager-s name to "hich the bill "ill be submitted. The bill "ill pass through a "or#flo" process and the o"ner of the bill can vie" the status of the bill at any time. 1n email "ill be sent to the concerned people to let them #no" about the status of the bill.

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