Hydraulic Design of Check Dam

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Catchment Area Bed level of nalla / river Observed H.F.

L Bank level of nalla / river Head Over Crest (Hd) Discharge Coefficient Dicken's constant Design Discharge = Q =C.A. = Assuming the Section of river / nalla Bank slope Slope of River / nalla Maximum Design Discharge Depth of flow (D) Rugosity coefficient =n = Assuming Base width Cross section of nalla A =(B+nD)D = Wetted perimetre = P = Hydrulic mean depth =R = A/P = V = (1/n) R S = Maximum Design Discharge
2/3 1/2 0.75

HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF CHECK DAM = 15.50 = 5.99 = 66.60 = 70.60 = 71.50 = 4.00 = 2.333 = 1400 = = = = = = = = = = = O.K 4.00 5358.31 1 0.5 152.00 4.00 0.0300 28.00 128.00 39.31 3.26

Sq.Km. Sq.Miles mtr. mtr. mtr. mtr.

Cusecs :1 /1000 Cumecs mtr. mtr. Sq.mt. mtr. mtr.

1.637 m/sec 210.00 Cumecs

28.00 Bed width of Nalla / river = Hence adopt the length of structure. = (Note:- Length of structure should not be less than actual bed width of nallah or river.) Number of spans = 11 Clear span = 2.000 m Width of pier = 0.600 m Hence water way, L = 28 m. Clear waterway, Lc = Head over crest H e = 1.000 Q = Cb x Le x He Effective waterway, L e = L - 2*(N*Kp + Ke )*He - W = Where N = No of piers = Kp = Pier contraction co-efficient. = Ka = Abutment contraction Co-efficient= W = Total width of all piers = N*w = Cb = 10

26.50 mtr. 28.00 mtr.

11 x 2 = 22.00 m. 34.07 cumecs. 19.980


0.1 (For round nosed piers) 0.01 (For splayed wing walls to abutment) 6 m 1.705


28.00 Cut off q = Discharge intensity = Q/Le = Scour depth (R) = 1.35(q/f)^0.333 ( f = silt factor= R In Down Stream Max scour = 1.50 R Bottom R.L of scour = D/S H.F.L. -D/S max. scour depth = Depth of D/S cut off =Bed level - bottom R.L of scour D/S cut off depth = Bottom R.L of cut off = In Up Stream Max scour = 1.25 R Bottom R.L of scour = U/SH.F.L. -U/S max. scour depth Depth of U/S cBed level - Bottom RL Of U/S Scour Depth of U/S cut off Bottom R.L of cut off Check For Exit Gradient Water storage level

5.75 Cumecs/mt 1.00 =

) 4.33 Mt. = = = = = = = = = = = 6.490 64.11 2.49 2.50 64.10 5.41 65.20 1.40 1.5 65.10

mtr. mtr. mtr. mtr.

mtr. mtr. mtr. mtr.

67.60 mtr.

Max .Static Head( H )= POND LEVEL-D/S BED LEVEL b = Creep Length d = Depth of D/S Cut off hence = 0.5x{1+(1+)0.5 } (H/d)*(1/0.5) GE = CALCULATION OF UPLIFT PRESSURE AND FLOOR THICKNESS (I)For Up stream Hence depth ofU/S cutoff = d =b/d = 0.5x{1+(1+)0.5} E={COS-1 ( (-2) / ) } / D={COS-1 ( (-1) / ) } / D1 = 100 - D 1 = 100 E Assuming thickness of concrete Correction toE=t/d (D1-E1) Corrected E (II)For Down stream Hence depth ofU/S cutoff = d =b/d = {1+(1+)0.5}/2 FE={COS-1 ( (-2) / ) } / FD={COS-1 ( (-1) / ) } / Assuming thickness of concrete Correction to E=t/d (E1-D1) Corrected E Pressure distribution 67.70

= = = = = = =

1.00 b/d 3.50 2.50 1.40 1.360 0.11

mtr. mtr. mtr. mtr. SAFE

= = = = = = = t = = = = = = = = t = = =

1.50 2.33 1.77 31.03 20.44 79.56 68.97 0.50 mtr. 3.53 72.50 2.50 Mt. 1.40 1.36 37.58 23.76 0.50 Mt. 2.76 34.81

66.60 66.45 66.10


65.10 0.5 A 0.5 1.7 (Considering 100% 1.30 Pressure) 0.5 B 64.10


53.66 34.81 A B

Pressure at A = Floor thickness Submerged density of concrete = Thickness at beginning of D/s floor = (Static head/Submerged density of concrete)*% pressure at that point Thickness at A = 0.43 mt. Thickness at end of D/s floor = (Static head/Submerged density of concrete)*% pressure at that point Thickness at B = 0.28 mt.

53.66 3 1.24 t/m Provide Provide 0.50 mt. 0.50 mt.

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