Effective Evangelism - The Way Forward

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Here are the four pointers to the way forward: 1. Moving from Equipping to Ministry Those who have been trained by EE often testify that God has transformed their lives and ministries. They are equipped to share the good news with confidence - they know how to initiate a conversation leading to the gospel presentation, they know what they are going to say to present the whole truth of the gospel, and on top of that they are spiritually enriched. Nevertheless, EE does not stop here. We need to maintain the momentum so that many more can be trained through the regular EE courses and the end result of this effort is spiritual multiplication and healthy church growth (2 Timothy 2:2). Some churches have been success-fully maintaining the momentum by moving forward from equipping to ministry. However, we need to establish an evangelism team, a regular meeting for fellowship, support and encouragement, and to facilitate intentional outreach ministry. We are committed to develop them to become EE trainers and teachers. Next year, besides EE Clinics and Trainer Trainings, we will launch a 2-day crossover Teacher Training.

2. Shifting from Structured to Less Structured Way People always say that EE is a structured way to share the gospel. It depends on the individuals preferences. Some feel comfortable with it and give a very good recommendation, but those who prefer free-style evangelism don't. To answer to these two different groups I always share that both are right. In equipping ministry we need to start somewhere, and EE provides a structured framework to do so therefore we can easily multiply. Surely we can shift from a structured pattern to one with the creative flow as led by the Holy Spirit. Moreover we need to depend on Jesus who is always with us when we share the good news. God convicts sinners and the Holy Spirit empowers us in this endeavour.

3. Transitioning from Calling to Passion We often start doing evangelism from the Calling of Jesus Christ through His Great Commission. If we understand Jesus Great Commission as only a task, we are not in the right attitude and perspective. Jesus himself called his disciples into this mission with great passion. In Mark 1:14-17, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news, The time has come, the Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! As Jesus saw Simon and Andrew, He charged them with the very first command, Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. So Jesus started the mission with His great passion to reach out to the lost, and we must follow him by transitioning from calling to the same passion.

4. Continuing from Evangelism to Discipleship I always share that EE is meant for discipleship not only for evangelism. It is good to remind again our mission statement: To glorify God by equipping believers to multiply in and through local churches worldwide for friendship, evangelism, discipleship, and healthy growth. One of our lessons encourages us not to leave a new convert as an orphan. We need to fold new believers into our church and make disciples who in turn are motivated to do the same for the furtherance of Gods Kingdom, purpose, and glory. Amen!

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