This summary analyzes the salt content of different cellular phases in beetroot tissue. The document describes an experiment where beetroot tissue disks were exposed to radioactive isotopes of potassium, sodium, and bromide. By measuring the diffusion of these isotopes out of the tissue over time, the document aims to determine if there are distinct cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases, and estimate the salt content and exchange rates of each phase. The results support a model where the cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases are arranged in series, with ions passing through the cytoplasmic phase to reach the vacuole.
This summary analyzes the salt content of different cellular phases in beetroot tissue. The document describes an experiment where beetroot tissue disks were exposed to radioactive isotopes of potassium, sodium, and bromide. By measuring the diffusion of these isotopes out of the tissue over time, the document aims to determine if there are distinct cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases, and estimate the salt content and exchange rates of each phase. The results support a model where the cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases are arranged in series, with ions passing through the cytoplasmic phase to reach the vacuole.
Original Description:
This summary analyzes the salt content of different cellular phases in beetroot tissue. The document describes an experiment where beetroot tissue disks were exposed to radioactive isotopes of potassium, sodium, and bromide. By measuring the diffusion of these isotopes out of the tissue over time, the document aims to determine if there are distinct cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases, and estimate the salt content and exchange rates of each phase. The results support a model where the cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases are arranged in series, with ions passing through the cytoplasmic phase to reach the vacuole.
This summary analyzes the salt content of different cellular phases in beetroot tissue. The document describes an experiment where beetroot tissue disks were exposed to radioactive isotopes of potassium, sodium, and bromide. By measuring the diffusion of these isotopes out of the tissue over time, the document aims to determine if there are distinct cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases, and estimate the salt content and exchange rates of each phase. The results support a model where the cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases are arranged in series, with ions passing through the cytoplasmic phase to reach the vacuole.
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By M. G. PITMAN* received December 17, 1962] Summary An analysis of the rate at which isotope diffuses out of disks of beetroot tissue shows that there are at least two components of the non-free space. As tlwse com- ponents are not due to differences in cell type within the tissue, it is suggested they are due to a cytoplasmic phase in the parenchymatou's cells, and to the vacuoles. Evidence is given to support the suggestion that, as in the characean cell, these phases are in a series with the free space, so that ions pass to the vacuole in salt uptake through the cytoplasmic phase. Using this serial model for the cell it has been estimated from the amount of isotope diffusing out of labelled tissue that the cytoplasmic phase contains about 3 m-equivjkg K+ or Na+, and 0-1-10 m-equivjkg Br-, when the tissue is brought to equilibrhun with potassium or sodium bromide solution whose concentration is 10-50 m-equiv/l. The time for 50% exchange of K+ in this phase is about 2 hr at 20, and for Br- about 40 min. At 250 the exchange of both K+ and Br- is some three times faster. The fluxes into and out of the cell hiwe been estimated for K+ and Br- when either the concentration in the -solution or the content of the vacuoles was varied. It was shown that "salt saturation" of the tissue was mainly due to an increase in efflux as concentration in the vacuole increased. The permeability of the boundaries of the cytoplasmic phase to I{+, estimated from the fluxes, was about 10- 8 em/sec, and it is suggested these boundaries are due to the plasmalemma and the tonoplast membranes respectively. 1. INTRODUCTION It has been suggested by MacRobbie and Dainty (1958) that as far as the movement of ions between the solution and the vacuole is concerned, the cell of Nitellopsis obtusa behaves as a system of three phases in series. These phases 'are the free space and two components of the non-free space, namely, a cytoplasmic phase with a relatively rapid turnover, and the vacuole, containing the major part of the salt in the cell and equilibrating only slowly with the solution. The contents of these phases were estimated from an analysis of the isotope diffusing into a series of non-radioactive solutions from tissue that previously had been in a radioactive solution. In this method the cytoplasmic phase was detected as a component with a rate of equilibration intermediate between that of the free space and the vacuole, * Botany Department, University of Cambridge; present address: Botany Department, University of Adelaide. Aust. J. Bioi. Sci., 1963, 16, 647-68 648 M. G. PITl\iAN and sensitive to changes in temperature. The serial model has subsequently been supported by Diamond and Solomon (1959) working with Nitella axillaris, and the cell wall has been shown to be part of the free space in Ohara australis by Dainty and Hope (1959). The location of the cytoplasmic phase is not well defined but by a process of elimination it must be part of the cytoplasm, for the bull;;:: of the nonfree space with a slow turnover is in the vacuole, and the cell walls are part of the free space. This paper gives the results of similar experiments carried out with beetroot disks (i.e. analysis of the rate at which isotope diffuses out of labelled tissue). In general, these resuits are similar to those found for the Characeae, that is, three phases can usually be detected; a free space component, a cytoplasmic phase whose tempo of equilibration is much more rapid at 250 than at 2e, and a slowly exchang- ing component from the vacuoles. These phases are not due to any difference in cell type within the beet disks (cf. p. 660) and they are considered to be characteristic of the salt relations of the parenchymatous cells that make up the major part of the tissue. It has been shown elsewhere (Briggs, Hope, and Pitman 1958a) that. the free space in beet disks 1 mm thick has the exchange properties associated with a Donnan phase occupying about 20;0 of the tissues, and containing 10 m-equiv/kg of non- exchangeable anion, together with a "water free space" in ,vhich both anions and cations have the same concentration as the solution, and occupying about 20% of the tissue. This DOlman space has since been shown to be located in the cell ,valls, while the water- free space is mainly due to cut cells (15%) and to intercellular spaces (5%) (Pitman, unpublished data). Thus, as in the characean cell, the only available region in which to locate the component with the intermediate tempo of exchange is the cytoplasm. There is, however, no a priori reason for equating the cytoplasmic phase with the whole, or any particular region, of the cytoplasm, and two extreme configurations can be devised. In one the phases form the series free space-cytoplasmic phase- vacuole but in the other the cytoplasmic phase is connected to the vacuole only via the free space, Le. is in "parallel" with the vacuole. The first arrangement would occur if the cytoplasmic phase were the whole of the cytoplasm, so that salt taken in to the vacuole had to pass through the cytoplasmic phase. The second arrangement would apply if the cytoplasm as a whole were free space, and the "cytoplasmic phase" some particulate component (e.g. mitochondria, plastids) within the cytoplasm. To emphasize the relation of the cytoplasmic phase to the vacuole the two models are called "serial" and "parallel" in what follows. If the isotope diffusing out of the tissue is to be used to estimate the content and fluxes in the cytoplasmic phase, it is necessary to know which of these models applies to beet tissue. For example, the proportion of isotope in the cytoplasmic phase that diffuses to the- solution depends on the ratio of the fluxes to solution and vacuole, and may be much smaller if the phases form a series than if they are in paralle1. Evidence is given below to show that the phases behave as if in series, but, for convenience, is presented after the description of experimental procedure and the methods of estimating the K + or Br- content of the cytoplasmic phase. The relation- ship between the cytoplasm and the cytoplasmic phase is then considered. SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASmc PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 649 II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS AND PROCEDURE (a) Material Disks 1 mm thick and about 15 mm in diameter were cut with a hand- microtome from cylinders of beet tissue. The cylinders were cut with a cork-borer in the general direction of the vascular bundles, and were taken as far as posElible from the parenchyma between the rings of vascular bundles. The disks were rinsed in distilled water and kept in continuously aerated distilled water for a period of about 7-10 days; during this time the ability to take up salt by the tissue had developed to a maximum. (b) Isotopes The isotopes used were 42K, 22Na, 24Na, and 82Br. The 42K and 24Na were obtained from the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, as irradiated carbonates which were converted to chlorides by titration with hydrochloric acid, and boiling the solution to remove the carbon dioxide. The 82Br was also obtained from Harwell but as irradiated NH4Br. This was used as a solution of NH4Br and diluted with KBr solutions to the required activity. In this way the concentration of the NHt ions in the labelling solutions was not appreciable. These three isotopes were irradi8,ted for only 24-48 hr to reduce radioactive impurities to a minimum compatible with adequate isotope production. Irradiation for 48 hr produces 93% maximal activity of 42K and 89% 24Na. 22Na was obtained from the Radiochemical Centre at Amersham as a solution of Nael, and was used in this form, with suitable dilution with carrier NaC!. (0) Methods of Estimation Radioactive concentrations were determined by counting the pulses from about 10 ml of solution with a Mullard MX 124 Geiger-Muller tube. Where possible the solutions were counted for a period sufficiently long such that the error due to random variation in the rate of isotope disintegration was less than 1 %: for some solutions oflow activity it was not practicable to count more than 1000 disintegrations. Concentrations of sodium and potassium were determined with an "EEL" flame- photometer. The accuracy of the determinations was better than O 02 m-equivjl when the scale was set to 1 m-equivjl KCl or NaCl, and 001 m-equivjl when set to 02 m-equiv/l potassium in 5 m-equivjl NaC!. There was no detectable interference by sodium with potassium determinations. Bromide and chloride were determined by potentiometric titration with silver nitrate solutions. A silver-silver halide electrode was used. The accuracy of these determinations was between 1 and 2%. (d) Experimental Procedure The experimental procedure can be divided into three parts: the pretreatment of the tissues, the uptake of isotope, and the subsequent elution and measurement of the loss of isotope. The purpose of the pretreatment was first to remove the divalent cations from the free space and to equilibrate the free space with the solutions to be 650 M. G. PITMAN used in later stages, and then to bring the fluxes in the system to steady values under the conditions of the experiment. To this end the tissue was put into a 50 m-equiv/l KCI solution at 2'C for three periods of about 30 min, followed by three similar treatments with solution or-the same content as the labelling solutions:, The tissue was then left in' aerated solutions of this concentration for about 7 hr with occa- sional changes. The tissue and unlabelled solutions were then brought to the appropriate temperature for uptake onsotope. When disks are accumulatiug labelled salt but losing salt at a lower specific activity from the vacuoles, the specific activity of the free space towards the centre of the disks 'will be lower than that towards the surface, because of the greater length of the diffusion path to the solution from cells in the centre. This difference in specific activity, and in isotope uptake, will increase with the flux iuto the cell,but will be much lower at 2'C than at 25'C, so the temperature of isotope uptake was 20 wherever possible. The ratio of solution to tissue was relatively large during isotope uptake to reduce the changes in specific activity to a minimum compatible with determination of the net salt uptake .. At the end of about 15-18 hr the l.issue was removed from the solution, lightly blotted, and put into a series of non-radioactive solutions for elution of isotope. Samples of about 2 g of tissue (10 disks) were used in a volume of solution varying from 100 ml at the start of the elution, when . there was a lot of isotope in the free space, to 10 or 12 ml duriug the later stages of the elution, when the rate of loss from the tissue was small. For similar reasons, the length of each period of elution was varied from about ,20 min at the start of the elution to I hr or more towards the end. Throughout the experiment, the solutions were stirred and aerated by a stream of moist air. Samples were taken at the end of the periods of elution by removing as much as possible of the solution, and replacing it with an equal amount of unlabelled solution at the same temperature. All experiments were at the same temperat.ure throughout, with the exception of the determination of potassium content at 250. In these experiments there was a series of elutions at 20 lasting 2 hr an'd then the temperature was changed to 250 for the non-free-space elution. In this way, during the first 2 hr, the isotope in the free space was reduced to about 01% but only 10-40% had diffused out of the cytoplasmic phase; at 25'C a similar elution would have removed the same amount of isotope from the free space, but 60-90% from the cytoplasmic phase. At the end of the experiment the disks were removed from the solutions, blotted, weighed, and then treated to extract the isotope and salt in the tissue by first boiling with water to remove as much bromide as possible, and then boiling with 5 ml O 5N nitric acid to remove the rest of the sodium and potassium. These two extracts were kept separate. The concentrations of isotope, and of sodium, potassium, and halide were determined by the methods described above. (e) Experimental Errors Primary determinations were measured to within 1-5%, depending on the concentrations of salt or isotope involved. As duplicate samples were used, a more useful value was the mean difference between the duplicates. For the apparent con- SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 651 tent of the cytoplasmic phase and for the net uptake rate (<p), when <p was relatively large (1-2 m-equiv/kg/hr), this difference was between 5-lO%. For the content of the cytoplasmic phase (Qo1, for'lower values of,p, and for the fluxes into and out of the cytoplasmic phase, it was about lO-15%. III. THEORETICAL BASIS OF ESTIMATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE CYTOPLASMIC PHASE (a) Symbols Used A;, Uamount" of isotope apparently in the cytoplasmic phase (counts/min/ 20 ml/g); C, concentration (m-equiv/l): Co in solution, C c in the cytoplasmic phase, C v in the vacuole; E, potential (m V); F, Faraday's constant; ke, rate constant for exchange of the cytoplasmic phase Q, amount of an ion (m-equiv/kg): Qe in the cytoplasmic phase, Q, in the free space, Qv in the vacuole; '. Q"', "amount" of isotope (couhts/min/20 ml/g), sUbscripts as in preceding defiuition; R, universal gas constant; s, speciflc activity [(counts/min/20 ml)/(I'-equiv/20 ml)]: Se in the cyto- plasmic phase, 8v in the vacuole, 8 inside, 80 outside, or in the solution; T, absolute temperature (OK); t, period in solution (hr); t i , time for half-exchange of the cytoplasmic phase (hours or minutes); ,p, flux (m-equiv/kg/hr): <p", from free space to cytoplasmic phase; <Pes, froID cytoplasmic phase to free space; 4>cv, from cytoplasmic phase to vacuole; <Pve, from vacuole to cytoplasmic phase; ,p (no subscript), net flux or net uptake rate. (b) Estimation of Content., of Cytoplasmic Phase The amount of isotope in the tissue throughout the elution can be estimated from the series of measurements of isotope diffusing out of the tissue, and from its content at the end of the experiment. In general three stages can be distinguished: (1) A period in which the isotope diffusing out of the tissue is mainly from the free space, but also from the cytoplasmic phase and the vacuole, and in which the rate of exchange is limited by the diffusion in-the free space. (2) Eventually isotope lost from the tissue is limited by the exchange between the cytoplasmic phase and the free space, and so has the tempo of exchange of the cytoplasmic phase. In this stage the isotope comes both from the vacuole and the cytoplasmic phase. (3) Finally when the specific activity in both free space and the cytoplasmic phase has fallen to a valne intermediate between tbat of the vacuole and the solution, isotope diffusing out of the tissue is limited by the flux out of the vacuole, and all the isotope appearing in the solution is from this region. 652 M. G. PIT:MAN When these phases can be separated, the analysis of the isotope diffusing out of the tissue can conveniently be made by the method described by MacRobbie and Dainty (1958). Briefly, the logarithm of the amount of isotope in the tissue is plotted against the time from the start of elution. The vacuolar contribution is then -the final straight part of the graph and its extrapolation to t ~ O. Subtraction of these values from the total amount of isotope in the tissue gives estimates at different times of the amount of isotope in the free space and cytoplasmic phase together. These 5 w ~ " v ~
~ S 4 L
" ~ '""TW"' v ~ w "
~ " 0 , 0 ~ ~ 2 .,- x ~ ~ 0
o 2 3 4 5 , 7 HOURS Fig. I.-Amount of isotope estimated to be in the free space and cytoplasmic phase together plotted semi-logarithmically (see text) . Disks at 2C throughout. X Disks changed from 2C to 25C at t = 233 hr. two phases can also be separated by a semilogarithmic plot, but now the final straight part is characteristic of the exchange of the cytoplasmic phase (Fig. I). During the first part of the elution the tissue was at 20, but the temperature of one set of samples was changed at t = 233 hr to 250: the two straight lines from this stage onwards represent isotope lost from the cytoplasmic phase at the two temperatures. From these analyses of the experimental results, the following quantities can be estimated, as well as the content of the free space and the rate constant for its exchange with the solution: (i) The rate constant for exchar1{fe between the cytoplasmic phase and the solution, estimated from the slope of the straight part of the graph (cf. Fig. 1, when k, ~ 033 at 2'C, and 085 at 25'C). SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 653 (ii) The amount of isotope estimated to have been in the cytoplasmic phase at the start of the elution (A:) from the extrapolate to t = 0 (in Fig. I, 8500500 counts/min/20 m! at 20). (iii) The amount of isotope in the tissue at the end of the elution, and its average specific activity. (iv) The rate of loss of isotope from the tissue at the end of the experiment, when loss is predominantly from the vacuole. (v) Other quantities that can be determined are the specific activity of the labelling solution, and, from the change in concentration, the net uptake rate of salt. These quantities can be related to the fluxes into and out of the phases and their contents, but the details of the relationship depend on the spatial arrangement. In what follows only the serial model is considered in detail, and Figure 2 shows the Q, Q, Q v ." , ." , ." / .YO CO '0 sc;(sm OR Sf) 'v SOLUTION PLUS CYTOPLASMIC VACUOLES FREE SPACE PHASE (5,0) (e) (v) Fig. 2.-Schematic representation of the serial model of free space-cytoplasmic phase-vacuoles. quantities involved. The conditions of the experiments were arranged so that several simplifying assumptions can be made. Firstly, the net uptake was reduced to small proportions by using tissue that was at 20 or salt-saturated; as a result, the content of the vacuole increases by not more than 10% over the course of the experiment, and the fluxes into and out of the cytoplasmic phase and its content are assumed to be steady. Furthermore there will be little change in the concentration in the free space due to the diffusion path at different distances from the surface. Secondly, it is assumed that the specific activity of the free space in all parts of the tissue is equal to that of the solution SQ, so that the equation for the rate of change of isotope in the cytoplasmic phase is dQ;/dt = " . so+v, . sv-s,(,,+,v). (I) During the period following transition from one solution to another of different specific activity, the specific activity in the free space will not be equal to that in the solution and the equation will not be true. As the time for of isotope in the free space is much less (c. 10 min) than that in the cytoplasmic phase (60-100 min). this error has been ignored. 654 1\1. G. PITMAN More serious eITors could arise when dQ;/dt is small. On the assumptions of equation (1), the net flux of isotope across the outer cytoplasmic phase boundary will be (r/>sc' 8Q-4>08 .8 e ) inwards. If the cell is losing salt from a region of different specific activity while taking it up from the solution, the specific activity adjacent to the cytoplasmic phase will be some value intermediate between that of the solu- tion and the phase, and determined by the diffusion path to the solution, the fluxes into and out of the phase, and the content of the free space adjacent to the phase. The difference between 80 and the relevant specific activity in the free space will he larger for anions than for cations, as there is less in the free sp'ace. For example, when Co = 5 m-equiv/I KBr, the free space will contain about 0,5-10 m-equiv/kg of Br- and 12-13 m-equiv/kg of K+; if the region adjacent to the cytoplasmic phase were the eel] wall containing the Donnan free space, then the difference would be greater, about 01 m-equiv/kg Br- to 12 m-equiv/kg K+. This source of error is 'not considered to be important for K + at 20 and possibly not at 250, an assumption that is supported by the good agreement between the observed and calculated values of the final efflux from the tissue (cf. p. 655 and Table 2). For Br- there is some evidence that the specific activity in the free space during elution is appreciably larger than so; one method of for this is to put a. Se as the relevant specific activity, where a is a constant for a particular set of fluxes and tions. Equation (1) then becomes dQ;/dt = 1>" . .1>,,)s,. (2) In this case Se can no longer be taken as an approximation for the net isotope flux out of the cytoplasmic phase but (1),,-1>,, . a) s, may be used instead (cf. p. 661). Using the symbols given in Figure 2, and assuming that equation (1) is true, it can be shown that the quantities determined in the experiments have the following relationships: (i) The rate constant for exchange of the cytoplasmic phase, k" estimated from the slope of the graph in Figure, 1 is k, = (1),,+1>,v)/Q,. (3) The time for half-exchange of the cytoplasmic phase, t l , equals O 694/k,. (ii) At the start of the elution the amount of isotope in the cytoplasmic phase is Q; and equals Qe . Se. If the time in the labelling solution, h, is more thari about five times t i , then the value of Se at tl is more or less steady at sm = (1),,80 +1>vo8v)/(1>,,+1>,v). (4) At the end of the elution will have fallen to Qe . Sf where, as So is very nearly zero, under the conditions of the experiment 8f = 1>vo8v/(1),,+1>,v). (5) The apparent content of the cytoplasmic phase, A;, is the extrapolate to t = 0 of the straight part of Figure I, and is related to Q, by A; = Q,(Sm-sf)1>,,/(1>,,+1>,v). (6) SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLAS:MIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 655 (iii) The specific activity of the tissue as a whole at the end of the experiment when nearly all the isotope is in the vacuole is Q:/(Q,+Qe+Qv). As Qs is estimated separately in the experiment, and as Qe is small compared with Qv, an approximate value of Qc can be used to estimate Sv = Q:/Qv. ,The amount of isotope in the vacuoles, Q;, is related to the fluxes and specific activity in the cytoplasmic phase by Q: fev(J:' Se dt)-fve(J:' 80 , dt), (7) where t2 is the time at the end of the experiment. If <pvc Sv is small, and if the period of labelling (t,) is about the same as the period of elution (t2-tr), then equation (7) is very nearly Q: feo(sm- 8f)tr. (8) (iv) The rate of loss of isotope from the tissue .at the end of the experiment, or the "apparent efflux" is fes . Sf = foe. Sv f,,/(f,,+fev), (9) (v) The net uptake rate, estimated from the change in concentration of the solution, is f = (f,,-f,,) = (fev-fvc). (10) From equations (8), (6), and (3), (fes+fe,,)(sm-Sf) can be determined, and as (fcs+fev)(Sm-Sf) = f" . s, = (f+fcs)s" (4,5) (10) <Pcs can be calculated if <P is known. By substitution in other equations, values of the other fluxes and the content of the cytoplasmic phase can be estimated. From these quantities a value for the apparent efflux (eqn. (9)) can be calculated and compared with the value found experimentally (from the rate of loss of isotope at the end of an elution experiment when the specific activity of the _ cytoplasmic phase is at a steady value intermediate between that of the free space and the vacuoles, Sf). This comparison has been made for potassium in Table 2. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (a) Pota8sium and Sodium in the Cytoplasmic Phase To ensure that So has reached the value Sm given above, the tissue must be in the isotope solution for at least five times t j Figure 3 gives values for the apparent isotopic content of the cytoplasmic phase; A;/so, when tissue is eluted varied in the labelliI?-g solutio"u, showing it reaches a or steady value. The line is calculated from the final (t = 20i hr) and, is in reasonable agreement with the other determinations. Similar values for the apparent uptake, Q:/so are also given. These results are not taken to differentiate between the two models but only to show that the serial model is capable of explaining the observations. 656 M. G. PITMAN Most of the determinations described below have been made with potassium instead of sodium for two reasons. Firstly, tissue that has been in sodium chloride solution for periods as long as are used in the experiments sometimes loses some of the red pigment from the vacuoles, and can no longer be assumed to be in the same state throughout the experiment; secondly, at 250 the turnover of sodium in the cytoplasmic phase is too fast to make separation of this phase from the free space practicable. For example, the time for 50% turnover of sodium at 20 is about ,-, '-0 (;' 1"5 < ., s i o ... *.t 1'0 T
1 ---1 6 1 ~ T A;/,o/ 1 /1 1 1 ~ 1 yT 1 '4 II I ? o * 3 8 Q,,/so i T / *J 2 V 10 o 5 10 15 20 HOURS IN SOLUTION Fig. a.-Values found for the apparent content of the cytoplasmic, A; /so (.), and for the apparent uptake, Q ~ / s o (x), after varied periods in the labelling solution. The line gives values cal- culated from the uptake at 20t hr. 1-1-25 hr but only 20-30 min at 25'C; the time for 50% exchange of the free space is about 10 min for I-mm thick disks at both 2 and 25'C, but as the content of the free space is some 10 times the apparent content of the cytoplasmic phase, the two phases are not separable at 250. The effect of temperature on the fluxes of potassium in the system is shown in Table 1, together with some results for fluxes of sodium at 20. There are two sets of results for potassium fluxes: one when the tissue was salt-saturated and net uptake was low, the other when the tissue contained less salt and showed appreciable potassium uptake to the vacuole. In both cases the turnover of potassium was faster at 250 than at 20, due to the increase in the fluxes CPeB and cpcv. The temper. ature coefficient for these fluxes is about 1 5-1 9 and is about the same for each -------- SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 657 flux. This is smaller than the tempemture coefficient of net uptake (25-3 0), but q, is the difference between the fluxes into and out of the vacuole, and so these may well have different temperature coefficients. TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF THE CONTENT AND lo'LUXES IN THE CYTOPLASJ)[lC PHASE FOR SODIUM AT 2C AND FOR POTASSIUil-I AT BOTH 2C AND 25C. AT HIGH AND LOW VACUOLE CONCENTRATION CO = 5 mequivjl; duplicate samples Solu- Temp. A:jso Q, t,
." ." Q, tion ("0) (m-equiv/ (m-equiv/ (h') (m-equiv/ (m-equiv/ (m-equiv/ (m-equiv/ kg) kg) kg/h,) kg/h,) kg/h,) kg) NaCl 2 033 22 125 02 033 090 35 KOI 2 072 29 2'25 01 040 050 70 KOI 25 070 29 075 12 11 1-65 85 KCI 2 19 40 20 0 092 0-45 205 KOI 25 2-3 43 07 0 295 140 205 The net rate of salt uptake by beet tissue increases with external salt concentra- tion until it reaches a maximum at room temperature of about 4 m-equiv/kg/hr when the external concentration is about 30-50 m-equiv/I (KCI) (cf. for example Briggs, 2'0 (.) " ,,0 (b) -' 2'0 , d" "0- -- r 1'5 -- , ... ,... -a > ,!oc 0,' Qc, ..... " 3 ", "5 .," > 0 . -' .-- ...... _... 3 a S
. .- .! 1-0 ", <$c. ,..-of .,...... 8'
.... 0 .. + ...... "0 i w 0' ...... '"' " x 0 -' 2' 0 0'5 +"",. J. .. __ !-j,-----J. ......... ..0 __ ... --0 -----0 0 0 ..... 0 - "' .......... 0'5
+-- +----.... -- ..... / O' 5 10 '0 '0 400510 Co (M-EQUIV/L) 20 '0 40 Fig. 4.-Effect of potassium chloride concentration (Co) on pot,assium fluxes into and out Qfthe cytoplasmic phase, and on (Jc. Temperature 2"C. (a) Net uptake rate (A) and the fluxes across the outer boundnry, <Psc (0) and <PCB (+). (b) Content of the cytoplasmic phase (.), and the fluxes at the inner boundary, rpcv (0) and <Pvc (+). Hope, and Robertson 1961, p. 134). At lower temperatures the net uptake rate also rises to a maximum but to a lower value. Figure 4 gives the results of an experiment at 20 to measure the fluxes into and out of the cytoplasmic phase and the potassium content in t.he cytoplasmic phase, when the external potassium chloride concentration 658 M. G. PITMAN was varied from 5 to 40 The concentration of potassium in the vacuoles* was 60, 63, 67, 68, and 69 m-equiv/kg, so in effect the only factor varied was the concentration in the solution. Over this range the amount of potassium in the cytoplasmic phase increased from 2'4 to 38 m-equivjkg, and, as may be expected, the fluxes across the outer boundary increased as well (Fig. 4). The net uptake to the vacuole also increased with concentration, but at the inner boundary this was 50 i ..,. 3 o 4.0
cl 30 05 0'4 I "f >-- 0'3 3 ? ::E 0'2
x 3 0'1
II 0</ 11_ /11 /I '0 .---.---------. ... +
01 1 75 100 125 150 175 200 Q .. (M-EQU1V! KG) Fig. of Qc (iJ.), and 4>vc (+) for potas- sium at different levels of potassium in the vacuoles (Qv). Temperature 2C. mainly due to an increase in the flux The efflux from the vacuole, <pvc, showed a small decrease from 035 to 025 m-equiv/kg/hr, although the concentration in the vacuole increased from 60 to 69 m-equiv/kg. In spite of this decrease in efflux, measurements made with tissue that had been allowed to take up varied amounts of potassium chloride from a solution containing 5 m-equiv/l showed an increase in effiux (r/>vc) with increasing vacuole content (Fig. 5). At the highest content the net uptake has been reduced to a small proportion of that when Qv = 88 m-equivfkg and this decrease in 1> was due mainly to an increase in ,pvc, but also to a decrease in rpcv. Qc also increased with internal (vacuolar) concentration. * The vacuoles occupy about 0-70 ml/g fresh weight of disks, so I m-equiv/kg is approxi- mately equal to 14 m-equiv/l. SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROO'J' TISSUE 659 The apparent efflux, v,. 8 v . d(,,+ov) (cf. eqn. (9)) can be measured directly in these experiments and compared with the value calculated from the other fluxes (cf. p. 655). Table 2 gives values of the calculated and observed apparent effiux from the results of Figure 4, showing that there is a reasonable agreement. TABLE 2 OBSERVED AND CALCULATED VALUES OF THE APPARENT EFFLUX OF POTAS- SIUM OVER A RANGE OF EXTERNAL POTASSIUM CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS Potassium Chloride Concn. (m-equiv/l) 5 10 20 30 40 Duplicate samples Apparent Potassium Efflux (m-equiv/kg/hr) Observed Calculated O'IS 016 014 016 013 016 013 017 013 015 Disks cut transversely from a beetroot contain sections through vascu]ar bundles and so are not strictly homogeneous in cell type, i.e. the cytoplasmic phase could be due to this cellular difference rather than a difference in subcellular organiza- tion. Table 3 gives results of an experiment to show that the cytoplasmic phase TABLE 3 AMOUNT OF POTASSIUM ELUTED BY SODIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION FROM BEETROOT DISKS, FROM VASCULAR REGION OF DISKS, AND FROM THE PARENCHYMA ONLY Sample Free Space Potassium Tissue Eluted Weight Potassium Q, Efflux from Ig) (m-equiv/kg) (m-equiv/kg) Vacuoles (m-equiv/kgJhr) Beetroot disks: Sample I 225 !l2 29 032 Sample 2 2 15 !l1 31 031 Vascular region 1'77 !l7 35 043 Parenchyma 269 102 25 023 is a property of the parenchymatous cells, by comparing the behaviour of: (1) whole disks of tissue (two samples); (2) tissue cut from two samples of disks so as to contain mainly vascular tissue; (3) the remainder of the tissue from the two samples, which was entirely parenchyma. 660 M. G. PITMAN The samples had first taken up 42I( and were then eluted with a sodium chloride solution. Each sample showed the same pattern of salt relations, but there was a small difference in absolute amounts. For example, each elution gave free space, cytoplasmic phase, and vacuolar components, but the cytoplasmic phase and efflux from the vacuole for sample (2) are larger than for sample (3). This difference is probably due to the smaller size of the parenchymatous cells near the vascular bundles, which have a larger surface area per volume of tissue than the larger cells in the regions bet\veen vascular bundles. 0" l' 0'4 "0- X -,. 3 o w , ::;: 0-3 ~ X j " , Cl 0'2 X -,. 3 g , > cJ 0'1 o . // . / /",,,/.1' / //// .c /// ... x //e // / // / / / / // Qc ....... X .... ~ .... // // .... / / /,X X / ...... "" .'", ______ x'/ ~ 1 l _ 1 l 1 l ~ 1 l +---- '0 --+-- ___ + _ 4>vc ---+------+ 20 30 Co(M-EQUIV/Lj _0 '0 Fig. 6.-Effect of variation in potassium bromide concentration (Co) on bromide fluxes and content of the cytoplasmic phase at 20. Qc ( x ); "" (e); "" (+); and" (6). (b) Bromide in the Cytoplasmic Phase Although good agreement is found between observed and calculated values for the apparent efflux of potassium (Table 2), this is not always so for anion exchange when the observed efflux may be 30-50% of the calculated value. These observations apply to chloride, iodide, and bromide, but bromide has been used in these experiments as its isotope has the most suitable half life and energy of radiation. As discussed above, under some conditions the specific activity adjacent to the cytoplasmic phase could be much larger than that in the solution, and the isotope diffusing out of the tissue would then not be rpcsSc, but (o/cs-o/sc . a)sc. This effect leads to underestima- tion of o/cs and overestimation of Qc. and may be expected to be greater at 250 (when the fluxes are larger) than at 2'C. SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 661 Allowance can be made for the underestimation of by assuming that the observed effiu-x from the tissue is in fact (</>"-'Ps' . a)s, = </>;8 S, and using this relationship together with the other measurements given above to estimate </>;8. As </>" equals (l/so)(sm-St)(</>;,+</>,v) [cf. eqn. (2), (4), and (5)] and </>" equals can be estimated and compared with For the tissue used at 2'0 (Fig. 6) there was little difference in observed and calculated efllux, presumably as the influx was small, but for other tissue (Tables 4 and 5) when 0 0 was only 5 mequivjl, and was larger, in some cases cpsc . a was about 50% of CPcs. TABLE 4 EFFECT OF TElI1PERATURE ON THE BROMIDE CONTENT AND FLUXES IN THE CYTOPLASMIC PHASE OF BEETROOT TISSUE Duplicate samples of tissue placed in potassium bromide solution of concentration 5 m-equiv/l Temp. Q, f! Q, ('a) (mequiv/kg) (mequivjkg) 2 83 006 035 25 92 040 100 Temperature coefficientt 23 t For a temperature rise of 10 degC. :\: Units: m-equivjkgjhr. f,,! fd f,,! .pIlC:\: f;'! 012 006 019 013 006 060 020 135 095 011 20 17 23 23 13 Table 4 gives some values for Qc and for the fluxes in the system at 20 and at 250, when 0 0 was 5 m.equiv{l, estimated by making allowance for the difference between observed and calculated efflux. As for potassium, the exchange of bromide in the cytoplasmic phase was more rapid at 250 than at 20, and the temperature coefficient for net was about 2 5. The temperature coefficient for was only about 1 3, but if allowance is made for the diffusion effect, i.e. by estimating the temperature coefficient for all the fluxes was about 2, as shown in Table 4. The change in the fluxes with increased temperature was accompanied by a threefold increase in Qc of about 0 65 m.equiv{kg. If the same increase in potassium content had taken place in the cytoplasmic phase, it would have been detected with difficulty, as it is only a little larger than the experimental error in Qc for potassium. The bromide content and the fluxes into and out of the cytoplasmic phase when the concentration of the potassium bromide solution was varied are shown in Figure 6. The net uptake of bromide is generally much smaller than the uptake of potassium (Fig. 4) although the vacuolar content of each was about the same in both experi- ments. In these results the vacuolar content of bromide increased from 13 to 662 M. G. PITMAN 17 m-equivfkg, and of potassium from 66 to 77 m-equivjkg as C Q was increased from 10 to 50 m-equiv/l KEr. The pattern of results is generally similar to that in Figure 4, but Qc was much smaller for bromide than for potassium, and increased more with increasing C Q. Again the fluxes across the outer boundary, and CPcv, increased \vith increasing 0 o , but <Pvc showed a small decrease with rising net uptake. In comparison with Figure 5, Table 5 gives some results of the effect of varying the bromide content of the vacuole. As with potassium, increase in Qv decreased the net uptake, mainly due to an increase in the flux from the vacuole, CPvc. The increase in Qv was accompanied by an increase in Qc from 075 to 125 m-equivJkg. Values of Qc for potasF:lium are also given in the table. TABLE 5 EFFECT OF BROM:IDE CONTENT OF VACUOLE ON THE BROMIDE CONTENT AND FLUXES IN THE CYTOPLASMIC PHASE OF BEETROOT TISSUE Tissue placed in potassium bromide solution of concentration 5 m-equivjl. Temperature 2C Q,t fJ Qct ~ s t ~ s t ~ v t ~ v t f;'J Q,t (Br-) (Br-) (K+) 32 040 075 050 010 063 023 005 86 95 015 125 025 010 072 057 004 150 t Units: mequivjkg. t Units: m-equivjkgjhr. V. SPATIAL RELATIONSHIP OF THE FREE SPACE, CYTOPLASMIC PHASE, AND THE VACUOLE (a) Experiments with Radioactive Sodium Q,t (K+) 28 36 Tissue was allmved to take up salt from a sodium chloride solution of concentra- tion 5 m-equiv/l, and which was labelled with 22Na, until a relatively high concentra- tion was reached in the vacuole. It was then put into solutions of inactive sodium chloride of the same concentration to reduce the specific activity of the free space and the cytoplasmic phase to as Imv a value as possible. Mter a suitable period it ,vas transferred to a sodium chloride solution labelled with 24Na and then, after a period long enough for the cytoplasmie phase to have reaehed a relatively steady specific activity, the radioactive sodium was eluted from the tissue by inactive sodium chloride solutions as described above. 22Na and 24Na concentrations were estimated by counting the solutions at two different times, and the ratio of [22Nal/[24Nal determined in the eomponents of the free spaee, cytoplasmie phase, and the vacuole. In the free space this ratio was about 1/6000; in the tissue at the end of the experiment (and in the efflux from the tissue at the end of the experiment) the ratio was only 1/4, but in the cytoplasmic phase it was between 1/30-1/50. This low ratio eould have been maintained only if there was a large flux between the cytoplasmic phase and the vacuole, i.e. as if the phases ,vere in series. SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 663 (b) Experiments with Radioactive Potassium Similar experiments with radioactive potassium are not easy to carry out as the potassium isotopes other than 42l( that are available at low specific activity. An alternative approach is to examine the effect of different treatments on the apparent content A ~ ) of the cytoplasmic phase, i.e. on the amount of isotope diffus- ing out of the tissue as if from the cytoplasmic phase. For example, tissue was allowed to take up 42K from a labelled potassium chloride solution of concentra- tion 5 m-equivJl, and then eluted with either potassium chloride or sodium chloride at 2 or 25C. Table 6 gives the amounts of potassium and its isotope that diffused out of the non-free space during a 9-hr period of elutions, following elution of the TABLE 6 AMOUNTS OF POTASSIUM AND OF POTASSru:r.[ ISOTOPE DIFFUSING FROM THE NON-FREE SPACE OF BEETROOT DISKS IN 9 HR INTO SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM CHLORIDE OR SODIUM CHLORIDE AT 2 OR 250 Tissue allowed to take up 42K+ from a labelled potassium chloride solution of concentration 5 m-equiv/l prior to elution with sodium chloride or potassium chloride solution Elution with Elution with Sodium Chloride Potassium Chloride 2C 25C 2C 25C Amount of 42K + diffusing from tissue (arbitrary units) 58 101 19 26 Amount of potassium diffusing from tissue (m-equiv/kg) 355 100 - - Specific activity (arbitrary units) of: Labelling solution 50 50 50 50 Potassium in vacuoles at end of elution period 045 045 037 038 Minimal estimate of Q; 46 62 free space at 2C for 2 hr (of. p. 650). The specific activity of the labelling solu- tions epd of the pota5sium in the vacuole were also measured. It is evident that the soq.ium is having some effect other than simply replacing potassium in the non- free space, and furthermore there is a large contribution from some other region than free space and the vacuoles, as the average specific activity of potassium diffusing into the sodium chloride solution is higher than that in the vacuoles. A minimal estimate of the contribution of the cytoplasmic phase can be made by assuming that the specific activity in this phase is as high as that in the labelling solution (an extreme value). Even this conservative estimate is some 25 times the amount of isotope diffusing out of the tissue to the potassium chloride solutions from both parts of the non-free space together. This difference can be expl&ined simply on the serial model as sodium inhibits the uptake of potassium to the vacuoles, making the ratio 4>,,/(4),,+4>,,) more nearly equal to unity. As a result the amount of isotope diffusing to the solution, A;, becomes 664 :1\1. G. PITMAN more nearly equal to Q ~ As an example of this inhibition, uptake of potassium from a mixture of sodium and potassium chloride solutions (conen. of each 5 m-equiv 11) is negligible until the sodium concentration has fallen (as a result of sodium uptake) to about 40% of the original concentration (Briggs, Hope, and Pitman 1958b). The inhibition of potassium influx also has an effect on the apparent efflux from the tissue (eqn. (9)). For example, Table 7 gives values of the apparent efflux measured by loss of potassium or sodium isotopes from tissue in a range of mixtures of potassium chloride and sodium chloride, of total chloride concentration 5 m-equivjl. As the sodium concentration increased, the apparent efflux of potassium became larger. TABJ.E 7 AI'PARENT EFFLUX OF PO'L'ASSIUl\I AND SODIUM FRO:i\J TISSUE ACCU:i\HJ"LATING SALT FROM SOLUTIONS CO."TAINING v AR1ED RATIOS OF POTASSIUM TO SODIUi\1 BUT WITH TOTAL CHLORIDE OONOENTRATION OF 5 M-EQUIVjL Solution Conen. Content of Yaeuoles Apparent Efflux (m-equivjl) (m-equivjkg) (,u-equivjkgjhr) Sodium Potassium Sodium Potassium Sodium Pot,assium 5 0 29 90 25 620 4 I 26 92 24 400 25 25 22 95 22 310 I 4 21 98 24 270 0 5 16-5 98 18 170 -- ---- --_. The establishment of the higher efflux when tissue was transferred from potassium chloride to sodium chloride solutions of the same concentration was rate- limited by some process much slower than the equilibration of the free space, and with a temperature coefficient for kc of between 2 and 3. For example, Figure 7 shows the pattern of increase in 42K diffusing out of the tissue when the solution was changed from potassium chloride to sodium chloride of the same concentration at either 25 or 16C. The tissue, which had taken up the isotope from a labelled potas- sium chloride solution of concentration 5 m-equiv/l, was put into a series of unlabelled potassium chloride solutions until the efflux of isotope fell to a steady value, which is sho-wn in the figure. The apparent efflux is plotted as a percentage of the final steady value in sodium chloride, which at 250 'vas 13 m-equivjkg/hr, and at 160 was og m-equiv/kg/hr. The eqUilibration of the free space is shown on the same scale, and can he taken as the same at each temperature. The inhibition of potassium uptake could increase the isotope diffusing out- of the tissue if tho diffusion path to the solution was such that a Ia,rge proportion of the isotope diffu:sing out of cells at the centre of the disk ,vas accumulated by cells nearer the surface. This eff-ect can be estimated only roughly as both the diffusion path and the diffusion coefficient of potassium in the free space are somewhat SALT RELATIONS OF CY1'OPLASl\ITC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 665 indeterminate, but taking a low value of the diffusion coefficient (lO-7cm2sec-l), and an influx of 1 m-equivjkgjhr, the underestimation would be only about 15% when the tissue was in potassium chloride solutions of the concentrations used. It is considered that the results given above support the suggestion that the tissue behaves as if the three phases are in series, rather in parallel. '00 x o " .00 " , ___ -' w " ! 25 0 C Z I i < . & 60 r-...J i ;-.......... ---.-' j 1 C I j 40! r.M -------.> [ Z , w , U , 20 ____ ... _ .... . !f ;-.- --.-.---.J KCI NaCI I I o 2 3 4 5 6 TIME (HR) Fig, 7.-Apparent potassium efflux from tissue at 25 and 160 when transferred from a potassium chloride to a sodium chloride solution of the same concentration, 5m.equiv/1. --- at 250; --- at 160; -'-'- equilibration of the free space. Values are plotted as a percentage of the final steady values reached at each temperature. VI. DISOUSSION The first object of this paper has been the demonstration that beet tissue contains two non-free space components-the cytoplasmic phase and the vacuoles- and that these phases are in series. It is suggested that the phases detected in salt- uptake studies are due to differences in the salt relations of parts of the cells and not to a plurality of cell type within the tissue, As used in these studies, beet disks contain both vascular tissue and parenchyma. The main argument in favour of relating these phases to parts of the cell is that the three-phase system can be demon- strated in beet disks cut so as to contain only parenchymatous cells (Table 4). On these assumptions the isotope diffusing out of labelled tissue can be analysed to calculate the fluxes into and out of the cytoplasmic phase if some assumptions are also made about the uniformity of labelling in the tissue, It is realized that these fluxes are "average" vaJues for all the cells in the tissue, but the comparison of the fluxes when conditions are varied can give some qualitative information on the relation of the cytoplasmic phase to salt uptake to the vacuoles. 666 l\f. G, PITMAN The cytoplasmic phase must be located in the cytoplasm but may be the whole of it, bounded by the plasmalemma and the tonoplast membrane, or a smalI part cut off by, say, the endoplasmic reticulum and the tonoplast membrane. However, a reasonable working hypothesis is that the cytoplasmic phase is the whole of the cytoplasm. This assumption has the advantage that there are obvious boundaries, which have a suitable organization to account for the high resistance to ion diffusion found for the cytoplasmic phase boundaries. The cytoplasm in beet cells comprises about 5% of the tissue, showing in electron micrographs as a layer of about the same thickness as the cell wans (Chambers, unpublished data) and, as far as can be estimated, contains about 5-10% of mitochondria. Beet disks 1 mm thick have about 15-20% of cut or damaged cells, and 5% of intercellular space all of which acts as the water free space. The cell ,valls occupy about 5% of the tissue and contain the Donnan free space in about half this volume, the rest being solid material or water free space. There is therefore about 7 0 ~ r i available for the vacuoles. The cytoplasm is certainly not a homogeneous phase, and whatever the location of the cytoplasmic phase, the concentrations of potassium and bromide are not likely to be simply Q,j5%. Regions within the cytoplasmic phase but with a turnover morc rapid than that of the phase as a whole ,vauld contribute to Qc but would not be detectable from the rate of exchange. For example, uptake of bromide to the mitochondria could account for a large part of Qc; a reasonable concentration in mitochondria might be about 100 m-equivjl, which if there are 10% mitochondria in the cytoplasm, would be equivalent to 05 m-equiv/kg. This is not an extreme estimate, and shows that care must be taken in attempting to locate active transport at either boundary from arguments based on Qc and an estimated volume of the phase. This criticism does not apply to the flux determinations which are independent of the distribution of Qc, and so may be used to investigate the properties of the boundaries of the cytoplasmic phase. The temperature coefficients of the fluxes across both boundaries are between I 7 and 2 . 3, i.e. much higher than the temperature coefficients for diffusion in solution. The high value is not taken to show that these fluxes are active, but only that the t,vo boundaries may have the same "activation energy" for penetration. The similarity between the membranes is also sho-wn by estimation of the permeability, assuming that the potassium fluxes r?sc and r?vc are not active. The diffusion flux across the outer boundary, assuming uniform potential gradient, is 1>" ~ _p. zFEjRT {I exp(zFEjRl')}' 00, (11) ,vhere p ~ uRTjFl, u being the mobility of the ion, and l the thickness of the boundary. The relevant value of E is not known, but it is likely to be about -58 to -116 mY, whenP would be 2 X 10- 8 cm/sec or 11 X 10- 8 cm/sec, respectively, if r?sc is taken as 0 75 m-equiv/ kg/hr* when Co is 5 m-equiv/l (Fig. 4). Taking the same values of E, and again using * 1 m-equiv/kgjhr = 0-3 p-equivjcm2/sec for beet tissue_ SALT RELATIONS OF CYTOPLASMIC PHASE IN BEETROOT TISSUE 667 the data of Figure 4, where Qv = 60 estimates can be made from 4>vc giving p= O'49xlO- s or 27xlO- S cm/sec. If the membrane were about IOO! thick the va.]ue of the diffusion coefficient would be 10- 14 cm 2 /sec, and so about that, found for lipoprotein membranes. The similarity in resistance of the two boundaries can also be seen from the dependence of Qc on both Co and on Ov. If one boundary had been very much more permeable than the other, Qc would have been related more closely to the concentra- tion in the solution separated from the cytoplasmic phase by the lower resistance. If the influx, o/sc. is assumed to be passive, the relationship between o/sc/Co and 0 0 gives an estimate of the concentration of anions of about 100 in the membrane, or, if the negative charge were on a surface, ahout 10- 6 coulombs/cm 2 This charge density is about that found for many organelles, such as chloroplasts, mitochondria, or blood cells. A negatively charged membrane (or surface) would thus not be unlikely and would be convenient to explain the low permeability of the cytoplasm to divalent anions, and the stimulation of uptake of chloride ions by divalent cations unpublished data). As there are SO many different ways of distributing potassium and bromide ions within the cytoplasmic phase, there does not seem to be much point in using these results to attempt to locate active uptake of bromide or potassium at either boundary, as they can be made to support many model, by suitable choice of a volume for tbe cytoplasmic phase and distribution withiJl the cytoplasmic phase. The demonstration that the tissue behaves as a system means that in some cases the estimation of fluxes suggested by Briggs (1957) and used by Briggs, Hope, and Pitman (1958b) and by Van Stevenick (1962) will not be valid. This derivation was based on a two-phase system and <P' = K,(dsi/dt)/(so-s,), where 4>-& is the influx, 8t, 8 0 are the specific activities inside and outside, and ](-& is the concentration in the vacuoles. In fact, 80 should be replaced by 8c, if 4>1. is made c/>cv; as 8-& is about 5% of 8 0 in most cases, and Sc may be about 50-70% of So (parti- cularly when there is a net loss of salt from the vacuoles), this difference may lead to underestimation of the influx to the vacuole by 45/95 to 65/95, depending on the value of 8 c . VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Professor G. E. Briggs and to other colleagues in the Botany Department, University of Cambridge, for their helpful comments. VIII. REFERENCES BRIGGS, G. E. (1957).-Estimation of the flux of ions into and out of the vacuole of a plant cell. J. Exp. Bot. 8: 319. BRIGGS, G. E., HOPE, A. E., and PITMAN, M. G. (1958a).-Exchangeable ions in beet disks at low temperatures. J. Exp. Bot. 9: 128. BRIGGS, G. E., HOPE, A. B., and PITMAN, M. G. {1958b).-Measurement of ionic fluxes in red beet tissue using radioactive isotopes. In "Radio-isotopes in Scientific Research." Vol. 4. p.319. (Pergamon Prf1Ss: Oxford.) 668 1\1:. G. PITMAN BRIGGS, G. E., HOPE, A. E., and H,OBERTSON, R. N. {l961).-"Electrolytes and Plant Cells," (Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford.) DAINTY, J., and HOPE, A. B. relations of cells of Ohara australis. 1. Ion exchange in the cell wall. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 12: 395. DIAMOND, J. M., and SOLOMON, A. K. (1959}.-Intracellula.r potassium compartments in Nitella axillaris. J. Gen. PhY8iol. 42: llOS. MAcRoBBIE, E. A. C., and DAINTY, J. (1958).-lon transport in Nitellopsis obtusa. J. Gen. PhYBiol. 42: 335. VAN STEVENICK, R. 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A Comparison of The Electrophoretic Velocities of Cellophane and Collodion Suspensions With Electroosmotic Velocities Through Membranes of The Same Materials