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Hasnita Asnur 1112040171

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Hasnita Asnur*), Muh. Ihsanul Amri, Tiara Purnama, Yusran Anri Saputra Modern Physics Laboratory Physics DepartmentMathematics and Science Faculty State University of Makassar
Abstract. Experiments have been carried out with the title of the activity of radioactive substances, with the aim of the experiment is to investigate the characteristics of the radioactivity emitted a radioactive substance, investigate and compare the penetrating power of , , and , to investigat e the ability of various materials (materials) to absorb radiation, and investigate distance relationship distance between the source of radioactive sources with activity. Based on different sources of radiation penetrating power level which is owned by a smaller than and , whereas the level of the greatest penetrating power can be seen in radiation.

KEYWORDS: Radioactivity, decay, and Radiation source INTRODUCTION Radioactive decay is the event of the loss energy of unstable atomic nuclei by emitting radiation and ionizing particles. Decay, or loss of energy, it will produce a kind of other atoms are stable. This generated a new atom called core child (daughter nuclide), while the so-called atomic nucleus decays mother (parent nuclide). For example, carbon14 atom (the mother) would emit radiation and turns into nitrogen-14 atom (the child). Decay events are random events at the atomic level, making it very difficult to approximating when a particular atom will decay. The usual we do is the average decay of many of the same atom. The SI unit of radioactive decay is the Becquerel (Bq). One Bq is defined as the change (or decay) per second. For a sample of radioactive material contains many atoms, a Bq is a very small measure of activity; bringing the total number in the order of TBq (tera becquerel) or GBq (giga becquerel) are widely used. Another unit of radioactivity is the curie (Ci), which was originally defined as the activity of one gram of pure radium, isotope Ra - 226. Now this one Ci is defined as any activity that decays with radionuclide disintegration rate of 3.7 1010Bq. Judging from the types and amounts of energy, radioactive radiation can be divided into three types (which is named after the Greek alphabetical order), the alpha radiation, beta, and gamma. Alpha decay only occurs in the course of heavy elements (with atomic numbers 52), whereas the other two types of decay common to all elements. THEORY One of the unique properties possessed by the atom is its ability to spontaneously transform from a nucleus with Z and N values at the core of the other particular. This event is called the decay. Such properties are owned by an unstable nucleus and the nucleus is called radioactive. There are three types of radiation that may be emitted in a decay event, namely radiation , , and . Decay of radioactive material has a strange characteristic. In addition to that these events cant be detected by the senses, this decay process also occurs randomly, although they can be estimated. When decay occurs, it will be radioactive rays emitted radiation, ie radiation , , and . This radiation has the ability to penetrate different materials for each type. The penetration of this radiation are generally satisfies the equation

I t I 0 e t
Where It = activity of radioactive substances to the barrier, I0 = activity of radioactive substances without a barrier, t = thickness of barrier materials, and = permeability coefficient of materials. Investigation of permeability materials will you do on the experiment part II. Most of the radioactive material emits gamma rays which are accompanied by alpha or beta rays. However, because the radioactive samples rarely pure then discovered three types of radiation such as has been described previously. Three types of radiation are found to have different charges and different deflected by the magnetic field and is usually

depicted in the famous diagram as shown below:



Then the last equation can be written in exponential form as

N e


To calculate a radioactive nucleus is not easy therefore form equation (4) must be converted into the amount that can be measured. Figure 1. Radioactive beam deflection in a magnetic field. Sempel activity radioactive (R), is often expressed in the scale denote the probability (chance) of each core fading seconds: Multiply both sides of equation (4) with .

N N O e


with a = and an initial activity. = .



EXPERIMENTAL METHOD This lab aims to investigate the characteristics of the emission of radioactivity several radioactivesubstances, to investigate and compare the beam penetrating power , , and , investigate the ability of various materials (materials) to absorb radiation, as well as investigating the relationship between the distances to the source of the radioactive source activity. The tools used to perform these experiments, namely: Geiger-Muller tube, Ratemeter, Computer, radioactive sources, sample holders, a number of absorbent materials(AL and lead) with different thicknesses, as well asa micrometer screw. Before using the tools experimental investigation of the activity of radioactive substances, it is worth noting that GM's operational voltage detector will be used so that it can work well. This tool working voltage can be selected with in the range ofthe voltage on the plateau region in the range of 400 volts 900 volts. So that the detector is working properly and safely, it will bech around a working voltageof 500 volts or 25% below the plateau around the area. Furthermore, prior to trial, the entire device (GM tube, ratemeter, and computers) have examined whether the well-connected, then turn on radiation detection program on the computer, set the voltage at which the program

Core activities can also be viewed as the rate of change of radioactive nuclei.

dN (2) dt

Activity can be expressed in Bequerel ( ).

1Bq 1shedding / sec ond

Or Curie ()

1Ci 3,7 x10 Bequerel


Becquerel is the SI unit defined in 1977. For the core activity of the negative sign indicates that the longer the less. Of equation (1) and (2) we get:

dN dt



dN N


Think of when the core is and the amount of time a lot of the core is. By integrating equation (3) we get:

dN N dt NO to

has been supplied with a voltage of 900 volts. Have all completed the program are available now ratemeter was ready to chop GM tube detection results and displays the data on a computer monitor reading results. That can measure two events in this trial.

EXPERIMENT RESULT AND DATA ANALYSIS Observation Result NST Mikrometer Sekrup : 0,01 mm Activity 1. Recognize the radioactive substance activity. TABLE 1.Result of observation radioactivity
No 1 2
Voltage (V)

Counts Alpha 0 0 0 37 25 30 41 35 41 41 46 45 46 52 38 43 43 38 31 50 34 52 34,095 15,674 Beta 0 10 3594 3873 3993 4238 4169 4343 4350 4475 4418 4452 4553 4654 4583 4886 4794 4941 4847 4885 4827 4941 4042,14 1388,393 Gamma 0 446 435 469 458 461 461 471 539 542 528 535 562 525 593 558 527 543 573 586 552 593 493,524 123,014

700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100

FIGURE 2. Experimental device activity radioactive substances. First Activity Getting to know the activity of a radioactive substance in a way to put one on the shelf sample of radioactive sources in turn. Next, click on the plateau to experiment and select the desired digital filling, ie the voltage to 1100 and the number of desired data at the data that is equal to 21 and then 30 second detector of radioactive substances ready to run. Then repeat the activity by replacing the radiation source and the detector will stop itself when the voltage up to 1100 volts then the data is ready in the store by clicking on the file select Save As. Second Activity In addition to using radioactive sources (alpha, beta and gamma), also used barrier material Al and leads. Choosing the barrier material available ranging from the most thin and placed in position 1 rackof samples by measuring its thickness. Then click Experiment choose half-life to start chopping and then filla voltage of 900 and the number of desired data at the dat a 6. Then OK, the detector is ready for use. Doing these activities three times by replacing the radiation source and the type of barrier with different thicknesses. Detector will stop on its own after the desired amount of data and a pre determined voltage accordingly. Indicators that the measuremen thas been completedie stop lights will turn on the lamp beside the count, after which the data saved As. Count, after which the data saved As.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Maxsimum cps Average cps Standarddeviat ion

Activity 2: Measuring penetrating power of ,, and rays TABLE 2. Observation result penetrating of alpha rays without barrier No Voltage (V) Counts 1 2 3 4 5 900 900 900 900 900 26 37 27 36 29


26 37 27 36 29 24

29 43 65 51 51 39 38 30 35 23 36 35 217 235 200 234 205 216

52 50 33 46 43 48 44 34 27 25 38 37 218 187 216 204 240 215

23 58 33 52 48 46 32 54 44 25 33 40 223 214 218 178 174 185


2062 2015 1946

TABLE 3. Observation result penetrating of radiation sources alpha, beta, and gamma with Al barrier
Source Alpha 0 mm 26 37 27 36 29 24 Beta 2062 2015 1946 2014 1916 1942 Gamma 291 256 272 250 248 279 0,79 mm 42 39 46 52 65 34 861 894 841 883 895 899 246 225 245 227 265 269 1,55 mm 33 33 42 28 40 34 310 328 297 304 308 326 253 237 274 249 246 233 3,10 mm 45 36 29 36 39 46 46 43 34 35 43 41 261 248 240 232 203 221

2014 1916 1942 Gamma 291 256 272 250 248 279

Data Analysis Activity 1. Getting to know the activity of radioactive substances.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 300 600 900 1200 Voltage (volt)

Figure 3. Graph the relationship between the voltage source alpha radiation counts. From the graph above shows that the maximum cps achieved by radiating source of alpha in the range of 50 to be exact counts at 52.

TABLE 4. Observation result penetrating of radiation sources alpha, beta, and gamma with Pb barrier
Source 0 mm 0,79 mm 1,55 mm 3,10 mm

average cps

6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 300 600 Voltage (volt) 900 1200


Activity 2: Measuring the light penetration Alpha, Beta, dan Gamma

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0

y = 33.598e0.1044x R = 0.6928

Figure 4. Graph the relationship between the voltage source counts of beta radiation. From the graph above shows that the maximum cps achieved by radiating source of alpha in the range of 5000 to be exact counts at 4941.
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 300 600 Voltage (volt) 900 1200

2 Thickness (mm)

Figure 7. Graph showing the relationship between the thicknesses of the barrier (Pb) with an average cps alpha radiation source. From the graph above equation, obtained = 33,598 0,1044 or = 33,598 0,1044 So = 0,1044 = 2 100% = 0,6928 100 % = 69 % = 100% = 100% 69% = 31% = = = 0,31 0,1044 = 0,032 = |0,10 0,03|1
50 40

Figure 5. Graph the relationship between the voltage source counts of gamma radiation. From the graph above shows that the maximum cps achieved by radiating source of alpha in the range of 600 to be exact counts at 593. In a histogram, the third activity of the source of radiation (alpha, beta, and gamma) seen in the picture below:

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0


sumber radiasi alpha

cps average

sumber radiasi beta sumber radiasi gamma

30 20 10 0 0 1

y = 34.86e0.0426x R = 0.0937

2 Thickness (mm)

Figure 6. Histogram of the source beta radiation, gamma and background.

Figure 8. Graph showing the relationship between the thicknesses of the

barrier with an average cps alpha radiation source From the graph above equation, obtained = 34,86 0,0426 or = 34,86 0,0426 So = 2 100% = 0,0937 100 % = 9,3 % = 100% = 100% 9,3% = 90,7% = = = 0,90 0,0426 = 0,038 = |0,042 0,038|1
2500 2000

= = 0,467 0,827 = 0,386 = |0,82 0,38|1 =


cps rata-rata

= 0,0426

2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 Ketebalan (mm) y = 2171.6e-1.272x R = 0.9975

Figure 10. Graph showing the relationship between the thicknesses of the barrier with an average cps beta radiation source From the graph above equation, obtained = 2171,6 1,272 or = 2171,6 1,272 So = 1,272 = 2 100% = 0,9975 100 % = 99,8 % = 100% = 100% 99,8% = 0,2% = = = 0,002 1,272 = 0,00254 = |1,272 0,003|1

averge cps

1500 1000 500 0 -500 0 1

y = 504.11e-0.827x R = 0.5327

Thickness (mm)

Figure 9. Graph showing the relationship between the thicknesses of the barrier (Pb) with an average cps beta radiation source. From the graph above equation, obtained = 504,11 0,827 or = 504,11 0,827 So = 0,827 = 2 100% = 0,5327 100 % = 53,3 % = 100% = 100% 53,3% = 46,7%

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1

barrier with an average gamma radiation source

y = 253.41e-0.065x R = 0.8471


average cps

Thickness (mm)

From the graph above equation, obtained = 261,09 0,036 or = 261,09 0,036 So = 0,036 = 2 100% = 0,8391 100 % = 83,9 % = 100% = 100% 84,71% = 16,1% = = = 0,161 0,036 = 0,0058 = |0,036 0,058|1 Discussion, The first activity to make observations to determine the activity of each source radiation used (alpha, beta, and gamma). Based on the graph, shows that the radiation source has the highest activity is beta rays, and gamma, and the smallest is the alpha. This is evident from the maximum cps obtained for beta rays, gamma, and alpha, respectively 4941, 593, and 52. The result is not in accordance with the theory that the source of gamma radiation has the highest activity. In the second activity, data collection was conducted to determine the penetrating power of each source of radiation alpha, beta or gamma using barrier material Al and leads with varying thickness. From the analysis of the graph shows that the source of radiation has the greatest penetrating power is beta with = |0,82 0,38|1 at Pb barrier and = |1,272 0,003|1at Al barrier. While alpha radiation source is obtained = |0,10 0,03|1 for Pb barrier and = |0,042 0,038|1for Al barrier, and for gamma radiation source is obtained = |0,065 0,010|1for Pb barrier and = |0,036 0,058|1for Al barrier.

Figure 11.Graph showing the relationship between the thicknesses of the barrier (Pb) with an average cps gamma radiation source.

From the graph above equation, obtained = 253,41 0,065 or = 253,41 0,065 So = 0,065 = 2 100% = 0,8471 100 % = 84,7 % = 100% = 100% 84,71% = 15.3% = = = 0,153 0,065 = 0,0099 = |0,065 0,010|1

average cps

260 250 240 230 0 1 2 Thickness (mm) 3 4 y = 261.09e-0.036x R = 0.8391

Figure 12. Graph showing the relationship between the thicknesses of the

The results obtained are not consistent with the theory that gamma radiation sources have the greatest penetrating power. Furthermore, there is a peculiarity in the second activity data obtained for alpha rays. Activity exhibited by alpha rays after being given barrier was greater than before the given barrier. The thicker the barrier is given, the greater the activity. It is clearly not in accordance with the theory.

the penetrating power of the radiation source that has the greatest penetrating power is a source of beta radiation penetration and the smallest is the alpha rays.

REFERENSI Cottingham, W.N., Greenwood, D.A. 2004, Introduction to Nuclear Physics 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, UK. Meyerhof, W.E. 1998. Elements of Nuclear Physics. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Subaer, dkk. 2013. Penuntun Praktikum Eksperimen Fisika I.Unit Laboratorium Fisika Modern Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNM

CONCLUSION Based on the results of lab work that has been done, it can dismpulkan that the type of radiation source has a different activity and from the third source is beta rays, gamma rays are more active then the alpha rays. For each of

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