Material Culture 2010 11
Material Culture 2010 11
Material Culture 2010 11
Material Culture
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For review copies of titles in this catalogue, please contact: Jackie Bressanelli Email: [email protected] Please state the name of the publication in which the review will be published.
Complete listing of Litera published ry Studies to the end titles in print, of July Listing corre ct as at Augu 2008. st 2008.
Title to 1800
Literary Studies
Privacy, Domestic ity, and Women ISBN Marvell and in Early Modern Alchemy Pub Date England Reading Genesis in the Long Hb 978-0-75 Print and Eighteent 46-3043-2 Power in h Century Hb 978-0-85 France and Apr-03 Modern Retellings England, 967-774-5 1500180 Hb 978-0-75 of Chivalric 0 Jan-90 Performin Texts 46-5613-5 g Early Modern Hb 978-0-75 Aug-06 Trauma from The House 46-5591-6 Shakespe of Forgery Hb 978-1-84 are to Milton in Eighteent Oct-06 Oral Traditions 014-612-7 h-Century and Gender Britain Hb 978-0-75 May-99 in Early Modern The Gentle 46-5564-0 Craft Literary Texts Hb 978-1-84 Mar-06 Contradic Beal 014-601-1 tions: From Hb 978-0-75 Beowulf to May-99 Parnassu Beasley Chaucer 46-5538-1 s Biceps Hb 978-0-75 Jan-08 Salons, History, Becker 46-3894-0 and the Creation Hb 978-1-85 Jul-07 Death and Bedford 928-173-4 of Seventee the Early nth-Centu Hb 978-0-85 Auth Modern Englishw Dec-95 ry France Early Modern or Berg 967-782-0 oman English Lives Hb 978-0-75 Vari Nov-90 The Lives orum Bergeron 46-5354-7 and Letters Coll Hb ecte Abra of an Eighteent Jan-06 978-0-75Title Textual Patronag mow Bhattacha d Stud46-3349-5 h-Century rya e in Circle of Acquainta Abulafia skiHb 978-0-75 Aug-03 ies Seri Slavery, Colonialis English Drama, 1570-164 Biberman 46-5295nce Hb 3 es 0 m and Connoiss Abulafia Form Aug-07 978-0-75 Masculini ula and Bicks 46-5599eurship ty, Anti-Sem 2 Con Aug-06 Hb 978-0-75 Abulafia Chri itism and Midwiving stian text: Early Modern Blevins 46-5405Subjects s and 6 Stud English Literature dm Hb 978-0-75 Com Jews Feb-06 ies in Catullan Consciou in Shakespeares England merc Boenig 46-0353Early in Disp e and 5 Adas sness and Med Hb 978-0-75 Chri Con Jul-06 ute iterra The Mystical the Early stian Booy 46-5045ques Modern Lyric nean 4 Gesture Thou Alef The Hb 978-0-75 t in the ISBN in England Enco Dec-04 ght Vers Autobiogr Booy 46-0938Med unte aphical Writings aille 4 Allen iterra State, rs, Econ Hb 978-0-75 s Jun-03 by Early Quaker Personal nean Mark 3 System Bowers 46-5055omic Disclosur , 1100 Hb and Women et and Allen Rule Hb 978-0-75 es , Relig Pub Nov-04 Cen 978150 rs Radical Comedy Date Peasant Bradford 46-0123tral Euro and 4 ious 0-86 0 Hb , Polit Nob Amit Natu in Early Modern 078Hb 978-0-75 in Colo pe les in Apr-00 978ai ical, ralis Augustan 288Bradshaw 46-0753England 0-86 ts and 15th Measures nial 9 Hb 3 Anastos Plato 078Hb 978-0-75 -cen South Oct-04 978s 674The Shakespe tury Bradshaw 46-0121Third 0 Society Feband 0-86 0 Mus Hb arean Internatio 92 Aras The Southea 078Eye Hb 978-0-75 covy Jan-02 978aratn Mon 377The Shakespe nal Yearbook 46-6380Jul-9 0-86 st Asia gols 5 am 0 Hb : Volume Aras Aspe 0788 in the Hb 978-0-75 Jun-08 Studies Today arean International 3 978aratn Bradshaw cts 841Islam 46-0711-3 JunYearbook 0-86 am 6 Hb 93 Ceylon of the Mind : Volume ic Land 078Hb 978-0-75 The Shakespe Sep-02 9784: Shakespe 905Dec-00 and 46-0771-7 of Byza s 0-86 Arbe arean Internatio are 5 Hb the Dutc Mari 078Section, Shakespe l Bradshaw ntium Nov-03 nal Yearbook 978time 696h, Jul-0 0-86 are and the Arm Trad : Volume 2 1600 Hb Hb 978-0-75 The Shakespe 0784 e, Soci 1600180 5: itage Bonds of 180 97846-4006120Service Asht Special arean Internatio Oct0 0-86 6 ety and Cyprus, 0 2 Hb Section, Shakespe Bradshaw 98 078Oct-04 nal Yearbook or 978Euro 863The are and Montaign : Volume Mar0-86 Hb pean Asht Grea 8 Fran The Shakespe Hb 978-0-75 6:or 83 Special 078e Revisited ter Brita Influ ks and 46-5370978arean Internatio 472ence 7 Aug-01 section, Updating 0-75 Ayal Bradshaw Stud Venice, 2 Hb nal Yearbook in Sou 46-5 /Mucciolo ies on in, 1516177 Oct-05 Shakespe 978: Volume on 91413th thern Hb Tech The Shakespe Aprare the Leva 978-0-75 0-86 Baa7: 3 16t Special Hb 6 Asia 95 078lbak arean Internatio h Cen nolo 46-5589978, 3 ntine i 840Now gy, Indu Braider Aug-07 in Shakespe turie Oct-06 0-86 nal Islam 9 Trad s 078arean Studies? 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Cover image: Tiles at Hassan II Mosque, Morocco. Photography by Syagci. Image courtesy of
Material Culture
NEW Architectural Space in Eighteenth-Century Europe Constructing Identities and Interiors
Edited by Denise Amy Baxter, University of North Texas, USA and Meredith Martin, Wellesley College, USA
This ne collection of essays makes an important contribution to the literature on 18th-century architectural space as it was constructed and experienced across Europe...the essays uniformly move beyond questions of individual architects and period styles to consider issues of patronage and politics, class and gender. Laura Auricchio, Parsons New School for Design, author of Adlade Labille-Guiard: Artist in the Age of Revolution This volume explores how a diverse, pan-European group of eighteenth-century patrons among them bankers, bishops, bluestockings, and courtesans used architectural space and dcor to shape and express identity. Representing the work of scholars from several disciplines, the book links contemporary critical theory with a historically specic approach, grounding ideas of space and the self within the visual and material remains of interiors in eighteenthcentury Europe Contents: Introduction: constructing space and identity in the 18th-century interior, Denise Amy Baxter; Section I Crossing Boundaries, Making Space: The ascendancy of the interior in 18th-century French architectural theory, Meredith Martin; Trs belle, agrable, et bien meuble: the Electoral palace at Saint-Cloud in the early 18th century, Max Tillman; In the right place at the right time: political propaganda in the Archiepiscopal palace of Wrzburg, Csongor Kis; Getting plastered: ornamentation, iconography, and the desperate faction, Katherine R.P. Clark. Section II The Interior as Masquerade: Salon as stage: actress/ courtesans and their homes in late 18th-century Paris, Kathryn Norberg; Fashioning bluestocking conversation: Elizabeth Montagus Chinese room, Stacey Sloboda; The space of the mask, from stage to ridotto, Marc J. Neveu. Section III The Politics of Display: Improving taste in the private interior: gentlemens galleries in post-Napoleonic London, Anne Nellis Richter; A nation of statues: museums and identity in 18th-century Rome, Jeffrey Collins; (Re)constructing an 18th-century interior: the value of interiority on display, Daniel Brewer; Bibliography; Index.
Includes 51 b&w illustrations May 2010 284 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6650-9 60.00 / $114.95
The Borghese Collections and the Display of Art in the Age of the Grand Tour
Carole Paul, University of California, USA
(a) meticulous account of the display of the Borghese collection of paintings and antiquities in eighteenthcentury Rome Times Literary Supplement This is a work of tremendous distinction and is a vital key to our growing understanding of the art and culture of the eighteenth century. Christopher Johns, Vanderbilt University, USA This is a comprehensive study of the late-eighteenth-century redecoration of the exhibition spaces at the Borghese palace and villa in Rome and the reinstallation of the familys vast art collection. It makes an important contribution to our understanding of Italian art at a complex moment of transition from baroque to neo-classical style, as well as to the emerging eld of museum history, demonstrating that these spaces were among the most inuential models of the modern art museum.
Includes 24 colour and 104 b&w illustrations November 2008 358 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6134-4 65.00 / $124.95
Material Culture
NEW The Cultural Aesthetics of Eighteenth-Century Porcelain
Edited by Alden Cavanaugh, Indiana State University, USA and Michael E. Yonan, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
The Cultural Aesthetics of EighteenthCentury Porcelain presents new interpretative frameworks for the study of eighteenth-century porcelain. Contributors analyze the porcelains aesthetic qualities, particularly the way those qualities reinforce and challenge the social processes within which porcelain objects were viewed, collected, and used. The collection covers a broad geographic scope, encompassing not only European porcelain but also Europes interaction with East Asia, the Islamic World, North Africa and the Americas. Contents: Introduction, Alden Cavanaugh and Michael E. Yonan; Rethinking the Arcanum: porcelain, secrecy, and the 18th-century culture of invention, Glenn Adamson; The nature of artice: French porcelain owers and the rhetoric of the garnish, Mimi Hellman; Igneous architecture: porcelain, natural philosophy, and the rococo cabinet chinois, Michael Yonan; Marketing celebrity: porcelain and theatrical display; Heather McPherson; Balancing act: Andrea Brustolons La Forza and the display of imported porcelain in 18th-century Venice, Erin J. Campbell; The Queens ncessaire, Alden Cavanaugh; Porcelain, print culture and mercantile aesthetics, Dawn Odell; Sugar boxes and blackamoors: ornamental blackness in early Meissen porcelain, Adrienne L. Childs; Ties that bind: relations between the Royal Academy of San Fernando and the royal porcelain factory of the BuenRetiro, Andrew Schulz; Selected bibliography; Index.
Includes 12 colour and 37 b&w illustrations August 2010 244 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6386-7 55.00 / $99.95
FORTHCOMING Early Gothic Column-Figure Sculpture in France Appearance, Materials, and Signicance
Janet E. Snyder, West Virginia University, USA
Richly illustrated, this book investigates human gural sculpture installed in church portals of mid-twelfth century France. Janet Snyder takes a close look at sculpture at more than twenty churches, describes represented ensembles, denes the language of textiles and dress, and investigates rationale and signicance in context. She analyzes how patrons employed sculpture to express and shape perceived reality, using images of textiles and clothing that had political, economic and social signicances. Contents: Preface; Introduction; Structures of power: the support of the peers; Secret signals: the meaning of clothing in sculpture; Good business: commerce in the North; Signicant stuff: textiles and a language of dress; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.
Includes c. 20 colour and 182 b&w illustrations. July 2011 c. 400 pages Hardback 978-1-4094-0065-3 c. 65.00 / c. $124.95
Glass Exchange between Europe and China, 15501800 Diplomatic, Mercantile and Technological Interactions
Emily Byrne Curtis, Independent Scholar
Transculturalisms, 1400-1700 Emily Curtiss stimulating and informative monograph provides a fascinating anthology of cultural interactions over a number of centuries. Deborah Howard, University of Cambridge, UK In this study, Emily Byrne Curtis explores lenses, spectacles, and windows found in China from the sixteenth century. Tracing their technological development back to the glassworks in Murano, Venice, she also explores their signicance in terms of Venices commerce with China. Through analysis of gifts and documents from archives in Rome and the Vatican, this study touches to an extent on the history of the Catholic Church in China. Contents: Introduction; Wonder and desire: the glass was most beautiful; New notions of seeing: mirrors and lenses; Panes of glass: windows and paintings; Diplomatic overtures: The daren (great personage) from the Vatican; Glass: pieces as beautiful as our aventurine; Cristalli: 4 cases of precious glass; White gold: a magical substance; Enamel materials: a technological transfer; Carrying treasure to China: the Albion; Glossary; Bibliography; Index.
Includes 4 colour and 25 b&w and illustrations January 2009 174 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6316-4 50.00 / $99.95
Material Culture
The Idol in the Age of Art Objects, Devotions and the Early Modern World
Edited by Michael W. Cole, University of Pennsylvania, USA and Rebecca Zorach, University of Chicago, USA
St Andrews Studies in Reformation History both convincing and well illustrated this book deserves to be commended as a highly creative stimulus to our thinking on the period. Art and Christianity Conicting attitudes towards devotional art was a major factor in the confessional divisions that split Reformation Europe. Approaching the Reformation idol as an essentially international problem, and placing particular emphasis on cultural encounters, it provides fresh perspectives on the very nature of Renaissance art, and underscores how colonial issues came to be often framed in terms of European religious conicts.
Includes 1 colour and 96 b&w illustrations February 2009 384 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-5290-8 55.00 / $99.95
FORTHCOMING The Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition of 1857 Entrepreneurs, Connoisseurs and the Public
Elizabeth A. Pergam, Dian Woodner Collection, New York, USA
An overdue study of a groundbreaking event, this is the rst book-length examination of the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition of 1857. The book examines aesthetic, social, and economic issues of the day, and follows the Exhibitions reverberations in the development of art history and museum practices to the present day. A complete list of the exhibited works that are now in public collections throughout the world is also included.
Includes 53 b&w illustrations and 12 colour plates. May 2011 No. of pages tbc Hardback 978-1-4094-1830-6 c. 60.00 / c. $114.95
Material Culture
Material Cultures, 17401920 The Meanings and Pleasures of Collecting
Edited by John Potvin and Alla Myzelev, both at the University of Guelph, Canada
Interweaving considerations of identity and subjectivity, spatial contexts, materiality and meaning, this collection addresses the status and interpretation of visual and material culture. It argues that objects are conduits or signs of meanings, pleasures, and desires that are deeply subjective; more often than not, they reveal racial, gendered, and sexual identities. Through case studies, contributors demonstrate material and visual cultures to be less separate than current disciplinary ethos indicates.
Includes 39 b&w illustrations April 2009 250 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6144-3 55.00 / $99.95
The Netherlandish Image after Iconoclasm, 15661672 Material Religion in the Dutch Golden Age
Mia M. Mochizuki, Jesuit School of Theology, and Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, USA
Winner of the ACE/Mercers International Book Award 2009 a beautiful book, illustrated with lots of wonderful images, all in colour The authors commitment and thorough engagement with her materials is also evidenced in generous footnotes and wide reading a remarkable contribution to the developing eld of early-modern religious art history. Art Newspaper Highly recommended. Choice Debunking the myth of the stark white Protestant church interior, this innovative book draws on art history, reformation history and theology to explain the impact of iconoclasm on the cultural topography of the Dutch Golden Age. Lavishly illustrated with colour photographs of many objects never before published, this study identies a previously overlooked aspect of iconoclasm: while acknowledging its destructive force, Mochizuki also discloses its generative power and the remarkable creativity it unleashed.
Includes 158 colour and 65 b&w illustrations November 2008 424 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6104-7 65.00 / $124.95
Negotiating Secular and Sacred in Medieval Art Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist
Edited by Alicia Walker, Washington University in St. Louis, USA and Amanda Luyster, College of the Holy Cross, USA
Essays in this collection analyse the convergence between sacred and secular in medieval works of art and architecture, questioning the adequacy of those categories to describe medieval attitudes. Sacred and secular are shown to reect largely modern cultural frameworks, which can be useful as scholarly tools, but which risk imposing false dichotomies. This volume complicates and enriches our understanding of social realities across a broad spectrum of medieval worlds.
Includes 4 colour and 71 b&w illustrations June 2009 242 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6327-0 55.00 / $99.95
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Material Culture
General Editor: Michael Yonan, University of Missouri, USA
The Histories of Material Culture and Collecting, 17001950 provides a forum for the broad study of
object acquisition and collecting practices in their global dimensions from the eighteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries. The series seeks to illuminate the intersections between material culture studies, art history, and the history of collecting. HMCC takes as its starting point the idea that objects both contributed to the formation of knowledge in the past and likewise contribute to our understanding of the past today. The human relationship to objects has proven a rich eld of scholarly inquiry, with much recent scholarship either anthropological or sociological rather than art historical in perspective. Underpinning this series is the idea that the physical nature of objects contributes substantially to their social meanings, and therefore that the visual, tactile and sensual dimensions of objects are critical to their interpretation. HMCC therefore seeks to bridge anthropology and art history, sociology and aesthetics. For more details on submitting a book proposal for this new series, please contact Meredith Norwich, Commissioning Editor, [email protected]
The Printed Image in Early Modern London Urban Space, Visual Representation, and Social Exchange
Joseph Monteyne, State University of New York, USA
Monteyne has read widely in social, religious and political history; in art history, literary theory and urban sociology; and employs a wide range of visual and textual sources to good effect. The result is a fantastic book that guides the reader from one interesting idea to the next through a series of insightful connections, much like a tourist navigating the metropolis by its landmarks. I hope this book will become a classic text for all scholars of early modern London. Journal of the Printing Historical Society Presenting an inventive body of research that explores the connections between urban movements, space and visual representation, this study offers the rst sustained analysis of the vital interrelationship between printed images and urban life in early modern London. It is distinguished by its close and sustained readings of individual prints, complemented with a thorough examination of the dynamics of print production as a commercial exchange.
Includes 83 b&w illustrations October 2007 302 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6019-4
Potters and Patrons in Edo Period Japan Takatori Ware and the Kuroda Domain
The Histories of Material Culture and Collecting, 17001950
60.00 / $114.95
Re-framing Representations of Women Figuring, Fashioning, Portraiting and Telling in the Picturing Women Project
Edited by Susan Shifrin, The Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art and Ursinus College, USA
Re-Framing Representations of Women is nothing short of exhilarating a cultural collaboration on a grand scale among scholars, artists, curators, and storytellers. The feminist images and essays assembled by editor Susan Shifrin provide the most comprehensive and nuanced picture to date of women in art, literature, fashion history, and material culture. Wendy Steiner, University of Pennsylvania, USA thoughtfully designed and well-illustrated volume Recommended. Choice Crossing disciplinary and chronological boundaries, this volume integrates text and image, essays and object pages to explore the processes inherent in gender representation, rather than resituating women in particular categories or spheres as other scholarly publications and exhibitions have done. It offers new and stimulating scholarship that confronts historical patterns of representation that have dened what women were and are seen to be.
Includes 109 colour and 41 b&w illustrations and 1 CD October 2008 354 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6077-4 85.00 / $165.00
Material Culture
The Religious Patronage of the Duke of Lerma, 15981621
Lisa A. Banner
Banners sound research, clear presentation of the material, and new conclusions make it a valuable contribution to a period that is nally receiving the scholarly attention it so richly deserves. Renaissance Quarterly This is an admirable and important book. Banners study will be fundamental to all future assessments of Lerma and will help to reassert the importance of religion in the life of early-modern Europe; she is to be congratulated on her achievement. Catholic Historical Review Introducing fresh archival evidence, author Lisa Banner here demonstrates how Francisco Gmez de Sandoval y Rojas, rst Duke of Lerma, served as a vital link in Habsburg architectural patronage. She traces how Lerma embarked on a career of renovating or building religious foundations in seventeenth-century Spain; and shows how his architectural patronage and involvement connected the foundations of Lerma indelibly with the traditions of noble patronage in Habsburg Spain.
Includes 45 b&w illustrations April 2009 270 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6120-7 55.00 / $99.95
NEW Rethinking the Interior, c. 18671896 Aestheticism and Arts and Crafts
Edited by Jason Edwards, University of York, UK and Imogen Hart, Yale Center for British Art, USA
This is an extremely important book that renegotiates and rewrites the somewhat conservative terrain of arts and crafts literature, and entices the pre-eminent scholarship on aestheticism away from literature into the areas of visual and material culture. Janice Helland, Queens University, Canada, author of British and Irish Home Art and- Industries 18801914: Marketing Craft, Making Fashion From Aesthetes in Africa to the cultural history of the teapot, this collection addresses the topic of eclectic relationships in Victorian decorative art. Rethinking the Interior, c. 1867-1896 argues that no rm demarcation exists between Aestheticism and Arts and Crafts, the two movements examined here. The volume addresses the complex and temporary character of interiors, and challenges the identication of nineteenth-century interiors as exclusively female or family spaces. Sample contents: Introduction. Re-reading the green dining room, Sally-Anne Huxtable; Superabundance and disorder: Ruskins two great evils and the church of St Mary, Studley Royal, Jane Hawkes; An enchanted interior: William Morris at Kelmscott House, Imogen Hart; Fearful consequences of living up to ones teapot: men, women and cultchah in the aesthetic movement, Anne Anderson; Of things both old and new: the work of Richard Coad and James MacLaren, Paul Holden; Paintings from nowhere: Walter Crane, socialism, and the aesthetic interior, Morna ONeill; The aesthetics of the community: queer interiors and the desire for intimacy, John Potvin; Bafing arrangements: Vernon Lee and John Singer Sargent in queer Tangier, Diana Maltz; Sculpture and aesthetic intent in the late Victorian interior, Martina Droth; Timeline; Bibliography; Index.
Includes 65 b&w illustrations April 2010 294 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6817-6 60.00 / $114.95
Material Culture
NEW The Sculpture of Reform in North Italy, ca 1095-1130 History and Patronage of Romanesque Faades
Dorothy F. Glass
Professor Glass has succeeded in writing the most important book on Italian Romanesque sculpture in decades. It is a brilliant study. She has done it with a superbly clear and spare style of writing, with effective visual analysis, and with supremely well informed argumentation based on the visual material and relevant textual sources. This is one of the most signicant art history studies I have read on Italian medieval art. Jaroslav Folda, University of North Carolina, USA Entirely fresh and original in its methodology, this monograph offers a new approach to the study of Romanesque faade sculpture, focused on such monuments as the Benedictine monasteries at Nonantola and San Benedetto Po and the cathedral at Modena. This study moves scholarship beyond well covered issues of style and connoisseurship, instead opening new and fruitful lines of inquiry into the patronage and historical signicance of these extraordinary monuments. Contents: Introduction; Papal politics, Papal culture; The geography of power, the power of geography: Mantua and San Benedetto Po; The Benedictine abbey of Nonantola: reframing history, debating theology; The cathedral at Modena: history and historiography; The reform programme at the cathedral of Modena; Beyond the centre: the cathedrals of Cremona and Piacenza; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index.
Includes 87 b&w illustrations July 2010 296 pages Hardback 978-1-4094-0002-8 60.00 / $114.95
NEW Flemish and Dutch Artists in Early Modern England Collaboration and Competition, 1460-1680
Mary Bryan H. Curd, Harrison Middleton University, USA
Visual Culture in Early Modernity By examining their production practices in a variety of genres-including manuscript illustration, glass painting and staining, tapestry manufacture, portrait painting and engraving, this book explores how Netherlandish artists migrating to England in the early modern period overcame challenges raised by their outsider status. It examines, for the rst time in this context, the challenges of alien status to artistic production and the effectiveness of cooperation as a countermeasure.
Includes 59 b&w illustrations May 2010 256 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6712-4 55.00 / $99.95
NEW The Viewer and the Printed Image in Late Medieval Europe
David S. Areford, University of Massachusetts, USA
Visual Culture in Early Modernity This is a splendid book, copiously illustrated and clearly and engagingly argued. While medievalists will relish it, anyone with an interest in prints or religious art will learn a great deal from it. The Art Newspaper Arefords compelling study restores to early prints, Italian as well as northern European, the urgency, vitality and interest that they commanded of their late medieval viewers. Learned, yet lively, his book breaks down barriers between high and low, and, most of all, for the modern viewer schooled to disregard popular printed imagery, between past and present ways of seeing. Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Harvard University, USA Structured around in-depth and interconnected case studies and driven by a methodology of material, contextual and iconographic analysis, this book argues that early European single-sheet prints, north and south, are best understood as highly accessible objects shaped and framed by individual viewers. David Areford offers a synthetic historical narrative of early prints that stresses their unusual material nature, as well as their accessibility to a variety of viewers. Contents: Introduction: the aura of the printed image; The materiality of the printed image; Acts of viewing; The ship and the skeleton: the prints of Jacopo Rubieri; Little Simons body; Printing the side wound of Christ; Epilogue; Bibliography; Index.
Includes 16 colour and 111 b&w illustrations February 2010 346 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6762-9 65.00 / $124.95
NEW Sex Acts in Early Modern Italy Practice, Performance, Perversion, Punishment
Edited by Allison Levy
Visual Culture in Early Modernity If anyone has any remaining doubts about the importance of sex for the history, literature, art, or simply the life of Early Modern Italy, this challenging, signicant volume by a noteworthy group of scholars will lay those doubts to rest. Guido Ruggiero, University of Miami, USA Explicitly interdisciplinary in approach, this collection opens up a critical discourse on sexuality and visual culture in early modern Italy. Sex acts is interpreted broadly, from the acting out, or performing, of ones (or anothers) sex to sexual activity, including what might be considered peculiar practices and preferences.
Includes 54 b&w illustrations July 2010 302 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6748-3
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NEW Caterina Sforza and the Art of Appearances Gender, Art and Culture in Early Modern Italy
Joyce de Vries, Auburn University, USA
Women and Gender in the Early Modern World This book provides a very rounded account of her life, dispelling or unravelling the many myths that have grown up around her without removing the fascination of her life. De Vriess book allows us to see Caterina in multiple contexts, analysing architecture, material culture as well as her spiritual and humanist patronage. This is a detailed, evocative study that is also a pleasure to read. Evelyn Welch, Queen Mary University of London, UK In the rst major book in four decades on Caterina Sforza, Joyce de Vries presents a comprehensive study of the famous Italian noblewomans cultural endeavors. De Vries explores Sforzas patronage, collecting, and participation in ritual practices, the complex connections between prescriptive literature and womens actions, and the mutability of Early Modern gender roles. The book also shows how Sforzas status as an exceptional woman developed in the centuries after her death. Contents: Introduction; Creating a spectacle; Building magnicence; Splendor in the princely court; The cultivation of mind and spirit; The political afterlife of Caterina Sforza; Bibliography; Index.
Includes 82 b&w illustrations May 2010 322 pages Hardback 978-0-7546-6751-3 65.00
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