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Cock and Bull Stories That Worked

Dan-San Abbott
1800 Stone Cress Court Ceres, California 95307 U.S.A. [email protected]

When I served in the U.S. Army in World War II, we were told that if you were captured, you were only required to give your name, rank and serial number under the Geneva Convention of 1929. Further, we were advised not to get cute and give our captors any cock and bull story. It was also suggested our captors may be much smarter than we were. We were told that this could lead to justifiable punishment or loss of privileges authorized under the rules of the Geneva Convention of 1929.1 Under the Hague Convention of 1907, prisoners of war were only required to give their name, rank and regiment. That is what most prisoners did, however some did not. This is a story of some imaginative prisoners of war that told some plausible stories that the French and British air intelligence officers who had interrogated them bought. In the preparation of Operation Michael, the number of 2 Schlachtstaffeln were increased from thirty to thirtyeight Schlachtstaffeln. This was accomplished with the conversion of the Flieger Abteilung from the Eastern Front. In an Operational Plan for the March offensive, the Schlasta were formed into Schlachtgruppen, (Schlagru) of three to four Schlasta. The Schlagru were not given consecutive numbers as was usual for identity of the units, but were identified by Armee Korp designation assigned by the Armee, such as A, B, C, D or 1, 2, 3, 4. The Schlachtstaffeln had performed so well during the spring offensives that a plan was prepared by Generalleutnant der Infanterie Erich von Hoeppner, Kommandierenden der Luftstreitkrfte (Kogenluft) to increase the number of Schlachtstaffeln from thirty-eight to sixty. These would be formed into fifteen Schlachgeschwadern and numbered 1 to 15, each composed of four Schlachtstaffeln, and each with six C1 Class aircraft. This would provide a total of 360 aircraft to fill the needs of the Armeen during offensive and defensive battles of the future. The plan was to

commence on 1 July 1918 and be completed by 1 April 1919. Because of production of equipment and personnel requirements, this plan could not be fulfilled and was abandoned. An alternate plan was proposed which could be fulfilled, by increasing the number of Schlasta from 38 to 40, and the number of Cl aircraft and air and ground crews for each Schlasta, from six to nine, the required number of 360 aircraft could be met.3 With the background established, our story begins with a review of pertinent RAF documents.

First Story
A French Intelligence document was received by the RAF informing them of the new Schlachtstaffel that has been identified (number 47) and was last identified as a Flieger Abteilung 47 on the Eastern Front. "RAF SUMMARY OF AIR INTELLIGENCE number 185, dated 24 August 1918. PART 1 2. PROTECTIVE (OR BATTLE) FLIGHTS. It has previously been reported that a number of reconnaissance flights, formerly on the Russian front, had been formed into protective flights on their transfer to the west. Information now obtained from the French indicates that a Protective Flight numbered 47 was formerly a reconnaissance flight on the Russian front. The highest numbered Protective Flight so far identified is No. 38, and it thus appears that at least 9 additional flights have been formed. There are now five reconnaissance flights, which have

not been identified this year, but were in Russia, and 4 flights which were transferred to the West during the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, which have not been identified for at least 5 months.4 '' We have not been able to identify the Schlasta, but it possibly exists, it had to be one of the Flieger Abteilung transferred from the Eastern Front that were converted into a Schlachtstaffel. Schlasta 32 had lost a Ha1berstadt CL.II while on a practice flight from Montaigu Airfield. Montaigu Airfield is in the area of the German 7.Armee opposing the French. The crew of the CL.II, Sgt. Karl Schuchardt, (pilot) and Sgt. Michael Fischer, (gunner) were taken as prisoners of war on 6 August 1918. Schlasta 32 was a component Schlasta of Schlagru B (Schlasta 28b, 30b, 31b and 32) commanded by Oblt. d.R. Josef Gramp.

l'Caille Airfield in the German 1.Armee to 26 July 1918 when the Schlagru 2 (Schlasta 22b, 28b, 30b and 32) moved to Montaigu Airfield.

Third Story
The next event occurs on 20 August 1918 when a Schlasta machine is shot down at Foreste, by the French. "RAF SUMMARY OF AIR INTELLIGENCE No.191, dated 30 August 1918. PART I 2. NEW FORMATION PROTECTIVE (OR BATTLE) FLIGHTS. Two new protective flights have been identified, viz., Nos.52 and 57. In addition, there are indications of the existence of No.47. Which was formerly a reconnaissance flight on Russian front. (Vide Summary of Air Intelligence, No.185, 24-8-18) The highest numbered protective flight heretofore identified is the 38th, and thus it appears probable that at least 19 additional flights have been formed, giving a total of 114 new machines, (Hannoveranners and Halberstadts). PART II 1.IDENTIFICATIONS. 1.IDENTIFICATIONS. Champagne Sector New Formations. 52nd Protective Flight*... Rethel area...... 31st Ju1y...... Prisoner's statement. Not previously identified. Note.--- Provided Flights are numbered in an unbroken series, there should now be 13 Protective flights of new formation." *
The RAF has not changed the name of the Protective Flights (Schutzstaffel) to Battle Flights, (Schlachtstaffel). The RAF Intelligence would catch up later on and correct the designation to Battle Flights.

Second Story
On 31 July 1918, a Schlasta aircraft is brought down in the Champagne Sector of the front. The prisoner of war informs his French captors that he is from Schlasta 52. "RAF SUMMARY OF AIR INTELLIGENCE number 186, dated 25 August 1918 PART II

Champagne Sector. 57th Protective Flight..... Foreste 20 August.... Machine shot down by the French (N.E. Ham). Not previously" The 57th Battle Flight being formed out of the Schlachtstaffel Nr.28b seems a reasonable story with one exception, if it were the case, it would have Schlasta 57b. This crew was from Schlasta 28b, they were Pioneer Joseph Fuchs (pilot) and Gefr. Emil Soetebier, (gunner). Both were taken prisoner by the French at Osly-Coushl. Schlasta 28w was based at Grand-et-Fay Airfield on 20 August 1918 and was a component Schlasta of Schlagru B, with Schlasta 28b, 30b, 31b and 32. Schlagru B was commanded by Oblt.d.R. Josef Gramp.5 Identified from the statements of the previously captured prisoners of the 57th Battle Flight, this unit was formed with the nucleus supplied by the 28th (Bav.) Battle Flight. RAF SUMMARY OF AIR INTELLIGENCE No. 199,

This is actually Schlasta 30b, which lost a crew of Sgt. Valentin Jackl, (pilot) and Gefr. Karl Siegenthaler, (gunner) who was wounded. They were shot down and captured by the French on 31 July 1918. Gefr. Siegenthaler died of his wounds on 3 August 1918. It would then appear that Sgt. Valentin Jackl was the storyteller in this case. Schlasta 30b was presently based at Montaigu Airfield in the German 7.Armee and was previously located at

dated 7 September 1918, finally finds documents establishing Schlachtstaffeln (Schlasta) Battle Flight, is the correct term replacing Schutzstaffel (Schusta) Protective Flight.

FORCE, ROYAL AIR FORCE, No. 6, 15 September, 1918. Part I 4.The 45th Battle Flight.

Fourth Story
In the next part of our story, a Hannover Cl.IIIa is shot down and captured and the two prisoners of war tell their stories. "RAF SUMMARY OF AIR INTELLIGENCE Serial No.206 dated 14 September 1918. PART I 2. FORMATION OF NEW BATTLE FLIGHTS. Prisoners of 45th Battle Flight, captured by the French on the 6th September, state that their unit was formed on the 1st of September, a nucleus of machines and personnel being supplied by the 20th Battle Flight. PART II 1. IDENTIFICATIONS. Laon Sector. 20th Battle Flight...... Chivres...... 1st September Prisoner's statement. (Normal). N.E. of Laon'' Our fourth Document. story continues from another RAF

The 45th BATTLE FLIGHT was formed out of the 20th Protective Flight. The latter is still at Chivres, near Liesse, in the Seventh German Army Front (up to 1 September.) On this date, six machines practically the whole of the 20th Battle Flight, were transported to Briey; two machines only remained at Briey it received the number 45. The prisoners do not know if the 20th Battle Squadron has been dissolved or remains in the Seventh Army, two machines having remained behind with their personnel (two pilots, two observers, six riggers). 5. Movement of the Squadron from the Aisne Front to the Lorraine Front. The 45th Battle Flight was put on the railway on the lst of September, entrained at Liesse (train consisted of 42 trucks), detained at Stenay on the evening of the 2nd September; their kit was transported to Briey by lorries. 6. The 20th Battle Flight. A prisoner of the 45th Battle Flight previously belonged to the 20th Battle Flight and was still with this Flight on the 2nd of September. The Flight consisted of eight Hannoveranners until the lst of September, 1918. The 20th Battle Flight is the old 20th Protective Flight. Until March the prisoner was confined to escorting artillery and photographic reconnaissance machines. In the course of the Spring Offensive the Flight was assigned the role of Battle Flight, but only adopted the official name in May. All the Protective Flights have become Battle Flights, and the number of these latter have been augmented. The 20th Battle Flight was in the region of St. Quentin, from the beginning of 1918, until the Spring Offensive, when it followed the forward movement of the Seventh Army. The 45th Battle Flight was formed out of the 20th Battle Flight. 9.Types of Machines. The 45th Battle Flight is equipped with Hannoveranners machines with 180 hp. engines. These machines are two seaters, carrying two machine

Uffz. Paul Weisser, (pilot) and Uffz.Wilhelm Scharg, (gunner) from Schlasta 20, and their story of formation of Schlasta 45 from a nucleus from Schlasta 20. Schlasta 20 was in the process of moving from Briey Airfield in the German 5.Armee to Anoux-le-Grange Airfield in Armee Abteilung C. They were on an orientation flight, when they were shot down and forced to land at Romain, where they were taken prisoner by the French ground forces. They were flying Hannover Cl.IIIa 13369/17, aircraft number 6.6 According to their story, they were the nucleus of aircraft and personnel taken from Schlasta 20, which was still located in the German 7.Armee. "WEEKLY SUMMARY OF AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION HEADQUARTERS, INDEPENDENT

guns, and if required four 25 lb. bombs. They are not fitted with a wireless installation. 10. Composition of the 45th Battle Flight. (1) Personnel. 1 1st Lieutenant. Flight Commander. 1 Warrant Officer, for office work. 9 Pilots. 9 Observers.** 3 Mechanics.*** A total of 70 men. (2) Material. 6 Machines. **** 2 Touring cars, 1 Mercedes, 1 Benz. 5 Lorries.'' ** These were not observers but enlisted machine gunners. *** There were a total of 27 Mechanics, three per plane. **** The authorized allotment of aircraft had been increased from six
to nine.

These captured Schlachstaffel aircrews told plausible stories with sufficient amount of truth that they were accepted by the intelligence officers doing interrogations. Some of the prisoners of war really gave a considerable amount of information, as illustrated by one or both of the Schlasta 20 crew members, who did do just that, they named Ltn. Zipplius (sic) as their Schlasta Fhrer, at that point in time, Oblt. Bruno Zipplies was the Schlachtgruppe Kommandeur. A considerable amount of additional information about the organization, equipment and personnel was also supplied. This is contrary to what I was informed to do, "Soldier, you will give your name, rank and serial number, nothing more." I have enclosed 1/72 scale drawings of the aircraft that were used by Schlasta in the four Cock and Bull stories, the Halberstadt C1.II, Halberstadt C1.IV, the late production Hannover CL.II and Hannover C1.IIIa. Please address your [email protected]. comments to

"WEEKLY SUMMARY OF AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION, No.7, 21 September 1918 PART I. Identification. The following identifications have been established.:Detachment Army C. 5th Battle Flight. 20th Battle Flight. }

1. Spaight, J.M. AIR POWER AND WAR RIGHTS, Longman and Green and Co. London, Chapter XIV Interrogation of prisoners, page 340. 2. Duiven, Richard & Abbott, Dan-San, SCHLACHTFLIEGER!!, Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Atglen, PA, Chapter VI, page 42. 3. Duiven, Richard & Abbott, Dan-San, SCHLACHTFLIEGER!!, Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Atglen, PA. Chapter X, page 70 4. Ibid, Chapter VI, page 42 5. Ibid, page 332 6. Duiven, Richard & Abbott, Dan-San, SCHLACHTFLIEGER!!, Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Atglen, PA. A photo of this machine is on page 99 displayed in the Nancy town square.

} Briey Area. Three Flights are known to be stationed at Anoux. 32nd Battle Flight. } Aerodrome (No.29). Prisoners statement 6-9-18. These 37th Battle Flight. These 37th Battle Flight. } Squadrons at present form "Battle Flight Group." What is of interest, the French and British Intelligence Officers had seen through this story and the 45th Battle Flight ceased to be listed in either the RAF or the Independent Force Summaries of Air Intelligence. The actual composition of Schlagru B was Schlasta 5, 20, 32, 35 and 37. Schlagru B was commanded by Oblt. Werner Lange. This illustrates how accurate French and British Intelligence gathering was.

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