The Web's Regulatory Racket - by Bret Swanson - Forbes - Com - 09.17.09
The Web's Regulatory Racket - by Bret Swanson - Forbes - Com - 09.17.09
The Web's Regulatory Racket - by Bret Swanson - Forbes - Com - 09.17.09
by Bret Swanson 09.17.09 almost totally free of politics. The Internet was built simple, common language allows billions of diverse
and is now operated by private companies. digital devices to plug into a universal platform.
As the fruits of the Internet spread across the world, Likewise, simple and stable political rules are
How has the world fared under the existing model?
global bureaucrats salivate. Private-sector essential for the transmission of unpredictable but
In the 10 years of the Commerce-ICANN
leadership of the Net has created history's most productive human endeavor. Too much noise
relationship, Web users around the globe have
powerful platform for commerce and culture. But disrupts the signal, whether an Internet
grown from 300 million to almost 2 billion. World
with a key guardian document of a free 'Net set to transmission, business activity or political speech.
Internet traffic blossomed from around 10 million
expire at September's end, this successful model is gigabytes per month to almost 10 billion, a near There are, of course, legitimate disputes over
under siege. 1,000-fold leap. As the world economy grew by technology and language. And groups like the
European Union Competition Commissioner approximately 50%, Internet traffic grew by U.N.'s Internet Governance Forum have been
Viviane Reding has called for a "G-12 for the 100,000%. Under this decade of private sector created to hash out these important matters.
Internet" to make "recommendations" on the leadership, moreover, the number of Internet users ICANN, too, has been slow to fulfill one of its key
operation of the Internet. Soviet-trained Hamadoun in North America grew around 150% while the mandates: to solidify the path to permanent private-
Touré, secretary-general of the International number of users in the rest of the world grew sector leadership so no government, foreign or
Telecommunications Union, wants governments almost 600%. World growth outpaced U.S. growth. domestic, can exert undue influence. This is the
and his U.N. agency to exercise more "muscle" on chief problem that must be addressed by Sept. 30.
the Internet. And Russia and Brazil have made
similar noises.
.com .net .edu .us .cn The rush of international organizations and
governments seeking more power over Internet
But noise is the problem. Just as electromagnetic
noise can degrade a communications signal,
.eu .whatever governance threatens to destabilize the Internet's
core. Plunging this crucial global resource into the
political noise can similarly encumber an economy political realm would fragment the Internet and
Can we really digest this historic shift? In this brief undermine one of its fundamental virtues –
– in this case, the global digital economy. period, the portion of the globe's population that universality. Instead of empowering global users,
Sept. 30 will mark the end of the Joint Project communicates electronically will go from negligible the politicization of the Net could substitute
Agreement. Stretching back in several incarnations to almost total. From a time when even the elite posturing and populism for sound technology, sever
over the last decade, the JPA is a compact between accessed relative spoonfuls of content, to a time in global connectivity, and stifle commercial and
the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Internet the near future when the masses will access all cultural creativity. The Internet itself is the true
Corp. for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), recorded information. multilateral instrument of diversity and innovation,
the California nonprofit that administers domain These advances do not manifest a crisis of Internet not the politicians groping for control in its name.
names and IP addresses, essentially the digital governance.
map and logical space of the Internet. Instead of Are the dual ascents of globalization and the
injecting politics into cyberspace, the modest U.S. As for a real crisis? See what happens when Internet a coincidence? Could we have brought 500
role has shielded the Net from would-be meddlers. politicians take the Internet away from the million Chinese and Indians out of desperate
But as America's mostly hands-off stewardship engineers who, in a necessarily cooperative poverty without the digital platform that connects
winds down, what mischief might October bring? fashion, make the whole thing work. Criticism of the world? Would we know of the deep but hidden
mild U.S. government oversight of ICANN is hardly thirst for reform in Iran? In the years ahead, what
The rise of the Net is a story of scientists and reason to invite micromanagement by an additional further economic and civic fruits might the Internet
engineers cooperating on technical challenges, and 190 governments. yield?
of private companies deploying hundreds of billions
of dollars worth of network infrastructure. Yes, the There is a crucial analogy between the physical We can only hope a free Internet lives so we might
embryonic Net dawned as a Pentagon ARPA laws that govern communications technologies and find out.
project, and many government scientists have the man-made laws that govern people. It takes the Bret Swanson is president of the technology
contributed along the way. But the framework and pure, noiseless glass of optical fiber to carry laser research and strategy firm Entropy Economics
function of the Internet's logical layer remained light around the world. The Internet Protocol's LLC.