University of Calicut Research Regulations 2012
University of Calicut Research Regulations 2012
University of Calicut Research Regulations 2012
D-2012 Implementation sanctioned orders issued =================================================================== DIRECTORATE OF RESEARCH No. DoR/ !/"1#/200" Dated$ %alicut &ni'ersit( )P.*+$ 20-0,-2012
=================================================================== Read- )1+ .eeting of the Research %ouncil held on 0/-02-2012 )2+ 01tract of the confirmed minutes of the 2(ndicate held on 2/-0#-2012$ item No. 2012."/3 )!+ 01tract of the confirmed minutes of the 2(ndicate held on 2#-03-2012$ item No. 2012.3"/ )4+ .inutes of the meeting of the 2tanding %ommittee of the 5cademic %ouncil held on 1!-0,-2012 ORDER 1. 6he Research %ouncil$ at its meeting held on 0/-02-2012$ as per the reference cited 1 st a7o'e$
discussed the Research Regulation 2012 and after incorporating the modification$ appro'ed the same and decided to place it 7efore the 2(ndicate. 2. 5s per the discussions e'ol'ed in the meeting of the 2(ndicate held on 2/-0#-2012 referred 2 nd
a7o'e$ certain modifications suggested 7( mem7ers 8ere incorporated in the Research Regulation 2012 and the same 8as placed for implementation. !. 9ater$ conse:uent to detailed deli7eration$ it 8as resol'ed that the Research Regulation 2012 has to 7e placed 7efore the supreme statutor( 7od( on academic matters; the 5cademic %ouncil$ 'ide reference ! rd a7o'e and the same 8as placed 7efore the 2tanding %ommittee of 5cademic %ouncil$ considering the urgenc( of the matter$ as Ph.D applications through entrance test ha'e not 7een in'ited for more than 1, months. 4.
6he meeting of the 2tanding %ommittee of 5cademic %ouncil held on 1!-0,-2012$ 'ide paper
read 4 a7o'e has considered the :uestion of appro'al of the Research Regulation 2012 and resol'ed to appro'e the same$ incorporating the modifications suggested 7( the mem7ers. ". %onsidering the urgenc( and academic interest of research aspirants$ sanction has 7een accorded
7( the <ice %hancellor 7( e1ercising the po8ers of the 5cademic %ouncil for the implementation of the Research Regulation 2012 8ith effect from 1#-0,-2012 as per the appendi1 attached here8ith. #. *rders are issued accordingl( 2d/DEPUTY REGISTRAR (DoR) =or DIR0%6*R 6o 5ll >oDs/Research %entres %op( to P2 to <%/P5 to P<%/P5 to Registrar/P5 to =*/ P5 to %0/2=/D=/=% =or8arded/ ( *rder SECTION OFFICER
UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT Rules Re!ulat"o#s $or Researc% lea&"#! to P%D { All cases registered before the date effectiveness of this rules and regulations will be governed by earlier rules. However, the mandatory requirements laid down by the UGC shall be fulfilled for obtaining the required endorsements in the Degree 6he &ni'ersit( of %alicut offers research programmes in different su7?ects listed in 2tatutes of the &ni'ersit($ and in inter-disciplinar( areas leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosoph(. 5 candidate shall ordinaril( 8or@ in a recogniAed place of research including the &ni'ersit( Departments$ Research Institutes and 5ffiliated %olleges recogniAed 7( the &ni'ersit(. 6he rules regarding eligi7ilit($ entrance e1amination$ inter'ie8$ registration$ super'ision$ su7mission and e'aluation of thesis$ 'i'a-'oce$ defense of thesis etc. shall 7e as follo8s. '( ELIGI)ILITY =or admission to the Ph.D. programme in a related su7?ect in the facult($ applicants fulfilling the follo8ing criteria shall 7e treated as eligi7le a+ Persons ha'ing passed Post Braduate Degree ).aster Degree+ 01amination 8ith at least "0C mar@s or e:ui'alent Brade Point 5'erage )BP5+ of this &ni'ersit( or an e:ui'alent degree recogniAed 7( &ni'ersit( of %alicut. Rela1ation for minimum mar@s are applica7le to reser'ation categor( students. or Persons 8or@ing in National 9a7oratories- Institutes/&ni'ersities/Bo'ernment/ Pri'ate *rganiAation nominated/sponsored 7( the respecti'e emplo(er. 6hese persons should ha'e a Post Braduate Degree 8ith "0C mar@s$ and holding a permanent position there. 7+ 57o'e-mentioned rules 8ill also 7e applica7le to the foreign candidates 8ho ha'e o7tained a .asters Degree from the statutor( Indian &ni'ersities or e:ui'alent degree from a7road. c+ 6eachers of the %olleges$ aided or go'ernment$ affiliated to the &ni'ersit( 2econdar( and >igher 2econdar( 2chool 6eachers. =or teachers of this &ni'ersit( and 8or@ing in aided colleges affiliated to this &ni'ersit($ 1.a$ shall 7e rela1ed. d+ 5pplication for research in inter-disciplinar( areas and from applicants 7elonging to a facult( or su7?ect other than the facult( or su7?ect in 8hich the research is proposed to 7e done and from the international candidates )those 8ho ha'e not o7tained the .asterDs degree from Indian &ni'ersities+ shall 7e considered on the 7asis of the pro'en a7ilit( and aptitude of the researcher for such @ind of research. 2uch proposal shall 7e e1amined 7( the Buide and the >ead$ place of research and place 7efore the Research 5dmission %ommittee for recommending for admission. 6he admission 8ill 7e confirmed after the Research 5dmission %ommittee$ appro'es the topic. e+ 5dmission Percentage for foreign candidates )those 8ho ha'e not o7tained .asterDs degree from Indian &ni'ersities+ 8ill 7e "0C or e:ui'alent BP5. f+ %andidates 7elonging to 2%/26 categor( and those ha'ing 40C or more ph(sical disa7ilit($ re:uire onl( a pass in the :ualif(ing PB degree e1amination. *( ENTRANCE TEST 2.1 Research Departments/ 5ppro'ed research centres /5ffiliated colleges ma( conduct entrance test as per the notification issued
5ll the candidates getting a minimum of "0C mar@s and in the case of 2%/26 candidates a minimum of 4"C mar@s$ as the case ma( 7e$ in the entrance test are :ualified to appl( for registration to Ph.D. Programme *(+ E,e-.t"o# $ro- E#tra#ce Test 2.!.1. 6eachers of affiliated aided colleges under the &ni'ersit( of %alicut$ and teachers 8ith =DP/EIP$ etc.$ fello8ships$ and teachers of the &ni'ersit( departments are e1empted from the entrance test. 2.!..2. %andidates ha'ing research fello8ships from %entral or state funding agencies are also e1empted from the entrance test. Eualified in B560)'alid scoreF+ /BP56 )'alid scoreF+/GR=/2R= e1amination of the ape1 7odies as such as %2IR/&B%/I%5R/I%.R/D 6 and D26 inspire fello8ship onl(. ! the cut off score will be decided by the concerned De"artment Councils 2.!.! .. Phil. Degree successfull( completed from an( 2tatutor( RecogniAed &ni'ersit( in the rele'ant su7?ect. 2.!.4 =oreign nationals 8ho are other8ise eligi7le for admission 2.!.". =ull-time fello8s$ 8ho ha'e 7een selected on the 7asis of a 8ritten test and inter'ie8 $ 8or@ing in a research pro?ect under the in'estigation of a research guide of the &ni'ersit(. 2.!.#. 6hese candidates )2.!.1 to 2.!."+ can appl( for Ph.D. registration at an( time during the academic (ear depending su7?ect to the a'aila7ilit( of guides. *(/ Proce&ure $or co#&uct o$ E#tra#ce E,a-"#at"o# 6he entrance test 8ill 7e normall( conducted once a (ear for each department/discipline and list of successful candidates eligi7le for PhD registration$ prepared on the 7asis of the test$ has a 'alidit( of one (ear$ from the date of pu7lication of the same. 2." 6he list of successful candidates 8ill 7e pu7lished 7( the head$ place of research 2.".1. 5 separate ran@ list for each su7?ect$ shall 7e pu7lished 2.# If the particular discipline$ doesnDt ha'e a uni'ersit( department/centre$ the entrance test shall 7e conducted 7( the affiliated college/ recogniAed institution$ 7( the directi'e of the &ni'ersit(. +( APPLICATION !.1 6he &ni'ersit( 8ill issue notifications for PhD admission at its teaching/research departments/centers/ recogniAed institutes/affiliated colleges e'er( (ear. !.2 2tudents 8ho ha'e 7een shortlisted after the entrance e1amination$ or other8ise eligi7le$ appl( to the Department/%enter/ 5ffiliated %olleges$ directl($ in the prescri7ed forms along 8ith application fee for admission. *nline registration for admission shall 7e effected in due course of time. !.! 6he application fee shall 7e remitted to the &ni'ersit( =und and the forms 8ill 7e issued 7( the &ni'ersit(. !.4 6hose 8ho are e1empted from entrance test can see@ admission an( time in an (ear$ in the proscri7ed format. !." >o8e'er$ no e1emption from pa(ing fee$ e1cept in the case of Reser'ed categories shall 7e entertained. /( REGISTRATION 4.1 6he &ni'ersit( admits eligi7le candidates for PhD on the 7asis of the ran@ing in the 0ntrance 01amination$ for pursuing research on full time or part-time 7asis$ under the super'ision of recogniAed guides in designated centers. 4.2 6he :ualified candidate ma( contact the teaching/research department/centre/ recogniAed institutes/affiliated college$ 8here he/she prefers to pursue the PhD
course$ and see@ the a'aila7ilit( and 8illingness of the research guide 8ho is competent in the area in 8hich he/she is 8illing to do research and 8or@ 8ith him/her to de'elop a research proposal 4.2.1. 6he candidate shall su7mit a dul( filled up application$ along 8ith the fee prescri7ed$ for Ph.D. registration in the prescri7ed format along 8ith the research proposal so de'eloped as in 4.1$ and su7mit it to the >ead$ place of the research. 4.2.2. 6he research proposal shall not e1ceed 10 pages in length e1cluding the title page or co'er page. 4.2.!. 6he research proposal should ha'e the follo8ing structurea+ 6itle 7+ Introduction c+ Research Pro7lem d+ *7?ecti'es e+ %onceptual .odel/Re'ie8 of 9iterature f+ Research .ethodolog( g+ 01pected outcome and rele'ance of the stud( h+ i7liograph( 4.! 0'er( person$ if he/she is other8ise eligi7le and :ualifies as per a7o'e conditions and desirous of doing research 8or@ for the Ph. D degree should face the inter'ie8 7efore a committee constituted as 7elo8. 4.4 *n the 7asis of inter'ie8$ the allocation of the Research Buide for a selected candidate shall 7e decided 7( the Department/%entre/ Institution/ 5ffiliated %ollege$ in a formal manner depending on the num7er of candidates per facult( mem7er$ the a'aila7le specialiAation among the Research Buides and the research interest of the candidates as indicated during inter'ie8 7( the candidate. 6he allotment/allocation of Research Buide shall not 7e left to the indi'idual candidate or Buide. Buide 8ise :uota 8ill 7e declared. Reser'ation criteria shall 7e o7ser'ed at the time of allotment. 4.4.1. Hhile granting admission to candidates to Ph.D. programmes$ the Research %enter 8ill pa( due attention to the 2tate Reser'ation Polic(. 4.4.2. =oreign candidates 8ill 7e treated at par 8ith *pen %ategor( for admission. 4." >ead of the research centre shall for8ard the proceedings of the committee after inter'ie8 along 8ith the application and list of all eligi7le candidates for admission for research in that su7?ect$ in the centre to the &ni'ersit($ 8ithin 3 da(s. 5ll records related to admission procedures shall 7e @ept in the Department/ %enter/ %ollege. 4.# ased on the list and applications recei'ed from the Department/Research centres concerned$ the &ni'ersit( shall issue orders granting registration. 4.#.1. Registration to full-time and part-time Ph.D. programme ma( 7e granted to candidates 8ho appl( for it. 4.3 6he date of registration to Ph.D. shall 7e the date on 8hich the candidate actuall( ?oins the research department / centre. 5t the time of ?oining$ the candidate has to pa( the necessar( fee$ caution deposit etc$ and complete other formalities in the department/ research centre/ college. 4., Pro0"s"o#al Re!"strat"o# &nder circumstances 8here a candidate see@s a :uic@ registration to a'ail of a fello8ship or =IP for college teachers$ arranging <I25 in the case of foreign candidates $etc.$ a pro'isional registration ma( 7e granted$ pro'ided$ the <ice %hancellor is con'inced that the situation so 8arrants. /(1 Val"&"t2 o$ Re!"strat"o# 4./.1 6he registration to Ph.D. programme shall 7e acti'e from the date of ?oining the research department or centre for a period of fi'e (ears for full-time Ph.D. candidates and si1 (ears for part-time Ph.D. candidates 4./.2 5fter the completion of the acti'e period$ the registration order ma( 7ecome in'alid. 5 research scholar 8ith an in'alid registration ceases to 7e a
research scholar. 4./.! 6he <ice %hancellor ma( gi'e an e1tension 7( one more (ear in e1ceptional circumstances for the completion of the research 8or@ and su7mission of thesis 4./.4. 6he candidate shall appl( for e1tension 7efore the e1pir( of the 'alidit( period 4./.". No further e1tension of time 7e(ond the additional one (ear period granted. shall 7e allo8ed under an( circumstances. 4.10. Research scholars can a'ail the facilities of the centre$ until the period of registration is 'alid. 4.10.1. No claim for e1tension of facilities 8hich are recei'ed on the 7asis of 7eing a research scholar of the &ni'ersit( shall 7e made after the e1pir( of the 'alidit( period of registration. 4.11. Proof of attendance of the full time/par-time research scholars shall 7e maintained at the office of the >ead$ place of research. 4.12. Registered candidates are eligi7le for %asual lea'e/Dut( lea'e/ medical/maternit(/paternit( lea'es as per the orders issued 7( the uni'ersit($ in this respect. 4.1!. Registered candidates shall not 7e allo8ed to register simultaneousl( for an( other degree course. 4.14. 5s a general rule$ a candidate 8ill 7e permitted to register for a PhD programme$ in a discipline$ in 8hich he/she has :ualif(ing degree. In case a candidate applies for a Ph D programme$ other than his/her .asters su7?ect$ registration ma( 7e granted on the specific decision of the Research 5dmissions %ommittee. /('3( Part4t"-e5 Full4t"-e Researc% 4.1".1. Registration ma( 7e granted to all resident scholars on full time 7asis and to emplo(ed persons on part-time 7asis. 4.1".2. 6eachers of colleges and 2chools$ and permanent emplo(ees of I go'ernment/pri'ate/7usiness firms 8ho are eligi7le for Ph.D admission$ ma( 7e granted part-time registration. 4.1".!. 5 full-time registration ma( 7e con'erted to part-time $ after the completion of one (ear$ or 8hen the candidate declared successfull( completed the course 8or@. 4.1".4 5fter three (ears in full-time$ if the candidate 8ishes to con'ert the registration into part-time$ the time duration of thesis shall 7e rec@oned 8ith that of full-time registration. 3( Researc% Fello6s%". ".1 6he &ni'ersit( fello8ships shall 7e a8arded to full-time scholars on the 7asis of merit and @eeping the norms of reser'ation. 5 'alid registration for PhD course in the &ni'ersit( does not 8arrant that the candidate is eligi7le for &ni'ersit( fello8ship for research studies. ".2 6he &ni'ersit( reser'es the right for regulating amount of the fello8ships or terminating it at an( time$ if found non-producti'e or misused$ 7ased on the Progress 0'aluation %ommittee report. ".! 5pplication for a8ard of research fello8ships shall 7e su7mitted separatel( in the prescri7ed format once the candidate ?oins for research stud( after getting registration. ".4 %andidates 8ho ha'e 7een a8arded research fello8ship/ grant from other e1ternal funding agencies can a'ail the same through the &ni'ersit($ su7?ect to the
conditions of the funding agenc(. "." 6he period of &ni'ersit( fello8ship 8ill 7e decided 7( the &ni'ersit( and for others$ the funding agenc( shall specif(. ".# 6he Departments/ %enters/ %olleges ma( in'ite e1ternal agencies for instituting research fello8ships 8ith the appro'al of the &ni'ersit(. 7( Researc% A&-"ss"o#s Co--"ttee Fu#ct"o#s #.1 6he committee shall 7e consisted ofa) Admission at University Departments. 1+ >*D )%hairman+ 2+ Dean of the =acult( !+ 6hree su7?ect 01perts )68o from Department$ nominated 7( the Department %ouncil; and another from outside to 7e nominated 7( the <ice%hancellor+ b) Admission at Research Centres at Colleges 1+ Principal )%hairman+ 2+ 6hree e1perts )one =acult( mem7er from the &ni'ersit( Department/and t8o senior research guides from the %ollege$ to 7e nominated 7( the Principal+ !+ *ne person nominated 7( the <ice-%hancellor c) Admission at Recognized Research Institutions 1+ Director )%hairman+ 2+ Dean of the concerned =acult( !+ *ne head of the &ni'ersit( Department$ nominated 7( Director 4+ 68o su7?ect e1perts nominated 7( the Director "+ *ne facult( mem7er$ from &ni'ersit( Departments nominated 7( >onD 7le <ice- %hancellor. #.2 6he research guide/super'isor of the candidate$ if alread( not a mem7er of the a7o'e$ %ommittee$ he/she shall also ?oin the %ommittee meeting 8hile e'aluating the research proposal of the candidate 8ho see@s his/her guidance. #.! 6he %hairman shall con'ene the 5dmissions %ommittee as and 8hen necessar( and 7e responsi7le for @eeping the proceedings and documents related to the admission. #.4 6he Research 5dmissions %ommittee shall e1amine carefull( the documents presented 7( the candidate$ and adhere strictl( to the norms and policies of the 2tate related to reser'ation$ and regulations of the &ni'ersit(. #." In case of an( suggestions gi'en 7( the committee for impro'ement of topic$ the candidate shall ma@e changes accordingl( and present the topic again 7efore the said committee 8ithin ! months of the earlier presentation. #.# 5fter successful presentation$ the proposal shall 7e sent 7( the >ead$ place of research 8ithin1" da(s from the date of presentation to the uni'ersit( office. #.3 In case of an( dispute regarding the admission procedure$ the matter ma( 7e referred to the <ice-%hancellor$ and the <ice- %hancellor 8ill ta@e appropriate decision. 8( COURSE 9OR: 3.1. 5 Ph.D. research scholar shall undergo a course 8or@ of one-semester duration$ 8hich include compulsor( class room teaching$ seminar and assignment. 3.2. %ourse 8or@ lasting one semester has to 7e done 7efore the end of a period of 12 months from the date of registration for Ph.D. programme. 3.!. 6he course 8or@ shall ha'e t8o courses 8ith four credits each
5 research scholar can do his/her course 8or@ along 8ith ..Phil candidates if the super'isor recommends it. 3.4.1. 5 full-time pro?ect fello8$ 8ho got registration to do PhD together 8ith the pro?ect ma( 7e permitted to ta@e the course simultaneousl(. 3.". *ne course shall 7e in the 5rea of specialiAation chosen for research and the other course shall 7e on Research .ethodolog( 8hich include research methodolog($ :uantitati'e methods$ computer application$ tools and techni:ues including instrumentation$ communication$ seminar presentation and re'ie8 of research literature 3.#. 6he super'isor of each research scholar shall design the s(lla7us or s(lla7i of the course from the area of 2pecialiAation. 3.3. In the case of common course$ Research .ethodolog($ the s(lla7us ma( 7e designed 7( a committee appointed 7( the Department %ouncil /centre and shall 7e appro'ed 7( the Departmental %ouncil. If the &ni'ersit( has no research departments in that su7?ect of stud($ the &ni'ersit( 8ill entrust the drafting of the course to an( of its e1isting departments. 3., 6he PB oard of 2tudies in the su7?ect shall ratif( the Department %ouncil decision regarding the course 8or@ and appro'e the s(lla7i and mode of learning and e'aluation. 3./ 6he students from the research department of &ni'ersit( of %alicut or the affiliated research centers/%olleges can do their course 8or@ at their respecti'e centres or an( of the Research Institutions 8hich ha'e signed .o& for Ph.D programme 8ith the &ni'ersit(. 3.10 &ni'ersit( 8ill conduct regular e1aminations related to course 8or@$ and pu7lish the results after e'aluation and issue certificate to the candidate$ sho8ing that he/she has passed/ failed the e1am 8ith the scores. 3.10.1. 6he re:uest for conducting course 8or@ e1amination shall 7e for8arded to the %0$ along 8ith the appro'ed s(lla7i$ 5ttendance-Progress %ertificate$ and a panel of e1aminations. 5t least 30C attendance is re:uired for appearing the e1aminations. 6he head$ place of research should for8ard the necessar( documents and application of candidate for the e1amination. 3. 11. If the research scholar fulfills the re:uirements of the course 8or@ and successfull( completes the course 8or@ as a7o'e$ he/she 8ill 7ecome :ualified for su7mission of his/her research thesis for PhD degree. 3.12. 6he research scholar ma( 7e gi'en a ma1imum e1tension of one (ear for successful completion of the course 8or@ su7?ect to the o'erall limit of three chances for e1aminations in the t8o courses . 3.12.1. If a candidate clears one paper 7ut fails in the other$ he/she ma( 7e permitted to appear the failed paper onl( in the ne1t chance. 3.1!. 6he teaching schedule in'ol'ed in the course 8or@ shall not 7e rec@oned at part 8ith the teaching load of other courses of the &ni'ersit( in affiliated colleges. 3.14. 6he candidates 8ho ha'e done ..Phil from an( 2tatutor( &ni'ersit( and ha'ing 7een done a course on Research .ethodolog( during the course$ shall 7e 7e e1empted from the course 8or@. 3.1". 6hose 8ho ha'e an . Phil degree in the rele'ant su7?ect$ 7ut 8ithout done a course in research methodolog( during the programme$ shall 7e e1empted from course 8or@$ if the candidate successfull( clears a separate e1amination$ conducted 7( the uni'ersit(. 8('7(
;( SUPERVISION A. GUIDE ,.1. Normall( a candidate shall 7e re:uired to complete his/her doctoral research under the super'ision of the guide recommended 7( the committee for admission. ,.1.1. &ni'ersit( ma( allo8 change of guide on the production of a Dno o7?ectionD certificate from the first guide and an acceptance letter from the ne8 guide. ,.1.2. In case of such a change$ the candidate shall 8or@ for a minimum period of one calendar (ear under the ne8 guide 7efore he/she su7mits the thesis. ,.1.!. 5D no o7?ectionD certificate 8ill not 7e re:uired if the candidate ?ustifies the nona'aila7ilit( of his guide. 6he ?ustification 8ill ha'e to 7e endorsed 7( the >ead$ place of research. ,.1.4. 5 candidate can see@ to opt one or more co-guides for the completion of his/ her Ph.D$ from the centre or an( of the center appro'ed 7( the &ni'ersit($ during the course of stud(. ,.2. 5t an( gi'en time a guide shall not ha'e more than eight registered Ph.D. candidates and t8o ..Phil candidates 8or@ing under his/her super'ision. 5t least t8o seats ma( 7e gi'en to GR=/%2IR/ etc$ fello8ship candidates$ if a'aila7le$ under each guide. 5lso$ 2 seats per guide ma( prefera7l( 7e allotted to part-time scholars. In the a7sence of par-time scholars$ it ma( 7e gi'en to full time candidates. ,.!. 6he &ni'ersit( encourages interdisciplinar( research in a 8ider perspecti'e and shall consider appro'al of the topic of research and selection of guides in case of inter-disciplinar( su7?ects ,.4 In case of an( dispute 7et8een a candidate and his guide$ or 8ith the research center the committee consisting of the follo8ing shall e1amine the matter and report to the <ice- %hancellor$ 8hose decision shall 7e final. 6he candidate shall therefore lodge the complaint 8ith the <ice-%hancellor ,.4.1 6he >ead$ place of research JIf the complaint is against the >ead$ he / she shall not participate in the proceedings of the meeting. In such case$ additional mem7er/s ma( 7e appointed 7( the <ice - %hancellorK. ,.4.2 Dean of the facult( concerned ,.4.! Nominee of the <ice-%hancellor$ ,.4.4 6he report shall include$ among other things$ specific recommendations. and shall 7e su7mitted to the <ice-chancellor. )( PROGRESS ,.". 5ll the registered candidates shall 7e re:uired to su7mit to the >ead$ place of research$ an ela7orate progress report$ through their research guides$ a7out the research 8or@ the( ha'e done in e'er( si1 months. ,.# 6he progress reports su7mitted shall 7e placed 7efore a Progress 0'aluation %ommittee consisting of JaK the >ead$ place of research J7K the research guide$ and JcK t8o research guides co-opted 7( the >ead$ place of research from amongst recogniAed research guides of the &ni'ersit(. 6he committee shall scrutiniAe the progress reports and prepare a 7rief statement on the progress of the candidate and send to the &ni'ersit( 8ithin 1" da(s of the meeting of the committee. 6he committee should in'ite the candidate to present the progress of his/her research 8or@. 6he committee ma( suggest the continuation/discontinuation of the &ni'ersit( Research =ello8ship$ on the 7asis of their assessment 8ith specific reasons.
If a candidate fails to su7mit three reports consecuti'el($ his/her registration ma( 7e treated as cancelled on recommendation of >ead$ place of research. ,.,. During the period of research$ a full-time scholar can a'ail lea'e of a7sence from his/her centre for a ma1imum period of / months$ for data collection/ anal(tical stud(/consultation 8ith e1ternal e1perts. 6he candidate shall su7mit the progress report$ under such cases of lea'e of a7sence from the center$ immediatel( after ?oining 7ac@ the institution. ,.,.1. 5ll @inds of lea'es to the Research 2cholar ma( 7e granted 7( the >ead$ Place of Research and report the same to the &ni'ersit($ 8ithout dela(. ,.,.2. 6he >ead$ place of research shall @eep an attendance register$ of all the research scholars. C( PU)LICATION ,./. 0'er( research scholar should pu7lish at least one research paper in peer re'ie8ed national/ International Gournal in the area of his/ her research 7efore the date of su7mission of his or her thesis to the &ni'ersit(. ,.10. Pu7lication of research findings in peer re'ie8ed ?ournal is treated as a compulsor( accomplishment for the su7mission of the thesis. 1( Sub-"ss"o# a#& E0aluat"o# o$ T%es"s D( SU)<ISSION OF THESIS /. l. 6he su7mission of thesis ma( 7e permitted onl( after completion of three (ears from the date of registration and on successful completion of %ourse Hor@. Prior to the su7mission of the thesis$ the candidate shall su7mit a s(nopsis of the thesis. 6he s(nopsis shall contain introduction$ chapter 8ise 7rief account of the 8or@ done. /.1.1. 6he s(nopsis shall accompan( #ist of $valuators$not less than 10$ su7mitted 7( the Buide and for8arded 7( the >ead$ place of research in sealed co'er. /.1.2. Prefera7l($ the e1aminers shall 7e chosen from 'arious states and from 'arious uni'ersities/ institutes. /.1.!. =or Indian language su7?ects$ this selection$ ho8e'er$ ma( not 7e strictl( 7e follo8ed. /.1.4. 6he <ice %hancellor$ can re?ect the panel list$ if the list is found prepared 8ith false intentions and not according to the a7o'e directi'es of the &ni'ersit(. /.1.". 5t least 12 copies of the$ neatl( printed and properl( tagged copies s(nopsis ma( 7e su7mitted$ along 8ith a soft cop( as a pdf file.. 5'oid hard 7inding of the s(nopsis /.1.#. 6he siAe shall not e1ceed 12 pages and or 100.7 /.1.3. 6he s(nopsis shall also accompan($ application form$ certificate of course 8or@ or e:ui'alent . Phil certificate. the proof of pu7lication$ report of presu7mission seminar $ no dues certificate$ and the statement of fee paid to the uni'ersit($ and chalan receipt of the final fee pa(ments. /.2. 6he thesis can 7e su7mitted an( time after the of su7mission of s(nopsis$ 7ut not 7e(ond three months. /.!. 5t least three months 7efore the date of su7mission of the thesis each candidate shall gi'e a pre- su7mission seminar to 7e arranged 7( the >ead of the place of research at the research centre on the re:uest of the candidate dul( endorsed 7( the guide. 6he final plan of the thesis 8ill 7e discussed 7( the research scholars present$ among 8hom the presence of the research guides and the >ead$ place of research or his/her nominee shall 7e necessar(. /.4. If the candidate fails to su7mit his/her thesis after the completion of normal period of three months the candidate 8ill 7e allo8ed to su7mit 8ith late fee up to a
further period of three months$ 7ut 7e(ond 8hich no further e1tension 8ill 7e permitted. /." . *n e1ceptional cases$ upon recommendation of Buide$ >ead of place of research and Dean of =acult($ the <ice %hancellor ma( permit the su7mission of thesis e'en 7efore three (ears duration. /.# . 6he final thesis )" %opies+shall 7e su7mitted in compact 7ound form along 8ith a soft cop( )%D+ 8ith each chapters in pdf. /.3. 6he final thesis shall 7e presented in accordance 8ith the follo8ing specifications /.3.1. 6he thesis should 7e logicall( di'ided into meaningful chapters for reada7ilit(. /.3.2. 6he methodolog( should 7e ade:uatel( descri7ed in the initial chapters /.3.!. 9iterature re'ie8 should relate to the pro7lem studied. /.3.4. 6he chapter ma( 7e di'ided into sections /.3.". 2ummar( of the stud($ findings from the stud( )7ased on the data collected/compiled and anal(Aed for the stud(+$ and recommendations$ if an($ shall 7e included /.3.#. i7liograph($ 5ppendi1 etc. shall follo8 the last chapter. /.3.3. 6he title of the thesis$ name of the candidate$ degree$ name of the guide$ place of research and the month and (ear of su7mission shall 7e printed on the title page and on the front co'er. /., . 6he follo8ing documents shall also 7e included in the Ph.D thesis. /.,.1. 5 declaration signed 7( the research scholar that it has not pre'iousl( formed the 7asis for the a8ard of an( degree$ diploma$ associate ship$ fello8ship or title or recognition. /.,.2. 5 certificate from the super'ising teacher certif(ing that the thesis is a 7ona fide account of the research 8or@ carried out 7( the research scholar under his or her super'ision. /./ 6he thesis shall 7e 8ritten in 0nglish e1cept on cases$ 8hen related to .odern 0uropean or Indian or other languages. /.10. 6he title of the thesis ma( 7e modified once in a research period$ 8ith the recommendation of the guide$ and on pa(ment of the necessar( fee. 2uch modifications shall 7e entertained prior to s(nopsis su7mission onl(. E( APPOINT<ENT OF E=A<INERS /.11. 6he procedure for the appointment of e1aminers shall 7e underta@en soon after the candidate su7mits his/her s(nopsis. 6he &ni'ersit( shall ma@e arrangements to complete the 'aluation of the thesis 8ithin /0 da(s from the date of receipt of the thesis$ under normal circumstances. /.12. 6he thesis should 7e sent to t8o e1aminers$ selected 7( the <ice- %hancellor from among the list su7mitted 7( the research super'isor. /.12.1. 6he <ice chancellor$ shall constitute $ a panel of e1aminers not less than fi'e 7( indicating the choice of order of preference from among the mem7ers in the list$ 8ith the first person as the %hairperson /.12.2. 6he panel of e1aminers 8ill 7e selected for protecting the academic interests and to o7tain an impartial$ un-7iased$ ad?udication of the thesis. /.12.!. In the panel at least one mem7er shall 7e from outside 2tate. >o8e'er$ for disciplines li@e Indian 9anguages$ 8ere it is difficult to locate such e1perts$ this rule shall not 7e strictl( o7ser'ed. /.12.4. 5ll the t8o persons$ in the panel ma( 7e intimated either 7( post or 7( email/fa1 a7out their nomination along 8ith a cop( of the s(nopsis and a re:uest
for 'aluation suggesting to adhere he time limit. /.12.". If the first person$ declines to 7e the %hairman$ the nomination shall fall on to the second and so on. /.12.#. If all the fi'e in the panel declines to accept$ the <ice chancellor shall constitute a second panel from the list F( EVALUATION /.1!. 6he e1aminers ma( 7e gi'en 4" da(s for e'aluating and sending a report on the 7asis of the e'aluation to the &ni'ersit($ /.14. 6he reports sent 7( fa1 or e-mail 7( using the DpostscriptD pac@age 8ill 7e accepted. /.1". If an e1aminer fails to do so$ the &ni'ersit( shall send him/her a reminder immediatel( after the e1pir( of the said period 8ith a re:uest to su7mit the report 8ithin thirt( da(s. If the e1aminer fails to compl( e'en 8ithin the e1tended period the &ni'ersit( shall cancel his appointment forth8ith and in'ite the ne1t e1aminer from the appro'ed panel to e'aluate the thesis. /.1#. In the e'ent of$ receipt of the report after the appointment has 7een cancelled or the loss of report$ postal dela($ etc. the &ni'ersit( 8ill ta@e an appropriate decision in the interest of the candidate concerned. /.13. If all the t8o reports are found positi'e$ reports recei'ed from the e1ternal e1aminers shall 7e immediatel( for8arded to the >ead$ place of research 8ho$ after ascertaining that the reports are fa'oura7le$ shall arrange the 'i'a and the defense of the thesis at the earliest date suita7le to the chairperson. /.1,. 6he >ead shall ma@e the reports a'aila7le to the candidate$ the research guide and the chairperson at least a 8ee@ 7efore the date of the 'i'a. /.1/. In case one out of t8o e1aminers gi'e unfa'oura7le reports then &ni'ersit( shall see@ thesis e1amined 7( another e1aminer from the panel of e1aminers appro'ed 7( the <ice %hancellor. If the additional e1aminer also gi'es an unfa'oura7le report the candidate 8ill 7e declared to ha'e failed. G( OPEN DEFENCE OF THE THESIS /.20. =inall($ the candidate has to face an open defense of his/her thesis for the successful completion of PhD stud(. /.21 6he defense of the thesis shall ta@e place in the presence of guide$ and e1ternal e1aminer as the chairperson. /.22. If the e1ternal e1aminer is not a7le to 7e present at the time of open defense$ the <ice- %hancellor$ on the recommendation of the guide appoint a senior research guide to act as %hairman to conduct the same. 6he da($ date$ time and the place of the defense of thesis shall 7e notified 7( the >ead of the place of research at least se'en da(s in ad'ance. Normall($ the the defense of the thesis shall 7e arranged in the &ni'ersit( Department. ut on e1ceptional cases$ the <ice-%hancellor ma( allo8 the defense to 7e conducted at a place of research outside the &ni'ersit( campus. In such a case the procedure of conduct of the defense$ and the pa(ments to the e1aminer shall 7e the responsi7ilit( of the outstation centre concerned. /.2!. 6he open defense shall 7e conducted in an audience of the pu7lic 8ho are genuinel( interested in the su7?ect of stud( and 8ants to e1plore facts related to the research. 9etter of intimation of the open defense shall 7e communicated to a large num7er of potential participants ) at least "0 people outside the research department or centre+ and a record of such in'itations sent and the details of participants 8ho attended the open defense should also 7e
maintained. /.24. In addition to the teachers/scientists$ the research scholars and the students of the Department/Research %entre concerned$ and all those 8ho are interested in the field shall 7e allo8ed to attend the open defense. /.2". 6he candidate shall 7e permitted for presentation of the 8or@$ at the 7eginning. /.2#. *n completion of the presentation$ the candidate is e1pected to clarif( the dou7ts/:ueries raised 7( the e1aminers during their e'aluation and mentioned in the report$ if an($ or 7( the %hairman. /.23. 6he participants can see@ clarifications or suggest comments initiating a health( discussion aimed at elucidating the facts and sharing of @no8ledge. If the participants are deli7eratel( intimidating the candidate or using a7usi'e statements the %hairman shall interfere and regulate 7( ruling. /.2,. 6he open interaction 7et8een the research scholar and the participants in the open defense shall in no 8a( affect the outcome of the result. /.2/. 6he %hairman can also inter'ene an( time during the open defense and control the session$ protecting the merits of the findings and the genuine interest of the researcher. /.!0. 5 report shall 7e prepared 7( the %hairman in consultation 8ith the 2uper'ising 6eacher 7ased on the performance of the research scholar in the presentation$ 'i'a-'oce and open defense. 6he report shall 7e signed 7( the e1ternal e1pert and super'ising teacher. and send to the &ni'ersit( 8ithin three da(s of the open defense. /.!1. In case the open defense is not satisfactor($ the e1aminers ma( unanimousl( recommend$ 8ith reasons$ for a fresh defense of the thesis 8ithin$ one month. '>( RECOGNITION OF RESEARCH CENTER 10.1. 5ll teaching/research departments/centers of the &ni'ersit( are deemed to 7e research centers of this &ni'ersit(. 10.2. %entral and 2tate funded Research Institutions$ ma( 7e recogniAed as research %enter of the &ni'ersit( of %alicut 7ased on mutual agreements and upon a re:uest 10.!. 6here shall 7e a Research Recognition %ommittee for each su7?ect 8ith the follo8ing mem7ers 1+ Director of Research 2+ *ne su7?ect 01perts to 7e nominated 7( the <ice-%hancellor !+ *ne mem7er of the s(ndicate$ nominated 7( >onD7le <ice-%hancellor as %hairman 10.4. 5ffiliated %olleges of the &ni'ersit( of %alicut ma( 7e recogniAed as research centers if the( meet the follo8ing necessar( re:uirements. 10.4.1. 6he college 8hich is see@ing recognition in a su7?ect shall ha'e a permanentl( affiliated post graduate department in that su7?ect and ha'e 7een offering PB Programme for more than ! (ears 10.4.2 .6here must 7e at least t8o permanent teachers 8ith Ph.D. degree in the su7?ect in that department 10.4.!. 6he facult( should demonstrate that the( are acti'el( in'ol'ed in research 7( 8a( of their pu7lications/pro?ects/colla7orations 10.4.4. 6he departments/centre should ha'e ade:uate infra structure and literature in that su7?ect of stud(. 10.4." .6he institutions should pro'ide sufficient facilities to the researchers and scholars and a underta@ing in this regard shall 7e gi'en to to the uni'ersit(
10.4.#. *nce the Department / Institution is recogniAed as a research centre$ it is imperati'e that the centre is acti'el( in'ol'ed in rele'ant research. 10." . 6he effecti'eness of the research centre ma( 7e assessed$ once in e'er( fi'e (ears$ 7( the Research Recognition %ommittee 10.# . Recognition gi'en to an( research centre can 7e 8ithdra8n if the e1pert committee gi'es a report stating that the centre is not discharging its responsi7ilities satisfactoril( or the conditions for granting recognition as a research centre are 'iolated 10.3. >o8e'er$ the research scholars 8ho ha'e registered for PhD under the research guides of the de-recogniAed research centre shall 7e allo8ed to su7mit their thesis in due course of time su7?ect to the 'alidit( period of registration. 10.,. *nce the affiliation is lost as a7o'e$ the research centre should start afresh for recognition as research centre. 10./. Permanent affiliation ma( 7e granted if the centre has 7een found performing satisfactoril( in t8o consecuti'e inspections ''( RECOGNITION OF RESEARCH GUIDES 11.1. 5ll scholars 8ho ha'e 7een contri7uting to the @no8ledge in their respecti'e su7?ects 8ho ha'e pro'en their credi7ilit( as acti'e researcher ma( 7e recogniAed as research guides$ pro'ided the( fulfill the follo8ing criteria. 11.2. 6he candidate shall 7e a permanent staff mem7er 7elongs to teaching/research department &ni'ersit( Department/ %enter/ 5ffiliated %olleges$ or a scientist/technical staff in a research esta7lishment ha'ing a Ph D Degree recogniAed 7( the &ni'ersit(. 11.!. 6he candidate should ha'e at least t8o recent research pu7lications in peer re'ie8ed ?ournals after the a8ard of PhD$ and 8ithin a period of four (ears$ 8hile re:uesting for guide-ship. 11.4 . 5 recogniAed guide can ta@e a ma1imum of eight research scholars for Ph.D. programme$ part-time and full-time together. 11.". Policies of reser'ation$ shall 7e adhered 8hile admitting the candidates for research under a research guide. 11.#. Research guide ship once granted ma( 7e 8ithdra8n 7( the &ni'ersit($ if he/she 'iolates the ethical practices of research or seems unfit due to pro'en reason. *ther8ise the guide ship can 7e continued e'en after his/her retirement from acti'e ser'ice$ pro'ided$ the research centre$ 8here the researcher is affiliated shall 7e 8illing to e1tend their facilities for his/her research. 11.3. =or teaching/ research departments of the uni'ersit( of %alicut$ a teacher appointed as 9ecturer/ Reader or 5ssistant//5ssociate/Professor on a permanent 7asis ma( 7e granted recognition$ 8ith effect from his date of ?oining the department/centre. 11.,. 5 researcher 8ho 8ants to 7e recogniAed as a research guide of the uni'ersit( shall appl( for research guideship in the prescri7ed forms to the &ni'ersit( 11./. If the student under a guide fails to su7mit his/her thesis$ 8ithin the stipulated time$ the position of the student shall 7e treated as 'acant$ and the guide can admit fresh candidates for research '*( CO4GUIDE AND GUIDE CHANGE 12.1. 5 research scholar can opt for a co-guide for his/her research stud(. 12.1.1. If the research scholar does Ph.D. 8ith a recogniAed research institution co'ered 7( an .*& 8ith the &ni'ersit(. In that case$ one of the guides
ma( 7e from the teaching department of the &ni'ersit( and the other from that recogniAed research institution 12.1.2. 6he research scholar should appl( for a co-guide at the time of registration or later during the course 8ith the re:uired fee 12.1.!. *ne more %o-guide ma( 7e permitted later 8ith the consent of 7oth the guides on the re:uest of the research scholar. 12.2. Buide change 8ill 7e permitted under the follo8ing circumstances for research scholars doing doctoral research in the research departments or centres12.2.1. 6he super'isor is not a'aila7le for consultation for a considera7le period of time$ e1ceeding si1 months$ as the super'isor is on long lea'e or deceased 12.2.2. If the super'isor is dis:ualified 7( the uni'ersit(. 12.2.!. If the guide ceases to 7e an emplo(ee of the centre and ?oins else 8here. 12.2.4. 2uch guide change is su7?ect to the ma1imum num7er of researchers permitted under a guide$ that is$ not e1ceeding eight research scholars 12.2.". Buide change 7et8een research centres or 7et8een uni'ersit( departments and colleges shall not 7e permitted . >o8e'er$ if a research guide in a research centre gets another appointment in an( of the teaching departments of the &ni'ersit( or an( other research centre recogniAed 7( the &ni'ersit($ the research scholars 8or@ing under him/her can 7e shifted to the teaching department of the &ni'ersit( or the research centre 8here he/she got appointment as teacher or scientist.$ pro'ided the Department center/ %ollege is 8illing to admit the student. '+( COLLA)ORATION FOR RESEARCH 1!.1. 5n( teaching department can enter into an agreement 8ith an outside research institution or an appro'ed research centre for carr(ing out colla7orati'e research. 1!.2. 5 memorandum of understanding ).*&+ shall 7e signed 7et8een the &ni'ersit( and the proposed Research Institution for that purpose 1!.!. 6he teaching department shall ta@e the initiati'e for such strategic alliances 8ith research institutions 8ith the permission of the &ni'ersit( 1!.4. 2uch colla7oration shall 7e entered into onl( 8ith institutions of high reputation 8hich 8ill enhance the image of the &ni'ersit( and gi'es the researchers of the &ni'ersit( access to resources and facilities that are not ade:uatel( a'aila7le on the &ni'ersit( campus 1!. " =or entertaining into .o& 8ith international 7odies permission ma( 7e ta@en from the respecti'e departments/.inistr( of the %ountr(. '/( RESEARCH OUTCO<E 14.1. 6he &ni'ersit($ in principle$ shall 7e the holder of the title right of the research outcome generated as a result of the research done at the departments/ centers/ %olleges 7( the researchers 14.2. 0'er( researcher shall therefore dul( ac@no8ledge$ the center 8here the research is carried out and the name of &ni'ersit( of %alicut$ in the pu7lications/ patents$ generated as a result of his/ her research under the uni'ersit( 14.!. 6he researcher/s alone shall 7e responsi7le for the outcome of his/her research 8hich in'ol'es an insult against a societ($ demoraliAation of the cultural 'alues of a societ($ creating fear or panic there7( disrupts peace$ or 'iolating the la8s of the countr($ and ?eopardiAing the integrit( of the countr(. 14.4. 5ll the rules laid do8n earlier 7( the &ni'ersit($ related to patents and sharing of
its ro(alt(/7enefits shall 7e applica7le. 1". D.9itt/D2c and >onorar( Research Degrees 1".1. 6he rules/guidelines framed in the statutes shall 7e in'o@ed for a8arding D 9itt/ D2c/D9. />onorar( degrees. '7( DEFINITIONS 1#.1. Hhere'er it is applica7le in the a7o'e clauses the terms mentioned as the respecti'e meanings as ; 1K. &ni'ersit( &ni'ersit( of %alicut$ if not other8ise mentioned. 2K. >ead$ place of research >ead of the Department in the uni'ersit(/ Principal of a college affiliated to the uni'ersit(/ Director of a research institute 8ith 8hich the uni'ersit( has a 'alid .o& for research. !K. Research admission committee constituted for super'ising research admission procedure and recommending for registration. 4K. 0ntrance 6est- a 8ritten test conducted for deciding the eligi7ilit( of a candidate for research admission. "K. Research centre- 5 place for doing research ; a department of the uni'ersit($ a department in a affiliated college 8hich has 7een recogniAed 7( the uni'ersit( or an institute 8hich has 7een entered into an agreement 8ith the uni'ersit( through an .o& for research studies. 13. 5t lest in the teaching/research departments of the &ni'ersit($ all mem7ers of the Research 5dmission %ommittee and Progress 0'aluation %ommittee shall 7e recogniAed research guides. &nder an( circumstances$ if person 8ithout such a :ualification happens to 7e in the committee 7( 'irtue of his office$ the <ice chancellor ma( nominate another person to the said committee 1,. 5n( other item significant to research in this &ni'ersit($ and has not appeared under the a7o'e clauses$ ma( 7e ruled 7( the decision of the <ice- %hancellor.