Faraz Resume
Faraz Resume
Faraz Resume
( Electronics & Communication Engineering ) 22, Male Address: B-5/21 COND No.-9 Artist Village Sector-8 CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai- 400614 Mobile: +91-9987676369 Email: mirja.baig @yahoo.com Seeking assignments as Network Engineer
Career Objectives
To enhance my knowledge in Networking with highly efficient workgroup, by utilizing my talent & Skills and aspire to crave my career as a Network Engineer.
Educational Qualifications Exam passed B.Tech ( ECE ) XIIth Xth Board/University Integral University, Lucknow U.P Board U.P Board Year of Passing 2012 2007 2005 Percentage 65.12% 65.00% 65.83%
Employment History a)
Organization Designation Duration Job Responsibilities: Administering & designing LANs, WANs internet/intranet, and voice networks. Analysing & developing key components using methodology prescribed techniques. Communicating and negotiating with users, specialists, other staff and suppliers. Solid understanding of IP networking and other associated protocols. Network connectivity troubleshooting, ping, & telnet. Responsible for communication protocols, configuration, integration & security. Investigating, diagnosing and resolve all network problems. Working with multiple technical platforms i.e. mainframe, two-tiered client-servers and three-tiered client-servers. Maintain a thorough understanding of the basics behind the Internet and its workings (DNS, Security,IP Routing, HTTP, VPN, Email Routing, SPAM, etc.). Configure and setup Cisco Firewalls, VPN Concentrators and Security appliances for access to vital business applications. Design, setup and configure complex switching environments. Design, setup and configure complex wireless networking that supports open or secured access and the ability to support voice and video applications. Maintain a thorough understanding of Local Area Networking. : : : Manassvi Enterprises Network Engineer May 2012 to Nov. 2013
Assist in the design of multi-server environments including IP address schemes, DNS, WINS, Ether-Channel (Bonding), etc. Configuring and installing client and server network software for upgrading and maintaining network and telecommunication systems. Maintaining multi-site network operations and software applications, operating systems and regular maintenance with both private and public facilities. Managing assigned projects and program components to deliver services in accordance with established objectives. Responding to inquiries from staff, administrators, service providers, site personnel and outside vendors and etc. to provide technical assistance and support. Supervising the administration of systems and servers related network to ensure availability of services to authorized users. Troubleshooting malfunctions of network hardware and software applications, telephones and security systems to resolve operational issues and restore services.
Industrial Training
BSNL,GORAKHPUR(U.P) (4 Weeks) NIB-1 Node,EWSD,MDF and GSM 27 Jun-23th Jul, 2011 Study of fundamentals of internet service, Virtual private network, Architecture and functionalities of WSD exchange, Components of main distribution frame (MDF), GSM system architecture and accessing a GSM network.
(45 Days)
March-April, 2011
Modes of PCB Design using Dip Trace and Tina software, PCB manufacturing from paper preparation to finishing touch, PCB Designing tools.
Technical Skills
Language: Basic C, Core JAVA Knowledge of Varibles,Operators,Branching Statements,Switch case,Looping. Knowledge of Static And non Static Members,Classes ,Methods. Knowledge of Method Overloading,Method Overidding.. Knowledge in Test Plan, Test Case, Test Case Review Template, Traceability Matrix. Thorough knowledge in Functionality Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Compatibility Testing, Accessibility Testing, Usability Testing, I18N, L10N, Smoke and Ad-hoc Testing. Strong in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Testing Life Cycle (STLC). Knowledge about Performance Testing (Load Testing, Volume Testing, Soak Testing), Reliability Testing. Knowledge of DBMS,RDBMS & validating data from the database using DML, DDL statements. Proficient in the use of MS Office applications like Word, PowerPoint, Excel Good analytical and communication skills Self learning and leading ability
Extra-curricular Achievements
Worked as a organizing member for Fiesta 2009 (Integral University, Lucknow). Attended three days workshop 2008 seminar organized by robotics society of Integral University, Lucknow. Participated in AGHAAZ the inter-university sports meet-2012 of Integral University, Lucknow. Played a district level football match 2007.
Personal Details
Fathers name Date of birth Nationality Language known Martial Status : Mirza Naseem Baig : 17th Oct., 1990 : Indian : English,Urdu, Hindi : Unmarried
Passport Details
Name Passport no Date of Issue Date of Expiry Place of Issue : : : : : Mirza Faraz Baig K3994471 26-07-2012 25-07-2022 Lucknow (U.P)
I hereby affirm that all the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.