International Informatics Olympiad
International Informatics Olympiad
International Informatics Olympiad
Computer Science
iiO 07 Roll Number : Students Name Duration : 60 Minutes Total Questions : 40 Maximum Marks :100
Note : 1. Write your 11 digit iiO 07 Roll Number and your name on top of the question Paper in the given space. 2. The question paper has 3 Sections. All the questions are of 2.5 marks each. Section (A) containts 30 questions, Section (B) containts 3 questions and Section (C) containts 7 questions. 3. Do not start attempting the test paper until you are asked to do so. 4. Mark your Answers in the Answer Sheet with HB Pencil only. 5. The question paper contains 4 pages. 6. Please presume all header files are included in the Program based questions.
A normal C++ operator that acts in special ways on newly defined data types is said to be: (a) Glorified (b) Encapsulated (c) Overloaded (d) None of these In C++ you will typically access an objects data by using: (a) Member functions of any class (b) Any function outside the objects class (c) Member functions associated with that particular object (d) Member functions of other objects in that class. C Language is used to make : (a) Operating Systems (b) Compilers (c) Editors (d) All of Above OOPs Concepts stands for (a) Oriented Object Programming (b) Object Oriented Programming (c) Object Outstanding Programming (d) None of the above A pre-written program, thats permanently stored in computers non-volatile memory is called: (a) Operating System (b) Liveware (c) Firmware (d) Application Software
Find the output of the following code. int a=5,b=5; static int sum; while(a) { b=12; sum+=b; a - - ;++b; } cout<<sum; (a) 35 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) None of these Which of the following will produce a value of 22 if x=22.9 ? (a) ceil(x) (b) floor(x) (c) abs(x) (d) None of these What will be the values of x, m & n after the execution of the following statements? int x, m, n; m=10; n=15; x=++m + n++; (a) x=25, m=10, n=15 (b) x=27, m=10, n=15 (c) x=26, m=11, n=16 (d) None of the above Which of the following is not a programming language (a) JAVA (b) FRONT PAGE (c) HTML (d) QBASIC
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10. Which one of the given answers is correct? void main() { int l ,m, n; m=2,l=2; l=l*(m++); n=2*(++m); } (a) l = 4 , n=6 (b) l=3 ,n =8 (c) l=4 , n= 8 (d) None of these 11. Find the output. void main() { char line[80]; gets(line); puts(line); } (a) Prints horizontal straight lines on the screen (b) Prints 80 vertical lines on screen (c) Reads in a line of 80 characters (d) None of these 12. Name the header file to which random() function belongs ? (a) stdio.h (b) stdlib.h (c) math.h (d) None of the above 13. Find the output. void main() { cout<<sqrt(-3); } (a) 9 (b) -9 (c) Domain error .Abnormal program termination (d) None of these 14. What is the output of the following code? void main() { int a=10; while(++a<15) { cout<<a++; } } (a) 11 13 (b) 11 12 (c) None of these (d) compiler error 15. Identify the ternary operator in C++. (a) ++ (b) ? : (c) % (d) None of the above 16. The unit KIPS is used to measure the speed of a __________. (a) Processor (b) Disk drive (c) Printer (d) None of these 17. Which of the following is an example of compounded assignment statement? (a) a = 5 (b) a += 5 (c) a = b = c (d) None of these 18. Explicit type conversion is known as (a) Casting (b) Conversion (c) Disjunction (d) None of these 19. p++ executes faster than p= p+1 because: (a) p uses registers (b) p++ is a single instruction (c) ++ is faster than + (d) None of these 20. Find the correct statement(s). (i) Internet is the Network of Networks (ii) Everyone can control Internet rules (a) Both (i) & (ii) are True (b) Both (i) & (ii) are false (c) (i) is False and (ii) is true (d) (i) is true and (ii) is false 21. Find the output : void main() { int i,j,x=0; for(i=0;i<7;i++) for(j=0;j<6;j++) x=i+j; cout<<x; } (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (d) None of these 22. Find the output : void main() { int i=0; int x=0; while(x<10) { if(i%2==0) x=x+i+2; i++; } cout<<x<<,<<i; } (a) 12,4 (b) 12,5 (c) 11,4 (d) None of these 23. Find the output : void main() { int a=9; a+=a++ * ++a; cout<<a; } (a) 121 (b) 113 (c) 111 (d) None of these
24. Find the output : void main() { float a=0.7; if(a<0.7) cout<<Smaller; else cout<<Greater } (a) Greater (b) No output (c) Smaller (d) None of these 25. Find the output : void main() { int x=10,y=20,z=5,i; i=x<y<z;cout<<i; } (a) 1 (b) 19 (c) 0 (d) None of these 26. Which datatype the function main() returns ? (a) string (b) int (c) Null (d) None of these 27. Which is true for Static local variables? (a) Makes the variable constant (b) Retains its value between function calls . (c) variables value cannot be changed (d) None of these 28. Pointer is a variable which: (a) stores the address of other variables (b) Copies the value of variable . (c) points to the value of variable (d) None of these 29. Modulo operator cannot be used for ? (a) Integer types (b) Floating point variables (c) integer and floating types (d) None of these 30. A Function can return: (a) Only one value at a time (b) More than one value at a time (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of above
31. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 min. and 45 min. respectively. A drain pipe C can empty the tank in 30 min. First A and B are opened. After 7 min., C is also opened. In how much time the tank will be full? (a) 56 min. (b) 46 min (c) 40 min (d) 45 min 32. A man can row 30 km upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hours. Also, he can row 40 km upstream and 55 km downstream in 13 hours. Find the speed of the man in still water. (a) 10 km/hr (b) 12 km/hr (c) 8 km/hr (d) 4 km/hr 33. The ratio between two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 420. The greater of the two numbers is: (a) 175 (b) 200 (c) 240 (d) 315
34. In the series given below, how many even numbers are immediately preceded by 6 as well as immediately followed by 3? 6656839436736432864682663 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) More than 4 35. Select the number from the given options to complete the series. 3,8,22,63,185,? (a) 285 (b) 295 (c) 550 (d) 320 36. In the question given below one term is missing. Based on the relationship of the two given words find the missing term from the given options. TXGM:WWJL::DGMP:? (a) HHNQ (b) GFPO (c) LPMK (d) FRNQ 37. Water is to Drought as Energy is to : (a) Fatigue (b) Jovial (c) Fuel (d) Health
Directions(Q38-Q40):Read the following directions and answer the questions given below: Ram, Sohan and Mohan play football, hockey and cricket. Ram, Ramesh and Mohan play hockey, cricket and basketball. Ram, Sohan, Rahim and Mohan play football and cricket. 38. Which game is played by all the boys? (a) Football (b) Hockey (c) Cricket (d) Basketball 39. Which two boys play all the games? (a) Ram, Sohan (b) Ram, Ramesh (c) Sohan, Mohan (d) Ram, Mohan 40. Who does not play football? (a) Ramesh (b) Sohan (c) Rahim (d) Mohan