Logic Trader MT4 Indicator

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Logic Trader MT4 Indicator

Installation Copy Logic Trader MT4 Indicator.ex4 to: <Disk>:\<MetaTrader folder>\experts\indicators. Start or restart MT4 platfor ! on t"e top #ar select Indicators$C%sto ! find t"e indicator and apply it to t"e c"art. Settings In t"e indicator properties! Inp%ts! yo% can find t"e LT&'eriod! t"is (al%e can #e c"anged! defa%lt is )*! t"is period is %s%ally %sed on Daily c"arts for trend detection and it +orks +ell on Daily. T"is (al%e can #e ad,%sted #y trader to any (al%e! d%ring a (is%al analysis or #y traders preferences! it is si ilar to a o(ing a(erage period.

-lso colors of t"e line can #e ad,%sted. Defa%lt is .reen for /pTrend line 0123 and 4ed for Do+nTrend line 01)3! 5ello+ 01*3 is for additional #%ffer for calc%lations! #%t it is not %sed on c"art.

How to use? It is 6%ite si ple! look at t"e indicator line color! if .reen! t"en trade only 7%y orders! and if 4ed! t"en trade only Sell orders. -lso! Logic Trader 0LT3 line can #e %sed as a s%pport line. T"%s if LT line is .reen and arket price is close to LT line! t"en t"is is t"e rig"t o ent for entering a 7%y order. -nd if LT line is 4ed and arket price is close to LT line! t"en t"is is t"e rig"t o ent for entering a Sell order.

Colors of LT line can #e applied for taking decisions for trading exactly +it" t"is indicator! #%t also can #e %sed as a co pass for trading different trading styles! and to respect t"e a,or trends. It +orks on any ti e fra e! #%t Daily ti e fra e is one of t"e #est to +ork as co pass. Logic Trader MT4 Indicator can #e %sed for trading #y Triple Screen trading et"od. In t"is case trader "as to open 8 ti e fra es and attac" t"e Logic Trader MT4 Indicator to eac" ti e fra e! for exa ple: Daily! 94! 9*. T"e r%les are si ple: a3 if LT line on all 8 ti e fra es is .reen! t"en enter a 7%y order: and exit t"is order if 94 or 9* ti e fra e s"o+s 4ed LT line. #3 if LT line on all 8 ti e fra es is 4ed! t"en enter a Sell order: and exit t"is order if 94 or 9* ti e fra e s"o+s .reen LT line. -n exa ple of Triple Screen et"od is s"o+n in next pict%re. ;or arranging 8 c"arts on screen in MT4! on t"e top #ar <indo+$Tile =ertically can #e %sed.

;%rt"er ore! Logic Trader MT4 Indicator can #e %sed as a confir ation signal for any ot"er trading strategies.

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